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Signature and Name of Invigilator Answer Sheet No. : ...................................................... (To be filled by the Candidate) A 1. (Signature) Roll No. (Name) (In figures as per admission card) Roll No. 2. (Signature) (In words) (Name) Test Booklet No. D 0 8 0 7 PAPER II COMMERCE Time : 1 hours] Number of Pages in this Booklet : 16 [Maximum Marks : 100 Number of Questions in this Booklet : 50 U Instructions for the Candidates 1. Write your roll number in the space provided on the top of this page. 1. U DU U S U U U U 2. This paper consists of fifty multiple-choice type of questions. 3. U U U, - S U U U 3. At the commencement of examination, the question booklet will be given to you. In the first 5 minutes, you are requested to open the booklet and compulsorily examine it as below : (i) 2. - - S U (i) - S U U U U S U U- U S S U U (ii) To have access to the Question Booklet, tear off the paper seal on the edge of this cover page. Do not accept a booklet without sticker-seal and do not accept an open booklet. U DU U U U - S DU U U U U U U S DU / U U U U U S S U U U U U S U U - S U U - S U UQ (ii) (iii) 4. Tally the number of pages and number of questions in the booklet with the information printed on the cover page. Faulty booklets due to pages/questions missing or duplicate or not in serial order or any other discrepancy should be got replaced immediately by a correct booklet from the invigilator within the period of 5 minutes. Afterwards, neither the question booklet will be replaced nor any extra time will be given. After this verification is over, the Serial No. of the booklet should be entered in the Answer-sheets and the Serial No. of Answer Sheet should be entered on this Booklet. (iii) - S R U- U Each item has four alternative responses marked (A), (B), (C) and (D). You have to darken the oval as indicated below on the correct response against each item. 4. U U (A), (B), (C) (D) Example : A B C U U U U- R - S U U U U U U U D where (C) is the correct response. 5. Read instructions given inside carefully. 7. Rough Work is to be done in the end of this booklet. 8. If you write your name or put any mark on any part of the test booklet, except for the space allotted for the relevant entries, which may disclose your identity, you will render yourself liable to disqualification. 9. C D U U U S U U U , U 6. U U 7. (Rough Work) S DU U U 8. U- S U , U U U U 9. U # U U- S U U U U U # U U U You have to return the test question booklet to the invigilators at the end of the examination compulsorily and must not carry it with you outside the Examination Hall. / U Z U S U U ( U U) U U 12. U U 10. 10. Use only Blue/Black Ball point pen. 11. 11. Use of any calculator or log table etc., is prohibited. 12. There is NO negative marking. D 0807 B 5. U U I U U- U Your responses to the items are to be indicated in the Answer Sheet given inside the Paper I booklet only. If you mark at any place other than in the ovals in the Answer Sheet, it will not be evaluated. 6. A ( C) U 1 P.T.O. COMMERCE PAPER II Note : 1. This paper contains fifty (50) objective-type questions, each question carrying two (2) marks. Attempt all of them. The objective of the 11th Five-year Plan approach paper is to achieve : (A) (B) Inclusive finance (C) 2. Inclusive growth Growth with equity (D) Social justice The sector owned by State or Central Government is called : (A) (B) Public sector (C) 3. Private sector Joint sector (D) Co-operative sector Balanced growth means : (A) (B) The effect upon the national income of equal changes in Government expenditure and revenue. (C) A