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K BLOCK, KIDWAI NAGAR (near Alankar Guest House), Kanpur. by: Vinod Khare(MCA,M.Sc.,B.Ed.) (cell :9336061496) ICSE Computer Applications-2016-17 (Suggestions to get best marks) Here s an idea about how to answer the two sections. Section A - Each question carries the marks specified in front of it. Read the question carefully and answer only how much is asked. For example, if one difference is asked, then write only one. But if you are not sure of the answer then write more. The one that is correct would be marked. You can also keep the following points in mind while answering this section: Write to the point precise answers. Use keywords while answering definitions, differences, etc. For example, Constructor is a member function with the same name as class and no return type. (Here, no return type and name same as class are important keywords). Write differences, if asked, making two columns. Write example of each, if you know Do not leave any answer. Even if you don t know, write something as marking is not negative. While attempting write the output type of questions, show the Dry Run working. While attempting solve type of questions based on operators, show all the steps. Read the data types used in the arithmetic expression carefully for showing the final answer. Learn the definitions, syntax and return type of various string, mathematical and character related functions very well. Should know the three loops well and their inter conversions. Should know the definitions and syntax of all if structures and switch-casedefault well and their inter-conversions. Study ternary operator. Learn the definitions and example of OOP principles. Theory is important for this section. Section B: The marking in this section is step-wise so need not worry. Plan the program before you start writing as can t afford to waste time in canceling and re-writing. Write variable description or comments for each program. Don t forget as it carries marks. Read the question carefully and do not forget any step. So write the program step by step keeping all points in mind. Try to indent the program as it makes it neat. Study if structures, loops, arrays and strings and functions well for this section. Also revise sorting and searching methods. Must know mathematical and string functions as they might be needed for such questions. Careful and correct answering may lead to a full score of 100. Best wishes for your exams. by: vInod khARaY TOPIC TO STUDY FROM WHOLE SYLLABUS FOR SECTION A(40 MARKS) OBJECT definition and examples creating and explaining meaning of an object why class is an object factory relation between class and object java is a case sensitive language explain why a class is considered as composite data type object as instance of a class CONCEPT OF OOPS encapsulation its example and their attribute inheritance, extends keyword, sub and super class polymorphism and its example abstraction or data hiding difference between object and class Features of Java like platform independent, security, open source ,write once run anywhere(WORA) TYPES OF JAVA PROGRAM applets and standalone/application program JAVA COMPILATION PROCESS interpreter and compiler byte code Java virtual machine source code and object code COMMENTS single and multiple line comments import statements and its use package , default package(java.lang) 1 Unicode and ACSII code and their range java API(Ans: the library of pre compiled code that can be used in java K BLOCK, KIDWAI NAGAR (near Alankar Guest House), Kanpur. by : Vinod Khare(MCA,M.Sc.,B.Ed.) (cell :9336061496) program known as java API) TOKEN and its types keyword identifier, identifier naming rules literal and its types operator punctuator/separator DATA TYPE definition primitive data type(range and memory size) reference/composite/non primitive data type default values of various data types, numeric and non numeric data type variable dynamic and static initialization Escape sequence or nongraphic characters with example. i.e. \t,\n,\ Scope of a variable Unary, Binary and Ternary operator with example Unary + and binary + Arithmetic, relational and logical operator with examples Postfix and prefix operator with their numerical ternary operator with syntax and inter conversion between ternary and if else and their output precedence of operator and their numerical Data conversion and its type i.e. Implicit/automatic/data promotion/coercion and explicit/type casting Increment and decrement operator(postfix and prefix operator) java expression using mathematical function like (abs, sqrt, pow, round, ceil, floor, max, min, log, exp, rint, sin, cos , tan, rint, PI, random), difference between SOP and SOPln, Variable and their type like class variable, instance variable and local variable with example local and global variable visibility mode/access specifier (public, private and protected, default is friendly), dot operator functions to convert string value to numeric value(parse function) wrapper class rvalue and Lvalue CHARACTER FUNCTION(isDigit, isUpperCase, isLowerCase, toUpperCase, toLowerCase, isWhitespace etc), Keywords = new, break, continue, this, final, static, extends, import, void, public, private, protected, return FUNCTION advantages, syntax, access