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ICSE Class X Prelims 2025 : Mathematics (St. Xavier's Institution (SXI), Panihati, Kolkata)

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ST. XAVIER'S INSTITUTION. l'AN111m REARSHAL TEST 2024-25 SUBJECT. MATHEMATICS Cl. AS S 10 WR mN GT IME -JH HS F.\1-80 lns1ruc-tion.s f(lr unly 1<'.Klmg the- 11uet k.,n I. C.1nd1o.l,1M, JR' ,1lll' "l'l.f l1f"'I 15 minulC'~ p,aprr .ilJ0\\1,I (Of wrilm.g tht ,mw t'ri l TIit tun.. li'"'"" JI thi hr.kl ,-t tht J'-11"'' 1~ four qun tion ~ fn.,m Sttt ion 8 3. Att, rnpl .ill th..~ qun tinM for S ti on A ,ind .tn\ t or p,uts ol qunl!t:'fb Jr. S" ,.,1 m / J ,I Tht mf\'OJl.'J b for q!,K_...bOl'l. be- dir.uh ,IIO\\'fl ,md musl 1"' rm.- on dw S All \\'Ork1ng,. induJ1ng rough work mia t "'111 N!'Uh m I~ Of ,H\SWl"r ~ i o n o{ trnrldn,i; S,lffl f' shtt t .a, tht ~ of tJw m.ut.s SECTION A f40 MARKSI (Att emp l .a.II question from this St.'C'lion) Qur stio n: J fISJ tlw gi\'t..'11 options Choose thecom--ct answer to theq u~t ion s from 3. i) A,sertion (A): If -Sy > -15 , then y < c is po,i th ~ .and bc < ac if Re,,ason fR): l( a > b, then ac >b e. if c is .i) A is true, R is false. b) A is fals.:-, R is true. 'Ct reas on for ,\ c) Both A and Rar e lrue, nm! R is thecom. t re.tSOn for.- \ d) Both A and Rar e false, .md R ii. mcom--c , m:1n ~tis 4 ;. proftr on his ii) By pur chu ing t lS slaa rn for t .W rach invn tmtn l, th~n 1hr ralt of dh-idrnd b: d).i .S . c)6..m bJ4.6% 1)6. 8% ~n in .a lot of 600 is O.Ol.5. ~ iii) The prob .ibif ity o( grit lng .1 deft ctiv e num ber of ddt ttiv e ~n s in the lot is J 27 b) 270 c) .l6 iv) 1i the r.;atio of volu mes o( two sph eres 1w fatt is c) I :S b) 1 :4 a) I :2 d) .l60 is I: 8, then the r.alio of thei r d) I: 16 d on equ.11 b,1 ~ .1nd have. v) A cone, .a hcm i,ph ere and .a cyli nde r is the sam e height. The r.1lio of thei r volu mes d)J : 2: I c)2 3: I b)2 :l:3 a)l :2: 3 vi) In the give n figure, XQY is .a t.u1gmt .at Q lo .a. drd e. I( PM is .a cho rd to XY .and LMQY 70 , then find: .tPQ M b) 35 a) 20 d) 70c) 40

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