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ICSE Class X Prelims 2025 : Physics

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ST. FRANCIS SCHOOL, PALAYUR PRE BOARD EXAMINATION 2024- 2025 PHYSICS Marks: 80 Class: X. Time : 2 Hrs General Instructions Answers to this paper must be written on the paper provided separately. You willnot be allowed to write during the first 15 minutes. This time is to be spent in reading the Question Paper. The time given at the head of this paper is the time allowed for writing the answers. Section A is compulsory. Attempt any four questions from Section B. The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in [ ]. Write neatly and legibly. SECTION - A (Atemptall questions from this Section,) Question 1 Choose the correct answers to the questions from the given options. [15] (Donot copy the question, write the correct answers only) i) Auniform meter rule of weight 1.04 Nbalances at the 60cm mark when a weight mis placed at 90 cm mark. What is the value of m? 0 cm 50cm 60cm F 90 cm 100 cm m ,.34 (a) 1.04 N (b) 0.347N (c) 0.693N (d) 0.578N ratio of 11) Two objects of masses 2 g and 4 g have same kinetic energy. What will be the their linear momentum? (a) 2:1 (b) l:/2 (c) 1:2 (d) 1:16 Pg.1 ii) A device based upon conversion of light into electricity is: (a) Electric heater (b) Electric bulb (c) Photocell (d) Thermocouple iv) Select the incorrect statement from the following: (a) Amachine acis as a force multiplier as wellas a speed multiplier simultaneously (b) A machine is used in changing the point of application of effort to a convenient point (C) A machine is used in changing the direction of effort to a convenient direction (d) A nachine is used for obtaining gain in speed V) Focal length of a convex lens will be maximum for: (a) Green light (b) Red light (c) Blue light (d) Violet light vi) A, B and C are three optical media of respective critical angles CI, Cz and C, Total intemal reflection occurs from Ato B and also from B to Cbut not from Cto A. Then the correct relation between the critical angles is: (a) Ci< C:<C3 (b) C3< Ci< C: (c) C3< C;< C (d) C< C<Ci vi) Acoil is held in a magnetic field, such that plane of the coil is at right angles to that of the plane of permanent magnet. The force experienced by the coil on the passage of electric current will be: (a) Maximum (b) Zero (c) Weak (d) None of these viii) What willbe the wavelength of sound waves of frequency 550 Hz, if these waves are travelling with a speed of about 330 m/s? (a) 0.6 m (b) 1.67 m (c) 0.6 cm (d) 16.7 m Pg.2 ix) Which one of the following statements is correct? (a) Live wire has zero potential (b) Fus is connected with a neutral wire (a Potentialof earth and neutral wire is always the same (d) Neutral wire is used to prevent electric shock x) Assertion (A): The product of resistivity and conductivity ofa conductor depends on the material of conductor. Reason(R): Because each of resistivity and conductivity depends on the material of the conductor. (a) Both assertion and reason are true and reason is the correct explanation of assertion (y/Both assertion and reason are true but reason is not the correct explanation of assertion (c) Assertion is true but reason is false (d) Assertion is false but reason is true xi) Two metallic wires made from copper have same length but the radius of wire 1 is half of that of wire 2. The resistance of wire 1 is R. If both the wires are joined together in series, the total resistance becomes: (a) 5R 5R 4 (c) 4R () R xii) Which of the following parameters remain constant in primary andsecondary coils of a step up,ransformer? (a} Power (b) Current (c) Voltage (d) Both (a) and (b) Xiii) Amount of heat energy required to melt 200 g of ice at 0 [Specific latent heat of ice =336000 J kg'] Cis: (a) 6720J b), 6720001 ( 67200J (d) 67.2J Pg.3 xiv) Two sounds Sl and S2 are produced by loudspeakers. The amplitude and frequency of each sound wave is given in the table. Amplitude Frequency Si 1.3 480 S 2.0 240 (a) S2 is louder and has a higher pitch (b) S> is louder and has a lower pitch (c) 32 is quieter and has a higher pitch (d) Sz is quicter and has a lower pitch xv) A radivactive element forms its own isotope after 3 consecutive disintegrations. The particles emitted are: (a) 2a particles and 1 B particle (b)/2B particles and 1yparticle ( / 2Bparticles and l a particle (g)3 Pparticles Question 2 i) Complete the following by choosing the correct answers from the brket: (a) To an Astronaut in a space ship, the earth appears ---, (blackblue/red) (b) For a fuse, higher the curent rating ----( thicker/thinner) is the fuse wire. [6] (c) The direction of clockwise moment produced by aforce is directed (inwards/outwards/perpenticular) along the axis of rotation. (d) The type of energy possesscd by the bob of a simple pendulum when it is at the mean position is (potential energy/kinetic energy /potential energy and kinetic energy) (e) When a boy raises the weight of is body on his toes, the class of lever found in his body is------ (Class I/Claas II/Class III) () The physicalquantity remain constant in uniform circular motion is ii) (velocity/acceleration/speed) Apulley system has a velocity ratioof4 and efficiency 60%.Calculate the mechanical advantage. i11) [2] Two tuning forks AandB of same frequencies are placed on two boxes in adjoining positions. Tuning fork A is set into vibrations. [2] What would be your observations? State the principle illustrated by the experiment. Pg 4 Question 3 i) (a) Name the unit of physicalquantity obtained by the formula 2K/v where, K: Kinetic energy v: Linear velocity (2] (b) A force F acts on a body and displaces it by a distance S in a direction at angle with the direction of force. Write an expression for the work done by the force. ii) A stone placed at the bottom of a water tank appears raised by 80 cm. If the refractive index of water is 4/3, find the actual depth of water in the tank. [2] iii) TwO resistances when connected in series give