specifier/visibility mode, modifier, return type function prototype and signature, writing function prototype pure and impure functions, library and user defined function function overloading(definition, similarity and difference) calling overloaded functions difference between function and constructor call by value and call by reference CONSTRUCTOR definition, proprieties/characteristics, types of constructors(non parameterized/default and parameterized constructor ,constructor overloading, calling a constructor STRING definition, how it is implemented, calculating size, Exception, how to handle exception Types of error(compile time/syntax error, runtime/execution time, logical error), try catch block, throw and throws keywords, types of string declaration(string and stringbuffer), string functions with their return types (charAt, compareTo, concat, endsWith, startsWith, equals, equalIgnoreCase, indexOf, lastIndexOf, length, replace, reverse, substring, toLowerCase, toUpperCase, toString, toUpperCase, trim, valueOf) package with examples Control statements and its type (selection or decision making statement, looping statement, jump statement) Switch statement, its syntax, default keyword, fall through Difference between switch and if-else Control variable, ,dangling else problem with example Types of loops (empty/null loop/time delay loop, nested loop, infinite loop) fixed loop(for) Variable loop (while and do while) Entry control loop and exit control loop ARRAYS definition, declaration, initialization, calculation array size, calculation array length using length function, base type of array, advantage and disadvantage, index number and indexed variable, Searching =Linear and Binary Search and their difference Sorting Bubble and selection sort technique and their working condition for binary search array versus object object as composite data type SCANNER CLASS advantage, creating scanner class object, various function like nextInt() etc. to take input in scanner class compound statement/block. DIFFERENCE: Array variable and class variable while n do-while switch and if-else string and stringbuffer index number and indexed variable function and constructor prefix and postfix operator ordinary compilation and java compilation source code and object code 2 primitive and reference data type relational and logical operator function prototype and signature public and private actual and formal parameter call by value and call by reference pure and impure function calling function and calling constructor parameterized and nonparameterized constructor try and catch block int and Integer conditional operator and conditional statement K BLOCK, KIDWAI NAGAR (near Alankar Guest House), Kanpur. by : Vinod Khare(MCA,M.Sc.,B.Ed.) (cell :9336061496) finite and infinite loop break and continue rvalue and lvalu indeOf and lastIndexOf implicit and explicit data conversion linear and binary search = and equals sub and super class static and non static members. CONVERSION: Ternary to if else if else to switch case for to while do while to while. TOPIC TO STUDY FROM WHOLE SYLLABUS FOR SECTION B(60 MARKS) IMPORTANT NOTE Concentrate on following topics for programming section: 1. Programs based on function for constructor, input, calculation and display and main method to call above function by creating object. 2. Function overloading program. 3. 4 program from array i.e. 2 for searching and 2 for sorting ( if you want you may leave the program asked last year at your own risk). 4. A menu driven program to check different numbers or to print sum of series or to print pattern. 5. To print specified pattern like rhombus, square etc. 6. To print sum of series based on factorial and alternate series i.e. +, -,+ - series. 7. String program based on extracting word like to print minimum and maximum length word. 8. Program based on while loop like extracting digits and use them for different purpose. Suggestion: Each program must be written with comments OR variable descriptions, 4 to 5 comments are sufficient in a program. It is advisable to attempt extra program if possible, don t cut any program which you have already written even you are writing the same program again. If you are not getting any answer you must write down whatever part of answer you know about the program because marking will be step wise in board exam and there is no negative marking for anything. Do not spent spend much time on a single program. Some Sample Programs for Practice: FUNCTION P1. Define a class called student with the following description: Instance variables/data members: rollnum, name, marks, grade Member methods: student( ) : to initialize data members void input() : to input roll number, name and total marks. void compute() : to calculate the grade based on following criteria: Marks Grade Above 90 A >=75-<90 B >=60-<75 C >=40-<60 D Below 40 E void display() : to display the detail of the student in the following format: Roll Number Name Marks Grade 3 **** ***** *** Write the main method to create an object of the class and call the above member methods accordingly. P2. Define a class employee has the following description: Data members : int pan : to store personal account number String name : to store name double taxincome : to store annual