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Signature and Name of Invigilator Roll No. (In figures as per admission card) 1. (Signature) (Name) Roll No. 2. (Signature) (Name) D 1 6 0 4 Time : 2 hours] (In words) Test Booklet No. PAPER III MUSIC Number of Pages in this Booklet : 48 [Maximum Marks : 200 Number of Questions in this Booklet : 11 Instructions for the Candidates U U 1. Write your roll number in the space provided on the top of this page. 1. U DU U S U U U U U 2. U U U, U S U U 2. Answers to short answer/essay type questions are to be given in the space provided below each question or after the questions in the Test Booklet itself. U U No Additional Sheets are to be used. 3. U U U, - S U U U - S U U 3. At the commencement of examination, the question booklet will be given to you. In the first 5 minutes, you are requested to open the booklet and compulsorily examine it as below : (i) - S U U U U U U U S U U- U S S U U (i) To have access to the Test Booklet, tear off the paper seal on the edge of this cover page. Do not accept a booklet without sticker-seal and do not accept an open booklet. (ii) U DU U U U - S DU U U U U U U S DU / U U U U U S S U U U U U S U U - S U U - S U UQ (ii) Tally the number of pages and number of questions in the booklet with the information printed on the cover page. Faulty booklets due to pages/questions missing or duplicate or not in serial order or any other discrepancy should be got replaced immediately by a correct booklet from the invigilator within the period of 5 minutes. Afterwards, neither the question booklet will be replaced nor any extra time will be given. 4. U U 4. Read instructions given inside carefully. 5. One page is attached for Rough Work at the end of the booklet before the Evaluation Sheet. 5. U U- S (Rough Work) U U DU 6. If you write your name or put any mark on any part of the Test booklet, except for the space allotted for the relevant entries, which may disclose your identity, you will render yourself liable to disqualification. 6. U- S U , U U U U 7. U # U U- S U U U U U # U U U U 7. You have to return the Test booklet to the invigilators at the end of the examination compulsorily and must not carry it with you outside the Examination Hall. 8. / U Z U S U 8. Use only Blue/Black Ball point pen. 9. Use of any calculator or log table etc. is prohibited. 9. U ( U U) U U 10. There is NO negative marking. 10. U U D 1604 1 P.T.O. MUSIC PAPER III - III Note : This paper consists of two parts - (A and B). All questions are compulsory. U ( ) PART A U Note : This part has ten short essay type questions of 16 marks each to be answered in about three hundred words each. U U U U D 1604 2 , 16 , PART A U 1. Write a note on the Grama Moorchana Jati system of Music. - U - h U U U OR / Write short notes on any two of the following : (i) Varsha Mangal (ii) Svara Bitana (iii) Quaida (iv) Peshkar U U # U U (i) U (ii) S U- (iii) (iv) U D 1604 3 P.T.O. D 1604 4 D 1604 5 P.T.O. D 1604 6 2. What are the main features of Raganga Vargikaran ? U U S M ? OR / What are the Tala dasa prana ? Explain. U ? OR / Describe with suitable illustrations the treatment of Hindustani Ragas and Raginis by Tagore. U U m U S U U U U U D 1604 7 P.T.O. D 1604 8 D 1604 9 P.T.O. D 1604 10 3. Give a brief description of the evolution of the Thumri and Tappa style of singing. U U U U U # OR / Write a note on the Tana Varnam and the Pada Varnam. U U U U OR / What are the main tonal and rhythm forms of Rabindra Sangeet ? U U S U U U ? OR / Name the Talas and the methodology of playing them in Thumri and Tappa styles of rendition. U U U U U U U D 1604 11 P.T.O. D 1604 12 D 1604 13 P.T.O. D 1604 14 4. What are the merits and demerits of the Gharana System in vocal and instrumental music ? U l U h ? OR / Write short notes on any two of the following : (i) Guru Sishya Parampara (ii) Tagore s love songs (iii) Tagore s devotional songs (iv) Role of Percussion Instruments in a Concert. U U # U U (i) L - c U U (ii) U U (iii) U U Q U (iv) U h l D 1604 15 P.T.O. D 1604 16 D 1604 17 P.T.O. D 1604 18 5. Pandit Bhatkhande s or Pandit Paluskar s contribution to Indian Music and Musicology. U U S U U U US U OR / Write a note on any two of the