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ICSE Class X Prelims 2024 : Economics (Universal High School, Thane)

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Yash Shah
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Universal High School Prelim 1 Examination: 2023-2024 Bubject: Eeonomics CLASS: X Time:2 Hr Date: 3/ 10/2023 Marks: 80 You are not allowed to write for the first 15 mirutes. This time is to be spert in reating your question paper. The tirme given at the head of the paper is the time allowed for wrting the arswers, Answer toth s paper rLst be written on the paper provided separaey The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets II Attempt all questions from Setion A and four questiorns from Setion B. Section A (40 Marks) Attempt all questions from this Section Question 1 . When a good can be used for var ous purposes, such a good s known as: a. Cornposite demand [16] demand for the b. Direct dernand C. Joint dermand d. Derived demand i . In case of elast city of dernand -0. Demnand curve is a. Horizontal .b. Vert cal c. Rectangular hyperbola d. None of these i , Gold, Siiver, Copper etc. were used as money. Above line is an example of : a. Animal money b. Commnodity money c. Metallic money d. Paper money iy. The debt that has no promised date of repayment by the government is known as: a. Productive debt b. Redeemable debt .c. Irredeernable debt d. External debt advantage of division of Labour? Y Which of the followingisnot an a. Right man at the right job b. Increase in efficiency of Labour C. Savings of time and tools -d. Wastage of timne and tools VI. Specialization of labour is related to of labour. a. Supply -b. Division c. Universalization d. Demand vii. Barter system is also known as a. C-C Economy b. B-B Economy c. G-G Economy d. None of the above vi. Consumer's Consumer awareness. towards his/her rights and duties is known as "a. Consciousness b. Attitude C. Behaviour d. Perception ix. The method to influence the total volume of credit in system is called as: the banking a. Qualitative method b. Open market operation -C. Quantitative method d. None of the above X. Which were the notes that were demonetized in 2016? . a. 500 and 1000 b. Only 1000 C. 50 d. 100 xi. The balance amount of debt after exclusion of sinking fund and other assets meant for repayment of loans: a. Compulsory debt b. Gross debt c. Funded debt d . Net debt xii. The of paymentcountry. the debtor interest on reduces the national income of a. Productive debt b. Unproductive debt c. Internal debt d. External debt xiii. Which one of the a. Individualfollowing supply b. Advertisement C. Rise in own d. Change in price Income X1V. When was the consumer ha. 1896 b. 1986 will cause an increase in quantity supply? protection Act passedr C. 1689 d. 1980 Oxv. When is the demand for a good said to be elastic? a. When % change in demand is less than % change in price - b. When % change in demand is greater than % change in Price C. When absolute change in demand is greater than absolute change in price d. None of the above Xvi. Income Tax is an example of: -a. Public revenue b. Monetary policy C. Public expenditure d. Public debt Question 2 a. Givye the full form of COPRA. How does it benefit consumers? b. What are Giffen goods? C. Define the term Capital. d. Explain the meaning of Redeemable and Irredeemable Debts. [2] [2] [2] [2] Question 3 a. b. C. d. Explain the meaning of Public Finance. What do you mean by the term productivity of Land? What do you mean by the term quantitative method? With the help of an example, explain the term complementary goods. [2] [2] [2] [2] Question 4 a. What do you mean by elasticity of demand? b. Write two causes of decrease in supply. C. What is meant by credit creation? d. Define the term Capital Formation. [2] (2] [2] (2] Section B(40 Marks) Attempt any four questions from this Section guestion 5 a. What are the harmful effects of Food Adulteration? b. What are the causes behind low efficiency of Labour? [5] 15] Question 6 a. Explain any five determinants of Demand. b. What do you mean by Demonetization? What are the objectives of [5] 15] Dem netization? Question 7 ar What are the classifications of debt? b. Explain the Primary functions of money. 5] [5] Question 8 a. What do you mean by Capital Formation? Explain factors affecting [5] Capital Formation. COmpetition. b. Explain the different types of Meneneliatieo [5] Question 9 a. Mr. Anu wanted to raise funds through bank kindly guide him for the [5] same. b. Explain: Relatively Elastic supply and Relatively Inelastic Supply. [5] Question 10 a. What do you mean by Inflation? Explain its types. b. Explain any five merits of Indirect Tax. **k*kk***k********* [5] [5]

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