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PUC-RS Vestibular de Verão 2008 - 2º dia : Língua Inglesa

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ATEN O: Verifique se esta a sua op o de L ngua Estrangeira. 52) The question which CAN NOT be answered according to the information provided in the text is A) Como o autor do texto despertou para a import ncia do acabamento em uma obra de arte? L NGUA INGLESA INSTRUCTION: Answer questions 51 to 55 in relation to text 1. B) Qual a obra mais famosa de Kapoor? C) O que se percebe por tr s da apar ncia, nas obras de Kapoor? TEXT 1 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 D) De que natureza s o os elementos presentes na obra de Kapoor? English sculptor Anish Kapoor, one of the greatest active artists in our time, was born in India in 1954. Having built an impressive oeuvre over the past three decades, today Kapoor stands out as a sculptor in the strictest sense of the word: he has introduced sculpture in a new aesthetic and technical scale by incorporating techniques appropriated from architecture, aeronautics, and the heavy industry to the support. Anish Kapoor s forms and sculptures are apparently deceiving; they seem quite simple in terms of form, yet they convey, each of them, a dizzying complexity of natural elements, technique, aesthetic and finishing. Brazilian poet Antonio Cicero once told me that finishing accounts for 50% of a poetic creation. I have become deeply aware of this fact. In Kapoor s work, it accounts for even more. For example, When I am Pregnant, is a work shrouded by a thin and fastidiously finished layer of plaster; it is a subtle protuberance on the wall, enunciating a bulging form that in itself heralds creation and the sublime. It is art, wanting to be born. E) O que define a cria o e o sublime na obra exemplificada no texto? __________________________________________________ 53) According to the ideas in the text, the word that adequately completes the sentence Kapoor s work is apparently simple; __________, it actually contains rich complexity is A) both B) consequently C) however D) therefore E) thus __________________________________________________ 54) Stand out , as used in line 04, means (Source: Cultural Project of Banco do Brasil, 2006) INSTRUCTION: Answer question 51 taking into account statements I to IV. A) to defend or support an idea. B) to help in a difficult situation. I. Anish Kapoor n o se dedica muito aos acabamentos de sua obra, embora ele seja um artista muito ativo. C) to stand at a distance from. D) to be much better than others. II. H no trabalho de Kapoor uma incorpora o de t cnicas provenientes at mesmo da ind stria pesada. E) to resist, to face. ___________________________________________________ III. A opini o de Antonio Cicero modificou profundamente a percep o art stica do autor do texto. 55) From the content of the text, one can infer the best synonym for the adjective fastidiously (line 19) is IV. A verdadeira arte de Kapoor ainda est por nascer. A) meticulously, carefully taken care of in every detail. 51) According to the text, the alternative which contains true statements is B) freely, in a way that it is not controlled or limited. A) B) C) D) E) I e II. II e III. II e IV. III e IV. I e IV. PUCRS www.pucrs.br C) disinterestedly, not influenced by personal opinions. D) vehemently, showing very strong feelings. E) impulsively, done without careful thought. 20 Concurso Vestibular Ver o 2008 57) The popular saying/proverb that best expresses the main idea of the second paragraph is INSTRUCTION: Answer questions 56 to 60 in relation to text 2. A) Don t put off until tomorrow what you can do today. TEXT 2 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 It is an old saying that Order is Heaven s First Law , and like many other old sayings, it contains a much deeper philosophy than appears immediately on the surface. Getting things into a better order is the great secret of progress, and we are now able to fly through the air, not because the laws of Nature have altered, but because we have learnt to arrange things in the right order to produce this result the things themselves had existed from the beginning of the world, but what was wanting was the introduction of a Personal Factor which, by an intelligent perception of the possibilities contained in the laws of Nature, should be able to bring into working reality ideas which previous generations would have laughed at as the absurd fancies of an unbalanced mind. ( ) Now the first thing in any investigation is to have some idea of what you are looking for, just as you would not go up a tree to find fish, though you would for birds eggs. B) It may be those who do the most that dream the most. C) Even if you re on the right track, you ll be run over if you just sit there. D) When patterns are broken new worlds emerge. E) There are no favorable winds if you don t know where you are sailing. _________________________________________________ 58) According to the text, we are now able to fly through the air (lines 05-06) because we know A) how to choose natural laws. B) the laws of nature. C) the Personal Factor was wanting. D) how to put knowledge correctly together. E) what previous generations wanted from us. _____________________________________________________ TROWARD, T. (1915), The creative process in the individual. Dodd, Mead & Co., New York. pp 1-2. 59) The pronoun themselves (line 09) is used A) as the complement to the verb had existed . 56) The statement that best expresses the idea of the text is B) to emphasize the subject of the verb had existed . C) in relation to people taken in general. A) Mentally unbalanced inventors should be able to have important ideas. D) to specify which things are arranged. E) as a personal pronoun. ______________________________________________________ B) The changes in nature allow humankind to create scientific developments. 60) The clause we are now able to fly (lines 05-06) can be substituted, without a change in meaning, by we ________ fly now . C) By combining the observation of natural phenomena and human creativity, new scientific developments are made possible. A) are going to B) ought to D) The development of life on Earth is always produced by crazy minds. C) should D) could E) There is always the possibility of developing deeper ideas from superficial ones. PUCRS www.pucrs.br E) can 21 Concurso Vestibular Ver o 2008 Vestibular de Ver o 2008 2 . Dia Qu mica, Geografia, Hist ria, Literatura Brasileira, Matem tica, L ngua Espanhola e L ngua Inglesa Gabarito Importante: A 6 . coluna refere-se s quest es da prova de de l ngua inglesa. 1-D 11 - D 21 - D 31 - E 41 - B 51 - C 2-A 12 - A 22 - B 32 - A 42 - D 52 - B 3-B 13 - D 23 - C 33 - B 43 - C 53 - B 4-C 14 - C 24 - C 34 - C 44 - A 54 - E 5-E 15 - D 25 - E 35 - D 45 - E 55 - D 6-A 16 - D 26 - C 36 - B 46 - B 56 - A 7-B 17 - E 27 - C 37 - C 47 - B 57 - E 8-D 18 - A 28 - A 38 - A 48 - E 58 - A 9-B 19 - C 29 - A 39 - B 49 - E 59 - D 10 - C 20 - D 30 - D 40 - E 50 - C 60 - C l ngua espanhola, e a 7 ., s da prova 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 - B B C D A C E D B E

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