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ICSE Class X Prelims 2025 : Biology (Bombay Scottish School, Mahim, Mumbai)

12 pages, 79 questions, 15 questions with responses, 15 total responses,    2    0
Vidya Dhulipala
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Bombap stottish school, mabim ASSESSMENT 3 BIOLOGY 10 28.11.2024 Grade Date Duration 2 hours Max Marks 80 No. of questions No. of printed sides : 08 12 answer booklet provided. Answers to this paper must be written on the the question paper. The first 15 minutes are allotted for reading questions are given in brackets. || The intended marks for questions or parts of SECTION A section) (Attempt all questions from this (15 marks] Question 1 the given options. Do not copy the Choose the answer to the questions from questions. Write the correct answer only. () movie had started. Choose the option Shane entered the theatre after the eyes which helped him to find his which correctly states the change in his seat in the dim light. Rhodopsin was bleached reducing its sensitivity. (a) The circular mu scles of his iris contracted. (b) His pupils dilated. iodopsin. Cones got activated and start synthesising (c) (d (i1 inheritance of Haemophilia in a The pedigree chart shown below traces the the given pedigree family. Choose the correct statement with reference to chart. (a) Both the father and mother carry the genetic defect. (b) Only the father has the defective gene. (c) Only the mother has the defective gene. all their children (d) If 5 marries a normal healthy female (not a carrier), would be haemophilic. 1 (iii) option. choose the correct and Carefully prevent and reason temperatures the stomata close to assertion the Read extreme Assertion (A): DDuring dehydration. produced in plants. Abscisic acid is a Reason (R): true (A) is false but (R) is (a) (b) (C) (iv) stress hormone false (A) is true but (R) is Both (A) and (R) are false Both (A) and (R) are true choose the division shoWn alorngside, cell of diagram the With reference to Correct statemnent. Parent Cell (2n) same (a) Cell A will have different DNA but number of chromosomes compared to Cell DXA Replicates B (b) Cell A will have different DNA and double (20) the number of chromosomes comnpared to Cell B (c) Cell A will have different DNA and half the number of chromosomes compared to Cell B 2 Danghter celis (d) Cell A will have identical DNA as Cell B (V) (2a) A B Choose the option which matches Column A with Column B correctly. Column A (a) Column B p) Basophils i) Has a 3-4 lobed nucleus a) Lymphocytes ii) Largest Leukocytes ) Monocytes ii) Produce antibodies s) Neutrophils iv) Release histamines p - ii, q - i, r - iv, s - ii (b p-ii, q - i, r - iv, s -i (c) (d) p- iv, q - iii, r - ii, s -i p - iv, q - ii, r - i, s - ii 2 Which of the following conditions results from increased permeability of the (vi Bowman's capsule? (a) (b Glycosuria Heamaturia (c) Albuminuria (d) Jaundice Jullian set up an aquarium at home using tap water, as shown below. Fish (vii) Pand R were from the sea while the others were from a ncarby pond. After a fish died due to few hours P (a) Q and S, Exosmosis (b) (C) Q and S, Endosmosis P and R, Endosmosis (d P and R, Exosmosis R Choose the option which correctly completes the flowchart given below: (vii) Brain Forebrain Hindbrain Midbrain 4) Cerebrum Medulla Pons oblongata 1 2 3 4 (a) Diencephalon Hypothalamus Thalamus Cranial nerves (b Hypothalamus Diencephalon Thalamus Cerebellum (C Cerebellum Thalamus Hypothalamus Diencephalon (d) Diencephalon Thalamus Hypothalamus Cerebellum 3 (ix) Read the assertion and reason carefully and choose the correct option. Assertion (A): Gaseous exchange through lenticels happens during day and night. Reason (R); Lenticels are surrounded by guard cells and hence remain open all the time (x) (a) (b (c) (A) is false but (R) is true (A) is true but (R) is false (d) Both (A) and (R) are true Both (A) and (R) are false The statistical study of human population is called: Mortality (a Demography (b Equality (c (d (xi) Natality During evolution, a well developed chin was first observed in: (a) (xii) Australopithecus (b) Homo erectus (C (d) Neanderthal Cro-magnon man The Hypothalamus releases of the Pituitary gland to secrete which stimulates the anterior lobe to regulate the secretion of hormone by the thyroid gland. (xi ) (a) TRH, TSH (b) TSH, Thyroxine (C TRH, Thyroxine (d) TSH, TRH In the menstrual cycle the follicle