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ICSE Class X Prelims 2025 : Mathematics (Gurukul Academy, Lucknow)

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Gurukul Acade my MATHEMATICS Ma-.:imum Marks: 80 Time allowed: Three hours Answt!rs 10 this Papa must be wrillen on the paper pro idtd Srtparaul; You will not be allowr!d to write during first 15 milmte.s n,is rimi! is lo be SJX!nl in reading the question p per 711.! tim.? given 01 the liiad of this Paper is the time allowed/o r writing the a11S\4 ,rs Allemp/ all q11eslionsfrom Section A and anyfour q11es1io11Sjrom Sec/ion B the rest of All working, i11c/11di11g rough work, must be clearly shown, a11d must bt done on tht same shee.t as lite answer. Omi.<s/011 ofcsselllia/ working will resufl in loss ofmarks. The illf,znded marks for questions or parts ofq11~1ion.s are gn fn :r. C....:ic<rts {] Ma1h,111alical fables are pro,-fdcd SECTION A (Attempt all question s from this Section.) Qucstio11 1 Choose the correct answers to the questions from the given options: (i) A ludy deposited" 1800 per month for 15 montJ1s in a recurring deposit account at 7% per annum simple interest. The interest earned by her at maturity is (b) '\' 1080 (d) '\' 1500 (a)~ 900 (c) " 1260 (ii) 3 \Vhut number should be subtracte d from 2x has (2x - 3) as a factor? (c)4 2 If [_ 1 - Sx 2 + Sx so that the resulting polynom ial M3 W2 (iii) [15] (d)s iJ [;] =[_?2), then the valurs of x and y are (:i)x=- 2,y=l (c)x = 2,y l In the adjoinin g figure, if AB II ED, Stateme nt 1: 6 ABC -6 DEC Stateme nt 2: 6 ABC =!!6 DEC = (b)x=2 ,y=-1 (d)x = -2,y -1 = A Which of the fol101,~ng is valid? (a) Bot11 tl1e statements are true. (b) Both the statements are folse. (c) Statement 1 is true and Statement 2 is false. (d) Statement J is fa.lse and Statement 2 is true. (v) D The solution set of the linear inequati on -8 :5 x - i < -4, x E I is (b) {0,1,2,3} (a) (x: x E R, -1 :5 x < 3} (d) {-1,0.1,2} (c) {-1,0,1,2,3) Mathematics (Pre -Board Examination 2024-25-Class X (!CSE)) Page 1 of 6

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