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PUC-RS Vestibular de Verão 2006 - 2º dia : Língua Inglesa

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53) The best definition for the term brief (line 07), as used in this context, is ATEN O: Verifique se esta a sua op o de L ngua Estrangeira. A) B) C) D) a set of instructions on how a job is to be done. lasting only a short time; using few words. a written summary supporting a legal case. to give somebody information on how to deal with something. E) a meeting where information is given. _____________________________________________________ L NGUA INGLESA INSTRUCTIONS: Answer questions 51 to 56 according to the information in text 1. TEXT 1 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 We wanted to feature new work by older as well as younger writers, believing that many authors improve with age and experience. ( ) Their work was selected for its energy, insight and skill, and for the excitement it generated in us in the same way as the work of younger writers excited us. We re happy to have had a broader brief: to highlight new writing in English by writers of all ages and nationalities. It was no great surprise to discover, when we arrived at the final selection, that half the best pieces were written by women. Since gender in no way influenced selection, it s almost embarrassing to mention this. But in a literary world where shortlists for literary prizes regularly feature twice as many men as women, and where poetry anthologies including half a dozen women out of fifty contributors aren t yet a distant memory, this selection is glowing evidence of the equal talents of today s female and male writers. 54) The expression in no way influenced (line 11) has the same meaning as A) didn t influence at all. B) didn t seem to influence. C) influenced to some extent. D) was not allowed to influence. E) couldn t have influenced. ____________________________________________________ 55) The terms writing (line 07), including (line 15) and glowing (line 17) are used, respectively, as a/an A) noun adjective verb. B) adjective verb noun. C) noun noun adjective. D) noun verb adjective. E) verb verb adjective. ____________________________________________________ Source: ADEBAYO, D., MORRISON, B.; ROGERS, J. (2003) New Writing 51) This extract is part of A) an introduction to an anthropology book. B) an article about the success of women in today s world. 56) A palavra Since (linha 11) empregada da mesma forma e tem o mesmo sentido no texto e em duas das frases a seguir: C) a description of how texts for an anthology were chosen. 1. They were divorced two years ago and she has since remarried. D) an article on how adults become literate. 2. It s been long since we last went to a movie or a party. E) a comparison between older and younger writers. ___________________________________________________ 3. Since you are up, hand me those tools over there, please. 52) According to the text, 4. The original building has long since been torn down. A) older writers are more skillful than younger ones due to life experience. 5. We thought that, since we were in the area, we d stop by and see them. B) older writers energy was the criterion used in this evaluation. Essas duas frases s o: C) about 10% of women poets used to be included in anthologies until recently. A) B) C) D) E) D) there are usually 50% more men than women writers. E) there have been lots of women writers for a very long time. PUCRS www.pucrs.br 19 1e4 2e3 2e5 3e4 3e5 Concurso Vestibular Ver o 2006

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