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PAPER-III MUSIC Signature and Name of Invigilator 1. (Signature) __________________________ OMR Sheet No. : ............................................... (To be filled by the Candidate) (Name) ____________________________ Roll No. 2. (Signature) __________________________ (In figures as per admission card) (Name) ____________________________ D 16 Roll No.________________________________ (In words) 1 3 Time : 2 1/2 hours] Number of Pages in this Booklet : 32 Instructions for the Candidates [Maximum Marks : 150 Number of Questions in this Booklet : 75 1. 2. - 3. , - - , : (i) - - (ii) - / - - (iii) OMR - 4. (A), (B), (C) (D) : (C) 5. OMR OMR , 6. 7. (Rough Work) 8. OMR , , , , , 9. - OMR OMR 10. / 11. ( ) 12. 13. , 1. Write your roll number in the space provided on the top of this page. 2. This paper consists of seventy five multiple-choice type of questions. 3. At the commencement of examination, the question booklet will be given to you. In the first 5 minutes, you are requested to open the booklet and compulsorily examine it as below : (i) To have access to the Question Booklet, tear off the paper seal on the edge of this cover page. Do not accept a booklet without sticker-seal and do not accept an open booklet. (ii) Tally the number of pages and number of questions in the booklet with the information printed on the cover page. Faulty booklets due to pages/questions missing or duplicate or not in serial order or any other discrepancy should be got replaced immediately by a correct booklet from the invigilator within the period of 5 minutes. Afterwards, neither the Question Booklet will be replaced nor any extra time will be given. (iii) After this verification is over, the OMR Sheet Number should be entered on this Test Booklet. 4. Each item has four alternative responses marked (A), (B), (C) and (D). You have to darken the circle as indicated below on the correct response against each item. Example : where (C) is the correct response. 5. Your responses to the items are to be indicated in the OMR Sheet given inside the Booklet only. If you mark at any place other than in the circle in the OMR Sheet, it will not be evaluated. 6. Read instructions given inside carefully. 7. Rough Work is to be done in the end of this booklet. 8. If you write your Name, Roll Number, Phone Number or put any mark on any part of the OMR Sheet, except for the space allotted for the relevant entries, which may disclose your identity, or use abusive language or employ any other unfair means such as change of response by scratching or using white fluid, you will render yourself liable to disqualification. 9. You have to return the test question booklet and Original OMR Sheet to the invigilators at the end of the examination compulsorily and must not carry it with you outside the Examination Hall. You are, however, allowed to carry duplicate copy of OMR Sheet on conclusion of examination. 10. Use only Blue/Black Ball point pen. 11. Use of any calculator or log table etc., is prohibited. 12. There is no negative marks for incorrect answers. 13. In case of any discrepancy in the English and Hindi versions, English version will be taken as final. D-16-13 1 P.T.O. MUSIC Paper III (Hindustani / Karnatak / Rabindra Sangeet / Percussion Instrument Vocal/ Instrumental and Musicology) Special Instructions : This paper has two parts. Part-I consists of 50 objective questions common to all, which is compulsory and carries 2 marks each. Part II has Four sections viz Part II, Part III, Part IV, Part V Hindustani, Karnatak, Rabindra Sangeet and Percussion Instruments with 25 questions each of 2 marks each. Candidates should select any one of the Part II / Part III / Part IV / Part V as per his / her discipline. PART I Hindustani / Karnatak / Rabindra Sangeet / Percussion Instruments Common to all 1. 