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UEM Vestibular de 2006 - Conhecimentos Específicos: Ingles

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Prova 3 Ingl s QUEST ES OBJETIVAS QUEST ES APLICADAS A TODOS OS CANDIDATOS QUE REALIZARAM A PROVA ESPEC FICA DE INGL S. UEM Comiss o Central do Vestibular Unificado GABARITO 1 INGL S If all else fails, help them find a program and encourage them to stay with it until they get an alternative high school diploma. Dispon vel em < http://www.focusas.com/Dropouts.html>. Acesso em 30/08/2006. Texto 1 Youth who drop out 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 2 It has been known for many years that young people who don t complete high school face many problems in later life than do people who graduate. While national leaders have demanded that schools, communities, and families make a major effort to retain students, the dropout rate remains high. Students drop out for many reasons, some which may even seem like good ones at the time to help out their families or to start new ones, for example and their decisions may be supported by the people closest to them in the belief that they have no choice. But the consequences of leaving can be great, and there are many concrete things that schools and families can do to help students stay in school, or get an alternative education, and also meet their personal responsibilities. Reasons why youth drop out Both school problems and personal factors are reasons for dropping out. Didn t like school in general or the school they were attending. Were failing, getting poor grades, or couldn t keep up with school work. Didn t get along with teachers and/or students. Had disciplinary problems, were suspended, or expelled. Didn t feel safe in school. Got a job, had a family to support, or had trouble managing both school and work. Got married, got pregnant, or became a parent. Had a drug or alcohol problem. What parents can do to prevent dropping out Here are some ways that parents, working with school administrators, counselors, and teachers, can help their children remain in high school: Arrange for help with making up missed work, tutoring, placement in a special program, and/or a transfer to another school. Help them with personal problems, and/or arrange for professional help. Help them schedule work and family obligations so that there is also time to attend school. Help them understand that the choices they make like marrying, becoming parents, falling courses, or behaving badly enough to get suspended can seriously disrupt their ability to finish school. If students do become pregnant or parents, help them find school and social programs that will meet their special needs. UEM/CVU Vestibular de Ver o/2006 Prova 3 Ingl s 01 According to the text, A) people who graduate have less problems in later life. B) young people face more problems than older ones. C) young people have stopped graduating for many years. D) the younger people are the more problems they face. E) people who graduate are many years older than those who don t. 02 According to the text, it is correct to say that parents can help their children remain in high school by A) changing their obligations. B) helping them to see that their choices interfere in their school life. C) helping them to get married and become parents. D) helping them with their family obligations. E) solving their personal problems. 03 Assinale a alternativa correta de acordo com o texto. A) Estudantes que param de freq entar a escola s o mal vistos pela sociedade. B) Escolas, fam lias e autoridades impedem maior evas o escolar. C) Embora haja orienta o no sentido de manter estudantes na escola, a evas o continua alta. D) Estudantes s o apoiados pelas fam lias quando optam por deixar a escola. E) As raz es pelas quais os estudantes deixam a escola s o determinadas por fatores sociais. 04 It is possible to see the use of passive voice in A) While national leaders have demanded that... (line 4) B) Students drop out for many reasons... (line 7) C) ...and their decisions may be supported by the people... (lines 10-11) D) ...there are many concrete things that schools and families can do... (lines 13-14) E) ..couldn t keep up with school work. (lines 2223) GABARITO 1 05 One of the reasons students drop out is that A) their school was not good enough. B) they didn t like being disciplined. C) their teachers were very strict. D) they didn t want to get mixed with drugs and alcohol. E) they started a family. 11 Analise as express es e os voc bulos contidos no texto e assinale a alternativa correta. A) While (linha 4) um adv rbio de tempo. B) Remains (linha 6) uma forma verbal. C) Closest (linha 11) significa close to . D) So that (linha 43) implica uma obriga o. E) Also (linha 43) pode ser substitu do por too . 06 Assinale a alternativa cujos termos sejam sin nimos. A) retain (linha 6) complete B) supported (linha 10) tolerated C) pregnant (linha 30) expect a baby D) prevent (linha 32) permit E) schedule (linha 42) ability 12 The word behaving (line 46) is the same as A) learning. B) having low grades. C) judging. D) doing things in a particular way. E) becoming involved. 07 Assinale a alternativa na qual ambos os termos sejam verbos. A) effort (linha 5); seem (linha 8) B) belief (linha 11); choice (linha 12) C) get along (linha 24); counselors (linha 35) D) tutoring (linha 38); transfer (linha 39) E) finish (linha 48); fails (linha 52) 13 Assinale a alternativa correta. A) As formas sublinhadas em later life than (linha 3) e make a major effort (linha 5) s o usadas em comparativos. B) O pronome relativo which (linha 8) pode ser substitu do por students . C) O verbo may (linha 10) expressa obrigatoriedade. D) O pronome them (linha 11) refere-se a students (linha 7). E) O voc bulo needs (linha 51) um verbo na terceira pessoa do singular. 08 A leitura do texto permite afirmar que A) os estudantes apresentam raz es satisfat rias para abandonarem os estudos. B) as conseq ncias do abandono da escola nem sempre s o significativas. C) os l deres nacionais promovem campanhas para incentivarem os alunos a permanecerem na escola. D) uma das raz es para a evas o escolar o fato de os estudantes n o terem um bom relacionamento com professores e colegas. E) os professores podem ajudar a manter os alunos na escola, auxiliando-os na escolha profissional. 09 A frase .... they have no choice (linhas 11-12) pode ser expressa como A) they should not choose anything . B) they don t have any choice . C) they haven t had a choice . D) they may not choose . E) they mustn t choose . 10 Assinale a alternativa em que a palavra ou a express o apresentada esteja relacionada a um contexto positivo. A) expelled (linha 26) B) missed work (linha 37) C) falling courses (linhas 45-46) D) meet their special needs (linha 51) E) fails (linha 52) 14 Assinale a alternativa em que o termo although pode substituir o termo sublinhado sem altera o de significado. A) While national leaders... (linha 4) B) ...which may even seem... (linha 8) C) Both school problems... (linha 18) D) ...and/or a transfer... (linhas 38-39) E) ...they make like marrying... (linhas 44-45) 15 Considerando as informa es contidas no texto, assinale a alternativa incorreta. A) O texto apresenta raz es pelas quais os jovens deixam a escola. B) O texto oferece alternativas para os pais ajudarem seus filhos. C) O texto afirma que os ndices de evas o escolar continuam altos. D) O texto atribui a evas o escolar ao uso de drogas. E) O texto determina regras sobre como manter os jovens na escola. GABARITO 1 UEM/CVU Vestibular de Ver o/2006 Prova 3 Ingl s 3 Gabarito Definitivo Prova 3 Conhecimentos Espec ficos QUEST O GABARITO 1 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 A B C C E C E D B D B D D A E INGL S GABARITO 2 GABARITO 3 A D C B D B E A D D C E B E C B C D C D D A C A E E B E B D GABARITO 4 E D B B E E C A D A D D C C B

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