releases the egg during the phase. The cmnptied follicle is called the corpus luteum and releases the hormone (a Ovulatory, Progesterone (b) (C) Ovulatory, Oxytocin (d) Luteal, Oxytocin Luteal, Progesterone 4 (xiv) Choose the statements which are true with reference to the Punnett square given below. Given: Dominant trait - Tall plants (T) and Purple flowers (P) Recessive trait - Dwarf plants (t) and White flowers (p) TP Tp tP tp TP 1 2 3 4 Tp 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 14 15 16 tP tp 13 I- Plant 11 is a tall plant with purple flowers II - Plants 4 and 13 have the same genotype III - Plants 2 and 7 have different genotype but the same phenotypes IV - Plant 16 is the only plant showing both recessive traits (xv) Iand II (a) (b) I, II and II (c) II, II and IV (d) I, II, III and IV Which of the following is a radioactive pollutant? (a) lodine - 113 (b) Iodine - 131 (C) (d) Cobalt - 313 Cobalt - 16 [25 marks] Question 2 (i) Arrange and rewrite the terms in the correct order so as to be in a logical sequence beginning with the underlined term. (a) (b) (c) (d (e) [5) Morula, Foetus, Embryo, Blastocyst, Graafian follicle Decreased blood glucose, Glycogenesis, Gucagon, Increased blood glucose, Glycogen to glucose Receptors, Ventral root, Association neuron, Effector muscle, Dorsal root Endodermis, Cortex, Xylem, Epidermis, Water in soil Right auricle, Liver, Kidneys, Left ventricle, Urinary bladder 5 and state the Choose the odd term terms. four of Given below are sets belong: Prolactin category to which the others Hormone, Somatotropin, Stimulating Oxytocin, Follicle with ape like hcad, about (a) bipedalism, forehead receding (ii (b (C) (d (c) (mi) [5| given. structures based on the description the name and leaves Identify of the structures present on the margin pore-bearing The (a) exudate water in the mornings. through which some plants non-sister chromatids during (b) (c) (iv) Absolute reduced hair on body 1450 cmn' cranial capacity, Loop of Henle, Bowman's capsule Vasa recta, Collecting duct, Antibodies, Glucose Lymphocytes, Erythrocytes, blowing wind, low humidity fast stomata, sunken High temperature, between two The point of attachment Meiosis. and enters the the stomach and intestine from starts which vein The liver. cerebral hemispheres. shect of fibres connecting two The (d affccted in Cataract. (e) The part of the eye option in Column II and rewrite the Match Column Iwith the appropriate complete matching pair. Eg - Chlorophyll - Green pigment in plants Column II Column I Iodopsin Acromegaly Blockage of coronary artery Destroyed by chlorofluorocarbons Myocardial infarction Theory of Natural Selection Ozone Hole in the septum of the heart Jean Baptiste de Lamarck Hypersecretion of GH in adults Dim light vision Theory of Inheritance of Acquired Characteristics Coloured and bright light vision 6 (v) Given below is a diagram of a human foctus developing in the mother's womb. Match the functions with their correct structures marked (a) to (e) in [5| the diagram given on the right. Eg: 6) Contracts to expel the foetus after gestation -h Note: A part labelled in the diagram may have more than one function and hence mnay be repeated in the answers. Functions 1) Maintains an even pressure around the foetus (a) and protects it from mechanical shocks. 2) Contains blood vessels which transport nutrients and respiratory gases for the growing (b) foetus. (c) 3) Behaves like an endocrine gland. (d (e) 4) Dilates to help in Parturition. (0 5) Does not allow passage of germs from mother to foetus. SECTION B (Attempt any four questions from this section) [10 marks] Question 3 () (i ) [1] Explain why ACTH is a Tropic hormone'. two State explosion. Government has taken measures to control population reasons why family planning has often failed in rural India. 7 [2 (ii) questions that follow: Study the eye defcct shown below and answer the (a) (b) the eye Mention any one possible reason for this defect of scen in humans. Name the fibres of connective tissue which hold the part labelled 1 in position. Redraw the diagram for the correction of this defect and (c (iv) name the lens used to correct this defect. [1] (1]| [2] the questions that Study the diagram of the DNA given below and answer 3 follow: (a) What is the structure Z' collectively called? (b) (c) Name the type of bond formed between If1 represents Thymine, then what will 2 be ? 