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Signature and Name of Invigilator OMR Sheet No. : ...................................................... (To be filled by the Candidate) 1. (Signature) Roll No. (Name) (In figures as per admission card) Roll No. 2. (Signature) (In words) (Name) Test Booklet No. J 0 9 0 8 PAPER II EDUCATION Time : 1 hours] Number of Pages in this Booklet : 16 [Maximum Marks : 100 Number of Questions in this Booklet : 50 U Instructions for the Candidates 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. U DU U S U U U U Write your roll number in the space provided on the top of this page. This paper consists of fifty multiple-choice type of questions. At the commencement of examination, the question booklet will be given to you. In the first 5 minutes, you are requested to open the booklet and compulsorily examine it as below : (i) To have access to the Question Booklet, tear off the paper seal on the edge of this cover page. Do not accept a booklet without sticker-seal and do not accept an open booklet. (ii) Tally the number of pages and number of questions in the booklet with the information printed on the cover page. Faulty booklets due to pages/questions missing or duplicate or not in serial order or any other discrepancy should be got replaced immediately by a correct booklet from the invigilator within the period of 5 minutes. Afterwards, neither the question booklet will be replaced nor any extra time will be given. (iii) After this verification is over, the Test Booklet Number should be entered in the OMR Sheet and the OMR Sheet Number should be entered on this Test Booklet. Each item has four alternative responses marked (A), (B), (C) and (D). You have to darken the oval as indicated below on the correct response against each item. Example : A B C 2. - 3. U U U, - S U U U - S U (i) (ii) U DU U U U - S DU U U U U U U S DU / U U U U U S S U U U U U S U U - S U U - S U UQ (iii) - S R OMR U U U U OMR R - S U U 4. U U (A), (B), (C) (D) U U U U U D A B C D (C) U 5. U U I U U- U where (C) is the correct response. 5. Your responses to the items are to be indicated in the Answer Sheet given inside the Paper I booklet only . If you mark at any place other than in the ovals in the Answer Sheet, it will not be evaluated. 6. Read instructions given inside carefully. 7. Rough Work is to be done in the end of this booklet. 8. If you write your name or put any mark on any part of the test booklet, except for the space allotted for the relevant entries, which may disclose your identity, you will render yourself liable to disqualification. 9. You have to return the test question booklet to the invigilators at the end of the examination compulsorily and must not carry it with you outside the Examination Hall. 10. Use only Blue/Black Ball point pen. 11. Use of any calculator or log table etc., is prohibited. 12. There is NO negative marking. J 0908 - S U U U U S U U- U S S U U U U U S U U U , U 6. U U 7. (Rough Work) S DU U U 8. U- S U , U U U U 9. U # U U- S U U U U U # U U U / U Z U S U 11. U ( U U) U U 12. U U 10. 1 P.T.O. EDUCATION PAPER II Note : 1. This paper contains fifty (50) objective-type questions, each question carrying two (2) marks. Attempt all of them. Epistemology deals with : (A) Problems of values (C) Source of knowledge (B) (D) Reasoning Something beyond physical matter 2. Education is the dynamic side of Philosophy . This statement is associated with : (A) James Ross (B) John Adams (C) John Dewey (D) Froebel 3. How many Tirthankars are there in Jain Religion ? (A) 24 (B) 25 (C) 26 (D) 27 4. Sri Aurobindo favoured mostly to one of the following methods of teaching : (A) Action method (B) Step by step method (C) Direct method (D) Indirect method 5. First sermonin by Mahavir, the founder of Jain religion was given in _______. (A) Pawa puri (B) Shravasti (C) Rajgriha (D) Vaishali 6. In the constitution, the following article was not concerned with religious education : (A) Article 15 (3) (B) Article 28 (1) (C) Article 28 (2) (D) Article 28 (3) 7. Individual aim of education aims at making a child : (A) Co-operative individual (B) Self realised individual (C) Isolated individual (D) Follower of God 8. The word pragmatism has been derived from the word Pragma which means : (A) Action (B) Reaction (C) Passive behaviour (D) Thoughtless