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ICSE Class X Prelims 2020 : Geography (Dhirubhai Ambani International School (DAIS), Mumbai)

7 pages, 95 questions, 67 questions with responses, 81 total responses,    3    0
Julee Agarwal
Don Bosco School (DBS), Siliguri
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... CH: ;;iv.1 :.M ,I ,:,,rtlu'."ICUC so,co: PRACTICE EXAMINATION 2019- 2020 Date: November 18, 2019 Time: 2 Hours (Plus 10 minutes reading time) Marks: BO Subject: Geography Std. X A Answers to this Paper must be written on the answer sheet provided separately. You will not be allowed to write during the first 10 minutes. This time is to be spent in reading the question paper. The time given at the head of this Paper is the time allowed for writing the answers Attempt seven questions in all. Part I is compulsory. All questions from Part I are to be attempted. A total of five questions are to be attempted from Part II. The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets [ J To be supplied with this Paper. Survey of India Map Sheet No. 45 D/10 Note: (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) In all Map Work, make wise use of arrows to indicate positions of countries, cities and other insertions, to avoid overcrowding parts of the map. The extract of Survey of India Map Sheet No. 45 D/10 must not be taken out of the examination hall. It must be handed over to the Supervising Examiner on completion of the Paper. The Map given at the end of this question paper must be fastened to your answer booklet. All sub-sections of each question must be answered in the correct serial order. All working, including rough work, should be done on the same answer sheet as the rest of the answer This Paper contains7printed pages and I Map Of India Question 1 PART I (30Marks) Study the extract of the Survey of India Map Sheet No. 45 0110 and answer the following questions. (a) What does the conventional symbol at grid reference 184139 mean? [ 1] (b) Give the four figure grid reference of a settlement where the people of the region meet at least once a year. [11 -1- Downloaded from l . f..,:,, , L \. t;j .., l:I ll' ,. - C"I - l w \I \Ji \V 1..,:;:'- ; -,, .. ........., .... Hamiatiy-a: 3bg.1nJ. ( 16 -0) to Gul m fro g kin If J nun stuts \\:li (c) (i ) {ii) (d) . g? I!-.m . ds that he would use Name the tw ditforent J..inds of roa . 16 - uare 1416 and iS v\'hJt do the following numbers rn gn'd q [2] mean? (i} (e} tn \ hich ct1rect1on wou!d he bt"; \\-1 [2] (ii) 268 20 Name four facihties that Anadra has which makes it an important settlement. Identify the drainage pattern in the follo\\ing grid squares: ( f) (i) 1915 (ii) 2013 [4] 21 ( g) W'hat is the quickest means of communication fer the pecpte of Dabani (1313)? [1J ( h) \A/hat do the following mean: [3] (1) causeway in 1715 (ii) 6r in 1815 (iii) 08 (PWO) ( i) Mention 2 factors which support the followino: (i) The region has seasonal rainfall. 0i) The Sipu river is in its middle course. ( j) Question 2 (a) (b) (c ) What are the two methods of irrigation shown in the map extract? Mark and name the following in the outline map of 'India' provided. Draw and name Tropic of Cancer. [2] (2) [10 ] Lare! the river Godavari. Mark and name Garo hills. Downloaded from OHIRUDIIAI IIMDANI IIIIIUIAIIOPIAl OIOOI (d) Mark I on the iron ore producing area. (e ) Mark with an arrow and name the North East Monsoon over the Bay of Bengal. (f) Shade and name the Gulf of Kutch. (g) Shade and name Coromandel coast. (h) Mark with a dot and name Delhi. (i) Shade a region in the North East with Red Soil. 0) Shade densely populated state in south India. Question 3 Answer the following questions briefly:- (a) Mention the four seasons that prevail in India stating the months for each [2] (b) State the agricultural benefits der'ived from: [2] (i) The Westerly depression in Punjab. (ii) The Kalbaisakhi in Assam. [3] Give reasons to explain the following:- ( c) (i ) Kolkata receives heavier rain than Lucknow. (ii ) The summer monsoon winds blow over the Arabian Sea from the South-West. (iii) Thar is a desert. [3] Study the climatic data given below and answer the questions that follow: (d) Mth Jan Feb Mar Apr May ..ltm Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec c 12.0 25.5 26.3 27.1 30.0 36.2 36 35.9 30.3 28.4 21.0 16.6 Cm 1.5 0.1 0.0 1.1 21 25.3 272 24.0 9.4 1.5 0.4 1.4 (i) What 1s the annual range of temperature of the Station? (ii) What is the annual