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Signature and Name of Invigilator Roll No. (In figures as per admission card) 1. (Signature) (Name) Roll No. 2. (Signature) (Name) Test Booklet No. J 1 2 0 5 Time : 2 hours] (In words) PAPER III HOME SCIENCE Number of Pages in this Booklet : 36 [Maximum Marks : 200 Number of Questions in this Booklet : 26 Instructions for the Candidates U U 1. Write your roll number in the space provided on the top of this page. 1. U DU U S U U U U U 2. U U U, U S U U 2. Answers to short answer/essay type questions are to be given in the space provided below each question or after the questions in the Test Booklet itself. U U 3. U U U, - S U U U - S U U No Additional Sheets are to be used. 3. At the commencement of examination, the question booklet will be given to you. In the first 5 minutes, you are requested to open the booklet and compulsorily examine it as below : (i) - S U U U U U U U S U U- U S S U U (i) To have access to the Test Booklet, tear off the paper seal on the edge of this cover page. Do not accept a booklet without sticker-seal and do not accept an open booklet. (ii) U DU U U U - S DU U U U U U U S DU / U U U U U S S U U U U U S U U - S U U - S U UQ (ii) Tally the number of pages and number of questions in the booklet with the information printed on the cover page. Faulty booklets due to pages/questions missing or duplicate or not in serial order or any other discrepancy should be got replaced immediately by a correct booklet from the invigilator within the period of 5 minutes. Afterwards, neither the question booklet will be replaced nor any extra time will be given. 4. U U 5. U U- S (Rough Work) U U DU 4. Read instructions given inside carefully. 5. One page is attached for Rough Work at the end of the booklet before the Evaluation Sheet. 6. U- S U , U U U U 6. If you write your name or put any mark on any part of the Test booklet, except for the space allotted for the relevant entries, which may disclose your identity, you will render yourself liable to disqualification. 7. U # U U- S U U U U U # U U U U 7. You have to return the Test booklet to the invigilators at the end of the examination compulsorily and must not carry it with you outside the Examination Hall. 8. / U Z U S U 8. Use only Blue/Black Ball point pen. 9. Use of any calculator or log table etc. is prohibited. 9. U ( U U) U U 10. There is NO negative marking. 10. U U J 1205 1 P.T.O. HOME SCIENCE PAPER III - III NOTE : This paper is of two hundred (200) marks containing four (4) sections. Candidates are required to attempt the questions contained in these sections according to the detailed instructions given herewith. (200) (4) S J 1205 2 SECTION - I - I NOTE : This section contains five (5) questions based on the given paragraph. Each question should be answered in about thirty (30) words and each carries five (5) marks. (5 35 525 marks) (5) (30) (5) (535525 ) Health of people is not only a desirable goal, but it is also an essential investment in human resource. Since the inception of the planning process in the country, the successive five year plans have been providing the frame work within which the states could develop their health services, infrastructure, facilities for medical education, research etc. While the broad approaches contained in the successive plan documents and discussions in the forums might have generally served the needs of the situation in the past, it was felt that an integrated comprehensive approach towards the future development of medical education, research and health services was required to serve the actual needs and priorities of the country. It was in this context the need was felt to evolve a National Health Policy. This policy would also reiterate India s commitment to attain Health For All (H.F.A) by 2000 AD. During the last five decades since the attaining of independance considerable progress has been made in the promotion of the health status of our people. Small Pox has been eliminated; plague is no longer a problem; morbidity and mortality on account of malaria, cholera and other communicable diseases have decreased. The crude birth rate and infant mortality rate have reduced and the life expectancy has risen to 64 years. However, HFA is a long way off because disease, disability and death on account of several communicable diseases are still unacceptably high. Meanwhile, several noncommunicable diseases have emerged as new public health problem. Rural health services for delivery of primary health care are still not operational. Urban health services, particularly for urban slums require urgent attention due to the changing urban morphology. J 1205 3 P.T.O. S S g , M h M S S , , h S D S S c , S S S (Integrated comprehensive approach) M C S S M 2000 - S S h S S S S , S , , $ 64 . . . S , S M S S S M S S S S S S - M M 1. Why is health goal essential ? S S g ? J 1205 4 2. What is the new approach that has been conceptualised in planning Health Policy ? S S S ? 3. Over the period what are the diseases that have been tackled ? - ? J 1205 5 P.T.O. 4. What is the goal of HFA ? . . . g ? 