taxable income double tax : to store tax that is calculated Member Functions : employee( ) : parameterized constructor void input( ) : input the pan number, name, taxincome. void calc( ) : calculate tax for a employee based on given slab. void display( ) : output details of an employee in given format: Pan Number Name Tax-Income Tax .. .. . Slab to calculate income tax: Total Annual Taxable income Tax Rate Upto 1,00,000 no tax From 1,00,001 to 1,50,000 10% of the income exceeding 1,00,000 From 1,50,001 to 2,50,000 5000+20%of the income exceeding 1,50,000 Above 2,50,000 25,000+30% of the income exceeding 2,50,000 Now write a main function to create the object of the class and call above functions. P3. Design class Bank with the following descriptions : Data members: name : to store the name of the depositor acno : to store the account number type : to store type of the account bal : to store the balance amount in the account Member functions : Bank( ) : constructor to assign the data members as 0 or null depo( int amt) : to deposit parameterized value in amount withdraw( int amt): to withdraw an amount after checking the balance(Minimum balance should be Rs. 500 ) print( ) : to print the all the data members. P4. Write a prograAP in java for the following specification : Class : Empl Data Members : Emp_No , Name , Basic Salary , DA , HRA , TA , PF , Gross Salary Member Methods : get ( ) : To accept Employee No. , Name and Basic Salary of the employees calcu ( ) : To calculate the Gross Salary based on the following condition: Basic Salary DA(%) TA(%) HRA(%) PF(%) >= 20,000 53 12 10 8 >=10,000 to <20,000 45 10 12 7.5 < 10,000 40 8 14 7 Gross Salary = ( Basic Salary + DA + TA + HRA ) PF display ( ) : To display the following data in given format : EMPLOYEE No. NAME GROSS SALARY ***** ***** ***** 4 Write a main method to create the object of the above class and call the above method to calculate and print the Employee No. , Name , Gross Salary and PF of an employee . P5. Write a program to check whether the number entered by the user is a UNIQUE INTEGER or not. A UNIQUE INTEGER is one that has no repetition of digits. i.e. all the digits are distinct and appears only once. For e.g. 1234, 65234 etc whereas digits like 1000, 65536, 121 are not Unique integer. P6. A number is called sublime if sum and frequency of its factors are perfect number. Ex 12 sum of factors 1+2+3+4+6+12=28(perfect number) Frequency of factor =6(perfect number) P7. Input two numbers and calculate all the disarium number in input range. Disarium number means when its place value is powered with its digit and added produce the same number like 135 i.e. 11+32+53=135. P8. Write a program to input a number in n and print the following tribonacci series. A tribonacci series is one in which the sum next term is the sum of previous three terms eg. 0 1 2 3 6 11 20 .up to n terms P9. Write a program in Java to check whether two numbers are amicable or not. Amicable Number : If two numbers are such that the sum of the perfect divisors(i.e. excluding highest factor) of one number is equal to the other number and the sum of the perfect divisors of the other number is equal to the first number, then the numbers are called Amicable Numbers. Example: 220 and 284. P10. WAP to check whether the number entered by the user is a Sunny number or not. A Sunny number is one which becomes a Perfect Square after adding one to it. E.g. 8, as 8+1=9 which is a perfect square. P11. Write a menu driven to calculate the following interest based on user choice: S. Simple Interest C. Compound Interest Enter a choice and principle, rate and time then calculate the above quantities based on user choice. You may use the following formula to calculate the above quantities: principal rate time 100 Simple Interest rate time = princiapl(1+ ) principal 100 CompoundInterest = P11. Write a menu driven program to find the sum of the following series depending on the user choosing 1 or 2. 1 2 3 4 n S= + + .. . .. .. . .. 2 3 4 5 n+1 1. 2 3 n x x x x S= + + +. .. .. . .. .. . . 1! 2 ! 3 ! n! 2. where ! stands for factorial of the number and the factorial value of a number is the product of all integers from 1 to that number, e.g. 5! = 1 2 3 4 5. (Use switch-case). P12. Write a menu driven program to print following patterns with the help of user choice: 1. Square 2. Triangle 3. Inverted Triangle 5 Where square, triangle and inverted triangles are: 1 2 3 4 5 1 5 5 5 5 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 4 4 4 4 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 3 3 3 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 2 2 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 P11. Write a menu driven to calculate the check the following based on user choice: 1. Sublime Number C. Oblong Number Enter a choice a number and check above properties. abundant number A number that is smaller than the sum of its factor(excluding highest factor). Twelve is the smallest abundant number the sum of its factors is 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 6 = 16 , some other examples are by 18, 20, 24, and 30. Oblong number Any number that is the product of two consecutive natural numbers, Oblong numbers are also known as pronic numbers. The first few of them are: 2, 6, 