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NalsM lilricwtjM Eouutio NI Tru.-1'~ 8 JAMNABAI NARS ff SCHOOL contactu$ \,_ 91226 915 7575 I 6915 7576 NaBN tAon,ce Bfwlvan. Natsce Montee Marg N.S..Roa d No 7 J.VP 0. Scname . We Pa.rte (W). MIM'nb~ - -400 0 9. trda. ~ www-,n s.acin FIRS T PREL IMIN ARY EXAM INAT ION - NOV EMB ER/D BIOL OGY ECEM BER 2024 Std. 10 Time: 2 hrs. Mark s: 80 Date:03.12.2024 Answ ers to this paper must be wrillen on the)id }er provi ded separ You will not be allow ed to write /,;rin g the fir;/ 15 11ii11utes. The time given ately. This time is 10 be spent in redding the question paper. rs. at the head ofthis Paper is 1htli![owedj~1~fi1i ;{g;lhf answe '""- ~ :-"' ~ ,. -, -- ' -..;~ A' '-"" , .,,. - -..- 11 B; Sectio n A is compulsory: Att;lnpt any four questions from Sectio in brac~ 'fs [ ]. The intend ed marks for questions or pari"s;ofquestions are given ,.(I ..:. - - ~r .r~- ~ . . This paper consists of IO pr"in/1,d pages. 4.~'3..:P ..... :,~ . -~-. SE~ ~~: $10 :~t; l\'S ;p:.,,, - - --< -.,, - (:AtJempt all ques1ions from 1h(~ _~tjgq_:J. ., Question I _.""A" '~ s. choo se tlie coi & t answers to the questions from the given option - ":~ ~ h1oswers only.) correc the write ~ ~ e h t copy ot (o/n v<fl [ 15] : The info rmat i-:n< slj,~ hath appe ns ~ ~~e of the sta~~s of~ex 'c -~ human. I ual reproduction in a I egg+ sperm ~fr tiliz e<I egg - - male en:ibryo, I Which sex chromosomes are ';~p t in the egg, sperm and furtilized -. ~ e!JP (a) X (b) (c) X y (d) y soenn X y X y fei'tilized Clrlr }xx t,i~* ' XY '"' XY yy . :. . 1 egg shown? th tructure of the human eye. Which structu re refracts light? h . he diagram s ows e s / (a) A (b) B 1; .c' (c)C (d) D \?::: ;.::.,. . ;/#; bod/<! y,an the"hllz Assertion (A)_: lfon~ te~tes-ar_c l~caied ~utside its maturation. Reaso n (R) ;_~perni.;_f.e_ed.2':,to ~~C lo"'.~,r ~~~,~:tr~f.e~-~~rature for (a) BoJh'A and Rare true.,,~nd R 1s the correct explllnallon foo:A. (b) Both A and R are true bu_t R is not the correct explanation for A. - \. cvtA 'i'.~Jalse but R_is triie. (d) A is frue'b[!!.,R is false. _ i~Jhe probability that an offspr ing will _ Iants are crosse<l;,what If two hete~k ~~-11 r ,,,._..;,, ...,+{ :'h , ,;_!fihomozygous reces \ (a) 25% (b> so% (c) 75% (d) l00% I .i~ . -~l-.. be _,;rl < ~ '\c. :. ~~ 1-;,,l ~ . Assertion (A) : Tubectomy is a surgical method of contraception in males e of egg. Reason (R) : In tubectomy, fallopian.~tube is cut and ligated to close the passag . i (a) A is True and R is false. (b) A is False and R is True. (c) Both A and Rare. Tr e. (d) Both A and Rare Faise. ) . The diagram h s ows a tuncline of a woman 12 13 s menstrual cycle, which lasts for 28 days 1:, 14 16 17 7 20 8 21 7 22 6 23 24 25 _ 28 27 b: 5q~ 26 On which days of the menstrual eye!~-~ a woman most likely tfrovulate?. --~ (a) Days I -4 (b) Days 7 - 10 (c) Days 13 - 16 ., _ (d) Days 20 -_~? :,f~ -,' , . - 0 ;,'.