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As quest es de 1 a 3 referem-se seguinte p gina da internet: A Listing of Illinois Smoke-free Restaurants Patron Brochure (PDF) 65K Restaurant Owner Brochure (PDF) 68K Smoke-free Restaurant Certificate Illinois Clean Indoor Act The Illinois Smoke-free Restaurant Recognition Program recognizes those restaurants that have gone entirely smokefree and raises public awareness to the dangers of exposure to second-hand smoke. Establishments choosing to participate in the program receive a certificate designating them as smoke-free restaurants and are listed on the Department s Web site. Second-hand smoke is a combination of the smoke from a burning cigarette and the smoke exhaled by the smoker. It contaminates the air and is retained in clothing, curtains and furniture. More importantly, it represents a dangerous health hazard. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) concluded that second-hand smoke causes lung cancer in adult nonsmokers and impairs the respiratory health of children. The EPA classifies second-hand smoke as a group A carcinogen, a designation that means there is sufficient evidence that the substance causes cancer in humans. More than 4,000 different chemicals have been identified in second-hand smoke, and at least 43 of these chemicals cause cancer. EPA estimates that approximately 3,000 American nonsmokers die each year from lung cancer caused by second-hand smoke. The restaurants participating in this voluntary program have taken a progressive position by recognizing the need to go smoke-free to protect the health of their employees and patrons and by encouraging other restaurants across Illinois to participate. http://www.idph.state.il.us/tobacco/ilsmkfree.htm Data da visita ao site: 26/06/2007 Quest o 1. Assinale a informa o N O contida no texto. A( ) B( ) C( ) D( ) E( ) Todos os restaurantes de Illinois s o filiados ao Programa de Reconhecimento de Restaurantes para n o-fumantes, embora este seja um programa de ades o volunt ria. A fuma a do cigarro pode causar c ncer de pulm o em n o-fumantes e problemas respirat rios em crian as. A fuma a exalada por fumantes e provocada por cigarros acesos considerada um elemento cancer geno do grupo A. O Illinois Smoke-free Restaurant Recognition Program tem como um de seus objetivos conscientizar o p blico sobre os riscos ao fumante passivo. O Illinois Smoke-free Restaurant Recognition Program uma das iniciativas do Departamento de Sa de P blica de Illinois. Quest o 2. Assinale a op o que cont m os significados mais adequados para as palavras sublinhadas nos trechos abaixo: I. The Illinois Smoke-free Restaurant Recognition Program recognizes those restaurants that have gone entirely smoke-free (1o Par grafo). Second-hand smoke is a combination of the smoke from a burning cigarette (2o Par grafo). More importantly, it represents a dangerous health hazard. (2o Par grafo). EPA estimates that approximately 3.000 American nonsmokers die (3o Par grafo). II. III. IV. A( B( C( D( E( ) ) ) ) ) I - constantly I - completely I - generally I - slightly I - totally II - provided by II - derived from II - made by II - exhaled by II - produced by III III III III III - complication risk infection loss problem IV - likely IV - nearly IV - almost IV - around IV - exactly Quest o 3. Assinale a op o que indica o link que cont m as informa es abaixo. A( ) B( C( D( E( A Listing of Illinois Smoke-free Restaurants Patron Brochure (PDF) 65K Restaurant Owner Brochure (PDF) 68K Smoke-free Restaurant Certificate Illinois Clean Indoor Act ) ) ) ) (...) (endere o eletr nico omitido propositadamente). As quest es de 4 a 6 referem-se ao seguinte texto: Botelho a worthy Award Winner This year, Brazil and the world have been celebrating the 100th anniversary of the first flight at a public event by Brazilian Alberto Santos-Dumont. With his imminent retirement next April as president and chief executive officer of Embraer, Mauricio Botelho must be seen as another Brazilian aviation hero, one who turned a small money-losing company into a vibrant world-class aircraft manufacturer. Botelho spent the first 15 years of his working career at Embraer before leaving to pursue other opportunities. When he returned in 1995, Embraer had been privatised and was embarking on production and delivery of its first regional jets, several years behind competitor Bombardier. The Embraer ERJ-145 had its maiden flight just weeks before Botelho came on