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ICSE Class X Prelims 2024 : Geography (Universal High School, Thane)

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Yash Shah
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AUniversal High School Prelim 1Examination: 2023 - 2024 Subject: Geography Class: X Time: 2 Hours Marks: 80 Date: 04/ 10/2023 provlded separately. Answers to this Paper nust be written on the answer sheet You will not be allowed to write during the first 15 minutes. This time is to be spent in reading the question paper. Atempt eight questions in all. Part I is compulsory. All questions from Part Iare to be attempted. A total of flve questions to be attempted from Part II. ||. The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given inof brackets the map. In all Map Work, make wise use of arrows to avoid overcrowdinganswer sheet which is All working, including rough work, should be done on the same used to answer the rest of the paper. Part I (30 marks) Atempt all questions from this Part Q1. Study the extract of the Survey of India Map sheet number G43S7 (Eastings 29-38 and Northings 85-94) a Give the six grid figure of [2] (i) 4216 (i) Mosque in the northern part of Moti Bhatamal b) Give the meaning of the following: () The horizontal black line between Northing 93 and 94 ( ) Red cross in the settlement of Ranavas in 3592 [2] c What is the climate of the given map extract? Justify the answer. [1] Mention the difference in the drainage pattern between 3694 and 3392. [1] [1] e Find the area of the map extract between Eastings 32-36 and Northings 87-92. [1] Why does the river channel suddenly broaden out in the western part of the h map? Find the length of the unmetalled road in the southern part of the map. Which is the most important settlement in the map? Give one reason to justify your answer. [1] [1] Q2. Mark and label the following the Map of India a b c) d) e) Indian Standard Meridian Densely populated state in South of India Karakoram Mountain Range India's deepest landlocked Port on Eastern coast of India River Brahmaputra Palk Strait Mount Godwin Austin [1] [1] [1] [1] [1 [1) h) Coal Field of Jharia [1 i) Winds which bring rainfall to Punjab and Haryana in winter and are beneficial for growth of Rabi Crops [11 [1] Kanara Coast E (1) Q3. Choose the correct option North East winds blows in the dircction of -.. a i) Southwest to Northeast i) West to East i i) Northeast to Southwest b) ivNorthwest to Southeast An area in India where Gully erosion is prominent --.i) Narmada Valley ii) Chambal Ravines iii) Ganga river iv) Damodar river c) The mountainous temperate forests are called ----.- i) Keoras in the Nilgiris. ii) Terais iii) Sholas d) e) iv) Sunderbans Which amongst these is not a disadvantage of Tubewell iExcessive use can lead to depletion of groundwater. Irrigation? ii) It can irrigate large area of agricultural land. iii) It is useless if the water is brackish. iv) It is expensive as it requires continuous supply of electricity LPG gets its foul smell by addition of which gas? i) Methyl Percaptan i YPropane Mercaptan iii) Ethyl Mercaptan iv) Butane Percaptan India's largest Solar plant is at i) Ankleshwar ii) Bhadla ii Surat g iv) Dantiwada ----.. /s the oldest steel plant in the country. i) TISCO ii) CISCO iii) DELCO iv) TELCO h) India's longest expressway is ----i) Yamuna Expressway ii) Agra Lucknow Expressway i i) Purvanchal Expressway iv) Panipat expressway i) Port on the west coast of India which is a free trade zone: i) Mormugao ii) Kochi iii) Kandla iv Mumbai Which of the following type of pollution is the cause of Minamata disease? i) Air Pollu tion ii) Soil Pollution ii) Water Pollution iv) Environmental Pollution Part II (50 marks) Attempt any five questions from this Part Q4. a) State two differences between the rainfalls that occur in from June to b) Explain the terms (2] September and that from December to February in North India. (2] i) October Heat [3) ii) Break of Monsoon Give Geographical reason for the following:receives 50 cm and Chennai receives receives 280 cm. Bengaluru Nangalore 40 cm of rainfall. exceeds 12 cm. 11) Rainfall in a year at Jaisalmer rarely Karnataka and Kerala that follow: 11) Mangoes ripen early in answer the qucstions and below d Study the climate data given Nov Sep Oct 21.0 Aug Jul Jun May Mar Apr Month Jan Feb 30.3 28.4 36.2 36.0 35.9 30.0 27.1 25.5 26.3 Temp 12.0 C Rainfall 1.5 0.1 0.0 1.4 1.1 21.0 25.3 27.2 24.0 9.4 [3] Dec 1.5 16.6 0.4 Cm i) ii) ii) Q5. a b temperature of the station? What is the annual rangerainfall experienced by the station? and not What is the total annual presume that the station lies in the interior to correct Why would it be on the coast? Why? [2] Define the following terms: i) SoilProfile ii) Bhangar Soil following heavy rainfall, have districts, tribal both Valley, "Kinnaur and Spiti National Highway 5 Shimla, following the blockade of [2) of road." been cut off from landslides, and sinking The Tribune India (Hindustan-Tibet Road)due to rock falling. landslides? could be the reason for the such incidents in the i) What according to you avoid should be taken to measures ii) What preventive c) d) Q6. a) b) future? [3] i) Black