~~- <:_0 a . , >; ~": What h~en~ to the ~us_cles ;~ t~;-;;f;'ihat'm~k: tlitp:J~r~istrict ? \.,_ . ,,,_--~ rali'il: musci,es_ >... ~ contract (viii) The production of starch, and no . ucose, is often used as a measure of photosynthesis in leaves because: -~i'. _... '~otosynthesis... ,. (a) starch is the immediate product o ~ (b) glucose formed in photosynthesis soon gets converted into starch. (c) starch is soluble in water. (d) sugar cannot be tested. . _. ~r Which hormone is responsible for maintaining the thickened lining of the uterus after fertilization? (a) Oestrogen (b) Progesterone (c) Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) (d) Luteinizing hormone (LH) 3 I The diagram shows two shoots al the start of the experiment on transpiration. Shoot Y ShootX What are the likely readings on the spring b~~-.!'ces after three days? '1; rams~ -~ I---+---~~--~-+---~~~-....\ ,L__J--~~~~u.,,_+ .-,,~~-"-"-----1 " ,:.-it,.;. ::.~.:.~~ '----=c..,.---,.:;'!ll,::- t-----=---, (xi) ~s a cross-section.through a leaf. From which cell will most water evaporate The diagr ' '' I - ~ ' during transpiratjgrfA :, ,Y 'l.\'f.t~ (a)A {b) B {c) C {d) D 1}: 1h.t._(z, ::o:-\~, ~(,;' 4 Which of the rollowi. . .. . ng spccuncn correctly 111u1chcs wi1h its cxu,nplc'I {u) Variegated lcovcs. Elodea (b) Phototropism Cuscuta vine (~)) DN'.scovcry of chromosomes - Cork cells ( arrow leaves Ncrium Which of the foll (a) Brown eyes . owmg 1s a recessive trait in humuns? (b) Attached earlobes (c) Dimpled cheek (d) Thick lips When you look at a close object, the lens in your cyo bcco,nc~: (a) thicker and more rounded. (b) thinner and more flallcned. (c) the same shape as when looking at a distant object. (d) completely flat. (xv) The diagram shows a rc~cx arc. Identify the scnsory ncuron. . .... ' . . .. G C Hot pan (a) A (b) B (c) C (d) D Quest ion 2 (i) (ii) 15) Name the follow ing: indust rial mdnn ism. (a) The scient ific name of the organisl]l used to study ion. ~ A blood diseas e cause d due to gene mutat Corti. of rgan n</s,O ~A fluid that surr6u ta. (d) A phytoh ormo, :,e which stimu lates the closin g of stoma (e) A pre-hu man ances tor. Gi_ven below is the picttiie of an endocrine gland'in the'human body. fill in the blanks. Read the information below the diagram and >' '1!i'' [SJ '\: ' <~~fi ~;}_~ , ''-'>t';i ~ s about the overall chemical 1.,b.w1 hi s, gland An endocrin~,system~~Qrtsi~~ ,ofs~veral e:ysecfete'Ho tl ~~;, 'dire ctly into the blood ac.!,ing on cooritinat'on in the bo~ ti.e --..., . torga ns _ ' theirt ion is is both a duc;:~s. well as a ductless gland. As a duct gland its secret of group l n specia pbured 1i't1'o"tfhe duodenum for digestion. As a ductless gland, it has . The beta cells release the hormone cells called (115' ~" hormone _ _ . The ~~~ :,"d the alpha cells~.9i~i, the hormone (di[ _ _ _ __ Gt) he breakdown of Ct5 __ __ in the liver to ,aJnha cells stimulates.t hormone secreted'o.M\ ,.