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ICSE Class X Prelims 2024 : History and Civics (Indian Education Society IES Orion, Mumbai)

6 pages, 49 questions, 17 questions with responses, 19 total responses,    2    0
Kavin Rau
Indian Education Society IES Orion, Mumbai
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INDIAN EDUCATION SOCIETY IES Orion (1CSE) Secondary (2023-24) CATIDN Date: 30/10/2023 First Semester Examination Marks: 80 Time: 2 hrs Std: X Subject: History provided separately. Answer to this paper must be written on the paper 15 minutes. You will not be allowed to write during the first This time is to be spent in reading the question paper. time allowed for writing the answers The time given at the head of this paper is the total of five questions are to be Attempt all questions from Part I (Compulsory). A of five of three questions from Section A and three out attempted from Part lI, two outquestions from Section B. questions are given in brackets (] The intended marks for questions or parts of PART I(30 Marks) Attempt all questions from this Part. Question 1 given options. Choose the correct answers to the questions from the (16] answer only) (Do not copy the questions, write the correct resignation? informed in case the President renders his () Which of the following is required to be (a) Vice President (b) The Prime Minister (c) The Speaker of Lok Sabha (d) The Chairman of Rajya Sabha the Chief Justice of High Court? (ii) Whom does the president consult while appointing (a) The Governor and the Prime Minister Court (b) The Governor and the Chief Justice of Supreme (c) The Governor and the Parliament (d) The Chief Justice of India and the Parliament (ii) How are the members of the Rajya Sabha elected? President (a) By the Lok Sabha Speaker in consultation with the Council of Ministers the (b) Nominated by the President in consultation with (c) Directly by the people (d) By the members of the State Legislative Assembly of each state of Supreme Court (iv) Who decides the salaries and allowances of MPs, Ministers, and Judges and High Courts? (a) Comptroller and Auditor-General of India (b) Parliament (c) Finance Minister (d) President in consultation with the Chief Justice of India Page 1 as a Judae in High cour (V) What is the maximum age in order to be qualtied tor appointment (a) 62 years (b) 68 years (c) 65 years (d) 60 years (vi)What is the minimum period for which a citizen has to be the judge of a High Court or of two or more such courts in suCcession in order to be appointed as a judge of Supreme Court? (a) 5 years (b) 10 years (c) 2 years ( ) 7 years (vii) The idea of the Indian National Army (INA) was conceived in Malaya by (a) Rash Behari Bose (b) Subhas Candra Bose (c) Mohan Singh (d) Laxmi Swaminathan (vi) Who among the following was NOT an Assertive Nationalist leader? (a) Bal Gangadhar Tilak (b) Lala Lajpat Rai (c) Bipin Chandra Pal (d) Dadabhai Naoroji (ix)Which one of the following was NOT an aspect of the Gandhi-Irwin Pact of 1931? (a) Withdrawal of the Civil Disobedience Movement launched by Gandhiji in 1930 (b) Participation of the Congress Party in the Second Round Table Conference. (c) To release all political prisoners except those guilty of violence (d) Decision to accord 'Dominion' status for India. (x) The Civil disobedience Movement was suspended after the Gandhi-Irwin Pact. Why did the Congress decide to resume the movement in January 1932? (a) Failure of Second Round Tabie Conference (b) Repudiation of the Gandhi-Irwin Pact by the British Government (c) British Policies of repression (d) All the above (xi) The Second WWorid War started with: (a) American invasion over Poland (b)German invasion over Poland (C) Polish invasion over Germany (d British invasion over Poland Page 2 of 6 of Non-Aligned Movement. xi) ldentify the founders (a) Nasser, Tito, Nehru (b) Naseer, Nehru, Stalin ic) Churchill, Stalin, Tito (d) Tito, Sukarno, Roosevelt the following: in 1883 advocated which of introduced be to proposed (xii) lbert Bill (a) Higher power to British judges between British and Indian judges in India equality introduce to tried British (b) Indian judges in High Courts. (c) Abolishment of the appointment of (d) None of the above. (xiv) People