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PUC-RS Vestibular de Verão 2007 - 2º dia : Língua Inglesa

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53) The coconut tree is said to be a tree of life (line 04) because it supplies people with all of the alternatives below, EXCEPT ATEN O: Verifique se esta a sua op o de L ngua Estrangeira. L NGUA INGLESA A) roofs. B) food. C) light. D) housing. E) clothes. ___________________________________________________ INSTRUCTIONS: Answer questions 51 to 58 according to the information in text 1. TEXT 1 COCONUT TREE, COCO PALM 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 54) The terms edible (line 05) and woven (line 07) are associated, respectively, with people s A thousand years ago, the coconut tree did not even exist in Tahiti. It was the pioneering Polynesians who first brought this plant with them in their migrations. A tree of life in every sense of the phrase, its nut supplies water, milk and edible pulp; its heart is eaten in salads; its trunk serves as framework for Tahitian huts, and its palms are woven as roofing. Then, of course, there is the coconut which, when cut in two and dried in the sun, produces oil. Plait three blades of grass and dip into this oil, light And you have a lamp. A lamp which not so very long ago was still used throughout the islands. A) mouth and hands. B) arms and legs. C) legs and feet. D) feet and hands. E) mouth and eyes. __________________________________________________ 55) The verb to plait (line 09) is used in British English, and its American equivalent is to braid. Among the items below, the one that is the LEAST likely to be plaited or braided is 51) From the content of the extract, one can rightly suppose that it was taken from a text about A) hair. B) wood. C) cloth. D) paper. E) leather ____________________________________________________ A) what happened 1,000 years ago. B) plants that grow in Tahiti. C) the history of migrating pioneers. 56) Nouns in English can be divided into countable or uncountable (e.g.: apple X water). In order to indicate some kind of measurement in the case of uncountable nouns, another noun is required (e.g.: glasses or liters of water). Accordingly, the expression below that is equivalent to the structure blades of grass (line 10) is D) the origins of electricity. E) travelers coming to Tahiti. ____________________________________________________ 52) A melhor tradu o para o trecho It was the pioneering Polynesians who first brought this plant (linhas 02 e 03) : A) structures of steel. B) classes of Chinese. C) cups of coffee. D) floors of wood. E) letters of complaint. __________________________________________________ A) Foi o pioneirismo dos polin sios que em primeiro lugar trouxe esta planta. B) Foram os pioneiros polin sios os primeiros a trazer esta planta. 57) According to how they are used in the text 1, the words which belong to the same grammatical category are C) Primeiro os polin sios pioneiros trouxeram esta planta. A) B) C) D) E) D) Quem trouxe esta planta pioneira foram os primeiros polin sios. E) Os polin sios foram os pioneiros na primeira vez que trouxeram esta planta. PUCRS www.pucrs.br 18 years tree first (lines 01 and 03 ) life phrase supplies (line 04) plait dip light (lines 09 and 10) then which throughout (lines 08 and 12) in into so (lines 09, 10 and 11) Concurso Vestibular Ver o 2007 58) The word that fits the dictionary definition: the parts of a building or an object that support its weight and give it shape is A) plant (line 03). B) trunk (line 06). C) framework (line 06). D) huts (line 06). E) roofing (line 07). __________________________________________________________________________________________________ TEXT 2 INSTRUCTIONS: Answer questions 59 and 60 according to the information in text 2. 59) Nos dois primeiros quadrinhos, Lucy aconselha Snoopy a escrever I. um texto cujo enredo seja coeso. II. um texto que provoque o leitor. III. uma hist ria que torne o leitor provocante. IV. um enredo cada vez mais denso para prender a aten o do leitor. As afirmativas corretas s o A) I e II. B) I e III. C) II e III. D) II e IV. E) III e IV. __________________________________________________________________________________________________ 60) Snoopy seems to realize that A) he s always written lighter stories. B) his plots have never been enlightened. C) he hasn t been writing long. D) plots are important to be had. E) Lucy should have given her advice earlier. PUCRS www.pucrs.br 19 Concurso Vestibular Ver o 2007 Vestibular de Ver o 2007 2 . Dia Qu mica, Geografia, Hist ria, Literatura Brasileira, Matem tica, L ngua Espanhola e L ngua Inglesa Gabarito Importante: A 6 . coluna refere-se s quest es da prova de l ngua espanhola, e a 7 ., s da prova de l ngua inglesa. 1-A 11 - A 21 - D 31 - A 41 - C 51 - E 51 - B 2-B 12 - B 22 - D 32 - D 42 - A 52 - C 52 - B 3-E 13 - B 23 - C 33 - B 43 - B 53 - A 53 - E 4-D 14 - B 24 - D 34 - C 44 - D 54 - B 54 - A 5-C 15 - B 25 - C 35 - E 45 - A 55 - B 55 - B 6-D 16 - C 26 - D 36 - B 46 - E 56 - A 56 - C 7-B 17 - E 27 - C 37 - E 47 - ANULADA 57 - D 57 - C 8-C 18 - D 28 - E 38 - E 48 - D 58 - E 58 - C 9-A 19 - E 29 - B 39 - A 49 - E 59 - C 59 - D 10 - B 20 - B 30 - E 40 - A 50 - C 60 - B 60 - A

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