~ \(i;~, .:-:raise the blood sugar'leJIJ:..,, (ai) _ ~'tel~ ~~\~- "\: /,'.._ (iii) so as to be in a logical Arrange and rewrite the terms 1n 'each group in the correct order ftat is underlined. sequence beginning with. the ter;{;~,{~ : tube ~Ute rus, Bulbo-urethral gland , Sperm duct, Cervix, Fallopian Sapie ns Homo is, (l),,.Neanderthal, Cro-Magnon, Homo.Erectus, Homo Habil lens ~ Aqueous Humo ur, Corne a, Vitreous Humour, pupil, Eye W(Th romb in, Fibrifl, Fibrinoge9~Plat'ele1s, Thromboplastin. olus disappear. ~ Spind le fibres disappear, Sister'chromatids separate, Nucle Chrom osom es line up in one plane, Formation of daugh ter cells. [5} Read the C)(plnn r . o mns given below und nnme the stn1...:turc: Example: The . opcntng on t110 bur~s of trees through which cxchnnoc of rcspinuon, gases occur. , Answer: Lcntiecls [51 <rl A structure that Ira . (91 A ty nsmtts nerve nnpulscs across the two lobes of the cerebellum. T! pc ofleucocytc which produces antibodies. (yJ A fine gap between the tenninnl bmnch ofnn axon ofa neuron and the dendrite of llnother neuron. < I It receives an impulse from the AV node and tmnsmits'lt to the l'urkiaje fibres. (e) It holds the eye lens in position. (v) G!ven ~low is a diagram ofrcnnl tubule. M~tch the structures m~rkcd ('a) to (c) wtth their correct functions: , (5] Example: (t) - 6. Pours urine in rcnnl pelvis Renal tu bulc Functions 1. T\1bulnr secretion 2. Real>sorbs most wntcr 3. Ultrafiltration 4. Absorption of some water and so,lium it,ns 5. R..:ccivcs glomcmlnr lillrnlc 6. Pcnlrs urine in renal pelvis -Q~'li'. -~ii "t1i:SECTION 8 ~\ (Attempt ar,y /01lr"tq11estior,s from this s_ection.) I Question 3 (i) Define the process in plants whicf allbws the uptake or mineral nutrients from tho soil. (!] (ii) Explain any two reasons for the sharp rise in human world population. [2] (iii) Sleeping near burning furnaces in small rooms can cause dea/h - Give reasons. [2) (iv) Draw a neat, labelled diagram ofa human ovum. [2] ... ... 7 ,. (v) Answer the following questions with respect to Ganong's Potometer. [3] (a) What is the aim of using Ganong's Potometer? (b) State any one limitation displayed while using this instrument. (c) Why should the twig u~ed in it be cut obliquely and under water? ~tion4 (i) . Name the plant honnon~ u sed to speed up the malting process in brewing industry. ' <.L'..,> (ii) Why do wooden doors get jammed during monso.i>n?Ef-.1;:~. (iii) Complete the following correlations: {' (a) Chloroplast : Ch!orophyll : : Urine : ~ 1+ 0 (iv) -.,. [2] -~"" [2] (b) Male scrotum: Labia majora and_ minora: : Per:iis: ': : ' [I] -1f... : t ' ~ ... t . : -',t;,!;- \ ~ ..:..... ~"" :3 j,.;1 ;.o.J .':' I~,( V( ~-' Mr. Shanna is suffering from qn.eyedefect in which hhciuld see some pitts..of an object in '' i' focus while the othe,r parts are l:ilur. Jdeiiti~he defect and state its cause. , _ [2] -=> (v) A homozygous plant having inflated (I) and ;!en,pod (G) is crossed with~other homozygous plant having constricted (i) and yell~w ppds (g). In~refer ~efo thjs, answer the following questi9~::J \,: ,- ;, .,.,,._ . .. , '::':,.. ~ (3] (a) Givethc~::~~f i~~\'.Jg';nbJJi ~f '" ';~ .._ (b) GivJtthc phen~i;,p~atio of the offsprin (c) , and state the JaJ:\~_ich explains this cross. ,,;..:..... _ ...., -~ t;;:.