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ITA Vestibular de 2004 - Inglês

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As quest es 1 e 2 referem-se ao texto abaixo: Job Interview Reaching the end of a job interview, the Human Resources Person asked the young Engineer fresh out of MIT, And what starting salary were you looking for? The Engineer said, In the neighborhood of $75,000 a year, depending on the benefits package. The HR Person said, Well, what would you say to a package of 5-weeks vacation, 14 paid holidays, full medical and dental, company matching retirement fund to 50% of salary, and a company car leased every 2 years say, a red Corvette? The Engineer sat up straight and said, Wow!!! Are you kidding? And the HR Person said, Of course,...but you started it. (Texto extra do de uma mensagem recebida por e-mail) Quest o 1. Qual dos adjetivos abaixo melhor descreve a atitude inicial do engenheiro rec m-formado? A( B( C( D( E( ) ) ) ) ) Bem-humorada. Corajosa. Pretensiosa. Humilde. Maliciosa. Quest o 2. Considere as seguintes interpreta es em rela o entrevista: I. II. III. Dentre os benef cios oferecidos pela empresa para a vaga, est o: 5 semanas de f rias anuais e um carro novo a cada 2 anos. O engenheiro rec m formado ser contratado pela empresa por um sal rio que supera suas expectativas. A pretens o salarial do candidato est aqu m do que a empresa oferece. Das afirma es acima, est ( o) condizente(s) com o texto A( B( C( D( E( ) ) ) ) ) apenas a I. apenas a III. apenas I e II. apenas I e III. nenhuma. As quest es de 3 a 5 referem-se ao texto abaixo: First, let me tell you where I m coming from. Before I saw The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring , I didn t know the difference between an orc and an elf, or what Middle-earth was in the middle of. This review is coming to you from a Tolkien-freezone. I went in to Peter Jackson s movie the first of a trilogy with no preconceptions. I came out, three hours later, sorry I d have to wait a year to see what happens next in Frodo Baggins s battle against the Dark Lord, Sauron, and thinking a trip to the bookstore to pick The Two Towers might be in order. (...) This is a violent movie too violent for little ones and there are moments more Matrix than medieval. Yet it transcends cheap thrills; we root for the survival of our heroes with a depth of feeling that may come as a surprise. The movie keeps drawing you in deeper. Unlike so many overcooked action movies these days, Fellowship doesn t entertain you into a stupor. It leaves you with your wits intact, hungry for more. (fonte omitida para evitar indu o na resposta) Quest o 3. O texto acima foi redigido originalmente como A( B( C( D( E( ) ) ) ) ) uma sinopse do filme "The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring , dirigido por Peter Jackson. uma cr tica ao filme The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring . um informativo sobre o lan amento do filme The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring , dirigido por Tolkien. uma palestra sobre a obra liter ria de Tolkien e os filmes de Peter Jakson. uma mensagem enviada por e-mail ao f -clube de Tolkien. Quest o 4. Assinale a op o correta.

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