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UERJ Vestibular de 2009 - 1º exame de qualificação - Linguagens, códigos e suas tecnologias - Inglês

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Linguagens, c digos e suas tecnologias / ingl s COM BASE NO TEXTO ABAIXO, RESPONDA S QUEST ES DE N MEROS 16 A 19. Political activism Earlier this year I had the privilege to sit in on a lunch discussion with James Carroll, a Boston Globe columnist who was visiting my university to give a speech on his latest book. The dialogue eventually 5 came around to discussing the differences between youth protests today and those during the 1960s. He suggested that youth in the latter period had more of an influence than today simply because they were able to involve politicians in their rallies, petitions 10 and causes. Conversely, when today s youth hold a demonstration in front of a parliament building or contest a particular aspect of an institution, their forms of protest lack influence to cause change because they do not have any political figures or individuals 15 involved in their particular protest. At this point, the issue of how we as youth can attract politicians to become part of our campaigns and protests in order to successfully effect political change should be explored. First, we as Canadian 20 youth must become involved in organizations and groups that address current social and political issues that affect us. Involvement increases youth awareness and influence. Groups or organizations that deal with issues such as the environment, poverty, gender 25 equality and others that may be of interest to you are worth joining. Organizational involvement gives youth a platform from which to express their opinions about issues of importance. Involvement does not have to be centred on issues 30 on a grand scale; more local events may persuade you to get involved. Joining an organization that is dedicated to, for example, preventing the closing of a local public school or big box stores from entering the neighbourhood, are also avenues where engaged 35 youth can make a difference. By simply involving ourselves with these issues and organizations, we allow ourselves the opportunity to meet people of influence, whether they be politicians or others who have a direct influence on social and political events 40 in our communities, cities, provinces or country. Involvement in community issues and political campaigns are great opportunities to gain access to individuals such as politicians and community leaders. These connections can then be used in our 45 favour when attempting to advance our own cause or demonstrations. Any argument will have a greater influence when it is supported by members of the political community. If you are dedicated to making a difference in your 50 community, or are dedicated to a cause and are frustrated that your voice is not being heard, try to acquire political leaders attention and aid in pursuing causes that affect and concern youth. Our young political ancestors of the 1960s did this effectively; it 55 is time that the youth of the current generation learn from their example and attempt to gain established political support for our causes. FAUSTO www.apathyisboring.com Vestibular Estadual 2009 1 Fase: E xame de Qualifica o 15 Linguagens, c digos e suas tecnologias / ingl s 16 Quest o The title and the words in the logo anticipate the theme of the text. This combination reinforces the idea that political engagement should be viewed as: (A) risky (B) tiresome (C) complex (D) stimulating 17 Quest o The text presents a comparative analysis of political involvement in different decades. According to Carroll, the conflicting attitude between youth generations of the 1960s and of today is expressed in the following statement: (A) effective activism is attainable with political support (B) traditional institutions are conscious of political needs (C) community engagement is sustained by political action (D) cooperative actions are dependent on political organizations 18 Quest o Conversely, when today s youth hold a demonstration in front of a parliament building or contest a particular aspect of an institution, their forms of protest lack influence to cause change ( . 10-13) The notion expressed by the underlined word is that of: (A) reiteration (B) alternation (C) opposition (D) conformation 19 Quest o Involvement in community issues and political campaigns are great opportunities to gain access to individuals such as politicians and community leaders. ( . 41-44) The fragment above highlights the importance of: (A) civic behavior (B) local engagement (C) active partnership (D) government influence 16 Linguagens, c digos e suas tecnologias / ingl s COM BASE NO TEXTO ABAIXO, RESPONDA S QUEST ES DE N MEROS 20 E 21. My journey: an accidental activist www.labour.ie I wasn t born to be an activist. Quite the opposite, really. I was born to be the stereotypical good, racist Afrikaner in Apartheid South Africa. My family supported Apartheid and all of them worked for the 5 Apartheid regime at some stage in their lives. I was well on my way to become one of them. I did everything they expected me to do. I was a young racist 20 Afrikaner, ready to take my place in their world. Well, at least the small world within the white community in South Africa. I grew up in a home that did everything the Apartheid government wanted us to do. We were part of the Dutch Reformed Church; we watched rugby the sport of the white Afrikaner. I went to school at Paarl 10 Gymnasium one of the best Apartheid schools in South Africa. I attended the University of Stellenbosch the brain trust of the Apartheid policies and politics. We read the Apartheid government approved newspapers and watched their TV. I benefited from 15 the education they provided and the money they paid my dad. I was made for a life supporting and working for the Apartheid government. Somewhere along the line things didn t work out the way they planned. I became everything that Apartheid 25 was against an activist with a social conscience who loves being an African on the global stage. Instead of being the man they wanted me to be, I became the man I wanted to be. It hasn t always been easy. It hasn t always been fun. But it always felt right. From Stellenbosch to 30 Seattle, Mali to Monterrey, and Lusaka to London no matter where the road took me, it always felt right, and it always felt as if I belonged. That s the beauty of life you can be who and what you want to be no matter where you come from. HENK CAMPHER http://angryafrican.net 20 Quest o In the text, Henk Campher describes a transition he experienced in his life. His shift in political orientation was primarily due to: (A) value change (B) racial tolerance (C) regime pressure (D) religious influence 21 Quest o There is a dramatic contrast between Henk, the Afrikaner, and Henk, the African. This contrast is best represented by the following words: (A) London and Seattle (B) regime and government (C) small world and global stage (D) apartheid policies and politics Vestibular Estadual 2009 1 Fase: E xame de Qualifica o 17 UNIVERSIDADE DO ESTADO DO RIO DE JANEIRO SUB-REITORIA DE GRADUA O - SR-1 DEPARTAMENTO DE SELE O ACAD MICA - DSEA COORDENA O ACAD MICA GABARITO . 1 EXAME DE QUALIFICA O . 22/06/2008 01 A 02 C 03 A 04 D 05 A 06 D 07 B 08 C 09 D 10 D 11 B 12 D 13 C 14 A 15 A Espanhol 16 C 17 B 18 A 19 B 20 D 21 C Franc s 16 D 17 C 18 B 19 B 20 A 21 C Ingl s 16 D 17 A 18 C 19 B 20 A 21 C 22 B 23 B 24 C 25 D 26 C 27 D 28 A 29 B 30 C 31 D 32 C 33 D 34 A 35 A 36 D 37 A 38 B 39 B 40 A 41 C 42 C 43 A 44 A 45 D 46 B 47 A 48 B 49 C 50 B 51 B 52 B 53 A 54 A 55 D 56 D 57 D 58 C 59 B 60 A

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