4. (i) Prastaar 6. 7. Kan Gujari singer are related to which state of India ? (A) Rajasthan (B) Maharashtra (C) Andhra Pradesh (D) Madhya Pradesh (3) Technique of making of talas (iv) Shruti veena Which one of the following artists is not a Sarod Player ? (A) Ustad Ali Akbar Khan (B) Ustad Amazad Ali Khan (C) Ustad Vilayat Khan (D) Ms. Sharan Rani (2) Situation of Swar Sadharan (iii) Mandal Prastaar Who is the writer of Shringarhar ? (A) Maharana Hammir (B) Maharana Bappa Rawal (C) Maharana Kumbha (D) Maharana Raj Singh (1) Saarana (ii) Udbhatt Mark the correct answer : (A) Aanandini, Dipani, Bhawni, Medini, Tarawali (B) Medini, Aanandini, Dipani, Bhawni, Tarawali (C) Tarawali, Bhawni, Dipani, Aanandini, Medini (D) Bhawni, Dipani, Aanandini, Tarawali, Medini 5. Match the following : (4) Ancient Tala Codes : (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (A) (3) (2) (4) (1) (B) (4) (3) (1) (2) (C) (4) (1) (2) (3) (D) (3) (4) (2) (1) 2. ________ wires were in Vipanchi veena , said Bharat ? (A) 7 (B) 8 (C) 9 (D) 12 3. In which vocal system, BhashaVibhasha are placed ? (A) Geeties (B) Banies (C) Prabandh (D) Dhruwa Geeti Paper-III 2 D-16-13 III : / / / ( / ) : 2 I 50 , 2-2 II II / III / IV / V ( / / / ) , 25-25 2-2 II / III / IV / V 25 I / / / 1. : (i) (1) (ii) (2) (iii) (3) (iv) (4) : (A) (B) (C) (D) 2. 3. (i) (3) (4) (4) (3) 4. 5. - ? (A) (B) (C) (D) D-16-13 3 ? (A) . (B) . (C) . (D) 7. _____ (A) 7 (B) 8 (C) 9 (D) 12 (A) (B) (C) (D) 6. (ii) (iii) (iv) (2) (4) (1) (3) (1) (2) (1) (2) (3) (4) (2) (1) : (A) , , , , (B) , , , , (C) , , , , (D) , , , , ? ? (A) (B) (C) (D) Paper-III 8. In which capacity, Pancham is transferred from its own place in Madhyam Gram ? 13. Who has composed Raagkadamb musical composition ? (A) Taansen (B) Gopal Nayak (C) Baiju (D) Gangaram 14. Raagaang is taken from which of the main Raaga (A) Rewaa (B) Triveni (C) Chaiti (Poorvi Mela) (D) All above 15. Aamad is a technical terminology of which of the following art ? (A) Vocal (B) Tabla (C) Pakhawaj (D) Dance 16. Pramaan Shruti is placed on which Shruti ? (A) 14th (B) 15th (C) 16th (D) 17th 17. Sitar has evolved from which of the following instruments ? (A) Kachchhapi Veena (B) Ghoshwati Veena (C) Ek Tantri Veena (D) Tri Tantri Veena 18. Which one is the instrument without Sarika ? (A) Surbahar (B) Sitar (C) Vichitra Veena (D) Sur Singaar (A) From Tivratam (B) From Utkarsh (C) From Mridutva (D) From Apkarsh 9. How many swaras are used by Pt. Lochan in his Ragas ? (A) 12 (B) 19 (C) 16 (D) 09 10. Principal characteristic Moorchchhnaa is of (A) Samswartaa (B) Saptswartaa (C) Krambaddhtaa (D) Samwadheentaa 11. Whose work is Meeting by the River ? (A) Pt. Ravi Shankar (B) Ustad Bismillah Khan (C) Pt. Vishwa Mohan Bhatt (D) Ustad Amjad Ali Khan 12. Ektantri Veena was called by which name ? (A) Ghoshak (B) Vitantri (C) Ghraasaktaa (D) Alaabu Veena Paper-III 4 D-16-13 8. ? (A) (B) (C) (D) 13. ? (B) (C) (D) (A) 14. 9. ? (A) (B) (C) ( ) (D) . ? (A) 12 (B) 19 (C) 16 (D) 09 15. ? (B) (C) (D) (A) 10. : (A) (B) (C) (D) 16. (A) (B) 11. 12. ? (A) . (B) . (C) . (D) . - (C) (D) 17. ? (A) (B) (C) (D) 18. ? (A) (B) (C) (D) ? (B) (C) (D) (A) D-16-13 ? 14 15 16 17 5 Paper-III 19. Name the percussion instrument attached to the Nathdwara tradition (A) Tabla (B) Sitar (C) Pakhawaj (D) Dholak 25. (A) Dhrupad (B) 21. 22. 