behaviour 9. Which one book of the followings is not written by Dewey ? (A) The child and the curriculum (B) How we think (C) The discovery of the child (D) Schools of tomorrow 10. Aim of complete living in Education was supported by : (A) Herbart (B) Herbert spencer (C) John Dewey (D) Plato J 0908 2 U (50) II S D (2) U 1. S (A) (B) S (C) 2. S (D) U U (A) 3. U (D) 24 (B) 25 (C) 26 (D) 27 (B) (D) (D) U h (C) S S U m U ? (A) 6. (C) , U m U ? (A) 5. U Z U ? (A) 4. (B) U (B) U (C) S U U ? (A) (B) U 28 (1) (C) 7. U 15 (3) U 28 (2) (D) U 28 (3) ? (A) (B) (C) 8. (D) U , (A) (B) (C) 9. c U (D) U U S U m U ? (A) (B) (C) 10. U U U U U U (D) S U U U ? (A) J 0908 U (B) U U S U (C) 3 U (D) U P.T.O. 11. No body can live without a metaphysics, it is true even of the most thought less. This statement is associated with : (A) 12. Plato (B) A. Huxley (C) Rousseau (D) Dewey Match List-I with List-II in the following : List-I List-II (a) Gitanjali (i) Rousseau (b) My Experiment with Truth (ii) Plato (c) Social Contract (iii) Gandhiji (d) The Republic (iv) Tagore (v) Vivekanand Codes : (a) (c) (d) (A) (i) (v) (iii) (iv) (B) (iv) (iii) (ii) (i) (C) (iv) (ii) (i) (v) (D) 13. (b) (v) (i) (iv) (ii) Match the following : X Y (a) Library (i) Difference in rate of change (b) Culture (ii) Human resource development (c) Cultural lag (iii) Religion specific (d) Functions of education (iv) Governs aims of education (v) Formal agency of education Codes : (a) (b) (c) (d) (A) (ii) (iv) (iii) (i) (B) (ii) (iv) (i) (iii) (C) (v) (iv) (i) (ii) (D) (v) (iii) (i) (ii) (a) Assertion : Scheduled caste children have tendency to drop out before finishing their schooling. (b) Reason : 14. Earning members of their family are not well employed. (A) (a) and (b) both are correct (B) (a) and (b) both are wrong (C) Only (a) is correct (D) Only (b) is correct J 0908 4 11. U , U (A) 12. (B) U (C) U M (D) U -I -II -II -I (a) (i) M (b) U U U (ii) U (c) U U (iii) (d) U (iv) U U (v) U (A) (B) (C) (D) 13. (a) (i) (iv) (iv) (v) (b) (v) (iii) (ii) (i) (c) (iii) (ii) (i) (iv) (d) (iv) (i) (v) (ii) X Y (a) U (i) U U U (b) S (ii) (c) S U (iii) c U (d) (iv) g U U (v) U S U (A) (B) (C) (D) (a) (ii) (ii) (v) (v) (b) (iv) (iv) (iv) (iii) (c) (iii) (i) (i) (i) (d) (i) (iii) (ii) (ii) (a) S U U U (b) U 14. U U U S U (A) (a) U U (b) (B) (a) U U (b) (C) (a) (D) U (b) J 0908 5 P.T.O. 15. Adjustment to social situation is easily possible by the individual, with the help of : (A) (B) Skills and knowledge acquired in the classroom (C) Modern technologies known to the child (D) 16. Cultural values learnt in the school Exposure to social change in the schools Which of the following is not a non-formal agency of education ? (A) (B) EduSat (C) 17. Gyan Darshan Virtual classroom (D) Play ground Which of the following helps in the process of socialisation ? (A) (B) Meditation process (C) 18. Printed material Playmates (D) Self centered living Which of the following is not a barrier in social change ? (A) (B) Population Explosion (C) 19. Poverty Aristocracy (D) Parochialism The concept of life long learning is the outcome of : (A) (B) People s desire to learn more (C) Country s need for a large number of educated people (D) 20. Shortage of schools in the country Dynamics of expansion of knowledge Sociology of Education means : (A) (B) Application of principles of social learning to education (C) Application of principles of sociology to cultural learning (D) 21. Application of principles of sociology to classroom Application of principles of sociology to education The formal agencies of education came into being due to : (A) (B) Society being in need of transforming knowledge from one generation to another (C) Society and culture came together with time (D) 22. Society becoming quite complex and culture developing various specialised expressions. Society realising the contribution of every individual towards its development Learning to live peacefully with others as a pillar of education gets its support from : (A) Political Science (B) Economics (C) Education (D) Sociology J 0908 6 15. m U S ? (A) (B) m U (C) U m U (D) 16. S S m U S U U U S ? (A) (B) U (C) 17. M (D) U ? (A) (B) (C) 18. U (D) S U U U U ? (A) (B) S U (C) 19. U (D) U U ? (A) (B) - - U (C) (D) 20. S S ? (A) (B) h (C) S h S (D) 21. S h S h U S S U ? (A) (B) U M U U (C) U S (D) 22. c