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Signature and Name of Invigilator Roll No. (In figures as per admission card) 1. (Signature) (Name) Roll No. 2. (Signature) (Name) Test Booklet No. D 0 9 0 5 Time : 2 hours] (In words) PAPER III EDUCATION Number of Pages in this Booklet : 40 [Maximum Marks : 200 Number of Questions in this Booklet : 26 Instructions for the Candidates U U 1. Write your roll number in the space provided on the top of this page. 1. U DU U S U U U U U 2. U U U, U S U U 2. Answers to short answer/essay type questions are to be given in the space provided below each question or after the questions in the Test Booklet itself. U U No Additional Sheets are to be used. 3. U U U, - S U U U - S U U 3. At the commencement of examination, the question booklet will be given to you. In the first 5 minutes, you are requested to open the booklet and compulsorily examine it as below : (i) - S U U U U U U U S U U- U S S U U (i) To have access to the Test Booklet, tear off the paper seal on the edge of this cover page. Do not accept a booklet without sticker-seal and do not accept an open booklet. (ii) U DU U U U - S DU U U U U U U S DU / U U U U U S S U U U U U S U U - S U U - S U UQ (ii) Tally the number of pages and number of questions in the booklet with the information printed on the cover page. Faulty booklets due to pages/questions missing or duplicate or not in serial order or any other discrepancy should be got replaced immediately by a correct booklet from the invigilator within the period of 5 minutes. Afterwards, neither the question booklet will be replaced nor any extra time will be given. 4. U U 4. Read instructions given inside carefully. 5. One page is attached for Rough Work at the end of the booklet before the Evaluation Sheet. 5. U U- S (Rough Work) U U DU 6. If you write your name or put any mark on any part of the Answer Sheet, except for the space allotted for the relevant entries, which may disclose your identity, you will render yourself liable to disqualification. 6. U- S U , U U U U 7. U # U U- S U U U U U # U U U U 7. You have to return the Test booklet to the invigilators at the end of the examination compulsorily and must not carry it with you outside the Examination Hall. 8. / U Z U S U 8. Use only Blue/Black Ball point pen. 9. Use of any calculator or log table etc. is prohibited. 9. U ( U U) U U 10. There is NO negative marking. 10. U U D 0905 1 P.T.O. EDUCATION PAPER III - III NOTE : This paper is of two hundred (200) marks containing four (4) sections. Candidates are required to attempt the questions contained in these sections according to the detailed instructions given therein. (200) (4) S D 0905 2 SECTION - I U I Note : This section contains five (5) questions based on the following paragraph. Each question should be answered in about thirty (30) words and each carries five (5) marks. (5x5=25 marks) ( 5) (30) ( 5) (5x5=25 ) The main thing we have to keep in mind is the emotional integration of India. We must guard against being swept away by momentary passion, whether it is religion mis-applied to politics of communalism or provincialism or casteism. We have to build up the great country into a might nation, mighty not in the ordinary sense of the word that is, having great armies and all that, but might in thought, mighty in action, mighty in culture and mighty its peaceful service of humanity. We should not become parochial, narrow-minded, provincial, communal and caste-minded, because we have a great mission to perform, Let us, the citizens of the Republic of India, stand up strong, with a straight backs, and look up at the skies, keeping our feet firmly planted on the ground and bring about this synthesis, the integration of the Indian people. Political integration has already taken place to some extent, but what I am after is something much deeper than that an emotional integration of the Indian people so that we might be welded into one, and made into one strong national unit, maintaining at the same time all our wonderful diversity. Democracy, while it ensures free expression, and freedom of thinking, also demands something else. It demands unified action afterwards. It demands acceptance of decisions taken. Otherwise, there is a break-up. You are acquainted somewhat with the history of India. It has been our misfortune through long periods of history to be very factious, to be liable to separatism, with the result that the great strength of India has been wasted in inner conflict, in inner argument and in fissiparous and separatist tendencies. Surely we should learn something from the history of India. We have produced great men in every field of human endeavour, in thought, in action, in art, in literature, in music. Yet we have failed to take advantage of this greatness because of the tendency amongst us to disrupt, to go our individual ways. D 0905 3 P.T.O. M , L c , L , , , , S , , , , , , , , c S S , Z S , m , , M M , , , L 1. What does the author mean by emotional integration of India ? ? D 0905 4 2. What is the concept of mighty nation in the paragraph ? l c , ? 3. Cite examples for fissiparous and separatist Tendencies of people in Indian History. D 0905 5 P.T.O. 4. We should look up at the skies keeping our feet firmly planted . What could be the expectation of the author from us through this sentence ? Give examples. , m ? 5. Tendency amongst us is to disrupt and to go our individual ways . What would the author have in mind when he writes this ? Give two examples. S c D 0905 6 SECTION - II U II Note : This section contains fifteen (15) questions numbered 6 to 20 each to be answered in about thirty (30) words. Each question carries five (5) marks. (5x15=75 marks) - (5-5) (15) , 6 20 (30) (5x15=75 ) 6. Compare the philosophies of Vedanta and Buddhism on the basis of their views on Knowledge and Values. h , D 0905 7 P.T.O. 7. What are the provisions under Article 46 of the Indian Constitution ? Describe their implications. 