23. Thumari (D) Gazal 26. by Who was the inventor of Raag Laajwanti ? (A) Ust. Faiyaz Khan (B) Ust. Bande Ali Khan (C) Ust. Amjad Ali Khan (D) Ust. Allauddin Khan The book Captioned Vaidik Index is written by (A) Prof. Lalit Kishore Singh (B) S.K. Dixit (C) McDonel and Keith (D) A.K. Kumarswami 27. Which raga is composed with Komal Nishad in Shudh Nath ? (A) Todi (B) Multani (C) Chhayanat (D) Gurjari Todi Which one is not mentioned in eight rasas of Bharat ? (A) Adbhut (B) Shant (C) Raudra (D) Shringaar 28. Who was the Gramophone ? inventor of (A) Thomas Alwa Edison Which one is in right form of Praman Shruti ? (A) 4-3-2-4-4-3-2 (B) 4-3-2-4-2-3-4 (C) 4-3-2-4-3-4-2 (D) 4-4-2-4-3-3-2 (B) Albert Einstein (C) Walter Menn (D) McMinal 29. The chapters of Raga Tarangini of Lochan is named as (A) Adhyaya (B) Tarang (C) Kandika (D) Prapathak Paper-III Khayal (C) 20. Mark the correct option recognising (A) Atharvediya Mantra (B) Rigvedi Richaa (C) Saam Gaan (D) Karnatak Geet Sadara is related with 24. Budhva Mangal music programme is related to which city ? (A) Kanpur (B) Allahabad (C) Delhi (D) Varanasi 6 D-16-13 (A) (B) (C) (D) 25. ? (A) (B) (C) (D) : (A) (B) (C) - (D) 19. 26. ? (A) . (B) . (C) . (D) . 27. ? (A) (B) (C) (D) 28. 20. 21. (A) . (B) . . (C) (D) . . 22. ? (A) (B) (C) (D) 23. (A) 4-3-2-4-4-3-2 (B) 4-3-2-4-2-3-4 (C) 4-3-2-4-3-4-2 (D) 4-4-2-4-3-3-2 : (A) (B) ? (C) (D) 29. 24. ? (A) (B) (C) (D) D-16-13 7 ? ? (A) (B) (C) (D) Paper-III 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. Gharana of Abdul Karim Khan (A) Agra (B) Kirana (C) Patiyala (D) Gwalior 36. The famous Nawa graha kritis have been composed by (A) Swati Thirunal (B) Tyagaraja (C) Dikshitar (D) M.S. Subhalaxmi Which artist has established Maihar Band ? (A) Ustad Allauddin Khan (B) Pt. Nikhil Banerjee (C) Ustad Vilayat Khan (D) Ustad Abdul Haleem Zafer Khan 37. The 72 melakarta scheme has chakras (A) 10 (B) 12 (C) 8 (D) 14 The Gharana of Pt. Ajay Chakravarty (A) Gwalior (B) Kirana (C) Agra (D) Patiyala 38. Assertion (A) : Sahitya is secondary importance Absolute music. of in Reason (R) : Sacred music belongs to the sphere of Absolute music. How many Banis are in Dhrupad ? (A) 6 (B) 7 (C) 4 (D) 5 Codes : (A) (A) is true (R) is false. (B) Both (A) & (R) are true. (C) (R) is true (A) is false. (D) Both (A) and (R) are false. Which Raagas are mixed in Raag Jog ? (A) Bhairav + Malkauns + Kafi (B) Jogiya + Bhairav + Gunkri (C) Bhairav + Kafi + Raageshri (D) Baageshri + Rageshri + Malkauns 39. Buta Sankhya is found in (A) Shadangas (B) 35 Tala schemes (C) Shodashangas (D) 72 Melakarta schemes 35. To which rag the following combination of notes : Sa Ni . Ni . dha . Ga Re, Sa Re, Ga, Ma, Pa belong to ? (A) Neelambari (B) Bhairav (C) Jog (D) Miya-Malhar Paper-III 40. A raga in Hindustani Music similar to Karnatic Raga Subha Pantuvarali (A) Bhairav (B) Todi (C) Bhairavi (D) Khamaj 8 D-16-13 30. 31. 36. 32. . (A) (B) (C) (D) 72 ? (A) 10 (B) 12 (C) 8 (D) 14 38. ? (A) . (B) . (C) . (D) . ? (A) (B) (C) (D) . . 37. . (A) (B) (C) (D) (A) : (R) : : (A) (A) , (R) (B) (A) (R) (C) (R) , (A) (D) (A) (R) 33. ? (A) 6 (B) 7 (C) 4 (D) 5 34. - ? (A) + + (B) + + (C) + + (D) + + 39. ? (A) (B) 35 (C) (D) 72 35. ? . . . , (A) (B) (C) (D) - 40. ? (A) (B) (C) (D) D-16-13 9 Paper-III 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. According to Tagore, which instrument is not appropriate for accompaniment with Rabindra Sangeet ? (A) Violin (B) Tabla (C) Esraj (D) Harmonium 46. (B) Sangeet Vidyalaya (D) None of the above 47. In which city, Ali Akbar College of Music is situated abroad ? (A) Washington (B) California (C) Texas (D) New York 48. Which percussion instrument is from Karnatic music ? (A) Chenda (B) Kanjira (C) Which one is the biographical presentation of his life written by Rabindranath ? (A) Kabi-Smriti (B) Jiban Smriti (C) Pitru