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PUC-RS Vestibular de Inverno 2010 - 2º dia : Língua Inglesa

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53) De acordo com o texto, L NGUA INGLESA A) aulas de l ngua estrangeira sempre contemplam aspectos culturais dos diferentes pa ses a partir das suposi es dos professores. INSTRUCTION: Answer questions 51 to 55 according to text 1. TEXT 1 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 B) diferentes pa ses em todo o mundo est o intrinsecamente ligados atrav s do ensino de l nguas. According to the most recent trends in foreign language teaching around the world, there is an implicit assumption that language and culture are intrinsically connected. The relation between language and culture is inseparable due to the nature of the following concepts: (a) language exists inside culture and (b) culture cannot exist without the language it belongs to. Consequently, the general expectation one might have is that foreign language teachers should be aware of this connection, and should be prepared to adequately deal with language and culture in their foreign language classes. ________, this does not seem to be the case. It can be observed that culture is still not taught appropriately or widely in foreign language classes. C) os professores de l nguas estrangeiras parecem ainda n o estar conscientes de que l ngua e cultura devem ser ensinadas em conjunto. D) os professores de l ngua estrangeira trazem aspectos culturais para dentro das suas aulas a partir de suas suposi es. E) a abordagem de aspectos culturais n o cabe no ensino de l nguas estrangeiras. _______________________________________________________ 54) The meaning of the term trend , as used in the text (trends, line 01), is Source: Zilles, J. M. (2006) Networking Cultures Brazilian-Norwegian Dialogues on Education and Culture. p. 120. A) a gradual change or development that produces a particular result. 51) The gap in line 12 can be filled correctly with A) Also. B) Hence. B) a situation that leads to winning or making progress. C) Therefore. C) a particular way to treat a problem or situation. D) However. D) a situation that has been created because of teaching difficulties. E) Besides. _______________________________________________________ E) a methodology problem under study for a solution to be found. 52) The general idea of the excerpt is to __________________________________________________ A) promote foreign language teaching in different cultures. 55) The term due to (line 05) can best be translated as B) discuss a current approach to foreign language teaching. A) como. C) analyze the expectations of foreign language teachers. D) examine the languages. cultures of several B) conforme. C) para que. foreign D) devido a. E) introduce foreign languages in the teaching of culture. PUCRS www.pucrs.br E) de acordo com. 23 Concurso Vestibular Inverno 2010 57) The statements that are true according to the text are INSTRUCTION: Answer questions 56 to 60 with reference to text 2. A) I and II. TEXT 2 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 B) I and III. It is often said of this monumental example of Victorian civil engineering that it simply should never have been built. Hundreds of navvies lost their lives as the line made hesitant progress through some of England s harshest terrain, while the financial costs leapt ahead at breakneck speed. But a combination of stubbornness and a not entirely misplaced belief that a new route to Scotland could be profitable ensured that on 1 May 1876, some seven years after construction began, the first passenger train hauled itself over the north Pennines. C) I and IV. D) II and III. E) II and IV. ____________________________________________________ 58) Conforme a express o harshest terrain (line 05), sup e-se que a constru o foi dificultada Source: The Lake District brochure, published by the English Tourist Board, 1996. A) pela topografia do local. Vocabulary: B) pelos engenheiros respons veis pela obra. navvy someone whose job is to do hard physical work (old fashioned) C) pelos oper rios que adoeciam. haul to change someone s position by pulling them D) pelos altos custos. 56) From the information in the text, one learns that the Victorian period in England E) pela desconfian a da popula o. ___________________________________________________________________ A) produced the most amazing constructions ever. 59) The expression breakneck speed (line 06) means B) was in the eighteen hundreds. A) too firmly. C) introduced trains in Europe. B) very reasonably. D) met predictable financial costs. C) quite smoothly. E) brought profits to Scotland. D) extremely fast. ____________________________________________________ E) somehow quickly. ___________________________________________________ INSTRUCTION: Answer question 57 based on the statements below, related to text 2. I. 60) By adding the prefix mis-, as in the word misplaced (line 07), a word changes to mean something A large number of construction workers died while this new route was being built. A) opposite. II. The civil engineers responsible for the project worked very fast. B) bigger. III. The costs of the construction were quickly paid for by the Victorian government. C) in good condition. D) in excess. IV. Those who wanted the project believed that a lot of money would result from it. PUCRS www.pucrs.br E) wrong. 24 Concurso Vestibular Inverno 2010 Vestibular de Inverno 2010 2 . Dia Qu mica, Geografia, Hist ria, Literatura Brasileira, Matem tica, L ngua Espanhola e L ngua Inglesa Gabarito Importante: A 6 . coluna refere-se s quest es da prova de de l ngua inglesa. 1-C 11 - B 21 - C 31 - C 41 - B 51 - C 2-C 12 - A 22 - C 32 - A 42 - C 52 - B 3-B 13 - B 23 - D 33 - E 43 - C 53 - D 4-E 14 - D 24 - B 34 - D 44 - A 54 - D 5-B 15 - B 25 - D 35 - C 45 - B 55 - A 6-E 16 - D 26 - D 36 - B 46 - D 56 - E 7-E 17 - A 27 - A 37 - C 47 - E 57 - C 8-D 18 - E 28 - B 38 - B 48 - E 58 - C 9-D 19 - E 29 - B 39 - A 49 - D 59 - E 10 - A 20 - D 30 - A 40 - D 50 - A 60 - D l ngua espanhola, e a 7 ., s da prova 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 - D B C A D B C A D E

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