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ICSE Class X Prelims 2019 : Geography (St. John's Universal School, Mumbai)

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' & .., ST . JOHN'S UNIVERSAL SCHOOL First Prcllm Examination: 2018-2019 GEOGRAPHY TWO HOURS UNIVERSAL CLASS X __D_A_T_E_: _0_3...1,/_l _0.a... / 2,_0;._;1_8_ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ _.:.:,: M:;;..A_R_K_S_:_s_o_____ Answ{'rs lo this papt' I" must hl' wrilt('n on lhc pnpcr provid ed separntcly. You will not hl' nllow<'d to writ(' during tlu lirst IS minutes. This tinH' is to he spent in rending the qu estion paper. Th<' timl' giHn nt tlH' hl'11tl of this p11prr is thl' time nllowed for writin g th e answers Atkmpt SC\' ('11 questions in all. Part I is c ompulsory. All qut'stions from Part I arc to he attempted . A total of fin questions arc to be nttcmptcd from Part II. The int('nded mnrks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets [ I Note: (i) In all l\fap Work, make wise use of arrows to avoid overcrowding of the map. (ii) Thr Map given at the end of this question paper must be detached, and after marking, must he fastened to your answer booklet. (iii) All sub-sections of the questions attempted must be answered in the correct serial order. (iv) All working including rough work should be done on the same answer sheet which is used to answer the rest of the paper. Section A (30 marks) (Attempt all questions from this section} Question 1. A. Study the Survey of India Map Sheet no. 45D/ 10 and answer the following questions: ~ a t is the brown circular line in grid square 1516 called? . (2) ~~t does the figure written along the line indicate? # 'ntion two mode of transport used by the people in the area shown in the ma p (1) e7/t. ~1,1/"'hich bank of Sipu Nadi is the ~illage Gulabganj situated? (2] ~ e r e does the village get its supply of water from throughout the year? ~ ~ at is meant by the term Fire line? [2] y~unt for the necessity of Fire Line in the jungle area of the given ma p extract. e~Jat is the nature of the cana l shown in the map extract? (3) jf ~asure in kilometers the tota l length of the canal. Dyfn what way does the pa ttern of drainage in grid square 2118 differ from that in grid srre 2114? , i{What do you mean by 5r in grid square 2220? [2] f21 f ud ariva from oul~~ f1J g ~e th~ compn ~~ <hrectJOll o wween - th<'c;e ,wo '!l"td"men ~ . ,. M<;Ption one tr;king d,ff,rence bel th' ""'9 r"ct' : ,./., , d 1,n 111' region , i,,,.n '" . hJ.)' .~h ' tW of rninfnll ;s ,xpenence fZI ijY,f, {ij ify your a n swt'1 ~ivinp; on<' reAson ih a s lhe contour interval of the map? __. __ _. tq,! J? ki h mentioned in the Y ..... ~ - - ;- J10t do vou mean by the term brae t/L s 1 r in the g;ven ir.aP /~"','" any two major occupation of the peoP e iving ~~ ,;,;,,,- fZI relcvance to support your answer. Question 2 . . . On}" outlin M P of India mark and label th foll""'inll ,,,,4s11ade and Label Area of Red soil ~ The capital of Jammu & Kashmir ade and label the Himalayas ~ he monsoon winds which bring rain to the east coast of India- 111 (11 (1) 111 (11 (11 1~ e r Tungabhadra v (11 / r~e Indian Standard Meridian .,e:Y'the Malabar Coast i /i/shade and label Gulf of Mannar Mark and Label I{arakoram pass (1) (11 (1) ; ,.J( "'k and Label off shore oilfield Part ll (50 marks) (Attempt any five questions from this Part) ~~~ meant by rain shadow area? / ~ an example and state the mountains which are responsible for !he iam rme ~ e two types of cyclonic systems that a!Tect Ind ia. 121 ~ [21 two areas that receive rainfall from these S\ stems. c) Give asons for tl,e following: _);?.mj ab, Harya na a nd Ka shmir get ra in in winter. )/1o/"akhapatnal'l gets heavier rainfall than Hydernbarl. jY The Norlh East Mon soons bring almost no min to Indic>. (3) ~ {3] e climatic data given below and answer the questions that follow: Dec Months Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun July Aug Sep Oct Temp{C) 2 3.8 25 .0 27 .7 28.3 30 .2 30 .3 30.4 30 .3 30 .0 30 .3 25 .5 2 4 .2 Rainfall(cm) 0 0 1.1 1.5 2 .1 45 .3 46 .5 45.4 43 .3 20 .1 r., .~e/ the driest month. ~ a l cu late the annual rainfall experienced by the sta tion . '11_, f-J. r at is the annual range of tem perature? Nov 3 .0 ~ \ ~\ , ~ ~ ~" *~::~ .