Smriti (D) Rabi Smriti Maddalam (D) Pakhawaj 49. In Natyashashtra, instrument is called by which name ? (A) Vadya (B) Aatadya (C) How many matras are in Teora Tala ? (A) 6 (B) 7 (C) 8 (D) 10 Pushkar (D) Dunduvi 50. Which one is the sign of Som or 1st matra of any Rabindrik Tala ? (A) + The value of first matra (Dhin) of Jhumra tal is 1 (A) 14 (B) 1 12 (C) 0 3 14 4 (D) 13 (D) Paper-III Sangeet-Kala Bhavan (C) Rabindranath used three types of rhythmic pattern to compose his songs such as Akshar Britta, Swar Britta and ________ (A) Tala Britta (B) Laya Britta (C) Matra Britta (D) Chhanda Britta (B) (C) Music Department of Vishwa Bharati Vishwavidyalaya is called as (A) Sangeet Bhavan 10 D-16-13 41. , ? (A) (B) (C) (D) 46. ? (A) (B) (C) (D) 42. , , ______ (A) (B) (C) (D) 47. ? (A) (B) (C) (D) 48. ? (A) (B) (C) (D) 49. ? (A) (B) (C) (D) 50. ( ) : 43. 44. ? (A) (B) (C) (D) ? 6 (B) 7 (C) 8 (D) 10 (A) 45. 1 (A) 14 ? (B) (C) (A) + (B) (C) 0 3 14 4 (D) 13 (D) D-16-13 1 12 11 Paper-III PART II Hindustani Music 51. 55. Who was the inventor of ShrutiDarpan Vaadya ? (A) Kailash Chandradev Vrihaspati (B) S.N. Ratanjankar (C) Nihshank Sharangdev (D) Acharya Bharat 56. Which of the following is in correct order ? (A) Swaramel Kalaanidhi, Natyashastra, Vrihaddeshi, Ratnakar, Ragtatvavibodh (B) Ragtatvavibodh, Ratnakar, Vrihaddeshi, Natyashashtra, Swarmelkalanidhi (C) Natyashastra, Vrihaddeshi, Ratnakar, Swarmelakalanidhi Ragtatvavibodha (D) Vrihaddeshi, Natyashastra, Ragtatvavibodh, Ratnakar, Swarmelakalanidhi 57. Panchamadi Moorchchana of Bharta s Sadaj Gram is called as Match List I with List II and select correct order from the codes given below : List I List II 1. Bhoomiduni. Tat dubhi 2. Rudra Veena ii. Awanaddha 3. Clarionet iii. Tat 4. Israj iv. Sushir Codes : 1 2 3 4 (A) i iv iii ii (B) ii i iii iv (C) ii i iv iii (D) iv i iii ii (A) Aabhiri (B) Abhiruddgataa (C) Aarshbhi (D) Matsarikritaa 52. Bahadur Sen is related to which instrument ? (A) Santoor (B) Sursingaar (C) Sitar (D) Surbahar 53. Which one of the following is frequency of Shuddh Dhaivat of Western Shuddh Swar Saptak ? (A) 480 (B) 270 (C) 405 (D) 400 54. Who was the founder of ChakrikPrakriya for measurement of SwarSamvaad ? (A) Pt. Bhatkhande (B) Pt. Paluskar (C) Pt. Lalit Kishore Singh (D) Pt. Omkarnath Thakur Paper-III 12 D-16-13 II 51. : (A) (C) (D) - - (A) (B) 55. ? . . : (B) (C) (D) 56. (D) ? (A) 480 (B) 270 (C) 405 (D) 54. I II : I II 1. i. 2. ii. 3. iii. 4. iv. : (C) 57. ? (B) 53. (A) 52. ? (A) , , , , (B) , , , , (C) , , , , (D) , , , , 400 ? 1 2 3 4 (A) i iv iii ii . (B) ii i iii iv (C) . (C) ii i iv iii (D) . (D) iv i iii ii (A) . (B) D-16-13 13 Paper-III 58. In which Puran the name of Kalpas are based on the notes on music ? (A) Vishnu Puran 63. Panini has named (Vrindavadan) as (A) Panigh (B) Vayu Puran (B) Turya (C) Brahm Puran (C) Kutap (D) Narad Puran 59. (D) Aamnay The kakali was related to which note in Bharat age ? 64. _________ Alankaras Sthai Varnas in Sangeet Ratanakar (A) Nishad (A) 5 (B) Gandhar (B) 6 (C) Shadja (C) 7 (D) 8 (D) Panchams 60. The place for discussion on music is called in Upnishad as 65. The Ragas presenting two Angas is ________ (A) Shailal (A) Aabhogi (B) Narashansi (B) Bhairav (C) Taragh (C) Malkosh (D) Kaushi Kanhara (D) Aastav 61. 66. Music in Buddha Age was named as (A) Gandharv (B) ________ is Mahabharat Vrihannala in (A) Bhishma Gandhabh (C) Gaandharv (B) Surya (C) (D) Sangeet 62. Orchestra Bhim (D) Arjun The evening Raga based on the notes of Rag Bhairav is 67. How many Bharatratna for Sushir Vadya ? (A) Ahir Bhairav (A) One (B) Nat Bhairav (B) Two (C) Gauri (C) Three (D) Ramkali Paper-III (D) Four 14 D-16-13 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. ? (A) (B) (C) (D) 63. ? (A) (B) (C) (D) 64. ? (A) (B) (C) (D) 65. ? (A) (B) (C) (D) 66. : (A) (B) (C) (D) 67. D-16-13 ? (A) (B) (D) (C) _____ (A) 5 6 (C) 7 (D) 8 (B) (A) (B) (D) (C) _____ (B) (C) (A) (D) ? (A) (B) (D) (C) 15 Paper-III 68. 