l5 2 resistance and when connected in 10 (2] parallelyield 3 2. Calculate the value of two resistances. iv) Name the coil of which the wire is thicker in a step down Give reason to [2] your answer. v) (a) A couple is formed by two cqual and opposite forces of 40 N cach. The distance between ine of action of forces is 5 m. Calculate the moment of couple. (b) If the point, about which rotation takes place, is shifted, willthere be any change in moment of couple.? [2] vi) (a) Represent the change in the nucleus of a radioactive element when a -particle emitted. [2] (b)What is the name given to elements with same mass number and different atomic number? vii) (a) Two metallicblocks A and Bof different metals having their masses in the ratio 2:3 are given samne amount of heat. Their temperature rises by same amount. [3) Compare their specific heat capacities. (b)What do you mean by the statement: "Thespecific heat capacity of copper is 0.4Jg c -b2 SECTION-B Question 4 i) ii) (Attempt any four questionsfrom this Section) A slide projector is being used by your tcacher for a presentation in class. [3] (a) Name the type of lens used in a slide projector. (b) Construct a ray diagram, to illustrate the formation of the image in a slide projector. The diagram (not drawn to the scale) below shows the graphical relation between angle of deviation and angle of incidence, when light passes through a triangular 3] prism of angle 62 ofa certain glass material. angie ot deviation ( ) 27 angle of 40 46 incidence () Pg.5 (a) State the angle of minimum dviation of this prism and the corresponding angle o incidence. (b) Calculate the value of X. ii) A lens of focal length 20 cm forms an inverted image at a distance 60 cm from the lens. [4] (a) Identify the lens. (b) How far is the lens present in front of the object? (c) Calculate the magnification of the image. Question 5 1) (a) State the relation between the criti al angle and the absolute refractive index of a medium. [3] (b)The critical angle for glass air interface is 45 for yellow light. Will it be equal to, less than or greater than 45 for 1) red light, 2) blue light? ii) (a) Which property of light is responsible for the blue color of the sky? (b) Define the above-mentioned property stated by you. (c) State the condition required for the occurrence of the phenomena. ii) A ray of light is incident on a glass slab as shown below: [3] (4] Air Glass M" (a) What is represented by 'd' shown in the diagram? (b) Define 'd' (c) How is 'd 'related to the refractive index of the medium? (d) What will happen to the value of 'd' as the value oft (thickness) increases? Question 6 i) (a) Write the relation between the commercial unit of electrical energy and the SIunit of energy. (b) Asatelite revolves around a planet in a circular orbit. What is the work done by the satellite at any instant? Give a reason. [1] [2) Pg.6 ) A ball is dropped from a height of 1Om. If the energy of the ball rcduces by 40% after striking the ground, how high can the ball bounce back? (3] (g =10 ms) iii) The diagram alongside shows a wheel barrow with C as centre of gravity, such that its leg is in contact with ground. (4] Leg 30-60 cm (a) Name the force acting at C and state its direction. (b) What is the direction of minimum force at A to keep the leg off the ground? What is this force called? (c) If the weight of wheel barrow is 10 kgf and it holds 90 kgf of sand, calculate the minimum force to keep the leg off the ground. Question7 i) The figure below shows the combination of a movable pulley Pl with a fixed pulley P2 used for lifting up a load W. [3] E W Load (a) State the function of the pulley P2. (b) If the free end of the string moves through a distance x, what is the distance by which the load W is raised? (c) Calculate the force to be applied at the end of the string to just raise the load Wz50 kgf, neglecting the weight of the pulley P1 and friction. i) Aboy stands in front of a cliff on the other side of a river. He fires gun and hears an echo after 6 seconds. The boy then moves backward by 170 mand again fires the gun. He hears an echo after 7 seconds. Calculate: (a) the width of river (3] (b) the speed of sound Pg.7 two different mnodes as shown n m)n o.0 m long stretched wire is made to vibrate in [2) figure. =06 m (a) l 0-6 m (b) (a) If the frequency of note produced in (b) is n, what is the frequency in case (a)? (b) In which case is the pitch higher? Give reason. iv) Arrange a , and y rays in ascending order with respect to their: (a) Biological effect [2] (b) Ionizing power Question 8 i) (a) A substance has its specific resistance of order 105, Identify the substance. (b) How does its resistivity changes with the rise in temperature? [3] (c) Name a material which is used for making standard resistor. ii) (a) What determines the frequency of a.c produced in a generator? [3] (b) State any two kinds of energy losses in a transformer. How are they ninimized? iii) An electric oven is marked 1000W-200 V. Calculate: [4] (a) Resistance of its element. (b) Energy consumed by the oven in 2 an hour in joules. (c) Time in which it will consume 15 kWh of energy. Question 9 i) (a) Why is the base of a cooking pan made thick and heavy? (b)State the effect of increase in impurities on the melting point of ice. [(3] ii) (a) Copy the diagram and mark the directions of induced current in the following [3] figures: (1) (2) Pg.8 (b) Name the law which determines the direction of current induced in the coil. (c) What is the source of energy associated with the current obtained in part (a). iii) 104 g of water at 30 C is taken in a calorimeter made of copper of mass 42 g. When a certain mass of ice at 0 C is added to it, the final steady temperature of the mixture after the ice has melted, was found tobe 10 C. Findthe mass of ice added. (Specific heat capacity of calorimeter =0.4 Jgl c, Specific heat capacity of water = 4.2 J g C, Latent heat capacity of ice -330 Jg') End [4)

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