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PUC-RS Vestibular de Inverno 2007 - 2º dia : Língua Inglesa

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ATEN O: Verifique se esta a sua op o de L ngua Estrangeira. 52) According to the 2nd paragraph, A) gases such as carbon dioxide and methane have always endangered life on earth. L NGUA INGLESA INSTRUCTION: Answer questions 51 to 55 in relation to text 1. B) there has been pollution of the atmosphere even before the development of industry. TEXT 1 C) before 1970, temperatures were half what they are today. GLOBAL WARMING 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 D) the greenhouse effect is basically essential for life on earth. On Feb. 2, 2007, the United Nations scientific panel studying climate change declared that the evidence of a warming trend is unequivocal , and that human activity has very likely been the driving force in that change over the last 50 years. The last report by the group, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, in 2001, had found that humanity had likely played a role. The greenhouse effect has been part of the earth s workings since its earliest days. Gases like carbon dioxide and methane allow sunlight to reach the earth, but prevent some of the resulting heat from radiating back out into space. Without the greenhouse effect, the planet would never have warmed enough to allow life to form. But as ever larger amounts of carbon dioxide have been released along with the development of industrial economies, the atmosphere has grown warmer at an accelerating rate. Since 1970, temperatures have gone up at nearly three times the average for the 20th century. E) we need all the heat we can get for balanced life to exist on our planet. ____________________________________________________ 53) The question which can be adequately answered with information provided by the text is: A) What will the consequences be if carbon dioxide concentration reaches twice the level of two centuries ago? B) Who has played a central role in raising the average surface temperature of the earth? C) Why are the sea levels likely to rise on the years to come? Global Warming Science - The New York Times, May 6, 2007 D) When was the first global warming-related decision released? INSTRUCTION: Answer question 51 taking into account statements I to V. E) How many groups have banded together to make calls for regulation of greenhouse gases? ____________________________________________________ According to the first paragraph, I. environmental problems may be a big scientific misunderstanding. 54) The best translation for the extract the United Nations scientific panel studying climate change (lines 01-02) is: II. climate change is growing because of too much driving. III. climate change has most probably been triggered by human activity. A) o painel de estudos clim ticos de mudan as cient ficas das Na es Unidas IV. temperatures have been higher in the last half century. B) as mudan as clim ticas estudadas pelo painel cient fico das Na es Unidas V. man likes playing with serious problems. C) o grupo de cientistas das Na es Unidas que estuda as mudan as clim ticas 51) The only two correct alternatives are A) B) C) D) E) I e II I e IV II e V III e IV III e V PUCRS www.pucrs.br D) os estudos de mudan as clim ticas do grupo cient fico das Na es Unidas E) as Na es Unidas estudam o painel cient fico das mudan as clim ticas 18 Concurso Vestibular Inverno 2007

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