69. Only one Persian Music Book available between 12th and 13th century is (A) Nagmate-e-Asafi (B) Heel Imali (C) Mu-Arifunnagmat (D) M-Adan-ul-Mausiki 72. The interval of Shuddh Swara Saptak of Indian music (Hindustani) is (A) 301 Severt (B) (C) Match List I with List II and select the correct answer from the codes given below : List I List II a. Madhym i. Sa, Re, Antar Ga, gram Ma, Pa Dha, Ni b. Shadaj ii. Sa, Re, Ga, Ma, gram Pa, Dha, Ni c. Kankangi iii. Ma, Pa, Dha, Ni, Sa, Re, Ga d. Bilawal iv. Sa, Shudha Re, Shudha Ga, Shudha Ma, Pa, Shudha Dha, Shudha Ni Codes : a b c d (A) iii iv ii i (B) iii i iv ii (C) iv ii i iii (D) iii iv i ii 204 Severt 96.9 Severt (D) 227.2 Severt 73. Identify the Kalyan-Mela with the basis of Shadaj-Interval 16 9 75 16 16 75 16 (A) 15, 8, 64, 15, 15, 64, 15 (B) 16 75 9 16 9 10 16 15, 64, 8, 15, 8, 9 , 15 (C) 9 10 16 9 9 10 16 8, 9 , 15, 8, 8, 9 , 15 9 10 9 16 9 10 16 (D) 8, 9 , 8, 15, 8, 9 , 15 74. Who made the Cyclic Theory ? (A) Alain Danielov (B) 70. 71. Kolinsky (D) Mark Lavy 75. Which instrument was prepared by Helmhotz for recognizing the Anshikas of Mishra Swara ? (A) Microphone (B) Anunaadak (C) Naadak (D) Galvinator Paper-III Jairaz Bhoy (C) The music of Lochan s period was based on which gram ? (A) Gaandhaargram (B) Shadaj-Madhyamgram (C) Madhyamgram (D) Shadajgram Find correct sequence : (A) Alaap, Fast Gat, Jod, Jhala (B) Fast Gat, Jod, Alaap, Jhala (C) Alaap, Jod, Fast Gat, Jhala (D) Jod, Alaap, Fast Gat, Jhala 16 D-16-13 68. 12 13 : (A) - - (B) - (C) - (D) - - - 72. ( .) a c (C) iii iv ii i iv iv ii i iii iv i - (C) ii 16 75 9 16 9 10 16 15, 64, 8, 15, 8, 9 , 15 9 10 16 9 9 10 16 8, 9 , 15, 8, 8, 9 , 15 iii (D) 227.2 (B) ii (C) 96.9 16 9 75 16 16 75 16 (A) 15, 8, 64, 15, 15, 64, 15 i iii 73. 204 d (B) 71. b (A) 70. (B) : I II a. i. , , , , , , b. ii. , , , , , , c. iii. , , , , , , d. iv. , , , , , , : 301 (D) 69. (A) 9 10 9 16 9 10 16 (D) 8, 9 , 8, 15, 8, 9 , 15 74. (A) (D) 75. (C) ? (A) (B) (C) (D) (B) ? (A) - (B) - (C) - (D) - D-16-13 ? : (A) (B) , , , (C) , , , (D) 17 , , , , , , Paper-III PART III Karnatik Music 51. 56. Match the following : List I List II I. Shodashangas 1. Svara Ragasudha II. Anagata Graha 2. Govinda Dikshit III. Lakshana Gitas 3. Pluta IV. Padam 4. Kshetregna Codes : I II III IV (A) 3 1 2 4 (B) 3 2 1 4 (C) 2 3 1 4 (D) 4 3 2 1 57. Variations on musical theme by the Vaggeyk kara (A) Yati (B) Neraval (C) Sangati (D) Yamakam 58. Mitra Ragas have Match the following : List I List II I. Nantuni 1. Wind instrument II. Kombu 2. Drum III. Chenda 3. Nagaswaram IV. Tavitra 4. Stringed instrument Codes : I II III IV (A) 3 4 2 1 (B) 2 3 4 1 (C) 4 1 2 3 (D) 1 4 3 2 The number of Aksharakalas in Misra Jati Mathya tala (A) 12 (B) 16 (C) 20 (D) 10 Kattalais are found in (A) Vedic music (B) N mavalis (C) Tevaram hymns (D) Thirupugazh Tamil Pan similar to present day Shankarabharana (A) Panchamam (B) Pazhampanjuram (C) Sik maram (D) Kausikam D-16-13 (A) Common Svaras (B) Names with common endings (C) Derived from same Mela raga (D) All the above 52. Correct sequence : (A) Mararanjini, Charukesi, Sarasangi, Harikamboji (B) Charukesi, Sarasangi, Mararanjini, Harikamboji (C) Sarasangi, Charukesi, Mararanjini, Harikamboji (D) Charukesi, Sarasangi, Harikamboji, Mararanjini, 53. Stress on a note is termed as (A) Lina (C) 54. (B) (D) Andolika Nokku Kampita Opposite of Sama Graha is (A) Anuloma (C) 55. (B) (D) Anagata Atita Vishama 59. Assertion and Reasoning : Assertion (A) : Art in India was independent of Religion. 