Soildoes not get in areas with Red soil. ii) Dry farming is preferred economy. iii) Soils form the backbone of ourlaterite soil is formed? Give two reasons why Explain the process under whichcultivation. [3] the growth of Littoral Forests. Mention two conditions required for (2] [3] for the following: Give geographical reasonsleached. laterite soil is not well suited for and Forest. Issued by the Ministry of Environment Action Plan on Climate Change" "National "The government of India launched national missions on climate change. (NAPCC) on 30h June outlining eight taken by the government of India to i) Name and explain any two initiatives encourage forestry. creating awareness on afforestation i) How will you as a student, help in amongst your friends in school? c) d) a) Give geographical reasons for the following: 1) Tropical evergreen forests are difficult to exploit for commercial purpose. ii) Acacia Trees have long thorns and a symbiotic relationship with stinging ants. (3) ii1) Trees are planted around cities having Iron Explain the difference between Afforestation andand Steel Plants [(2] Study the picture and answer the questions given below: [3] Reforestation. i) Name the activity shown in the picture. b c) d) Q8. a b) c) d) ii) Give two objectives of the activity shown in the picture. There is plenty of rain in India during the rainy season, yet we need irrigation. (2] Give two reasons to support your answer. Give geographical reason for the following: (3] i) Canal irrigation is more suitable in Northern Plains. ii) Although expensive, yet, Sprinkler irrigation is gaining popularity in recent times. iii) The traditional wells dry up in summer. i) What is watershed management? [2] ii) How is it beneficial for farmers in the long run? Name the four varieties of Iron Ore. i) On which river is the Hirakud dam built? ii) Which state has benefitted greatly from the Hirakud project? How? Name the following: i) A metallic mineral for which the Balaghat district of Madhya Pradesh is famous. ii) The multi purpose project based on the River Satluj. iii) Name a mineral used to produce Nuclear energy. i) How is India's location an advantage for of generation ii) Give two advantages of Bio-Gas as a source of power. solar energy? [2] [2] [3] (3] Q9. a) b) c i) What is the significance of the Electronics Industry in recent times? ii) Name the city which is called as 'Silicon Valley of India'. i) Why is the iron and steel industry called a basic industry? ii) Define a mini steel plant. With lenders declaring Bajaj Hindustan Sugar, one of the sugar producers in Uttar Pradesh, a non performing asset (NPA), biggest the entire sugar sector in the state - apart from the company's future itself- has been into uncertainty largely be cause of the sheer size of the company and pushed the rnumber of farmers directly associated with it for their income.' -The Free i) Explain why most of the sugar production is taking place in Press Journal Maharashtra [2] [2) [3] though Uttar Pradesh has the largest cane area. ) v e two reasons why raw material suppied to the sugar mills is low and irregular. With d) [3] reference to silk industry, answer the 1) Why is Karnataka the largest producer of following: mulberry silk? ) Mention two varieties of non mulberry silk produced in India. 111) Name one silk weaving centre cach in UP and in Tamil Nadu. a Q10. (2] 'New Mangalore Port is an all-weather port at Panambur, Mangalore in Kamataka state in India. The total land area of the port is approximately 480 nectares or 1, 186 acres, The NewMangalore Port is the deepest inner harbour On the west coast. It is the onlu major port of Karnataka and the seventh largest port in India. It is operated bu New Mangalore Port Authority. -The Hindu i) What kind of mineral is exported from this port? ii) Mention one advantage of waterways over railways. Mention any two reasons why railway is not well developed in North Eastern b) part of India. [2] (3] c) Give geographical reasons for the following: d) b) Inland waterways is not well developed in Peninsular India. c) Air transport is important during natural calamities. National Highway. i) Give two points of difference between Expressway and a) A well developed transport network is important for industrial growth. Q11 a [3] ii) Mention one economic benefit of the Golden Quadrilateral Project. India has a inassive population and an even larger landfill problemn. The country generates an estimated 1.3 billion tons of trash everyyear, which is [2] about one-third of the global total. And despite efforts by the government to improve waste management, the situation is still dire.' -7'he Outlock As a student, suggest two ways to reduce waste so that it does not fill the landfills. b) c) d) Give two reasons as to why there is need for safe waste disposal? Give geographical reasons for the following: [21 [3] i) Chemical fertilisers must be replaced by organic manure. i) Plastic and polythene products must be banned. ii) Vulture population in India is gradually being wiped out. Mention oneway in which waste accumulation has an effect on the following: i) aquatic life ii) terrestrial life iii) landscape [3]

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