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PUC-RS Vestibular de Verão 2010 - 2º dia : Língua Inglesa

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51) According to the information from text 1, we assume that the author is L NGUA INGLESA A) a professor of a Medical School. B) a physician in training. C) a medical journalist. D) a doctor of a Medical School. E) a college student. __________________________________________________________ INSTRUCTION: Answer questions 51 to 56 with information from text 1. TEXT 1 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 Over the past 5 years, social-networking sites have evolved from a preoccupation of high-school and college students to a mainstream form of social interaction that spans divisions of age, profession, and socioeconomic status. At the hospital where I m in training, medical students, nurses, residents, fellows, attending physicians, and service chiefs can all be found linked to one another as active members of social-networking sites. The technology facilitates communication, with personal Web pages that permit users to post information about events in their lives, advertise social activities, and share photographs. Users are prompted by Facebook to carve out a digital identity by disclosing their political affiliations, sexual orientation, and relationship status. 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 Physicians, medical centers, and medical schools are trying to keep pace with the potential effects of (such) networking on clinical practice. In an e-mail to students and faculty of Harvard Medical School, Dean for Medical Education Jules Dienstag wrote: Caution is recommended in using social networking sites such as Facebook or MySpace. Items that represent unprofessional behavior that are posted by you on such networking sites reflect poorly on you and the medical profession. Such items may become public and could subject you to unintended exposure and consequences. At the Drexel University College of Medicine, medical students are warned about the possibility that information placed on social-networking sites might influence the fate of their applications for postgraduate training. Although legal questions surrounding the relationship between clinical medicine and social networking are as yet undefined, there are obvious concerns for individuals and institutions, since their Internet presence makes clinicians attitudes and activities increasingly visible. INSTRUCTION: Answer question 52 based on statements I, II and III. I. II. Social networking sites are creating new challenges for those who work in clinical settings. III. The use of paging beepers is recommended for doctors to become visible. 52) The only statement(s) which has/have support from the text is/are A) I. B) II. C) I and II. D) I and III. E) II and III. ________________________________________________________ 53) The best title for this text would be A) The various uses of Facebook and other web sites. B) Practicing Medicine in the age of social-networking web sites. C) The role of technology in medical practice. D) Crossing boundaries in clinical medicine in the 21st century. E) The advantages of sharing medical knowledge. ______________________________________________________ 54) The issue raised in the second paragraph is that, through access to online media, physicians and medical institutions A) can have a close relationship with their patients. B) use services which are meant to shield physicians from their patients. C) ought to develop a network of friends to improve their services. (Source: The New England Journal of Medicine, D) should consider maintaining professional distance. Number 7, August 13, 2009) PUCRS www.pucrs.br Doctors encourage their patients to learn about them on sites. E) would rather use Facebook to rapidly m obilize doctors and share their views on health policies. 19 Concurso Vestibular Ver o 2010 55) The respective meaning of the verbs to prompt and to carve, according to their use in the text (line 13) is A) to volunteer to struggle C) to urge to shape D) to dare A) petrichor. to engrave B) to start 57) The text presents a definition for the word to execute B) smell. C) essence. D) nature. E) to mention to insert ___________________________________________________ E) fluid. ______________________________________________________ 56) De acordo com o segundo par grafo, a atua o dos m dicos nas redes sociais N O deve ser 58) The feeling embedded in the word Alas (line 19) is that of A) cuidadosa A) sorrow. B) precavida B) relief. C) profissional C) danger. D) discreta D) fear. E) indefinida ______________________________________________________ E) loss. _____________________________________________________ INSTRUCTION: Answer questions 57 to 60 with information from text 2. 59) Com base na leitura, conclui-se que o texto 2 TEXT 2 A) compara a superf cie das pedras com a superf cie do solo. The smell of rain on dry ground 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 B) sugere aquecer um leo para comercializar. (...) More specifically, it s the pleasant smell that often accompanies the first rain after a long period of warm, dry weather in certain regions. Didn t you always want a word for it? It was named by two Australian researchers in an article in Nature in 1964, who discovered that the smell is an oily essence that comes from rocks or soil that are often (but not always) claybased. The oil is a complicated set of at least fifty different compounds, rather like a perfume. It turns out that the oils are given off by vegetation during dry spells and are adsorbed on to the surface of rocks and soil particles, to be released into the air again by the next rains. I can t find any record of anybody having tried to bottle and sell it, but can t help thinking it would be a hot item (my agent s fee will be the usual modest 10%). The word comes from Greek petros, a stone, plus ichor, from the Greek word for the fluid that flows like blood in the veins of the gods. So the word means something like essence of rock . Alas, it is rarely encountered. C) comprova que os australianos trabalham com ess ncias desde 1964. D) explica o significado de uma palavra a partir da sua forma o. E) descreve a composi o dos elementos de um leo. ____________________________________________________ 60) The verb phrases turn out and give off, as in the sentence It turns out that the oils are given off by vegetation (lines 09 and 10) can be, respectively, translated by A) proceder dar B) transformar eliminar C) resultar exalar D) desistir desligar E) extrair doar QUINION, Michael. www.worldwidewords.org (fragment) PUCRS www.pucrs.br 20 Concurso Vestibular Ver o 2010 Vestibular de Ver o 2010 2 . Dia Qu mica, Geografia, Hist ria, Literatura Brasileira, Matem tica, L ngua Espanhola e L ngua Inglesa Gabarito Importante: A 6 . coluna refere-se s quest es da prova de de l ngua inglesa. 1-D 11 - ANULADA 21 - A 31 - E 2-C 12 - D 22 - D 32 - C 3-B 13 - D 23 - C 33 - D 4-B 14 - A 24 - D 34 - A 5-C 15 - E 25 - C 35 - B 6-E 16 - C 26 - E 36 - ANULADA 7-A 17 - C 27 - B 37 - C 8-D 18 - C 28 - C 38 - B 9-B 19 - C 29 - D 39 - A 10 - E 20 - A 30 - A 40 - E l ngua espanhola, e a 7 ., s da prova 41 - C 42 - B 43 - D 44 - D 45 - D 46 - A 47 - B 48 - A 49 - E 50 - C 51 - A 52 - D 53 - B 54 - A 55 - C 56 - E 57 - C 58 - C 59 - E 60 - B 51 - B 52 - B 53 - B 54 - D 55 - C 56 - E 57 - A 58 - A 59 - D 60 - C

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