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ICSE Class X Prelims 2014 : Mathematics

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r \IILLA TI{ERESI*a rlrttrfl 'l &145'&q*.,xd PRBI,IMS JANUARY 2014" MATHEMATICS x std. 'tIME:2trrs 3O cmims DATE;13. i.201"4 hflA.RK$:8O papenpmwrded separmfefy. Amswers to ffiis papr mast M witten on fhe f $ re?,ma#es You r,vilf nat, beallowed fo wnfe during ffie,Tf6f Tf',s,stinleto&espenfinreadingflregxesft.of?pffipen altowed fonwrtd'"'mgr The tirne givan at the head of this Paperis the time fdae a'lswers' quesfi'oms frorm $eefiese ffi" Attempt all questionsfrom Secffon A and any four and rnust be done on ffie s&tme Att worktng, lniltudlfig tf,,ailhgruflt mil,,t b: Atnrly *hoWn $treet as tfie reEt of the answen omissionofessenffatwt*lttgwllltuultJalossofmarks. given in bfacketsf paits of questions are The inten&d marks forquestions otr Mathematical taDles arc Provided' J' SECTIOfi A AtWmPt trltr Qt guartioncfonr this Seotion for t 1800s' Trader A selns it tm a A) A manuf,acturer sells a T.V. to a trader pnmtrt q ?50 and trader B sells it to ffi" cCIffisuxyler for a of profit a at B trader o{r90CI"[ftherateofsalestaxunderVATistrOY*ffi*d.,',. /;\ ehe arnount of ta:r received by the Governrnent ror the ffi;: ts) r'v' "o"*"*er "ffi;;;*;;; the ratio 3:5. If 8 is added t$ ee'ch milmher Two numbers are in the ratio becomes 2:3' Find the numbers' C) A rnan invests t 46,875 at (3) {4\ ["]] 4ahp-a.-compound interest for 3 years' Calculate(i}Theinterestforthefirstyear).].. of the second year ({i} The &mCIunt standini to fria credit *l th* end year {iii} The imterest for the third 3 (iv) The alnount that the man will receive after circle, calculate if IBCD (4) * 2x2 - /cx * 10" fractor" * Z)is a factor of' if Q2 A) Find the value of ' k' {x Hence determine wether (x * 5) is also a B) In the given figure yemrs" : x3 13!o,and AD is a diameter (il zDAB (ii) IADBR eifl (3) the (3)

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