board. First delivery was in late 1996, and the company has never looked back. Nearly 1,000 aircraft based on the ERJ-145 platform have been delivered to 87 operators around the world. A decate on, the ERJ-145 program has reached the 10 million flight-hour milestone. Under Botelho s leadship, Embraer has had a penchant for seizing market opportunities. It saw an unfilled market niche for aircraft seating 70-110, and its four-model 170/190 program has won 731 orders to date from airlines around the world. Embraer also used the ERJ platform to develop an Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance aircraft, and to produce the Legacy, its first foray into business jets. It is now raking in orders for three other business aircraft in development. Botelho s legacy is a dynamic company, one of Brazil s leading exporters, investing in its employees and technology to produce top-notch aircraft. Airline Business Daily @ ALTA, 2 December, 2006 p.6 Quest o 4. De acordo com o texto, pode-se inferir que Maur cio Botelho A( B( C( D( E( ) ) ) ) ) trabalha na EMBRAER h quinze anos e considerado um her i da avia o brasileira. deixou as atividades na EMBRAER em 1995, poca em que o modelo ERJ-145 foi projetado. voltou a trabalhar na EMBRAER em 1995, antes da privatiza o da empresa. iniciou sua vida profissional na EMBRAER. deixou a presid ncia da EMBRAER em abril de 2006. Quest o 5. Considere as seguintes informa es: I. II. III. O modelo ERJ-145, fabricado pela EMBRAER, teve Maur cio Botelho como um dos idealizadores. A empresa Bombardier passou a produzir jatos regionais para competir com os jatos do mesmo padr o, fabricados pela EMBRAER. A gest o de Maur cio Botelho na EMBRAER foi bem-sucedida devido ao investimento em tecnologia e em recursos humanos. Est ( o) correta(s) A ( ) apenas a I. D ( ) apenas I e II. B ( ) apenas a II. E ( ) apenas I e III. C ( ) apenas a III. Quest o 6. Considere as seguintes afirma es: I. II. III. maiden em The Embraer ERJ-145 had its maiden flight just weeks before (4o Par grafo) pode ser substitu do por single. penchant em ...Embraer has had a penchant for seizing market opportunities. (5o Par grafo) pode ser substitu do por tendency. foray em ... its first foray into business jets. (6o Par grafo) pode ser substitu do por attempt. Est ( o) correta(s) A ( ) apenas a I. D ( ) apenas II e III. B ( ) apenas a II. E ( ) todas. C ( ) apenas a III. As quest es de 7 a 10 referem-se ao texto a seguir: Taking Measure With Hardware and Software The researchers who founded National Instruments Corp switched from building their own equipment to beefing up other people s. You could start a company. That offhand comment by Jim Truchard got Jeff Kodosky and Bill Nowlin thinking. Within days, Truchard and his two employees at the Applied Research Laboratories (ARL) at the University of Texas at Austin (UT) decided to give it a go. That was in February 1976. By May, the trio had incorporated. Today, National Instruments Corp has annual Sales topping $425 million, employs more than 3100 people, sells some 1500 hardware and software products, and, for five years running, has been rated by Fortune magazine as one of the 100 best companies to work for. At ARL, Truchard headed an underwater acoustic measurements lab. I had about two dozen different projects, all the way from basic acoustics to pragmatic testing of military sonar beam formers, he says. Truchard went into science because of Sputnik. I was right on the cusp of that movement. We were all taking Russian and physics, he says. He earned bachelor s and master s degrees in physics and did his PhD on a nonlinear parametric acoustic receiving array in electrical engineering, all at UT. Kodosky and Nowlin both worked part-time for Truchard while enrolled at UT. Nowlin earned a master s in electrical engineering and Kodosky, who has a bachelor s in physics from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, worked toward a PhD; he drifted between theoretical high-energy physics and computer science but did not complete the degree. ( ) Physics intuition Both Kodosky and Truchard point to their physics training as playing a role in their success with National Instruments. Says Truchard, Acoustical measurements are fairly tricky, and it happens to be a smaller area where you didn t have off-the-shelf equipment. You had to build equipment. That background, and the measurements themselves, created a basis. What s more, he adds, the physics background helps create