Group Kritis of Muttuswamy Dikshitar. S U U U U OR / Give a critical analysis of any one of Tagore s Dance Dramas of your choice. U U - K U U OR / Analyse the contribution made by Kudau Singh and Ahamad jan Thirakwa. U U D 1604 19 P.T.O. D 1604 20 D 1604 21 P.T.O. 6. Write in brief the contribution made by any one western scholar to Indian Music. m m U U U D 1604 22 D 1604 23 P.T.O. D 1604 24 7. What is the Rasa Theory and its application to Indian Music ? U h U U ? D 1604 25 P.T.O. D 1604 26 D 1604 27 P.T.O. 8. Discuss the importance of Tanpura and its Harmonics in Indian Music. U U S S U OR / Write the origin and evolution of any one of the Percussion instruments of your choice. l U U D 1604 28 D 1604 29 P.T.O. D 1604 30 9. Describe briefly about the folk music of any region of your choice. U # D 1604 31 P.T.O. D 1604 32 D 1604 33 P.T.O. 10. Compare the Guru Sishya Parampara with Institutionalised system of Music Teaching. L - c U U U S h U D 1604 34 D 1604 35 P.T.O. D 1604 36 HINDUSTANI (VOCAL INSTRUMENTAL MUSICOLOGY) S ( - - S ) PART B / U Note : This part has only one question of 40 marks with the subparts A, B, C, D. Answer every part in 200 words. U , , , 40 U U 200 11. (A) What are the main characteristics of the Kirana Gharana of the khayal singing ? ( ) U U U ? (B) How far is it correct to say that todays Classical Music reflects our Indian Culture ? ( ) S U U S U ? (C) What are the new trends in Indian Music of the 21st Century ? ( ) P U ? (D) How far the institutionalised system of Music has been successful in carrying out research in Music ? ( ) U S h U ? OR / RABINDRA SANGEET ( U ) PART B / U Note : This part has only one question of 40 marks with the subparts A, B, C, D. Answer every part in 200 words. U , , , 40 U U 200 11. (A) Trace the thematic source of the Dance Drama Chandalika . ( ) U U - K D 1604 37 P.T.O. (B) Describe Tagore s treatment of that source in his newer dramatic creation. ( ) U U U - U U (C) Give some selected examples of the lyrics and tunes of the dance drama Chandalika. ( ) U U - K U U U (D) Write a critical appreciation of the dance choreography of prakriti and her mother. ( ) - U U S OR / KARNATIC SANGEET ( U ) PART B / U Note : This part has only one question of 40 marks with the subparts A, B, C, D. Answer every part in 200 words. U , , , 40 U U 200 11. (A) What are the special features of the contemporary concerts being performed by young musicians ? ( ) m U U ? (B) What are the components that make a Raga Alapana successful. ( ) - U U U ? (C) All India Radio and Doordarshan are promoting and propagating Karnatic Music . Discuss. ( ) U U U U U U U U (D) Write a note on the impact of Music festivals on the society. ( ) U U U U U U D 1604 38 OR / PERCUSSION ( l) PART B / U Note : This part has only one question of 40 marks with the subparts A, B, C, D. Answer every part in 200 words. U , , , 40 U U 200 11. (A) What are your suggestions for teaching Tabla and Pakhawaj to a beginner ? ( ) U U (B) Compare the playing technique of Pakhawaj and Dholak. ( ) U U U U U (C) Explain Gat, Paran and Tukda with example. ( ) , U U U U U U (D) Explain the reasons behind the popularity of Solo Tabla playing. ( ) U U U U D 1604 39 P.T.O. D 1604 40 D 1604 41 P.T.O. D 1604 42 D 1604 43 P.T.O. D 1604 44 D 1604 45 P.T.O. D 1604 46 Space For Rough Work D 1604 47 P.T.O. FOR OFFICE USE ONLY 1 26 51 76 2 27 52 77 3 28 53 78 4 29 54 79 5 30 55 80 6 31 56 81 7 32 57 82 8 33 58 83 9 34 59 84 10 35 60 85 11 36 61 86 12 37 62 87 13 38 63 88 14 39 64 89 15 40 65 90 16 41 66 91 17 42 67 92 18 43 68 93 19 44 69 94 20 45 70 95 21 46 71 96 22 47 72 97 23 48 73 98 24 49 74 99 25 50 75 Marks Obtained Question Number Marks Obtained Question Number Marks Obtained Question Number Marks Obtained Question Number Marks Obtained 100 Total Marks Obtained (in words) ..................................... (in figures) .................................... Signature & Name of the Coordinator ............................... (Evaluation) D 1604 Date ............................. 48

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Additional Info : Ugc Net December 2004 Question Paper -Music ( Paper III )
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