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UEM Vestibular de 2007 - Conhecimentos Específicos: Inglês - Questões Discursivas

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Prova 3 Ingl s QUEST ES DISCURSIVAS o N. DE ORDEM: o N. DE INSCRI O: NOME DO CANDIDATO: INSTRU ES PARA A REALIZA O DA PROVA 1. Verifique se este caderno cont m 5 quest es discursivas e/ou qualquer tipo de defeito. Qualquer problema, avise, imediatamente, o fiscal. o o 2. Confira os campos N. DE ORDEM, N. DE INSCRI O e NOME, conforme o que consta na etiqueta fixada em sua carteira. 3. Responda s quest es de forma leg vel e sem rasuras, utilizando caneta esferogr fica azul ou preta. Ser permitido o uso moderado de corretivo l quido. 4. As quest es podem ser respondidas em portugu s ou em ingl s. Limite-se a responder s quest es no espa o estabelecido para esse fim. Textos escritos fora do limite das linhas n o ser o considerados na corre o. 5. Ao t rmino da prova, levante o bra o, aguarde atendimento e entregue este caderno ao fiscal. UEM Comiss o Central do Vestibular Unificado Texto Climate change called security issue like Cold War Climate change is the biggest security challenge since the Cold War but people have not woken up to the risks nor to easy solutions such as saving energy at home, experts said on Tuesday. We re not yet collectively grasping the scale of what we need to do, British climate change ambassador John Ashton told a seminar of 40 scientists and officials from 13 nations in Ny Alesund, Norway, about 1,200 km (750 miles) from the North Pole. He said global warming should be recast as a security issue, such as war or terrorism, to help mobilize support for tougher global action to cut emissions of greenhouse gases from burning fossil fuels. The Cold War was the last big problem the world faced on so many fronts economic, political, industrial, he said. Other experts at the talks, in an Arctic scientific research base, also said there was too much focus on costs of cutting emissions of greenhouse gases, rather than on risks of rising seas, droughts or floods projected by U.N. studies. Global warming should be looked at as totally different type of challenge instead of asking what does it cost? , said Joergen Randers, a leading Norwegian economist. Casting global warming as a security issue could make it easier to confront. Most said that costs of fighting global warming were likely to be manageable. A report by the U.N. climate panel this year said that even the most stringent measures would mean a loss by 2030 of just three percent of global gross domestic product. But the experts said it was hard to persuade millions of individuals to cut energy use or to get businesses to invest in new technologies to avert long-term damage from global warming. SWEATER POLICE Randers said that the cheapest way to cut greenhouse gas emissions in cooler climates would be to get everyone to turn down the temperature at home by a degree Celsius (2 Fahrenheit) and wear a sweater if needed to keep warm. This can be done with no loss of comfort, he said, adding jokingly that it might have to be enforced by sweater police . Another solution would be to charge higher prices for heating homes beyond about 18C (64F). Researchers noted that people often act without weighing up long-term consequences many smoke cigarettes or eat too much without rationally reviewing risks of lung cancer or obesity. In a similar way most people don t see the benefit of switching to a more expensive bulb that will last longer, said Nebojsa Nakicenovic, of Vienna University of Technology. Still, in some areas, behavior is changing. Labeling of electricity appliances in Europe on a scale of A to G according to their energy efficiency meant that shops no longer sell machines less efficient than a C, said Christopher Rapley, director of the British Antarctic Survey. He said the most effective way to get people to cut electricity use at home was probably be to give them a large dial showing their current electricity use rising, for instance, when the cooker was turned on. Texto dispon vel em <http://www.enn.com/lifestyle/article/22093/print>. Acesso em 04/09/2007. UEM/CVU Vestibular de Ver o/2007 Prova 3 Ingl s 2 QUEST O 1 Retire do texto tr s justificativas para a declara o de John Ashton de que o aquecimento global deveria ser considerado quest o de seguran a. QUEST O 2 Explique a proposta do uso de agasalho em casa. Qual seria a outra op o? QUEST O 3 De acordo com o texto, por que o corte de emiss es de gases poluentes t o controverso? QUEST O 4 What examples are given in the text to show that people do not think about long-term results? QUEST O 5 Com quais problemas que afligem/ afligiam o mundo moderno o autor compara o aquecimento global? UEM/CVU Vestibular de Ver o/2007 Prova 3 Ingl s 3

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