good intuition. I think having solved differential equations and learned about gradients, you know how things are going to work out. I ve always felt it helped me develop intuition about business. In leaving academic research, says Kodosky, we took a giant step back from what we were working on. ARL was cutting edge. Now it was customers who were doing the interesting experiments. Still, he and Truchard say they have more impact on science by supplying tools than they would have had as researchers. We can have a nonlinear effect on the productivity of the science and engineering community. There is plenty of anecdotal evidence that our virtual instrumentation can make people 5 to 10 times as productive, Kodosky says. I personally would find it frustrating [to do research] because it s slow, but dropping by a customer s site every couple of years is fun. We live vicariously through them. Toni Feder Physics Today, July 2004 Quest o 7. Considere as seguintes afirma es: I. II. Truchard, Nowlin e Kodosky fundaram a empresa National Instruments Corp, em 1976. A National Instruments Corp atua na rea de inform tica e, de acordo com a Revista Fortune, est entre as 100 empresas mais produtivas nesta rea. Nowlin e Kodosky trabalhavam para Truchard, em tempo parcial, enquanto estudavam na Universidade do Texas. III. Est ( o) correta(s) A ( ) apenas a I. D ( ) apenas I e III. B ( ) apenas a II. E ( ) apenas II e III. C ( ) apenas a III. Quest o 8. Considere as seguintes afirma es: I. II. III. Truchard estudou F sica na R ssia e tem doutorado em Engenharia El trica. Nowlin mestre em Engenharia El trica. Kodosky n o concluiu o doutorado. Est ( o) correta(s) A( B( C( D( E( ) ) ) ) ) apenas a II. apenas I e II. apenas I e III. apenas II e III. todas. Quest o 9. Considere as seguintes afirma es: I. A forma o acad mica dos propriet rios da National Instruments Corp foi importante para o sucesso da empresa. Para Truchard, Nowlin e Kodosky, o ingresso no mundo corporativo representou um retrocesso em termos de pesquisa acad mica. A gradua o de Kodosky e Truchard em F sica foi um fator relevante para o desenvolvimento da intui o para os neg cios. II. III. Est ( o) correta(s) A( B( C( D( E( ) ) ) ) ) apenas a I. apenas I e II. apenas I e III. apenas II e III. todas. Quest o 10. A express o What s more (2 coluna, 1o Par grafo) N O pode ser substitu da por A( B( C( D( E( ) ) ) ) ) Nevertheless. Besides. Also. Moreover. Furthermore. Quest o 11. Assinale a op o que melhor expressaria a fala da M nica no 2 bal o. www.monica.com.br/ingles/comics/tirinhas/tira 18.htm Data da visita ao site: 20/09/2007 A( ) C( ) E( ) Actions speak louder than words Better late than never Appearances are deceptive B( ) D( ) Silence implies consent He who laughs last, laughs best As quest es de 12 a 16 correspondem ao seguinte texto: The hold-up 1 5 10 15 20 25 The gunman, is useless. I know it. He knows it. The whole bank knows it. Even my best mate Marvin knows it and he s more useless than the gunman. The worst part about the whole thing is that Marv s car is standing outside in a fifteen-minute parking zone. We re all face-down on the floor and the car s only got a few minutes left on it. I wish this bloke d hurry up, I mention. I know, Marv whispers back. This is outrageous. His voice rises from the depths of the floor. I ll be getting a fine because of this useless bastard. I can t afford another fine, Ed. The car s not even worth it. What? Marv looks over at me now. I can sense he s getting uptight. Offended. If there s one thing Marv doesn t tolerate, it s someone putting shit on his car. He repeats the question. What did you say, Ed? I said, I whisper, it isn t even worth the fine, Marv. Look, he says, I ll take a lot of things, Ed, but I tune out of what he s saying, because quite frankly, once Marv gets going about his car, it s downright pain in the arse material. He goes on and on, like a kid, and he s just turned twenty, for Jesus sake. He goes on for another minute or so, until I have to cut him off. Marv, I point out, the car s an embarrassment, okay? It doesn t even have a handbrake it s sitting out there with two bricks behind the back wheels. I m trying to keep my voice as quiet as possible. Half the time you don t even bother locking it. You re probably hoping someone ll flog it so you can collect the insurance. It isn t insured. ( ) That s when the gunman turns around and shouts, Who s talkin back there?! Marv doesn t care. He s worked up about the