protested the members and no Indian because it had seven British representation. (a) Simon Commission (b) Lucknow Pact (c) llbert Bill (d) Cabinet Mission were member of League of Nations become to allowed not (xv)Two countries which were and Union (a) Germany and Soviet (b) Japan and USA (c) USA and India (d) None of the above. disease like; make efforts to prevent not does UNICEF (xvi) (a) Skin diseases (b) Eye Diseases (c) Cancer (d) Tuberculosis [21 Question 2 [2] advantages of the Lok Adalats. two Judge and Sessions Court. any Mention District () the of Court differences between freedom struggle? [2 in the (0) State any two the Assertive Nationalists by adopted methods (ii) What were the two ideologies of Nazism and Fascism. between similarities (iv) State any two objectives Forward Bloc. two (v) Mention anycomposition of the Security Council. Movement. the (vi)Explain the Non-Aligned Mention any two objectives of 12 [2 [2] (vii) Page 3 of 6 PART I| SECTION-A Question 3 Attempt any two questions from this Section With reference to the Union Legislature, answer the following questions: (i) How is the Speaker of the Lok Sabha elected? State any two Disciplinary of the Speaker. (i) Any three administrative Functions of functions the Speaker of (i) Give reasons to justify why the Lok Sabha is more the LokthanSabha. powerful the Rajya Sabha. 3 (3] (41 Question 4 The President of India is the nominal head of the Union Administration. With reference to the President, answer the following questions: () What is the term of the President? Give two reasons for the indirect election of the President. (3] (i ) Explain briefly any three executive powers of the President. (ii) State any four legislative powers of the President. [3] [4] Question 5 The Supreme Court is the head of the entire system of judiciary. In this context, answer the following questions: (i) Mention the qualifications required by a person to be the judge of the Supreme Court. (3] (3) ( ) With reference to the judiciary, what is meant by the term 'impeachment'? On what grounds can a judge of the Supreme Court be removed from office? (ii) Why is the Supreme Court called the Court of Record? [4) SECTION B Atternpt any three questions from this Section Question 6 Numerous causes gave rise to the First War of Independence and its consequences led to several changes in the British Government in India. In this context answer the following: (i) Discuss the resentrment of the rulers of the native state against the British which was a major factor in the 1857 Revolt. [31 (ii) Mention three economic causes that caused unrest among Indians. [3) (i) State any four changes in the administration of the British Government as a consequence of the Revolt. Page 4 ot 6 Question 7 2, With reference to the first and second phase of the Indian National Movement answer the following: (i) Differentiate between the Early Nationalists and the Assertive Nationalists. (3] ( )Why was signing of Lucknow Pact an important event towards the growth of unity in India? [3] (iii) State two contributions of Gopal Krishna Gokhale and Surendranath Banerjee. [4) Question 8 With reference to the picture given below; answer the following: [1 those who were killed in this incident. built for Memorial the [1| ldentify' (i) (a) place? [1 (b) Where did this incident take in 1920 as a consequence. by Gandhi in 1922. [3] Gandhiji by launched mnovement the (c) Name particular movement for the suspension of this reason the [4 briefly Explain (ii) movement. the (ii) State any four impacts of following Question 9 20h Century answer the the in Wars World Major With reference to the Two [3] questions: War I. World causes of [3] three terms of: () Explain briefly any the Second World VWar in (i ) Explain the Causes of Treaty of Versailles a) Dissatisfaction with the [4] of Nation b) Failure of Leagueconsequences of the Second World War. (iii)Briefly explain the Page 5 of 6 Question 1O () Name the organisation associated with the emblem. Mention any two functions of this organisation. (i) Name the main deliberative organ of the UN? State any two functions of the same. (iii) Give the fullform of UNESCO. Mention any three of its functions.

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