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PUC-RS Vestibular de Inverno 2009 - 2º dia : Língua Inglesa

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52) According to the excerpt, L NGUA INGLESA A) Sue M. Kidd writes about her own life. INSTRUCTION: Answer questions 51 to 55 according to text 1. B) each of the characters has a mother who they see as a saint. TEXT 1 C) Lily s mother had feminine characteristics. 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Set in the American South in 1964, the year of the Civil Rights Act and intensifying racial unrest, Sue Monk Kidd s The Secret Life of Bees is a powerful story of coming-of-age, the ability of love to transform our lives, and the often unacknowledged longing for the universal feminine divine. Addressing the wounds of loss, betrayal, and the scarcity of love, Kidd demonstrates the power of women coming together to heal those wounds, to mother each one and themselves, and to create a sanctuary of true family and home. Isolated on a South Carolina peach farm with a neglectful and harsh father, T. Ray, fourteen-year-old Lily Owens has spent much of her life longing for her mother, who died amid mysterious circumstances when Lily was four years old. To make matters worse, her father tells Lily that she accidentally killed her mother. D) Lily s life is told from adolescence to old age. E) the author of the book thinks women search for a special feeling. ____________________________________________________ 53) The term Set (line 01), according to the meaning in the text, can best be translated as A) Colocado. B) Fixado. C) Estabelecido. D) Ambientado. E) Descrito. ___________________________________________________ KIDD, Sue Monk. The secret life of bees. New York: Penguin Readers, 2003, p.2. 54) In this text, the verb address (Addressing, line 06) means Glossary: A) to write the name and address of a particular person. acknowledged adj admitted or recognized as being true or important. harsh adj harsh conditions or places are unpleasant and difficult to live in: the harsh environment of the desert. longing n a strong feeling of wanting someone or something. B) to try to deal with a problem or issue. wound n an injury in which your skin or flesh is damaged, often seriously. When a wound gets better it heals. C) to call someone a particular name. D) to tell your complaints to a particular person. 51) From the information given in this excerpt of the introduction to the book, one can say that The Secret Life of Bees E) to give a speech to a group of people. ____________________________________________________ 55) Lily s sufferings, which are described as wounds of loss, betrayal, and the scarcity of love (lines 06-07), A) describes what the life of bees is like. B) gives an account of how fourteen-year-old Lily takes care of the bees on a fruit farm. A) have been caused by her father s harshness alone. C) describes the emotional and/or psychological growth of a teenage girl. B) have been left when she killed her own mother. C) can help create a sanctuary when they heal. D) deals with a murder that takes place because of racial prejudice. D) can transform her life. E) illustrates the help women get from bees in order to be happier. PUCRS www.pucrs.br E) are healed through love and friendship. 19 Concurso Vestibular Inverno 2009 INSTRUCTION: Answer questions 56 to 60 according to text 2. 58) The statement written in the diary (lines 05-06) expresses TEXT 2 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 A) a necessity. ______ 1474, when Saxon pilgrim Hans von Waltheym came ______ the Grossmunster Church at Z rich, following the footsteps of Charles the Great, he was so overwhelmed with what he saw that he wrote into his diary: Z rich must have been built before the Great flood . This remark may have been a reference to Z rich s first settlement ______ lake dwellers which dates back before the year 1000. It remains that, neither fire, natural disasters nor war have scarred the face of Z rich s antique buildings, witnesses of days gone by. The decisive elements of what was to be our later culture were brought by the Roman legions. They crossed the Alps in 15 b.C. and built a military fort at Windisch to prevent the Teutons ______ invading the country by way of the Rhyne. B) an obligation. C) a deduction. D) an evidence. E) a prohibition. ___________________________________________________ 59) According to the second paragraph, A) today Z rich displays characteristics that have been especially influenced by the Romans. BAUMANN, W. Z rich. Z rich: Verlag Neuer Z rcher Zeitung, 1993, p.5. B) the Roman legions were late in bringing their culture to Z rich. Glossary: dweller n someone who lives in a particular kind of place: city dweller. overwhelm v to affect someone s emotions in a powerful way. C) the Teutons had influenced the Romans before they came to Z rich. 56) The blanks in the text can be filled in, correctly and respectively, by the words A) In of from to B) In to of from C) From to in of D) To in of from E) Of to from D) the Teutons built a powerful military fort in 15 b.C. in E) the Rhine is the river that opened the way for the Teutons. ___________________________________________________ 60) The words scarred (line 10) and prevent (line 15) mean, respectively, _________ and _________. ____________________________________________________ 57) According to the text, A) bothered B) destroyed A) Hans von Waltheym arrived in Z rich after Charles the Great. prescribe welcome C) frightened present B) Charles the Great was very much surprised at what he saw in Z rich. D) marked warn C) the first settlers arrived sailing the Z rich lake. E) influenced impede D) several people witnessed what happened in Z rich in days gone by. E) the Teutons were extremely afraid of the Romans. PUCRS www.pucrs.br 20 Concurso Vestibular Inverno 2009 Vestibular de Inverno 2009 2 . Dia Qu mica, Geografia, Hist ria, Literatura Brasileira, Matem tica, L ngua Espanhola e L ngua Inglesa Gabarito Importante: A 6 . coluna refere-se s quest es da prova de de l ngua inglesa. 1-C 11 - A 21 - C 31 - E 41 - C 51 - C 2-B 12 - E 22 - B 32 - E 42 - A 52 - B 3-D 13 - C 23 - D 33 - C 43 - E 53 - B 4-A 14 - A 24 - E 34 - D 44 - C 54 - E 5-E 15 - B 25 - E 35 - E 45 - A 55 - D 6-A 16 - D 26 - A 36 - D 46 - E 56 - A 7-D 17 - C 27 - D 37 - B 47 - B 57 - E 8-C 18 - E 28 - E 38 - A 48 - C 58 - A 9-E 19 - C 29 - D 39 - B 49 - D 59 - D 10 - B 20 - A 30 - B 40 - C 50 - A 60 - D l ngua espanhola, e a 7 ., s da prova 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 - C E D B E B A C A E

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