\ Que a 0.1 tA, ion 4. ~ "'- 1.., '1 I ifferentiate between Tran sported Soil and In Situ soil, quoting a suitable exa m . for each . ~ the process by which Laterite soil in formed . / ~[2] "- ~ i~ention one d isadvantage of this soil. #- two states in India w~ere Regur soil ,s formed . [3] what way docs Rcgur soil help in agricultu re? ~ , -iv : :eographical reason for the following: i cl soil differs from pince to pince 11 net-ds to be ulled ofter the first ram . Black iii) [3] an is large)~, rcspomuble for soil erosion . 5. . Y / d o the Tropical Evergreen Forests appear green th roughou t the year? {21 r , , ivc ~reason : [3] a l Deciduous forests are also called Monsoon forc sts. ~ z~~~ are planted around the cities having iron a nd steel industrie s? ~ o r n y type of vegetation is found in Rajasth an . r~, region in India fo r each of the following: [2] ~ a l Forests ,t'ii >horn a nd Scrub ct(13riefly explain three reasons for forests being a n important na tural resource . [3] az~: ~ [2] Q'~~~n 6 . reasons why tank irrigation is very common /popu lar in Deccan Plateau? ~ t h e two states where tank irrigation is more im portant than in any other state / in lndia . ; ~~ ii) well irrigation confin ed mainly to th e alluvial plain s? me any four ways by which well water is lifted. r'?o/f'E' the dtawbacks of conventional methods of irrigatio n ? ~ (2] tale one condition 11ecessary for bu ilding canals . (3]-1 (3] y hat are the disadvan tages /drawbacks of the perennial canals? Question 7. a) i) What are conventional sources of energy? (2] ii) Name two variants of n atu ral gas. b) i) Mention any two adva ntages of hydel power. [2] ii) What is the advantage of coal over the other forms of energy? c) i) Why is manganese used in the Iron and Steel Industry? Give two reasons. (3] ii) Iron ore forms the back bone and the foundation of the basic Industry. Give Reason. d) State three advantages of using tidal energy. (3] Question 8. a) Distinguish between mixed cropping and mixed farming . [2] b) i)Briefly explain: Millets and pulses are called the 'dry crops'. (2] ii) What are the main uses of millets in India? c) i) What is 'ratooning'? [3] ii) What are its advantage and disadvantage? d) Give reasons: (3] i) 'Blending' is necessary for tea , .. ,Lb n) Jute,falled the 'brown paper bag of wholesale trade, iii) Coffee is grown on the slopes of the hills in peninsular India. Question 9. a) Give two reasons to show why the sugar industry has flourished in Uttar Pradesh and Bihar. b) i) Explain the term Sericulture. [2] [2] ii) Give two reasons for the following : "The silk handloom industry is important in Mysore." c) i) Name the steel plants that were set up with Russian colla boration. ii) Explain the term 'mini steel plant'. iii) Why is iron and steel industry concentrated in the Chota Nagpur region? iv) Which is the oldest and priva tely owned pla nt? [3] d) Ui v,, l't'11 H11t1 (31 il Mini ~lc-rl plnnt ~1 c,111111 l1 i-i11 poll11ll1111 1111111 11111 1~1111,~d fl lcr I pl r111tfl . ii) Thr t lr clrot1iC" l11d11 11 11 y 1111 11 11111d1 1111 l111p ,w 11111 1111111 r 11I N ln l11m<:t1I 11 11cl r du cr, llor1. ill) 11011 li-i lht lln t lr i11d11 11 lry """ lllld HtC'C' I 111111 111 1111' IJ11 c lcl HHII' or l11dt1 Alri11 I rl <'V!'lllpllll'llt , Q7.1t1on 1O. /i Wl1t~~ thr l~ it11port1111< 1 of rrn1<lw11yH 111 l11d l11 'r' ( llvt 1w,, n 11 n,111 H. (2) \(,l~...J~ tlw rnil 1rnnHpo1 1 11w1 p cnrnfmlnbln 1111cl popul111 111 rndlH? ,.,,,.iij~ (3] 1tr nny . t1vvo prohlc111H fn crd by. llw rnllwny1-1 , 11 ~xpl11i11 , why i~ nir lrnnHporl pn l'erl'cd i1111orll1 cm1 lt 1 11 sli des of rndin. {2J ' d) N1u11c t lw following : (3] J.0, (i,' Ji1 tport nn I in lnnd wn lcrwny of nort I, ,:11" 1 tnd iu. 0 expressway with its termin nl ti lieH. A major port which is not locnted on th e Hca cow,t nncl iHa t n di ~Lancc of I 28 km , from the const along the.: bonlrn of o river. Question 11. a) "The waste accumulalion durnugc:, th e uc~ t.lwLic of l11 <; arc;11 .1' Ju stify by giving (21 two rcusons. b) i) Nnmc three greenhouse gnses. ii) Why is open dumping not considered ns (31 1111 environm ent fri endly method? c) St ate two advantages of composting. cl) List :-;ome important initiatives nf l'lw lndi:111 Oovcrnrnenl lo improve the manngcmcnl of solid waste. (2J (3J

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