rainfall of the station? (iii) Why could it be correct to presume that the station lies in the interior and not on the coast? Downloaded from Oltlrtlllllll\l At,lll,\NI lll UHi RNAIIUNM \(HO Question 4 (a) ns brlofly :Answer the following questio 1 a nd Alluvial Soil. State two differences between Red soi s tnl<e . the foIIow Ing processe . h Name an area in India In wl11c place: (b) (i) Sheet erosion. (ii) Gully erosion. (i) What is soil conservation? State a method of soil conservation in the : Arid and semi- arid region. (ii) River valleys prone to flood. (c) [2] (J] [3] Name the soil which (d) [2] (i) Is good for the cultivation of cotton. (ii) Is acidic in nature. (iii) Occurs insitu. Question 5 Answer the following questions briefly:- (a) How do trees in the Tropical Desert adapt themselves to the dry climate? [2] (b) Name the tree as per its characteristics given below: [2] (i) The wood is hard and suitable for ship building. (ii) The stilt roots are underwater during high tide. (c) Explain why the forest cover in India is shrinking. [3] (d) Naf!le the natural vegetation largely found in the following regions. [3] (i) The western slopes of the Western Ghats. (ii) The Nilgiris (iii) Western Rajasthan. Downloaded from t DHl'!.UBHAI AMBANI 1 .n1tUA.TIOtlAl S()'IOOl Question 6 Answer the following questio briefly :ns (a) Give a reason for the significance of irrigation in: (i) Punjab (ii) Rajasthan (b) Name the state where: Tubewells are common. (ii} Tank irrigation is popular. Give geographical reason for the following:- (i) Sprinkler irrigation is practiced in arid and semi- arid regions. (ii) A tubewell should be installed in a fertile and productive region. (iii) Canal irrigation is more suitable in the Northern plains. (d) ' [2] (i) (c) [2] Study the diagram below and answer the questions that follow: [3] (3) .......,..,, ,$:st";,,,_ I . :"' . - ' --\ ' '-W. "J ::-- .. -..::_,,.,,.- . (i) Name the water conservation method shown in the diagram. (ii) Give two objectives of the activity named in (d) i) Question 7 Answer the following questions briefly :- (a) Give the names of four important types of iron ore found in India. (2) (b) Name the following: (2) -5- I.: Downloaded from ..... t' .4,r IIMII/INI Hftt,HAtl11HAI \C1HJl11 1>11111111111111 ln ,\1111rfolnnu oil fiold in tile Gulf of Cambay \II) ,\11 \J1I rulhmry in Ulhnr. [3] 1 luw is Hytlro oluctricity goncrnted? f\lention two ndvontoges of Geo lhermal energy. lll) [3] tat n11 irnportn11t industrial use of: (i) Manganese Question 8 (ii) Coal (iii) Aluminium Answer the following questions briefly :- What is mixed farming? Mention any one benefit of mixed fam,ing. [2] (b) Give the geographical requirements for the cultivation of sugarcane. [2] (c) Explain the following terms and name the crops with which each is associated. [3] (i) Retting (ii) Sett method (iii) Ginning. Give geographical reasons for the following:- (d) (i) Regular pruning is essential for tea bushes. (ii) Coffee beans are roasted (iii) Millets are known as dry crops. [3] Question 9 Answer the following questions briefly :- (a) Differentiate between Agro based industry and mineral based industry giving one example for each. (2] (b) 'Though Uttar Pradesh has the largest number of Sugar mills yet Maharashtra is the largest producer of sugar' Give any two reasons to justify the statement. (2) (c) What are Petrochemicals? Name the raw materials required in the Petrochemical Industry. (3] -6- Downloaded from DHIRUBHAI AMOAN I IN 1 RNATION4l SCHOOL (d ) (i) Name the Iron and teel Ind ustry set up in Odisha with the help of f ous German a am F1rm. (ii) F rom where does this industry get its iron Question1 O ( a) [3] ore and coal? Answer the following questions briefly :- (i) Name the types of railway gauges used by the l_ndian Railways. (ii) What type of gauge is used in the hilly region? Give an example. [3 ] (b) Give two differences between national Highway and Golden Quadrilateral. [2] (c) State three advantages of Road transport. [3] (d) Mention one advantage and one disadvantage of inland waterways. [2] Question11 Answer the following questions briefly :(a) What is waste? State two reasons why waste management is important. [3] (b) What is composting? What is th advantage of composting? [3] (c) What is soil pollution? State two ways by which soil pollution occurs. (d ) What is eutrophication? [2] [2] ************** *** *** Downloaded from

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