1 and 2. [10 marks] Question 4 Name the pigment which imparts colour to urine. (i) [1] Rav has blue eyes and is married to Maria who has brown eyes. They have a daughter Judy and a son Jade. Judy has blue eyes just like her father but Jade has brown eyes just like his mother. Answer the following questions: [2] (a What is the genotype of Maria? (b) If Judy marries a man who also has blue eyes, what is the percentage chance of having children with brown eyes? (iii) (iv) (v) Give a biological reason for cach of the following: (2) (a) Fraternal twins are as different as any other normal siblings. (b) Cytokinins are present in meristematic tissues. (2) Answer Study the diagram of the cross section of the inner cavity of cochlea. (3] the questions that follow: Explain the termn 'vestigial organs' and give one example. A C (a) Name the canal B and the fluid present in it. (b) Draw the diagram of the inner ear and label the following parts in it: (1) (2) The part respon sible for static balance. The part responsible for dynamic balance [10 marks] Question 5 How will Parturition be affected if there is no production of Oxytocin? [1] (ii) (ii) Name the three layers of the meninges and the fluid present in between them. (2) Based on the statistical study of the human population answer the following (2] questions: (a) Explain the term birth rate'. (b) How will the population be affected if the Mortality rate is greater than the Natality rate? (iv (2] State the full form of: (a) NADP (b) AVN 9 (v) following below and answer the shown apparatus [3) Study the expcrimental questions: Leaf9W -Reservolr shoot Graduated capillary tube Air bubble Coloured water (a) Name the apparatus shown above. while using the above apparatus. taken be to precautions two State (b) [10 marks] Question 6 (i (ii) (i i) (iv) (v How do contraception pills help prevent pregnancy? [1] [2 Explain the role of Potassium ions in opening of the stomata. the How does loss of nucleus and mitochondria help in increasing [2) efficiency of RBCs? 2 Draw a neat labelled diagram of a human sperm. shown Study the diagram of a particular phase of cell division [3 below and answer the questions that follow: (a) Name the phase of cell division shown and give a reason for your answer. (b (c) Draw a diagram of the phase preceding the one shown in the diagram. How will Cytokinesis take place in the type of cell shown above? 10 : [10 marks] Question 7 (i) Mention two ways in which you can reduce Plastic pollution at your level. (i1 (ii) Explain how the Sympathetic Nervous System affects the Salivary glands and blood vessels of the body. |2 State the exact location of: [2 (a) (b) (iv) Stomata Urinary sphincter in the Differentiate between the following based on the criteria given (2] brackets. (a) (b) Gibberellins and Ethylene (effect on senescence) Geotropism and Thigmotropism (stimulus involved) testis given below and answer Study the diagram of the cross section of the [3] the questions that follow: 2 (a) Give the corresponding number of the part where spermatogenesis OCCurs. (b) (c What is the function of the Leydig's cells in the testis? What changes take place in the sperm in the part labelled 1? [10 marks] Question 8 Amy got a stem cutting of a rose plant and planted it in the pot. Name the phytohormone which she can use to induce the formation of roots. 11 (ii) cudy tne diagram given below questions and answer the that follow: Wall of the capillary. C B (a) (b) (iii) (iv) (v in 'A. Name the phenomenon occurring shown above in 'A? phenomenon significance of the What is the State two objectives of the Swachh Bharat Abhiyan'. [2] cross-section of a human kidney. Draw a neat labelled diagram of the [2] Ms. D'cruz showed the following experimental setup to her students in class. a green Test tube A contains onlya green aquatic plant. Test tube B contains aquatic plant and a snail. Both the test tubes were kept in sunlight and the experiment was concluded based on the number of oxygen bubbles evolved [3 in each test tube. Bubbles of oxygen Green water plant Snail A (a) The students were asked to name the biological process being studied which leads to the release of oxygen bubbles. Danny answered Photosynthesis and Vincent answered Respiration. Whose answer is correct and why? (b) Why are there more bubbles seen in test tube B as compared to test (c How will the observation be different if the test tubes are not kept in tube A? sunlight? Justify your answer. 12

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