situation in which the Government s planned expenditure equals its expected income. (D) 4. The state of an economy in which there is a constant relationship between the components of aggregate national income. None of the above The country that is not a developing country but has not yet achieved the status of the advanced country is : (A) (B) South Korea (C) 5. Malaysia Singapore (D) None of these The draft Five-year Plan in India is approved by : (A) (B) Planning Commission (C) 6. National Development Council Cabinet Committee (D) President of India Which accounting principle differentiates between owners and management ? (A) (B) Dual Aspect (C) 7. Going Concern Separate Entity (D) Conservatism Reducing the capital of a company is called : (A) Internal Reconstruction (B) External Reconstruction (C) Consolidation (D) None of these D 0807 2 II U (50) S D (2) U 1. 11 (A) U U (A) (D) U (A) (C) (D) c U S U U S , U S U ? ? U (B) g c U (D) U c U U U c U U U U U U U (C) (A) (C) D 0807 (B) (D) U U c U U m U (D) h S (D) h U (B) h U U (B) U c U U U (A) 7. (B) (C) 6. U (A) 5. S U U (C) (approach) c U (B) (A) 4. U/ (C) 3. c U- (C) 2. U ? U U c U ? m h M h ? (B) (D) 3 s U P.T.O. 8. P/V ratio shows : (A) Profit and Volume (C) Safety Margin (B) (D) Profit Earning Capability None of the above 9. The (A) (B) (C) (D) 10. Match the items of List - I with the items in List - I (a) Cash Equivalents (i) (b) Average Collection Period (ii) (c) Zero-Base Budgeting (iii) (d) Responsibility Centre (iv) Codes : (a) (b) (c) (d) (A) (iii) (i) (ii) (iv) (B) (iv) (ii) (iii) (i) (C) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (iii) (iv) (D) (ii) (i) 11. In the short period, monopolist firm s equilibrium is at : (A) Break-even point (B) AR > AC (C) AR < AC (D) All of these 12. Price-discrimination is profitable and possible if the two markets have : (A) Equal Elasticity of Demand (B) Different Elasticity of Demand (C) Inelastic Demand (D) Highly Elastic Demand 13. Laws of increasing and constant returns are temporary phases of : (A) Law of Variable Proportion (B) Law of Diminishing Return (C) Law of Proportionality (D) Law of Diminishing Utility 14. A firm producing a large number of products will follow the pricing strategy known as : (A) Cost-plus pricing (B) Differential pricing (C) Product-line pricing (D) Price leadership D 0807 meaning of cash as per AS - 3 (revised) is : Cash in hand Cash at Bank Cash in hand and demand deposits in banks None of the above 4 List -II : List - II Efficiency of managing an asset Controlling Government Expenditure Liquid Securities Residual Income 8. / . . (A) (C) 9. . -x U (C) U (D) (c) (d) (A) (B) (C) (D) (A) - (A) (C) 13. (C) (A) (C) D 0807 U U U U U ? (B) S U (B) (D) - U - U U , (B) (D) 5 U ? U U (B) (D) U c U S (D) (d) (iv) (i) (iv) (iv) U U (iv) U U U (iii) U < (ii) U (i) (c) (ii) (iii) (iii) (iii) U U - II U U (A) 14. - (C) 12. (b) (i) (ii) (ii) (i) , U (a) (iii) (iv) (i) (ii) (B) U U 11. (b) ? (D) - I -II - I U U (a) U ( U ) U (B) U U (A) 10. (P/V) S U ? O > O U U ? - U P.T.O. 15. Cartels under oligopoly do not survive for long because of : (A) (B) Low profits (C) 16. Inter-firm rivalry High cost of marketing (D) Heavy losses F-test is a : (A) (B) Variance test (C) 17. Probability test Factor analysis (D) None of the above Regression analysis is a measure of : (A) (B) Degree of association (C) Cause and effect relationship (D) 18. Degree and direction of relationship None of the above Schedules help us in collecting : (A) (B) Qualitative Data (C) 19. Secondary Data Primary Data (D) None of the above Match the items from List - I with the items in List -II : List - I List - II (a) Random sampling (i) Structured (b) Hypothesis testing (ii) Parametric test (c) Questionnaire (iii) Probability sampling (d) t - test (iv) b - error Codes : (a) (c) (d) (A) (iv) (iii) (i) (ii) (B) (iii) (iv) (ii) (i) (C) (iii) (i) (iv) (ii) (D) 20. (b) (iii) (iv) (i) (ii) The process of arranging records within a file is called : (A) (B) Arranging (C) 21. Ordering Sequencing (D) Sorting Who is the father of Scientific Management ? (A) Peter F. Drucker (B) Henry Fayol (C) F.W. Taylor (D) Charles Babbage D 0807 6 15. U (A) (C) 16. (C) (B) (C) (D) 18. (C) 19. (c) (d) (A) (B) (C) (D) (C) 21. (C) D 0807 U U (B) U U U (B) (D) - II U U U . . U . S U (Sequencing) U U U U U U U - h (b - error) (d) (ii) (i) (ii) (ii) (Ordering) R U (iv) (i) (iii) (c) (i) (ii) (iv) (i) U (ii) U (b) (iii) (iv) (i) (iv) - II U - U R S (a) (iv) (iii) (iii) (iii) (Random) U U (D) (Variance) U m (D) U (A) U - U (A) (B) ( U U) (b) 20. - I - I (a) U U U (A) (A) - US U (A) 17. Z R (B) (D) (Arranging) (Sorting) U U ? (B) (D) 7 U P.T.O. 22. What are K.R. As. ? (A) (B) Key Recruitment Agencies (C) Key Real Assets (D) 23. Key Result Areas Key Resourceful Areas The modern organization structure usually recommended is : (A) (B) Flat (C) 24. Tall Floating (D) Circular Which of the following relates to interpersonal communication ? (A) (B) Formal (C) 25. Johari Window Body language (D) All of the above Who is an independent director ? (A) (B) Shareholder of the Company (C) 26. Financial Institution Nominee of Outside Agency (D) None of the above Who propounded Mega-marketing ? (A) (B) Philip Kotler (C) 27. Mc Aurthy Sheth (D) Peter F. Drucker On-line marketing is associated with : (A) (B) Product Life Cycle (C) 28. Segmentation Distribution (D) Packing Relationship marketing relates to : (A) (B) Two-time purchase (C) 29. One-time purchase Repeat purchase (D) Continuous purchase Modern marketing concept emphasizes on : (A) (B) Customer satisfaction (C) 30. Sales maximisation Profit maximisation (D) Wealth maximisation Penetration price is : (A) Charging high price (B) Charging low price (C) Charging competitive price (D) None of the above D 0807 8 22. K. R. As. (A) (B) (A) 25. U U S (A) (C) 26. (A) (C) 27. (A) (C) 28. (C) (C) 30. (C) D 0807 U (D) (D) (B) U (D) S (B) (D) U (B) (D) U (B) U (Flat) U (Circular) U ? U U U U (D) U U U U U U U . UU U R U R U U R ? (B) U C U U ? S (D) ? R R U R ? U U U , ? U ? S S (B) U U (A) U (B) U (A) U (Key Resourceful Areas) U U (A) 29. U (C) (Key Real Assets) (Floating) U U (Key Recruitment Agencies) (Tall) U (C) U (Key Result Areas) S (A) 24. (D) ? (C) 23. U U (B) (D) 9 U P.T.O. 31. Right shares enjoy preferential rights as regards : (A) (B) Payment of dividend (C) Repayment of capital in the event of winding up of the company (D) 32. Payment of retained earnings None of the above Non-performing Advance means : (A) (B) Obsolete assets (C) Assets transferred to company liquidator (D) 33. Non-functional assets Loans becoming overdue beyond 90 days Match the items of List - I with the items in List -II : List - I List - II (a) Capital gearing ratio (i) Profitability (b) Fixed assets turnover (ii) Short-term solvency (c) Return on equity (iii) Activity (d) Acid test (iv) Long-term solvency Codes : (a) (c) (d) (A) (iv) (iii) (i) (ii) (B) (iv) (iii) (ii) (i) (C) (iii) (iv) (i) (ii) (D) 34. (b) (iv) (i) (iii) (ii) Capital structure designing has nothing to do with : (A) (B) Solvency (C) 35. Profitability Flexibility (D) Transferability Which of the following is the source of short-term finance ? (A) (B) Bank Credit (C) 36. Trade Credit Short-term Borrowings (D) All of the above What is the operative