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ICSE Class X Prelims 2024 : Home Science (Venkateswar English Medium School, Bhubaneswar) : Class X Screening Test _2023

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Urja _D2108
Venkateswar English Medium School, Bhubaneswar
4th to 10th
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VENKATESWAR ENGLISH MEDIUM sCHOOL UNIT-IV, BHUBANESWAR SCREENING TEST- (2023-24) STANDARD - X Time : 2hrs Subject - Home Science (F.M- 100) The question paper is divided into two sections Section Ais compulsory &attempt any four questionfrom section B SECTION - A(40 Marks) (Attempt all the questions) Question 1 [20] Choose the correct answer and write the correct option: Budgeting is the first step in I. a. Budgeting b, Money Management c. Expenditure d. Family size II. A kitchen should be a. Airy, ventilated, and well lit b Have eastern or north eastern aspect C. Should have enough storage space with three major woekcentres. d. III. AIlthe above This type of kitchen is found in small houses a. L-shaped kitchen b. Island kitchen e. Pullman kitchen d. All of these is the best of the kitchen plans, in terms of working triangle efficiency. IV. a. Modular kitchen b. U shaped kitchen C. L- shaped kitchen d. None of these V. The ceiling of the kitchen should be painted preferably a. Indigo C. White b. Red to reflect the light. d. Brown VI.These are typically expressed either in alphabetic order or in numerical form. a. Fashion b. Fabric Grades c Draperies d. Cost VII. refers to the number of threads per square inch of fabric a. Thread count c Yarn count b. Fabric Count d. None of these Page 1 VIII. are used to insulate a room and to control light and glare. a. Electricity andsunlight b. o. Windows and doors Curtains and Draperies d. Paint and water IX. Growth is External in nature a b. Quantitative change Can be directly measured d. All of these X. Development is a. Continous in natureb. Qualitative change c. Internal d. All of these XI. piaget's theory occurs in the stage. a. Formal operational stage b. Pre- operational stage c. Sensorimotor stage d. Concrete operational stage is the first and most XII. a important socializing agency. Friends b. School k. Family d. Media XIII. For any unsocial behavior should not criticize the child. a. peer b. school E. parents d. None of these XIV.Which type of parenting has the most beneficial effects? a. Authoritative b. Permissive c. Rejecting d. Authoritarian XV. What are the other contacts a child builds in the middle childhood years? a. Teachers b. Peers C. d. Coaches All of these XVI. The above average intelligence is also termed as Page 2 Hidden disabilities b IQ C. Normal intelligence d. Higher skills a XVII. The ADHD disorder is identified by a. Fidgety behavior b. Non stop taking c. Trouble controlling the temper d all of these XVIII. Riboflavin is not found in Milk b. Cheese C. Guava d. Custard apple XIX. The factors affecting meal planning are a Likes and dislikes b Variety C. Budget of the family d. Allof these XX. Adolescents have higher nutritional requirements because of their activity levels and a. Growth spurt b. Emotional strain C. Hormonal changes d. Allof these Questions2 [20] Answer all the questions: 1.Define the term meal planning [2) II. List any two uses of calcium and iron in the adolescent's diet [2] .II. Name and state one advantage of probiotic food [2] IV. What are the Auditory and Nonverbal learning disabilities? [2] V. What are the struggle areas for children with Dyscalculia? [2] VI. How should adults intervene to help a child being bullied? [2] VIl. List any two social behavioral patterns developed in middle childhood (2] VIII. State any two factors affecting the physical development in child. (2] IX. Mention any two objectives of furnishing a house [2] X. List two uses of a sink in a kitchen (2] Page 3 Section B |60 marksl (Attempt any four questions from this Section) Questions3 I. Explain any five reasons for savings. Explain the steps in preparing a family budget III. Discuss the characterstics ofa good kitchen [5] (5] [5] Question4 List any 5 symptoms of a ADHD child II. III. [5] State the changes in the social behaviour of a child between 6- 12 years of age.[5] Discuss the role of school in child overall development of a. QuestionS I. Describe the main learning disabilities in brief [5] II. Discuss in detailrole of parents, schools and peers in accepting and being sensitive towards children with learning disabilities. [5] III. Discuss the factors to be considered while choosing curtains for a home (5] Question6 I. Explain the importance of budgeting Write the advantages and disadvantages of modular kitchen IIIHow you can take care of carpets? [5] [5) [5] fQuestion 7 Write short notes on the following I. Food groups [5] II.Principles of meal planning [5] II. Cognitive development (5] Question 8 Explain the arrangement and coordination of work centers in the kitchen II. What are the factors to be kept in mind while choosing upholstery furniture? IIL. How gang age influence a child's socialand emotional development? (5) Question9 I. Explain the importance of breakfast [5] II. Explain the five factors affecting the meal planning [5] IIL. Write any 5factors to be kept in mind while planning meals for the elderly Page 4

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