60. Reason (R) : Temples have been repositories of Art in India. Codes : (A) (R) is false (A) is true. (B) Both (A) and (R) are false. (C) 61. (A) is false (R) is true. (D) Both (A) and (R) are true. Paper-III 18 III 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. / (A) (B) (C) (D) 56. : (A) , , , (B) , , , (C) , , , (D) , , , IV 4 4 4 1 (A) (B) (C) (D) 58. : I. 1. - II. 2. III. 3. IV. 4. : (A) (B) (C) (D) (D) (B) 59. : (A) : , (R) : , (A) (R) , (A) (B) (A) (R) (C) (A) (R) (D) (A) (R) D-16-13 III 2 1 1 2 57. (A) (B) (C) (D) (A) (C) : 1. 2. 3. 4. I. II. III. IV. : I II (A) 3 1 (B) 3 2 (C) 2 3 (D) 4 3 60. I 3 2 4 1 II 4 3 1 4 III 2 4 2 3 IV 1 1 3 2 : (A) 12 (B) 16 (C) 20 (D) 10 (A) (B) (C) (D) 61. (B) (D) (A) (C) 19 Paper-III 62. 63. 69. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. Prithvi Lingam (A) Thirupati (B) (C) Chidambaram (D) Match the following : I. Chola 1. Violin II. Baluswamy 2. Tanjavur Dikshitar III. Gopala Krishna 3. Sacred Music Bharati IV. Appar 4. Geya Natakas Codes : I II III IV (A) 2 1 3 4 (B) 3 2 1 4 (C) 2 1 4 3 (D) 4 3 2 1 73. A Daru (A) Vikshepa (C) Avapa 74. In Desadi Tala music commences after 3 (A) 4th Aksharakala 1 (B) 2 Aksharakala 1 (C) 4 Aksharakala (D) Sama 75. Narayana Tirtha s composition are called as (A) Krishna Gitis (B) Padams (C) Ashtapadi (D) Suladi Tarangas Madurai Kanchipuram A series of svaras arranged without proper sequence : (A) Kutatanas (B) Kalpana Svara (C) Svara Koruppu (D) Korvai Panchavadhyam includes (A) Chenda (B) Sudha Maddalam (C) Veena (D) Mridangam Dvianya Svara Bhashanga Raga (A) Dvijavanti (B) Bhairavi (C) Anandabhairavi (D) Athana Paper-III Guru of Tyagaraja (A) Sonti Venkataramanayya (B) Sonti Venkatasubbayya (C) Vadivelu (D) Aneyya 72. Assertion and Reasoning : Assertion (A) : Grama in the ancient times was evolved only to find new scales. Reason (R) : Murchanas evolved from Jatis. Codes : (A) (A) is true (R) is false. (B) (R) is true (A) is false. (C) Both (A) and (R) are true. (D) Both (A) and (R) are false. Composer of Viriboni Varnam (A) Vina Kuppayyar (B) Pachimiriyam Adiyappayya (C) Ramaswamy Sivan (D) Patnam Subramanya Iyer 71. Arrange the following in order of Parent scale : I. Sriranjini II. Gaula III. Sruti IV. Behag (A) I, III, II, IV (B) II, III, I, IV (C) II, I, III, IV (D) I, II, IV, III The greatest composer of Gitas after Purandara Dasa (A) Vina Kuppayyar (B) Paidala Gurumurty Shastri (C) Ramnad Srinivas (D) Narayana Tirthar 70. A Veena named after a celestial musician (A) Kachchapi (B) M tangi (C) Kinnara (D) Mahati 20 (B) Antara (D) Avalokita D-16-13 62. (A) (B) (C) (D) 63. : I. II. III. IV. (A) I, III, II, IV (C) II, I, III, IV 64. 65. 66. 69. 70. : (A) (C) (B) (D) 73. (A) (B) (C) (D) : (A) (C) II 1 2 1 3 III 3 1 4 2 IV 4 4 3 1 (B) (D) _____ (A) 3/4 (B) 1/2 (C) 1/4 (D) 75. (A) (B) (C) (D) D-16-13 I 2 3 2 4 74. (A) (B) (C) (D) (A) (B) (C) (D) 68. : I. 1. II. 2. III. 3. IV. 4. : (A) (B) (C) (D) 67. (A) (B) (C) (D) 72. : (A) : (R) : (A) (A) (R) (B) (R) (A) (C) (A) (R) (D) (A) (R) (A) (B) (C) (D) 71. (B) II, III, I, IV (D) I, II, IV, III (A) (B) (C) (D) 21 Paper-III PART IV Rabindra Sangeet 51. Shanta, Amar & Pramada are the 55. Pick up the odd one from the characters of which Dance-Drama of following lists : Tagore ? (A) Jhampak / Ardha Jhaptal (A) Kal Mrigaya (B) Teora / Tivra (B) Natir Puja (C) Dadra / Kashmiri Khemta (C) Taser Desh (D) Kaharwa / Rupak (D) Mayar Khela 56. 