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PUC-RS Vestibular de Verão 2011 - 2º dia : Língua Inglesa

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52) According to the text, L NGUA INGLESA A) the amount of fish in the oceans will increase. INSTRUCTION: Answer questions 51 to 56 according to text 1. B) food in general is getting low in fat. C) it s proved that genetic modified food will be safer for consumption. TEXT 1 Dawn of the Frankenfish D) expanding the research may bring environmental disorders. Food science: fast growing genetically modified trout and salmon could be the first transgenic animals on the table. 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 E) existing research may open the way for researches with other species. ________________________________________________________ The Belgian blue is an ugly but tasty cow that has 40% more muscle than it should have. It is the product of random mutation followed by selective breeding as, indeed, are all domesticated creatures. But where an old art has led, a new one may follow. By understanding which genetic changes have been consolidated in the Belgian blue, it may be possible to design and build similar versions of other species using genetic engineering as a short-cut. That is precisely what Terry Bradley, a fish biologist at the University of Rhode Island, is trying to do. Instead of cattle, ______ is doing it in trout. ______ is one of two projects that may soon put the first biotech animals on the dinner table. 53) Consider the following statements in relation to the text. Experiments with other species are expected to succeed with the help of I. random breeding. II. genetic engineering. III. natural selection and overproduction of protein. The only statement(s) which is (are) correct, according to the text, is (are): th The Economist Jun 10 2010 A) I. INSTRUCTION: Answer question 51 considering the words that correctly and respectively complete the blanks in lines 11 and 12. B) II. C) I and II. 1. he His 2. his It 3. it He 4. he It 5. it This D) I and III. E) II and III. ____________________________________________________ 54) The dictionary definition of the word art , as it is used in line 05, is A) The special skill required by those who practice one of the fine arts. 51) According to the text, the words that fit in the blanks are in A) 1 e 2 B) Creative work, generally the making or doing of things that have form. B) 1 e 4 C) Products of creative work: paintings, statues. C) 2 e 3 D) An object that was made a long time ago and is of historical importance. D) 2 e 5 E) Modification of things by human skill, to answer the purpose intended. E) 3, 4 e 5 PUCRS www.pucrs.br 20 Concurso Vestibular Ver o 2011

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