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Niraj Public School (NPS), Hyderabad
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MOCK TEST PAPER 3 ICSE Biology X General Instructions: Same as in Model Test Paper - 1. SECTION I (40 Marks) Attempt all questions from this Section Question 1. (a) Name the following: (i) Basic unit of heredity. (ii) Blood vessel that begins and ends in capillaries. (iii) Phase of Cardiac cycle in which the ventricles relax. (iv) Blood vessel leading into Bowman s capsule. (v) Photoreceptor helping in vision in dim light. [5] (b) Write major function of the following: (i) Coronary artery (ii) Vitreous humour (iii) Organ of corti (iv) Guard cells (v) Plasma membrane [5] (c) Copy and complete the following by filling the blanks 1 to 5 with appropriate words/terms/phrases: To test the leaf for starch, the leaf is boiled in water to ________. It is next boiled in methylated spirit to ________. The leaf is placed in warm water to ________ it. It is then placed in a dish and ________ solution is added. The regions containing starch turn ________. (d) Give the exact location of:(i) Mitral value. (ii) Henle s loop. (iii) Hydathodes. (iv) Cortex cells. (v) Substomatal space. [5] (e) Write the difference between the following pairs as indicated in brackets: (i) Antiseptic & disinfectant (definition). (ii) Monohybrid & dihybrid cross (phenotypic ratio). (iii) Transpiration & bleeding (definition). (iv) RBC & WBC (Shape). (v) Mitosis & Meiosis (No. of Chromosomes). [5] (f) Given below are three choices for each statement. Rewrite the correct answer: (i) Technical term for fertilized egg is: (A) Placenta (B) Zygote (C) Morula.

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