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UEM Vestibular de 2006 - Conhecimentos Específicos: Inglês - Questões Discursivas

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Prova 3 Ingl s QUEST ES DISCURSIVAS o N . DE ORDEM: o N . DE INSCRI O: NOME:______________________________________________________________ INSTRU ES PARA A REALIZA O DA PROVA 1. Verifique se este caderno cont m 05 quest es discursivas e/ou qualquer tipo de defeito. Qualquer problema, avise, imediatamente, o fiscal. o o 2. Preencha os campos N. DE ORDEM, N. DE INSCRI O e NOME, conforme o que consta na etiqueta fixada em sua carteira. 3. Responda as quest es de forma leg vel e sem rasuras, utilizando caneta esferogr fica azul ou preta. Ser permitido o uso moderado de corretivo l quido. Lembre-se de que as quest es devem ser inteiramente respondidas a caneta (desenvolvimento e resposta). 4. Limite-se a responder as quest es no espa o estabelecido para esse fim. Anota es no verso da folha n o ser o consideradas na corre o. 5. Ao t rmino da prova, levante o bra o, aguarde atendimento e entregue este caderno ao fiscal. UEM Comiss o Central do Vestibular Unificado Texto Drunk Driving Can Be Stopped 5 10 15 20 Designated drivers have probably saved nearly 50,000 lives and spared many more thousands of people from suffering injury from drunk driving. Over nine out of 10 Americans who attend social events where alcohol is served would like to see designated drivers used. And the proportion of people using or being a designated driver has increased dramatically over time. Each year over 73,000,000 Americans either serve as designated driver or are driven home by one. A designated driver is simply a person who agrees to abstain from alcohol and be responsible for driving others home. The others are free to drink or not as they choose. Many establisments provide free non-alcoholic beverages to designated drivers. In addition to being or using a designated driver, you can save lives by taking car keys from intoxicated people to prevent them from being drunk drivers. Here are some helpful hints on how to get the keys from a drunk person about to drive: Be calm. Joke about it. Make light of it. Make it clear that you re doing the drunk person a favor. Locate their keys while they re preoccupied and take them away. They will probably think they ve lost them and will be forced to accept another mode of transportation. If it is a close friend, try to use a soft, calm approach. Suggest to them privately that they ve had too much to drink and it would be better if someone else drove them home or if they took a cab or other transportation. If it is a good friend, spouse, or loved one, tell them that if they insist on driving, you are not going with them. Tell them that you will ride with someone else, take public transportation, or walk. If it s someone you don t know well, speak to their friends and have them make an attempt to persuade them to hand over the keys. If possible, avoid embarrassing the person or being confrontational. Texto dispon vel em <http://alcohol.bitglyph.com/page_printer.php>. Acesso em 07/09/2006. QUEST O 1 Qual a fun o de um designated driver ? UEM/CVU Vestibular de Ver o/2006 Prova 3 Ingl s 2 QUEST O 2 Retire do texto sugest es de como um familiar ou c njuge deve agir quando o motorista tiver bebido mais do que o permitido pela lei. QUEST O 3 Como as pessoas podem salvar vidas quando est o em companhia de motoristas alcoolizados? QUEST O 4 A que a express o intoxicated people (linha 9) se refere? QUEST O 5 Qual o objetivo do texto no que diz respeito a acidentes de tr nsito causados por ingest o de lcool? UEM/CVU Vestibular de Ver o/2006 Prova 3 Ingl s 3

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