U U S c U U U U S U ? (A) J 0908 U S (B) (C) S 7 S (D) S P.T.O. 23. Existence of Private, Public schools and Government schools side by side strengthen : (A) social relations in the community (B) barrier between rich and poor (C) interaction between government and private sector (D) learning of teaching methodology by teachers 24. Which of the following is not a characteristic of modernisation ? (A) Participation in technological development (B) Changing religious faith (C) Empathy (D) Mobility 25. Moral development proceeds in stages, was advocated by : (A) Erickson (B) Kohlberg (C) Bandura (D) Havighurst 26. Identify the wrong statement from the following : (A) growth does not continue throughout the life (B) heredity sets the limits for development in terms of potential (C) development proceeds from specific to general (D) correlation and not compensation is the rule in development 27. Long term memory is to a large extent assisted by : (A) meaningful learning (B) rote learning (C) massed practice (D) distributed practice 28. Which of the following is not a category in Gagne s learning hierarchy ? (A) Chain learning (B) Concept learning (C) Symbolic Association (D) Problem solving 29. Which one of the following is not a characteristic of language development ? (A) semanticity (B) productivity (C) tactfulness (D) displacement 30. Constructivist approach is the outcome of : (A) behaviouristic psychology (B) social psychology (C) cognitive psychology (D) both (B) and (C) 31. The first person to devise a workable series of intelligence tests was : (A) Binet (B) Raven (C) Wechsler (D) 32. 33. TAT is a tool which is : (A) observational (C) situational (B) (D) self-reporting self-rating The right order of the structure of mind according to Freud is : (A) Super Ego - ID - Ego (B) ID - Ego - Super Ego (C) Ego - Super Ego - ID (D) ID - Super Ego - Ego J 0908 8 Spearman 23. , U U S - ? (A) (B) U U U (C) U U U U (D) 24. U ? (A) (B) U (C) 25. (D) U , ? (A) 26. (B) U (C) h U (B) U (C) c U U U (D) , U , h S ? (A) (B) U U m U (C) (B) (D) S - (A) 30. U (B) ? (C) U U (B) (D) (D) S U (B) (C) h U U ? (A) (B) (C) U U TAT U U ? (A) (B) S (C) 33. S (C) 32. (D) U (A) 31. U # (D) ? (C) 29. (A) 28. S U (A) 27. (D) U S (D) S U U U U (A) - - (B) - - (C) - - (D) - - J 0908 9 P.T.O. 34. Match Column-I with Column-II in the following : Column-I Column-II (a) Introversion (i) Maslow (b) Primary mental abilities (ii) Vernon (c) Self actualisation (iii) Raven (d) Progressive metrices (iv) Allport (v) Thurstone Codes : (a) (b) (c) (d) (A) (iv) (v) (iii) (i) (B) (ii) (v) (i) (iii) (C) (iv) (v) (ii) (i) (D) (iii) (ii) (iv) (v) 35. The (A) (B) (C) (D) term inclusive education refers to : education of SC/ST children education of children with disabilities along with normal ones education in multigrade setting education of children from minority groups 36. The (A) (B) (C) (D) least important qualification for a successful guidance officer is that he/she : possesses patience and perseverance has good academic qualifications is well adjusted to self and others believes in experimentation 37. Which of the following is the major advantage of conducting a related literature review ? (A) places a study in a historical and associationed perspective (B) identifies variables and tools of research (C) encourages unnecessary duplication of research (D) provides an idea of the research design 38. The lists are being given. You have to the List-B : List-A (a) Predictive validity (i) (b) Content validity (ii) (c) Concurrent validity (iii) (iv) Codes : (a) (b) (c) (A) (ii) (iii) (i) (B) (iv) (ii) (i) (C) (iii) (iv) (ii) (D) (iii) (i) (iv) J 0908 find suitable match for the term in List-A from List-B Measure Measure Measure Measure 10 of fair representation of theoretical processes of product/performance of agreement with known results 34. -I U -II -I -II (a) (i) (b) (ii) U (c) h (iii) U (d) U (iv) U (v) U U (A) (B) (C) (D) 35. (a) (iv) (ii) (iv) (iii) (b) (v) (v) (v) (ii) (c) (iii) (i) (ii) (iv) (d) (i) (iii) (i) (v) (A) (B) (C) 36. SC/ST U m U (D) U ? (A) (B) U (C) U U U (D) 37. U ? (A) (B) U U U (C) U (D) 38. U U U U U -A -B U -A -B (a) (i) c (b) (ii) h (c) (iii) / c (iv) - / U U (A) (B) (C) (D) J 0908 (a) (ii) (iv) (iii) (iii) (b) (iii) (ii) (iv) (i) (c) (i) (i) (ii) (iv) 11 P.T.O. 39. Those who enroll themselves in an