function of Human Resource Management ? (A) Controlling (B) Organizing (C) Procurement (D) None of the above D 0807 10 31. U (A) (C) c (A) (B) (C) 90 U (c) (d) S U 34. (A) (C) 35. U S U Z (i) (ii) R - U (C) (C) D 0807 d U ( U U) (D) U (B) ? ? (D) U S U (B) U - (D) R (B) - (d) (ii) (i) (ii) (ii) U (iii) U (A) (c) (i) (ii) (i) (iii) U U (iv) (b) (iii) (iii) (iv) (i) US U (A) 36. U ? ? U (A) (B) (C) (D) - II U U (a) (iv) (iv) (iii) (iv) U U U (b) U - I -II - I (a) (D) U cR U (D) 33. U U (B) 32. U 11 U ? U P.T.O. 37. Selection means : (A) (B) Testing (C) 38. Elimination Recruitment (D) None of the above What is the method used to determine wage differentials ? (A) (B) Job design (C) 39. Merit rating Job evaluation (D) None of the above Social security benefit include : (A) (B) Non-financial incentives (C) 40. Annual bonus Old age pension (D) None of the above Performance appraisal relates to : (A) (B) Open-door method (C) 41. 360 degrees appraisal Autocratic method (D) All of the above In 2005 - 06, which of the following banks earned the highest return on assets ? (A) (B) Foreign Banks (C) 42. Private Sector Banks Public Sector Banks (D) Scheduled Commercial Banks Which of the following provides financial aid to the developing countries of Asia : (A) (B) International Development Association (C) Asian Development Bank (D) 43. Association of South East Asian Nations None of the above The merger of __________ and __________ was the first M and A activity after liberalization. (A) (B) New Bank of India and Punjab National Bank (C) ICICI and ICICI Bank (D) 44. Times Bank and HDFC Bank GTB and Oriental Bank of Commerce The first Development Bank IFCI was established in : (A) 45. 1948 (B) 1947 (C) 1949 (D) 1950 (D) 15 The number of approved stock exchanges in India is : (A) D 0807 24 (B) 21 (C) 12 18 37. (A) U U 360 (A) (B) (C) (D) 43. (A) (B) (C) (D) 44. (A) 45. U (A) D 0807 U C - - U U U ? U ? U U U __________ R ? 1947 (B) (B) S U ? U (D) ? __________ U- (B) (B) 24 1948 U U (D) U (D) (B) U U U U C U U U U U (D) 2005 - 06 (C) U (A) (B) c (C) 42. U (A) U (C) U U (A) 41. (B) (D) (C) 40. (A) 39. c (C) 38. (C) 1949 (D) 1950 (C) 18 (D) 15 ? 21 13 P.T.O. 46. Happiness Index or Happy Planet Index has been evolved jointly by the New Economic Foundation and Friends of Earth . Both are located in : (A) 47. U.K. (B) U.S.A. (C) Australia (D) The amount of gold, reserve currencies and special drawing rights available for the finance of international trade is known as _________. (A) International Liquidity (B) Special Drawing Rights (C) 48. Europe International Monetary Fund (D) None of the above The Double Taxation Avoidance Convention (DTAC) pact was signed between : (A) (B) India, Serbia and Montenegro (C) 49. India and China Australia and China (D) None of the above International Trade Theory was the contribution of : (A) (B) Arthur Okun (C) 50. Bertic Ohlin Adam Smith (D) None of the above Which of the following is not matched against its name ? (A) ASEAN : Economic co-operation amongst all Asian Countries (B) IMF : To remove unfavourable balance of payment and to provide financial assistance (C) WTO : Does not allow quantitative restrictions on trade (D) SAARC : Encourages trade between South Asian Countries -oOo- D 0807 14 46. m U (A) 47. (A) (C) (C) 49. (C) 50. U , U (A) ASEAN : (B) IMF : (C) WTO : (D) SAARC : (DTAC) U U (D) U U ( . U . U ) U U U U U S U ? U ? U (D) U Q (B) U , (D) U (B) h S U (D) S U ? (B) S (C) U . . . U S U U U ? U U U U C U U (B) U UU C (A) U U C U (A) M . . U U C 48. U U U ? U U U U -oOo- D 0807 15 P.T.O. Space For Rough Work D 0807 16

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