52. Who composed the song He Chartal ? Antaryami, Trahi.... ? (A) 12 (A) Rabindranath (B) (B) Jyotirindranath 57. Who was the editor of National (A) Puja (A) Gopal Mitra (B) Nabagopal Mitra Swadesh (D) Vichitra (D) Somendranath Tagore 54. Prakriti (C) Sukumar Roy (C) Nibira Ama Timir Hote song is based on which category ? Paper magazine ? (B) 16 (D) None of the above (D) Hemendranath 53. 14 (C) Dinendranath (C) How many Matras are in Choutal or 58. Which one is the correct divisional The following song is based on structure for Ada-Chartal used by which category ? Tagore for his songs ? Amar Mallika Vane (A) 3 | 2 | 4 | 4 (A) Prem (B) 2|4|4|4 (B) Puja (C) 4|2|4|4 (C) Prakriti (D) 4 | 4 | 4 | 2 Paper-III (D) Vichitra 22 D-16-13 IV 51. , ? (A) (D) 52. 56. , .... ? / (D) / (C) / (B) (C) : (A) (B) 55. / ? (A) 12 (A) (B) 14 (B) (C) 16 (C) (D) (D) 53. (A) (B) (C) (D) 54. 57. ? ? (A) (B) (D) 58. (C) ? ? (A) 3 | 2 | 4 | 4 (A) (B) 2|4|4|4 (B) (C) 4|2|4|4 (C) (D) 4 | 4 | 4 | 2 (D) D-16-13 23 Paper-III 59. The song Tomar Khola Hawaye is 63. In accordance with the total number based on which Tala ? of matra, which Rabindra Tala is (A) Dadra similar to Hindustani tala Rupak ? (B) (C) (A) Jhampak Sasthi Kaharwa (B) (C) (D) Trital 60. Ardha Jhaptal Teora (D) Ektal Who also played veena alongwith 64. singing from among the following How many songs were not composed by Tagore among the total 157 no. of artists ? songs in Geetanjali ? (A) Shailajaranjan Majumdar (A) 17 (B) Shantidev Ghosh (B) 37 (C) Pankaj Kumar Mallick (C) 57 (D) Anadi Kumar Dastidar 61. (D) 71 How many divisions are in Sur Fak 65. Vivadi Swar is used to make this Tal ? composition Raga Bihag ? (A) 2 (B) (A) Komal Dhaivat 3 (C) 4 (B) Komal Nishad (C) (D) 5 62. In the song Tomar Asime.... which Tivra Madhyam (D) Komal Gandhar How many Fhak or Khali is in 66. Tibra Tal ? Antaratara Antaratamo Tini Je.... song is known as (A) 0 (A) Rabindra Sangeet (B) 1 (B) Kabya Sangeet (C) 2 (C) Baul Sangeet (D) None of above Paper-III (D) Brahma Sangeet 24 D-16-13 59. ? 63. , ? (A) (A) (B) (B) (C) (C) (D) (D) 64. 60. ? (A) (A) 17 (B) 157 ? (B) 37 (C) 57 (C) (D) 71 (D) 65. 61. ? . ? (A) (A) (B) 3 (B) (C) 4 (C) (D) 62. 2 5 (D) 66. ? . ? (A) 0 (A) (B) 1 (B) (C) 2 (C) (D) (D) D-16-13 25 Paper-III 67. Who received the title of Rangraj & 71. Tanraj ? Jat tal is divided into how many divisions ? (A) 6 (A) Gopeswar Bandopadhya (B) 7 8 (B) Jadu Bhatt (C) (C) Ganga Narayan (D) 10 (D) Vishnu Chakraborty 72. 68. Ami Chanchal He song is based on Ore Natan Yuger Bhore song was composed to celebrate which occasion ? (A) Holi which Tala ? (B) Basant Utsav (A) Dadra (C) Varsha Utsav (B) Ektal (D) Bengali New Year (C) Rupak 73. (D) Teora Aaji Subho Dine song is based on which Tala ? (A) Sur Fak Tal 69. (B) characters : Kaharwa (C) Ada-Khemta tala has the following Jhaptal (D) Talferta (A) 3 Talis & no Khali (B) 3 Talis & 1 Khali (C) 3 Talis & 2 Khalis 74. Ei Udasi Howar Pathe song is based on which category ? (A) Prakriti (D) 4 Talis & 0 Khali Taal ? 75. (A) 5 3 (B) Choutal (C) Trital (D) Dadra (D) 2 Paper-III Aaji Praname Tomare song is based on which Tala ? (A) Sasthi 4 (C) Tappa (D) Vichitra How many divisions are in Naba (B) Prem (C) 70. (B) 26 D-16-13 67. 71. ? (A) 6 (B) 7 (C) 8 (D) 10 72. 73. ? (A) (B) (C) (D) 68. ? (A) (B) (C) (D) 69. (B) (C) (D) (A) 3 (B) 3 1 (C) 3 2 (D) ? - ? (A) 70. ? (A) (B) (C) (D) 4 0 74. 75. ? (A) 5 (B) 4 (C) 3 (D) 2 D-16-13 27 ? (A) (B) (C) (D) ? (A) (B) (C) (D) Paper-III PART V PERCUSSION 52. 58. Who among the following was a renowned artists, who was a good Tabla player ? (A) Pt. Hariprasad Chaurasia (B) Ustad Bismillah Khan (C) Pt. Shiv Kumar Sharma (D) Pt. Bhimsen Joshi 60. 