exploratory vocational programme will contribute more to the development of society than these not enrolled in the programme. Which one of the important characteristics of a good hypothesis is violated in the above hypothesis ? (Select the most suitable answer) (A) (B) A hypothesis should be concise (C) A hypothesis should be defined in operational terms (D) 40. A hypothesis should be logically acceptable A hypothesis should be testable Standardised tests are different from locally devised instruments in the way that standardised tests : (A) (B) have greater flexibility (C) are more valid and easy (D) 41. have norms as well as technical support have inform administration and scoring procedure There are two lists. You have to match the statement given in the List- A with the terms given in List- B : List-A List-B (a) Research by the user for the user (i) Evaluative Research (b) Research for applicability (ii) Fundamental Research (c) Research for general abstract knowledge (iii) Applied Research (iv) Action Research Codes : (a) (c) (A) (iv) (ii) (i) (B) (iv) (iii) (i) (C) (iii) (iv) (ii) (D) 42. (b) (iv) (iii) (ii) A statement that a researcher inserts in his Ph.D thesis which he believes to be a fact but he cannot verify. He will term this as : (A) (B) an axiom (C) 43. a delimitation an assumption (D) a hypothesis Observer s bias cannot be controlled by : (A) choosing observers carefully (B) informing the observer of the nature of the study (C) carefully training observers (D) using two or more observers in each situation J 0908 12 39. , U U U h U U (A) (B) U (C) U U U (D) 40. U M S U U U S U U U (A) (B) (C) (D) 41. U S M -A -A -B U -B (a) m U (i) (b) (ii) (c) (iii) (iv) U (A) (B) (C) (D) 42. (a) (iv) (iv) (iii) (iv) (b) (ii) (iii) (iv) (iii) (c) (i) (i) (ii) (ii) Ph.D U U (A) 43. U (B) (C) S h (D) U m U / U ? (A) (B) U (C) (D) U S J 0908 13 P.T.O. 44. Which one of the following statements is not true ? (A) A phenomenon which can neither be presented nor be manipulated by the researcher but has occurred in the past is a subject of Historical Research (B) To study a phenomenon by the researcher as it where status is a subject of Descriptive Research (C) Manipulation of dependent variable is key to an experimental study (D) A study which studies concomitant variation of independent and dependent variables without being manipulated by researcher, is an Ex-post-facto research 45. If mean and median of a distribution are equal and range is equal to 6 s then we can say that the distribution is : (A) Normal (B) Lepto Kurtic (C) Plato Kurtic (D) Symmetrical 46. A researcher has decided to test his hypothesis only at .05 level of significance. He is likely to commit : (A) type I error (B) type II error (C) both type I & type II error (D) neither of the two errors 47. A t-test is to test the significance of difference between : (A) two means (B) two co-efficients of correlation (C) two standard deviations (D) all the above 48. One (A) (B) (C) (D) 49. If a researcher wants to study attitudes towards a social phenomenon with respect to gender, then he has to take : (A) One variable in Ordinal scale and other in Interval scale (B) One variable in Nominal scale and other in Ratio scale (C) One variable in Nominal scale and other Interval scale (D) One variable in Ordinal scale and other in Ratio scale 50. At the time of analysing the data, a researcher noticed that there is a mistake in scoring. There is a constant error in the score (real score is higher than the observed). Therefore, he should : (A) ignore the mistake (B) rescore the data (C) add error in each score (D) subtract error in each score of the limitations of ANOVA would be its inability to indicate : interaction among variables under study effects of different variables under study independence of source(s) of variation none of the above -oOoJ 0908 14 44. (A) ? U , m U U S U U , (B) U (C) U U (D) U U U U U U U ( S U U ) U 45. U U U U U 6 s , U (A) (B) U U (C) 46. U U (D) U U .05 S U U U __________ U U U (A) (B) U U-II (C) 47. U U-I U U-I II (D) t - U U U U (A) (B) (C) 48. (D) U ANOVA (A) (B) U U (C) 49. U U U S (D) U U U U (A) (B) U S U S (C) U S U U S (D) 50. U S U U S U S U S , S U U ( S ) (A) (B) (C) # U (D) # U U -oOoJ 0908 15 P.T.O. Space For Rough Work J 0908 16

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