46 ? Z 8. Give an example of Logical Reasoning with justification. - , D 0905 8 9. Explain the mode of intellectual development according to Bruner. h 10. Explain the hierarchical nature of different types of learning as given by Gagne m h D 0905 9 P.T.O. 11. Give Allport s definition of personality and explain the key terms used in the definition m 12. State any four factors affecting Internal Validity of an Experimental Design. - M ? D 0905 10 13. Discuss the relative advantages and limitations of a questionnaire and a rating scale in a study on problems encountered by teachers in teaching mathematics in schools . l S - 14. Differentiate between Stratified Random Sampling and Cluster Sampling. S S c D 0905 11 P.T.O. 15. How do quantitative and qualitative approaches to educational research differ in data collection and use of findings ? - , ? 16. Differentiate among the terms Distance Education; Non-Formal Education and Continuing Education S , S c D 0905 12 17. Differentiate between Formative and Summative Evaluation of Curriculum. K S c 18. State the steps generally followed in Curriculum Development : K D 0905 13 P.T.O. 19. Explain the role of follow-up services in guidance programmes in Schools : l 20. Differentiate between Guidance and Counselling with suitable examples : S c D 0905 14 SECTION - III U III Note : This section contains five (5) questions from each of the electives / specialisations. The candidate has to choose only one elective / specialisation and answer all the five questions from it. Each question carries twelve (12) marks and is to be answered in about two hundred (200) words. (Quastions 21 to 25) (12x5=60 marks) / (5) / ( 12) (200) ( 21 25) (12x5=60 ) Elective - I U I 21. Discuss the development of the concept of Educational Administration since 1900 AD. 1900 AD 22. What are the specific needs of employees in educational institutions ? Discuss some approaches for meeting them. S c ? 23. What is meant by educational leadership ? What are the characteristics of a good leader in education ? Give examples. ? ? 24. Explain the meaning of education planning. Discuss the role of some apex bodies in educational planning in India. ? D 0905 15 P.T.O. 25. Explain with examples the difference between administration and supervision in education. Discuss some modern approaches to educational supervision. OR / Elective - II II 21. Explain the meanings of the terms measurement , assessment and evaluation , by giving suitable examples. , , 22. Explain the meanings of subjectivity and objectivity in educational measurement. Give your suggestions to improve the objectivity of essay tests. c , S c S c S c 23. What is meant by scale of measurement ? Write the charactersitics of the four scales of measurement. , ? 24. What is meant by a norm ? Discuss the meaning and uses of standard scores in educational evaluation : ? 25. Differentiate between attitude, aptitude and achievement, Discuss how they are related to one another. , L S c OR / D 0905 16 S Elective - III III 21. Illustrate the inter-ralationship among the three stages of teaching, namely, proactive, interactive and post-active. S - , , S 22. Define Models of Teaching. Differentiate between Models of Teaching and Methods of Teaching. S c 23. In the context of Discussion Method, list all the Components of Communication with justification. , c 24. Discuss the role of Simulation in developing Skills of Teaching. L - S 25. Select any topic. Write Six Terminal Behaviours and Corresponding Entry Behaviours. - OR / D 0905 17 P.T.O. Elective - IV IV 21. Discuss different teaching strategies to be used for teaching language to Mentally Retarded children. h 22. Explain the characteristics of Juvenile Delinquents. 23. Will the strategies of teaching Mathematics to Orthopaedically Handicapped children be different from those to Normal children ? Justify your answer with examples : M , ? m c 24. Discuss the Education of the Visually Impaired Children with respect to Objectives, Teaching Methods and Evaluation. g , c - 25. What do you mean by integrated education ? Discuss its status in the context of India. ? S OR / D 0905 18 Elective - V V 21. Differentiate between aims and objectives of Elementary, Secondary and College level of Teacher Education. , l S g 22. Analyse and Discuss the problems encountered in implementation of Teacher Education Curriculum. 23. Evaluate the present Pre-service teacher education programmes in the context of preparing competent and committed teachers. h 24. Teaching practice is the weakest link in Teacher Education Programme. Give your suggestions to revitalize this aspect. - h 25. Critically review the Indian researches in the area of Teaching Effectiveness. D 0905 19 P.T.O. D 0905 20 D 0905 21 P.T.O. D 0905 22 D 0905 23 P.T.O. D 0905 24 D 0905 25 P.T.O. D 0905 26 D 0905 27 P.T.O. D 0905 28 D 0905 29 P.T.O. SECTION - IV IV Note : This section consists of one essay type question of forty (40) marks to be answered in about one thousand (1000) words on any of the following topics. (40x1=40 marks) (40) , (1000) (40x1=40 ) 26. Role of Education in making India a Developed Nation by 2020. 2020 c OR / Privatisation of Higher Education. OR / Implementation of Universalisation of Elementary Education-Retrospective, Perspective and Prospective Analysis. - , D 0905 30 D 0905 31 P.T.O. D 0905 32 D 0905 33 P.T.O. D 0905 34 D 0905 35 P.T.O. D 0905 36 D 0905 37 P.T.O. D 0905 38 D 0905 39 P.T.O. FOR OFFICE USE ONLY 1 26 51 76 2 27 52 77 3 28 53 78 4 29 54 79 5 30 55 80 6 31 56 81 7 32 57 82 8 33 58 83 9 34 59 84 10 35 60 85 11 36 61 86 12 37 62 87 13 38 63 88 14 39 64 89 15 40 65 90 16 41 66 91 17 42 67 92 18 43 68 93 19 44 69 94 20 45 70 95 21 46 71 96 22 47 72 97 23 48 73 98 24 49 74 99 25 50 75 Marks Obtained Question Number Marks Obtained Question Number Marks Obtained Question Number Marks Obtained Question Number Marks Obtained 100 Total Marks Obtained (in words) ..................................... (in figures) .................................... Signature & Name of the Coordinator ............................... (Evaluation) D 0905 Date ............................. 40

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Additional Info : Ugc Net December 2005 Question Paper - Education Paper III
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