54. How many beats are there in the Navpanch tal of Rabindra Sangeet ? (A) 12 (B) 14 (C) 16 (D) 18 62. The author of Playing Technique of tabla is (A) Ishwar Lal Mishra (B) Pt. Chhote Lal Mishra (C) Pt. Kumar Lal Mishra (D) Pt. Sheetal Prasad Mishra 63. Which Rishi is associated with Pushkar Vadya ? (A) Swati (B) Narad (C) Kashyap (D) Bharat 57. By which tal Tappa Gayaki is accompanied ? (A) Tintal (B) Jhaptal (C) Sitarkhani (D) Ektal 61. On which beat 3rd Tali of Shikhartal is placed ? (A) 7 beats (B) 8 beats (C) 9 beats (D) 10 beats 56. Which is not a category of Tihai among the following ? (A) Farmaisi (B) Navahakka (C) Quada (D) Kamali Bhatkande Sangeet Mahavidyalaya has been conferred the university status in the year (A) 2002 (B) 2001 (C) 2000 (D) 2003 9 4 indicate which layakari ? (A) Aadh (B) Sawagun (C) Tigun (D) Sawadugun 53. 55. Who was the Guru of Karamat Khan ? (A) Pt. Gyan Prakash Ghosh (B) Ustad Ahmed Jan Thirakawa (C) Ustad Amir Hussain (D) Ustad Masit Khan 59. 51. The prominent artist of Laggi playing to accompany semi-classical music (A) Skaikh Daud (B) Ustad Nizammuddin (C) Shri Kanhai Dutt (D) Ustad Karamatullah Khan Which one among the following is not the category of Jati ? (A) Mishra (B) Khand (C) Sankeeran (D) Satgun Which is the shortest unit of Tal ? (A) Theka (B) Vibhag (C) Tali (D) Matra Paper-III 28 D-16-13 V 51. 52. ? (A) . (B) . (C) . (D) . 58. . ? (A) . (B) . (C) . (D) . 59. ? (A) (B) (C) (D) 60. ? (A) (B) (C) (D) 61. (A) (B) . (C) (D) . ? (A) 12 (B) 14 (C) 16 (D) 18 62. ? (A) (B) (C) (D) (A) (B) . (C) . (D) . 63. ? (A) 2002 (B) 2001 (C) 2000 (D) 2003 9 4 (A) (C) ? (B) (D) 53. 3 ? (A) 7 (B) 8 (C) 9 (D) 10 54. ? (A) (B) (C) (D) 55. 56. 57. ? (A) (B) (C) (D) D-16-13 29 Paper-III 64. Which renowned tabla player was expired recently ? (A) Pt. Chhote Lal Mishra (B) Pt. Gyan Prakash Ghosh (C) Pt. Kishan Maharaj (D) Ustad Aafak Hussain 70. From which Matra, the composition of Maseet Khani get started ? (A) 10th Beat (B) 11th Beat (C) 12th Beat (D) 13th Beat 65. In which of the Gharanas, the playing of description of theka is performed ? (A) Delhi (B) Punjab (C) Lucknow (D) Banaras 71. In which Tala, Farmaishee Chakkardar of Jhaptala will be played without any change ? (A) Ektal (B) Aada Chautal (C) Teen Tal (D) Rupak 66. Which Tala has different varieties ? (A) Tin tal (B) Ek tal (C) Jhaptal (D) Rudra 72. In which Tala, playing is possible without any change of Kamali (minimum of seven circles) of teental ? (A) Ektal (B) Jhaptal (C) Dhamar (D) Roopkara 73. Which Pakhawaj Player has resided in Kashi for a long run ? (A) Kodau Singh (B) Swami Pagal Das (C) Nana Panse (D) Ram Das Sharma 74. Which Mridanga player is renowned as eminent of Laya ? (A) Pal Ghat Raghu (B) Ram Nad Ishwaran (C) K. Shivaraman (D) Ayodhya Prasad 75. Tabla player, who had received President Award is (A) Pt. Veeru Mishra (B) Pt. Kanthai Maharaj (C) Ustad Abid Hussain (D) Ustad Kadir Bax 67. From where, Kuad of Rudra tala will start ? 1 2 (A) 25 (B) 25 4 2 (C) 25 (D) 43 68. In which university, dept. of tabla or percussion, instrumental is not separate ? (A) Kashi Hindu Vishwavidyalaya (B) Indira Kala Vishwavidhyalaya, Khairagarh (C) M.S. Vishwavidyalaya, Vadodara (D) Bhatkhande Vishwavidyalaya, Lucknow 69. Dhama the instrument like tabla is used in which state ? (A) Delhi (B) Punjab (C) Bengal (D) Gujarat Paper-III 30 D-16-13 64. ? (A) . (B) . (C) . (D) . 65. ? (A) (B) (C) (D) 66. ? (A) (B) (C) (D) 67. 70. ? (A) 10 (B) 11 (C) 12 (D) 13 71. ? (A) (B) (C) (D) 72. ( ) ? (A) (B) (C) (D) 73. ? (A) (B) (C) (D) 74. ? (A) (B) (C) . (D) 75. (A) . (B) . (C) . (D) . ? 1 (A) 25 2 (B) 25 4 (C) 25 2 (D) 43 68. , ? (A) (B) , (C) . . , (D) , 69. ? (A) (B) (C) (D) D-16-13 31 Paper-III Space For Rough Work Paper-III 32 D-16-13

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