~ (i) Define photo! "\~-~-='- ~ter. . ({>' "-}1/~} (I] i,-.l (ii) Why is colour blin en more in mil~~ than in females? (2] (iii) Given below are the two s~frments which are incorrect. Rewrite the correct statements by changing the first or last wb~ P,nly. [2] (a) Neanderthal man had a progJ:/hous face with chin absent. (b} The observable characteristic ~Ii}~h is genetically controlled is called genotype. (iv) '"J.;.. Give one point ofdifference between ~!roma and stoma based on their function. =~ '.!(,)' [2] - - swJ ) th, picture given below and answer th c . .__ r.O11 . owm g questions: 13) (a) ldentif) the kind of pollution {b) State .any twa hannful effects. 0 r II. . h" ( c)Menn on any two measures tom 12e 1mm t is pollution. 1 Que stio n 6 (i) (ii) (iii) Why )} eriments? did Men del choose garden pea for his exp j . p11enomenon. one which , nh"1b"1ts t'mts Define apical dominance. Nam e the horm ure ofth e pict ciples of evolution stated by Lamarck wi;h Explain the two prin .....--.. . . give n below. .-, ~~ - ~, , __ . , ~. :-....:.f,. --=~:;t-'' ., t!,.,.~ : ~ -~, -~. [2] [2] ..t ~ - -.,-.,_ , -~-l. i,;,_. .. .... ~~ ,i~ [I] ""-1:~,:-.-\.. ., ~ ; !'I i .,.i~:;_,.. (iv) (v) ~ ~~s passed ~~(s.gas ed on the num ber of chromosome Differentiate ~t\{ '~,Q 1ito sis and me7 [2] }J f ont o eac h daughte~<@J'~. ures given tud y a tropism in plants. Study the pict Karan use d two Cl in ~, :n d B) to'f [3] s: below and ans wer the foll o~n g-g ues tion . {;s" "~ \.: . "~ ~' __ ..- --- --- --- --~ . .:. .:... . Chlstat ~ ~:-- ~ B A (a) Define the tropism he is studying. tum ON ? Giv e a reason for. you r answer. (b) Which Clinostat did Karan forget to ostat A? by the root and the sho ot system in Clin (c) What kind of movements arc shown ... 9 .., . ~ . : ;, 0.,~;,, ;0 d,,,od ;o ,om, (ii) =m m;o, <o cl,;Jdb;rtl,1 (n) Explnin any one harmful cffccl of air pollution in theh~n vironh~ch nt. . II . (b) Nome any MO harmful pollul!lnls released by the ve JC1cs w JC cause air po utJon. 111 121 (iii) Why do some women develop male characteristics like beard or moustache? [2] (iv) Name any one cell org~-~elle lacking in erythrocytes and state the reason for the same. [2) (v) The diagram given below.represents the human heart'.in,one phase of its activity. Study the /. ~., ... ~J.!j,[,_ same and answer the questions thaf follow: ~ - ...,, [3) 2- . ' "~~i~! :,J ..';11 .. " (a) ldenttfy t~ph / A, ~;.,,,;;, ~ . _ (b) Wha~pe ofbl ows I rl>ligli-tf1e~ abe (c) Narnflhe sound prod ced due to the closure oftli .I: .,.,.t ~ o : ; :t'..,__ (i) (ii) (iii) . i;~ .. '1 :~t( ' , "(. --~1. What is the~1ri~1\i91i.~tion7 Why do potato '-\~. . ii;> el) placed in w:i i$f~me firm and crisp? /i-1' I Give an example for the; .~lowing: "' 1t 1 '1o, [I l [2] [2] (a) A plant with sunken sto~iita) (b) A plant showing guttation 'o! )f,\ . . , (iv) (v) State the arrangement of the parts}f:'Aeuron in the cerebrum and spinal cord. .-. Draw a neat diagram of membranous Iibyrinth. Label and name the following parts as: (a) concerned with dynl!mic equj, (b) concerned with statiq equilibYititn. [2] [3]