12, 20, and 30. P12. Write a program in Java to accept a line of text from the user and create a new word formed out of the first letter of each word. After creating the new word reverse it and check whether it is a Palindrome or not. E.g. If the user enters: Mangoes Are Delivered After Midnight Output: MADAM Reverse: MADAM Yes, it is a Palindrome E.g. If the user enters: A Brick In The Wall Output: ABITW Reverse: WTIBA No, it is not a Palindrome P13. Input a string along with an encoding factor and write a cryptography program code to encrypt the data. E.g. Input word is APPLE and Encoding factor is 3 then each letter gets encoded by a factor of 3 by adding it to its ASCII equivalent resulting in DSSOH . P14. Write a program to accept a sentence and print only those words of the sentence which starts with vowel. Sample Input : Carry an umbrella and overcoat when it rains Output : an umbrella and overcoat it P15. Write a program to accept string and display only those characters which are consecutive. Sample input : UNDERSTANDING COMPUTER STANDING Sample output : D, E R, S S, T P16. Write a program to input a name and print its initial in following manner e.g. input : Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi Output : M. K. Gandhi P17. Write a program to accept 10 numbers integer type numbers in an array and print the largest and smallest number present within the array along with their positions. (Consider the ZEROth subscript as position ONE). 6 P18. Write a program to accept 15 names in one dimentional array and arrange to all the names in ascending order using selection sort technique. Display all the sorted names with their serial numbers, where serial numbers starts from 1. P19. Write a program to accept names and marks of 50 students in two different one dimensional arrays and arrange to all the names in descending order with their corresponding marks using bubble sort technique. Display all the sorted names with their marks. Display all the names with their marks. P20. Write a program to accept 20 numbers to store integer numbers then arrange the stored numbers in following order in one new array: First all the positive numbers, zero s then all the negative numbers. Print the contents of both arrays. Example: a[ ]={8, -3, -6, 7, 4, 8, -1, 0, -4, 10} b[ ]={8, 7, 4, 8, 10, 0, -3, -6, -1, -4} P21. Write a program in Java to find the fifth highest number among a set of numbers taken as input from the user. P22. An insurance company has declared the bonus on yearly basis on the two types of policies or plans on the basis of premium amount on yearly basis paid one time as per the given criteria: Premium Amount (Rs.) Child Plan Normal Plan Minimum 5000 3% 1.5% 5001-20,000 5% 3.5% 20,001-45,000 7% 6.0% 45,001 and above 10% 8.5% Write a program based on the above criteria to input name of person, address, premium amount(one time), number of years the policy/plan opted for and the type of plan(C for child and N for normal). Calculate the bonus amount for one year and also for total number of years the policy opted for. Calculate the maturity amount as follows: Bonus in a year= (Rate percent * 100)*-premium Bonus for number of years=bonus in one year*number of years Maturity amount=premium amount + bonus depending upon the years. Prnt name of the person, address, premium amount, number of years the policy poted for, name of plan, total bonus and maturity amount. P22. Specify the class Finder with the following overloaded functions: (i) int findMax(int a, int b) : to decide and return the largest from a and b, if both the number are equal then return 0. (ii) int findMax(int a, int b, int c) : to decide and return the largest from a, b and c, if all the number are equal then return 0. Now write a main ( ) function to input three number and by invoking above functions print the largest between two number the for 3 numbers. Use the concept of function overloading. P23. Write a program that uses an overloaded function compute ( ) as follows: void compute (int, char) : to compute square of integer argument if character argument is s otherwise find and print its cube. int compute (String) : It converts the string in capital letter and returns the sum of ASCII values of parameterized string. Ex. if String is Abc it returns sum of ASCII values of ABC i.e. 65+66+67=198. int compute (int) : calculate and returns the sum of parameterized value. Ex. If parameterized value is 123 then it returns 6. P24. Write a program that uses an overloaded function pattern ( ) as follows: 7 void pattern(String) : it print the parameterized value in following pattern: if string is OKAY then print as : O K A Y O K A O k O int pattern(String, String): it concat two parameterized strings and return size of concatinated string. Ex. If string is Hi and Bye then its concatenation is HiBye then it returns 5. void pattern(String, char): it count the frequency of parameterized character in given string. Ex. String is HELLO and character is L then returns the frequency of L in HELLLO i.e. 2. boolean pattern(int,int,int): it takes 3 sides of a triangle and return true if triangle is equitable triangle otherwise returns false. A triangle is equitable if its area is greater than perimeter. P25. Create overloaded methods named void calc_volume ( ), that has been overloaded to perform the following calculations: **Volume of Sphere **Volume of Cylinder **Volume of Cone Write a menu driven program in Java to display the above 3 menus and execute the overloaded methods and display the volume in the respective functions, calc_volume (double) : calculate and print the volume of sphere. calc_volume (double, double): calculate and returns the volume of cylinder. calc_volume (float, float) : it calculates and returns the volume of cone. P26. Write a program to input a string and a word and remove the input word from the string if available. Ex. String = Hot plate with hot egg , word= hot Output: plate with egg. P27. Write a program to input 20 temperatures in oF in single dimensional array and store the corresponding temperature in oC in one more array, and print the two arrays. C F 32 = 9 Hint: 5 P28.Write a program to input a string, convert it into capital letter and print the ASCII value of each vowels and sum of ASCII value of each character present in string in following format. Input : AMEN Output: ASCII value of A is 65 ASCII value of E is 69 SUM OF ASCII VALUES= 134 P29. Design a class to overload the function display( )as follows : void display(int num) : checks and prints whether the number is a perfect square or not. A number is a perfect square if it produce the exact square like 9,16,25 etc. void display(String str, char ch): check and prints if the word str contains the letter ch or not. 8 void display(String str) : check and print the number of special characters present in the word str. Vinod Khare(MCA,M.Sc.,B.Ed.) cell :9336061496 Top 10 tips for students preparing for ICSE examinations With the exams coming near, we know some of you out there might be having exam blues, and some of you might be shivering as to what will happen as nothing seems to work. Either you haven t started your studies yet or you have been studying all this while but without effective result. If you are into any of the above mentioned situation, then you are reading the right article at the right time. How to prepare for Exams? has always been a million dollar question for the students, but no more. Scoring in ICSE is no big deal. If you focus on some key aspects of preparing for your examination, then it won t be difficult to score well. Even if you feel under-prepared, you can do a lot with the short time you have left. Below are top 10 tips for preparing for your exams and excelling in it. Follow them and see the result for yourself. 1) You know yourself better: So, if you had been fooling around thinking that you have enough time for your preparation, then this is the time to stop. You have just few more days left for the exams. Forget about how much syllabus your friend Aamir Khan has completed, forget about the constant pestering of your friend Hritik Roshan with questions, and forget about how friend Salman Khan, who, like you has still not started his studies yet.Forget about all these unnecessary stress because it is really important to believe in yourself, to be confident and to think positive. Work on the points we have mentioned below for these few days till your exams get over, and then you will have ample time to fool around. But if you are reading this just a day before your exams, and till now you have been fooling around thinking to get hold of such top 10 tips and get a 90% by following them, then no need to waste your time reading this dear. Carry on with your awesome work of fooling around, as none does that well than you. 2) Plan your study: Proper Time Management and Planned study in such crucial stage is important. If you have less time, then don t try and overdose your plan by trying to fit in every lessons of the subject. Don t aim to finish all lessons of any particular subject somehow or the other. If you have 10 chapters, and only 8 of them would be possible to study properly, then do that. Prepare a time table to be followed till your exams. List in it all the subjects along with the days and amount of time per day, you can give to some subjects in it. Like, If you cannot study for more than 4 hours a day, then break down that 4 hours into 2 subjects per day i.e. 2 hours each or 1.5 hour for one subject and 2.5 hours for the other, or whatever you feel like would be enough. Tough subjects can be given more time and easier ones less. So, if you have 10 subjects in all, and you divide the time as described above, then in 5 days you will be going through each subject once. That s the minimum we can expect from you. Don t study for hours at a stretch. You need some time to relax. Divide your time to fit in some relaxation, as it is better to revise when you are feeling relaxed than to exhaust yourself studying all day! But don t go overboard in relaxing. Maintain a balance. 