car. ( ) Zusak, M. The Messenger, Austr lia: Ed. Picador, 2002 p. 3-4 Quest o 12. A partir da leitura do texto, poss vel depreender que I. o di logo no texto se passa entre ref ns de um assalto a banco. II. Marvin est mais preocupado com uma poss vel multa por estacionamento irregular do que com o atirador. III. Marvin adora conversar sobre o seu carro. Est ( o) correta(s) A ( ) apenas a I. D ( ) apenas II e III. B ( ) apenas I e II. E ( ) todas. C ( ) apenas I e III. Quest o 13. Entende-se, pela leitura do texto, que o carro de Marvin I. est estacionado pr ximo ao banco. II. apresenta problema no freio. III. possui seguro. Est ( o) correta(s) A ( ) apenas a I. D ( ) apenas I e II. B ( ) apenas a II. E ( ) apenas II e III. C ( ) apenas a III. Quest o 14. Da leitura do texto, poss vel inferir que Marvin e Ed A( B( C( D( E( ) ) ) ) ) s o amigos. s o pai e filho. t m rela o de parentesco, mas n o s o ntimos. acabaram de se conhecer. n o se toleram. Quest o 15. Assinale a op o em que a contra o dos verbos ( s) ou ( d) est representada corretamente. A( B( C( D( E( ) ) ) ) ) he s more useless than the gunman. (linha 5) .. the car s only got a few minutes left on it. (linha 7) .. I wish this bloke d hurry up, (linha 8) . The car s not even worth it. (linha 11) ... and he s just turned twenty, (linha 19) ... has is had has has Quest o 16. Dadas as asser es: I. O termo bloke (linha 8) refere-se a gunman. II. A express o tune out (linha 18) pode ser substitu da por pay attention. III. A express o cut off, em cut him off (linha 20), pode ser substitu da por interrupt. Est ( o) correta(s) A( ) D( ) apenas a I. apenas I e II. B( ) E( ) apenas a II. apenas I e III. C( ) apenas a III. As quest es de 17 a 20 referem-se ao seguinte texto: Ethical abuses in the authorship of scientific papers Problems regarding the order of authorship of scientific papers have become more frequent and more abusive. These problems may have heightened due to the ever increasing pressure to publish or perish in the academic world, given that the publication of scientific articles has become the benchmark of success in a field with few job opportunities. This article reviews the abuses in the authorship of scientific papers. Different examples are given of the most common problems and recommendations are provided for authors and journal editors. Rev. Bras. Entomol. Vol. 51 no. 1 S o Paulo, Jan./Mar. 2007 Quest o 17. O objetivo do artigo ao qual se refere o texto A( B( C( D( E( ) ) ) ) ) divulgar as dificuldades no mercado de trabalho acad mico. publicar diferentes textos cient ficos. estimular a publica o de artigos cient ficos. divulgar as recomenda es de editores para a elabora o de artigos cient ficos. analisar abusos relacionados autoria de artigos cient ficos. Quest o 18. Considere as seguintes afirma es: I. O artigo ao qual o texto se refere divulga uma lista de publica es cient ficas com problemas relacionados ao pl gio. II. As oportunidades de trabalho no mundo acad mico s o mais restritas para os pesquisadores que n o publicam artigos cient ficos. III. Para que o pesquisador seja reconhecido diante da comunidade acad mica, a publica o de artigos cient ficos importante. Est ( o) correta(s) A( ) D( ) apenas a I. apenas I e III. B( ) E( ) apenas II e III. todas. C( ) apenas I e II. Quest o 19. Os termos heightened (linha 2), benchmark (linha 4) e are provided (linha 6) podem ser traduzidos, respectivamente, como: A( B( C( D( E( ) ) ) ) ) complicado, s mbolo, sugerem aumentado, problema, s o sugeridas solucionado, determinante, t m mostrado crescido, refer ncia, s o fornecidas diminu do, causa, mostram Quest o 20. A express o given that (linha 3) pode ser substitu da por A ( ) where B ( ) when C ( ) which D ( ) whose E ( ) whether INSTITUTO TECNOL GICO DE AERON UTICA VESTIBULAR 2008 GABARITO F sica E 1 D 2 B 3 C 4 A 5 D 6 E 7 A 8 C 9 B 10 E 11 B 12 D 13 C 14 A 15 A 16 D 17 B 18 A 19 C 20 Ingl s A 1 B 2 C 3 D 4 C 5 D 6 D 7 D 8 * 9 A 10 B 11 E 12 D 13 A 14 E 15 E 16 E 17 B 18 D 19 A 20 Portugu s C 21 C 22 D 23 B 24 * 25 B 26 C 27 D 28 C 29 D 30 A 31 E 32 E 33 D 34 E 35 A 36 A 37 C 38 E 39 C 40 Matem tica A 1 B 2 A 3 D 4 B 5 E 6 D 7 A 8 C 9 E 10 B 11 E 12 C 13 D 14 C 15 E 16 A 17 D 18 C 19 B 20 Qu mica E 1 B 2 B 3 E 4 C 5 B 6 C 7 B 8 E 9 D 10 D 11 C 12 C 13 A 14 A 15 A 16 D 17 E 18 D 19 A 20 Obs: a quest es 9 da prova de Ingl s e 25 da prova de Portugu s foram consideradas corretas para todos os candidatos.

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