5. What are the priorities in Health Education ? S S ? J 1205 6 SECTION - II II NOTE : This section contains fifteen (15) questions each to be answered in about thirty (30) words. Each question carries five (5) marks. (53 15 5 75 marks) - (5-5) (15) (30) (5315575 ) Explain the following terms / 6. Gelatinization $ J 1205 7 P.T.O. 7. Ageing and Ripening ( ) 8. Menu Merchandising J 1205 8 9. Parenteral feeding/nutrition / 10. Nutrification. J 1205 9 P.T.O. 11. Metamerisim 12. Degree of orientation. S J 1205 10 13. Percent moisture regain. 14. Work curve J 1205 11 P.T.O. 15. Empowerment 16. Brain storming. S c J 1205 12 17. Parametric test. ( S ) 18. Rhythm. J 1205 13 P.T.O. 19. Juvenile Delinquency - 20. Identity Crisis. J 1205 14 SECTION - III III NOTE : This section contains five (5) questions from each of the electives / specialisations. The candidate has to choose only one elective / specialisation and answer all the five questions from it. Each question carries twelve (12) marks and is to be answered in about two hundred (200) words. (53 12 5 60 marks) / (5) / (12) (200) (5312560 ) Elective - I / U I FOOD AND NUTRITION / 21. Ennumerate the effect of cooking process on vegetables and fruits. - 22. Discuss the appropriate techniques that should be used to identify protein energy malnutrition among children. S 23. Discuss the causes of anemia among women, suggest their treatment modes. Q 24. Discuss role of Biotechnology in enhancing the nutritional quality of foods. - ( ) 25. Enumerate the role of probiotics and antioxidants as health promoters. S S M - - ( ) OR / J 1205 15 P.T.O. Elective - II / II INSTITUTIONAL MANAGEMENT AND DIETETICS S 21. Explain how Commissary System is applicable to Fast Food Units ? ( S ), ? 22. Discuss the role of motivation and orientation in ensuring productivity among workers. S ? 23. Explain the importance of records and reports in financial management of any food service unit. Z 24. Explain the role of diet and diet counseling in the management of CVD. . . . S , 25. Discuss the diet regimen for peptic ulcer and cirrhosis giving rationale for the choice. S OR / Elective - III / III CHILD AND HUMAN DEVELOPMENT / 21. What are various parental disciplinary techniques ? Which one do you think the best and why ? h - ? ? 22. Highlight the importance of various Learning Centres along with their major objectives in preschool centre. Explain their contribution in enhancing active learning among children. / g l Z ? 23. Differentiate between the personality characteristics of children reared up in Residential Institutional Care Centres and children from family set ups. 24. Discuss the role of peer in Identity formation of adolescents. - - S ? J 1205 16 25. Discuss any two stages of Erik Erikson s theory in detail. h OR / Elective - IV / IV CLOTHING AND TEXTILES / S S 21. Only wool fibres undergo felting shrinkage - explain. S 22. Polyester - cotton blends are popular - give reasons. S - - S 23. Capillary action is more important in sports textiles - explain. , (S ) h S - 24. Raw - wool is cleaned by carbonization process - explain. 25. Pigment colours and dyes are different - explain. ( ) ( ) - S C OR / Elective - V / V HOME AND COMMUNITY RESOURCE MANAGEMENT 21. Why is static work more effortful than dynamic work ? S , ? 22. Analyse the appropriateness of systems approach to study home management. S S - 23. Enumerate the guidelines for optimising family resources. 24. How does demand on time and energy of a home maker vary with changes in family life cycle. , J 1205 17 P.T.O. 25. Describe the provisions under consumer protection act for Redressal of Consumer grievances. Q Q , OR / Elective - VI / VI HOME SCIENCE EXTENSION EDUCATION / S 21. Explain the physical aspects to be considered in planning non-formal education programme. 22. Give a short account of graphic aids. ( ) 23. Differentiate between result and method demonstration. S C 24. Examine the desirable traits of folk media for community education. 25. Specify the extension methods and aids appropriate for teaching adolescent girls on menstrual hygiene. S S S S J 1205 18 J 1205 19 P.T.O. J 1205 20 J 1205 21 P.T.O. J 1205 22 J 1205 23 P.T.O. J 1205 24 J 1205 25 P.T.O. J 1205 26 J 1205 27 P.T.O. SECTION - IV IV NOTE : This section consists of one essay type question of forty (40) marks to be answered in about one thousand (1000) words on any of the given topics. This question carries 40 marks. (40 3 1 540 marks) (40) , (1000) (40315 40 ) 26. Discuss how information technology will help to enhance the quality of life. , h , OR / Draw up strategies to empower women. S J 1205 28 J 1205 29 P.T.O. J 1205 30 J 1205 31 P.T.O. J 1205 32 J 1205 33 P.T.O. J 1205 34 J 1205 35 P.T.O. FOR OFFICE USE ONLY 1 26 51 76 2 27 52 77 3 28 53 78 4 29 54 79 5 30 55 80 6 31 56 81 7 32 57 82 8 33 58 83 9 34 59 84 10 35 60 85 11 36 61 86 12 37 62 87 13 38 63 88 14 39 64 89 15 40 65 90 16 41 66 91 17 42 67 92 18 43 68 93 19 44 69 94 20 45 70 95 21 46 71 96 22 47 72 97 23 48 73 98 24 49 74 99 25 50 75 Marks Obtained Question Number Marks Obtained Question Number Marks Obtained Question Number Marks Obtained Question Number Marks Obtained 100 Total Marks Obtained (in words) ..................................... (in figures) .................................... Signature & Name of the Coordinator ............................... (Evaluation) J 1205 Date ............................. 36

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Additional Info : Ugc Net June 2005 Question Paper -Home Science Paper III
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