3) Go Through Previous Years Papers: After you have planned out a time table, take out the subject you are supposed to study today as per the time table and go through the previous year s question papers (at least for the last five years) of that subject in order to analyze the portions of the subjects from where questions are most frequently set. Note these topics down on a paper. This will be really helpful in order to plan out your preparation 9 for the subject. [Note: While going through the whole syllabus in correct order is important, you cannot neglect the fact that you don t have much time as of now to do that.] 4) Mark Important Points: After having noted down the frequently asked topics, open your text books or copy, and read through these topics at least once, but be sure to underline the important points you find in those topics, like some definitions, keywords etc. 5) Revision Charts: This might seem strange, but believe me it definitely works. After reading through the topics once, and marking out the important keywords and points in it, draw out a char consisting of these important points or brief notes, and stick it on the wall, where you face more often while doing anything. This process will help you to revise and remember important key points of the lesson well, whenever you see that wall. This will also serve as a quick revision guide for you just before the day of final examination. 6) Mind Mapping: Try and mind map the chart which you just created. Look at a portion of the chart and try and rebuild it in your memory by closing your eyes. Believe me it can do wonders in improving your memory and power of retaining important points. 7) Avoid Cramming: Cramming isn t a good idea at all. Study less, but understand what you study. Cramming is one of your friends who ditch you in the exam hall. Additionally, cramming the night before your exams is proven to be ineffective, because you re taking in so much information at once that it s impossible to memorize it at all. In fact, you will hardly retain anything. Try the alternatives for cramming which are mentioned in points 2 onwards till point 6. 8) Practice by Writing: This is a really effective method. After giving the allotted time to a subject in a day, close your book, and ask yourself questions relating to the lesson you just studied to see if you have remembered what you just studied. Then try and write down the answers to your questions on a paper without referring to a book. When you are unable to remember an important part of your question (after trying much), then open the book and go through it once, close the book again, and write it down again on your own. Practice diagrams, derivations, and programs by writing it down from your memory, as much as you can. 9) Solve Sample Papers: This is important in order to access your level of preparation. But, this proves beneficial only when you stick to few basic things. To improve yourself and to extract maximum benefit from these sample papers, choose a suitable time for yourself, and have the required time (i.e. the time within which you are allowed to complete the paper) in your hand. Then try to solve this paper in the time limit given at the head of the paper taking 15 minutes extra for reading the paper. Never let these papers demoralize you if you find questions which you can t answer. If there were topics which you were not prepared in, then go back and follow step 3 onwards. 10) Stick to the guidance of the Teacher: While we would not suggest attending tuition at this time, but would definitely suggest you to stick to your school/private teacher s guidance till the end. This is what is found missing in students nowadays. Once their syllabus is completed they don t care about their teacher s guidance. This is a mistake. Be in contact with him/her on every issues of the subject you come across either via phone or email or by going to his/her house if that is possible. Whenever you come across a topic hard to grasp, ask the concerned teachers. They will gladly help. Additional points to be taken care of: Health is important, so don t neglect foods and don t compromise with your sleep [we are referring to the normal required sleep]. Avoid junk foods or any other such food which may keep you unfit. You should eat only as much as required. Try not to put stress on both your stomach AND your mind. Keep away from all undue personal stress. Keep away from phone calls and social networking sites specially whatsapp and facebook. Remember, be positive, stay calm, and mobilize your energies to do the best job possible every day by trying your best to do justice with the plan you created for your exam preparation. 10 Forget about cheating in the exams. The amount of time you give for planning and preparing your means of cheating are more than enough to actually prepare that lesson if you follow the above tips properly. After you are done with an exam, avoid doing its postmortem by discussing the answers with your friends. Doing this won t increase your marks, but can demoralize you if what you wrote was incorrect, which in turn will affect the rest of your exams. As soon as one exam is over, move swiftly to focusing on the next one. Dwelling on an exam that you have completed wastes energy and time, and will drive you crazy. We hope that the above mentioned tips will benefit students in many ways and will help them in scoring good marks in their examination. I am gladly waiting for your feedback, suggestions and queries related to subject on my whatsapp number 9336061496, as it can additionally boost up those students who are still in the shoes in which you were once before following these tips. All the best for your exams! Vinod Khare(MCA,M.Sc.,B.Ed.) cell :9336061496 11