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ITA Vestibular de 2008 - Inglês

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As quest es de 1 a 3 referem-se seguinte p gina da internet: A Listing of Illinois Smoke-free Restaurants Patron Brochure (PDF) 65K Restaurant Owner Brochure (PDF) 68K Smoke-free Restaurant Certificate Illinois Clean Indoor Act The Illinois Smoke-free Restaurant Recognition Program recognizes those restaurants that have gone entirely smokefree and raises public awareness to the dangers of exposure to second-hand smoke. Establishments choosing to participate in the program receive a certificate designating them as smoke-free restaurants and are listed on the Department s Web site. Second-hand smoke is a combination of the smoke from a burning cigarette and the smoke exhaled by the smoker. It contaminates the air and is retained in clothing, curtains and furniture. More importantly, it represents a dangerous health hazard. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) concluded that second-hand smoke causes lung cancer in adult nonsmokers and impairs the respiratory health of children. The EPA classifies second-hand smoke as a group A carcinogen, a designation that means there is sufficient evidence that the substance causes cancer in humans. More than 4,000 different chemicals have been identified in second-hand smoke, and at least 43 of these chemicals cause cancer. EPA estimates that approximately 3,000 American nonsmokers die each year from lung cancer caused by second-hand smoke. The restaurants participating in this voluntary program have taken a progressive position by recognizing the need to go smoke-free to protect the health of their employees and patrons and by encouraging other restaurants across Illinois to participate. http://www.idph.state.il.us/tobacco/ilsmkfree.htm Data da visita ao site: 26/06/2007 Quest o 1. Assinale a informa o N O contida no texto. A( ) B( ) C( ) D( ) E( ) Todos os restaurantes de Illinois s o filiados ao Programa de Reconhecimento de Restaurantes para n o-fumantes, embora este seja um programa de ades o volunt ria. A fuma a do cigarro pode causar c ncer de pulm o em n o-fumantes e problemas respirat rios em crian as. A fuma a exalada por fumantes e provocada por cigarros acesos considerada um elemento cancer geno do grupo A. O Illinois Smoke-free Restaurant Recognition Program tem como um de seus objetivos conscientizar o p blico sobre os riscos ao fumante passivo. O Illinois Smoke-free Restaurant Recognition Program uma das iniciativas do Departamento de Sa de P blica de Illinois. Quest o 2. Assinale a op o que cont m os significados mais adequados para as palavras sublinhadas nos trechos abaixo: I. The Illinois Smoke-free Restaurant Recognition Program recognizes those restaurants that have gone entirely smoke-free (1o Par grafo). Second-hand smoke is a combination of the smoke from a burning cigarette (2o Par grafo). More importantly, it represents a dangerous health hazard. (2o Par grafo). EPA estimates that approximately 3.000 American nonsmokers die (3o Par grafo). II. III. IV. A( B( C( D( E( ) ) ) ) ) I - constantly I - completely I - generally I - slightly I - totally II - provided by II - derived from II - made by II - exhaled by II - produced by III III III III III - complication risk infection loss problem IV - likely IV - nearly IV - almost IV - around IV - exactly

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