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PUC-RS Vestibular de Inverno 2008 - 2º dia : Língua Inglesa

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ATEN O: Verifique se esta a sua op o de L ngua Estrangeira. 53) According to the text, polar bears develop fast after they are born because they L NGUA INGLESA A) are well nourished. B) are born in winter months. C) are given birth to in dens. D) stay a long time with their mothers. E) have no eyesight or skin problems. ____________________________________________________ INSTRUCTION: Answer questions 51 to 55 with information from text 1. TEXT 1 Nature s cradle 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 54) The only statement that is correct according to the text is: Female polar bears dig large dens in the snow where they will spend the winter and give birth. Cubs are born in December or January and are blind, hairless, and no bigger than a squirrel. The cubs grow rapidly from the rich milk provided by their mother. The cubs remain with their mother for about 2 years. Male and female Dall sheep live in separate bands except during mating season in November and early December. Afterward the females return to their band and the lambs are born in May. The lambs are cared for by their mothers. On average, five gray wolf pups are born in early spring to the pair. The pups are reared in the den for the first six weeks and are dependent on their mother s milk the first month. They are gradually weaned and then fed by the pack. By eight months they are almost fully grown and begin traveling with the adults. The mother duck lays an egg or two every day until she has a full nest usually 8 to 15 at which point she ll sit on the eggs. It then takes 28 days for the eggs to hatch. Once hatched, the mother leads her ducklings to the nearest source of water. A) The gestation period of Dall sheep is about 210 days long. B) Gray wolf adults all help the pups with food from the beginning. C) The little ducks are led to water as soon as they are born. D) All the male creatures in the text help the females when the little ones are born. E) All the creatures referred to in text 1 are born during the cold season. __________________________________________________ INSTRU O: Para resolver a quest o 55, relacione os verbos da coluna 1, conforme o seu sentido no texto, s defini es apresentadas na coluna 2, numerando os par nteses. Coluna 1 1. 2. 3. 4. (Source: 2008 Wildlife Land Trust Calendar) 51) The best summary for the text above is that it to mate (line 08) to rear (line 13) to wean (line 15) to hatch (line 21) A) gives a detailed account of how reproduction occurs in nature. Coluna 2 B) briefly describes the early days of some animals. ( ) To make a baby stop taking its mother s milk and start to eat solid food. C) teaches what to look for in wild animals. ( ) To look after a child or young animal until it is fully grown. D) explains how nature treats mothers and their babies. ( ) Said of animals, to have sex for reproduction. E) is aimed at making children aware of natural phenomena. _____________________________________________________ ( ) To come out of its egg and be born. 55) A numera o correta dos par nteses, de cima para baixo, 52) All of the words below refer to baby animals, EXCEPT A) B) C) D) E) squirrel (line 04). cubs (line 04). lambs (line 10). pups (line 13). ducklings (line 22). PUCRS www.pucrs.br A) B) C) D) E) 18 2 3 1 4 1 2 4 3 3 1 2 4 3 2 1 4 1 4 3 2 Concurso Vestibular Inverno 2008 57) Os coment rios que correspondem a um ou mais dos quesitos apresentados nas linhas 04 e 05 s o, apenas, INSTRUCTION: Answer questions 56 to 60 with information from text 2. TEXT 2 A) 1 2 5 Describing aboriginal song B) 1 3 4 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Whether you are a professional musician, a music critic, or just a layperson, you will have developed a vocabulary for describing and evaluating songs. Songs can be portrayed in terms of emotions, nostalgia, memories, or quality. But how does one evaluate and describe songs in an Australian Aboriginal language? This question has particular resonance as I have been engaged in a collaborative research project with a team of _________ for some years now, and it has made me wonder what lexical resources are used in other languages in this arena. For the Murriny Patha, of north-west Australia, kangunu signals tune of song and aroma , while lurritj is loud (of words and music) but it can also mean strong, powerful . Thus, there is a strong association between words to describe song and the body. C) 1 4 5 D) 2 3 4 E) 2 3 5 ____________________________________________________ 58) According to the author of the text, A) a layperson can also describe and evaluate songs. B) one can paint portraits inspired in the words of music. C) the author is planning to start studying the language in music. D) the Murriny Patha is the official language in Australia. (Source: Australian Style, Macquarie University, Vol 15, Nr 2, December 2007) E) in several languages the vocabulary of songs is associated with the body. ____________________________________________________ 56) The best phrase to fill in the blank in the text (line 09) is 59) The word Thus (line 15) introduces A) aborigines and teachers. B) doctors and artists. A) a contrast. C) diplomats and natives. B) an additional comment. D) linguists and musicologists. C) a consequence. E) adults and children. ____________________________________________________ D) a purpose or a reason. E) a comparison. ____________________________________________________ INSTRU O: Para responder quest o 57, relacione os coment rios a seguir com os quesitos de avalia o para m sicas apresentados pelo autor no segundo per odo do texto (linhas 04 e 05). 60) The clause it has made me wonder (line 10) suggests that the writer would now like to _________ those resources. Esta m sica A) forget all about 1. me d vontade de chorar. B) experience 2. toca sempre nas r dios. C) taste 3. tocou no casamento de minha irm . D) eliminate 4. tem uma sonoridade rica. E) learn about 5. vai ser lan ada em breve. PUCRS www.pucrs.br 19 Concurso Vestibular Inverno 2008 Vestibular de Inverno 2008 2 . Dia Qu mica, Geografia, Hist ria, Literatura Brasileira, Matem tica, L ngua Espanhola e L ngua Inglesa Gabarito Importante: A 6 . coluna refere-se s quest es da prova de de l ngua inglesa. 1-A 11 - C 21 - C 31 - A 41 - A 51 - E 2-D 12 - E 22 - B 32 - D 42 - A 52 - C 3-B 13 - D 23 - B 33 - C 43 - E 53 - B 4-D 14 - C 24 - B 34 - A 44 - D 54 - D 5-B 15 - B 25 - D 35 - A 45 - B 55 - D 6-E 16 - B 26 - A 36 - D 46 - B 56 - A 7-E 17 - C 27 - A 37 - E 47 - C 57 - E 8-B 18 - A 28 - B 38 - D 48 - D 58 - D 9-C 19 - B 29 - C 39 - E 49 - E 59 - A 10 - C 20 - E 30 - E 40 - D 50 - C 60 - C l ngua espanhola, e a 7 ., s da prova 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 - B A A C D D B A C E

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