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ICSE Class X Prelims 2019 : Computer Applications (ResPaper University, Toronto)

9 pages, 69 questions, 59 questions with responses, 90 total responses,    3    0
Tubhyam Mehta
Shishuvan English Medium School, Mumbai
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COMPUTER APPLICATIONS (Theory) (Two Hours) Answer to this Paper must be written on the paper provided separately. You will not be allowed to write during the first 15 minutes. This time is to be spent in reading this question paper. The time given at the head oft this Paper is the time allowed for writing the answers. This paper is divided into two sections. You are to answer all questions from Section A, and any four questions from Section B. The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets[ ]. Section - A (40 Marks) Answer all the questions Question 1 (a) Differentiate between Primitive and Composite data type [2] (b) What are literals? Give any two types of literals. [2] (c)How Java is platform independent? Explain. [2] (d) What is unary operator? Give an example. [2] (e) Which search technique is most suitable for searching an element of the following array? Give the reason. Arr [ ] = {16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024}; [2] Question 2: (a) Differentiate between break and continue statements in a loop. [2] (b) Write the output data type of the following functions (i) Math.rint(x); (ii) Character.isUpperCase(ch); [2] (c) Name the package that contains following class. (i) Random (ii) Math (d) Write the java statements to perform the following tasks: (i) To store middle index of an array called Name[ ] in the variable M. (ii) To convert the output data type of following expression to integer type. Math.sin(x)/2.31; [2] (e) Differentiate between pure and impure function. [2] Question 3: A)) What is an array? Write the syntax to declare a single dimensional array. [2] b) Give the output of the following Java snippet. [2] int N = 200,i; for (i = 150; i<=1000; N+=200) { System.out.println(N); i+=50; if (N % i !=0) { break; } } c) Convert the following into while loop: [2] short m = 1; for(int i = -5; i<=0; i++, m+=2) { System.out.println(m+i); } d) Given: int x= 5; find the value of the following expressions [2] (i) (5 * ++x) % 3; (ii) x + 50; e) Consider the code given below and answer the questions: [2] public class brand { static String Channel; private void Tata (int Amt) { String C = "Sony Music"; }} i. Write the local variable(s). ii. What is the scope of the method? f) Convert the following into if else if construct: [2] switch (c) { case 'F': System.out.println("Flight Journey"); case 'T': System.out.println("Train Journey"); default: System.out.println("Good Bye!"); } g) Give the output data type of the following [2] (i) if int I; char C; long L; double D; D++ + L > C * I; (i)) "Question Paper".indexOf('P'); h) Mention the following in terms of Java. [2] (i) values are passed in method (ii) array is passed in method i) Write the output of the following java code: [4] (i) String S = "ICSE Board"; System.out.println(S.substring("examination".compareTo("examination"),4)); (ii) double Arr [] = {12.3, 23.4, 34.5} int len = Arr.length; if (len < 5) { len = 5; System.out.println(Arr.length); } else System.out.println(len); Question 1: a) What is Polymorphism?How is it used in java?How multiple method having same name a re differentiated ? [3]] b) What is JVM?What is its other name ? [2] c) What do you mean by composite data type? Give an example. [2] d) What is type casting? Given an example. [2] e) Write the syntax of conditional operator and explain it in brief. [2] Question 2: 1. Give two advantages of using methods. [2] 2.'Book' is the name of the constructor in a class. [2] (i) What would be the class name? (ii) Create an object for the class. 3. Give one similarity and one difference between m++ and ++m. [2] 4. Give two differences between 'for' loop and 'do-while' loop. [2] 5. Write a java statement for the following : [2] (i)find absolute vale and then log value (ii) To round-down the variable M then find its square root. 6.State whether string is primitive or non primitive data type? 7.Why is class an abstract data type? 8.What are the methods of initialization? Differentiate between them? (give 2 points and one example ) ************************************************************************************* ********* SECTION B (60 Marks) Attempt any four questions from this Section. The answers in this Section should consist of the Programs in either Blue J environment or any program environment with Java as the base. Each program should be written using Variable descriptions/Mnemonic Codes such that the logic of the program is clearly depicted. Flow-Charts and Algorithms are not required. Question 1 Write a program to accept a sentence and print only the first letter of each word of the sentence in capital letters separated by a full stop. Example : INPUT SENTENCE : This is a cat OUTPUT : T.I.A.C. Question 2 Define a class called RIDER with the following description: Instance variables/data members: String Name to store the name of the customer long PhNo to store the Phone No of customer int D to store distance travelled in km int fare to calculate and store the charg Member methods void get( ) to input and store the detail of the customer. void calc( ) to calculate the charge The fare is charged on the following basis. Basic fare 50 10 per km till 8 km 12 per km till 15 km 17 per km after 15 km void display ( ) to display the details in the following format: Name/ Phone No. / Distance travelled / Fare in Rupees call the above methods in the main method. Question 3 Create a class called Design to overload pattern as given below [15] with one integer argument which prints the following pattern: Example: If the argument given as 4 4321 321 21 1 with two character arguments and print the following pattern Example: If the arguments given are @ and & @ && @@@ &&&& @@@@@ Question 4 Write a menu driven program to the following tasks given. [15] (i) to print whether a number is a composite no or a prime no (Composite no is one that has factors except 1 and the no itself for example :4) (ii)Wap to check whether a no is emir no or not An Emrip number is a number which is prime even backwards. Example: 13. If, we reverse it we get 31 which is also a prime number. Thus, 13 is Emrip number. question 5 Automatic Teller Machine accepts money while depositing and also dispenses while withdrawing the money. Considering this write a menu driven program having the following menu. 1. Remittance Which accepts Account No. and cash in various denomination of currency in rupees (2000,500,200 & 100) and displays the total money remitted. 2. Withdraw Which accepts the Debit Card No., any four digit number as PIN & amount to withdraw. Then displays the denomination of cash dispensed from the ATM machine. Appropriate message should be displayed when user gives invalid input. Question 6: Write a java program to accept a word, change it into uppercase, convert the word into an array of characters present in it, sort the array in alphabetical order and print sorted array & also print array after removing the duplicate elements. For example : if input word is "Occurrence", then output would be as given below: Sorted characters: CCCEENORRU After removing duplicate characters: CUREON Question 4: Write a program to accept a string and print the pattern given in the example: if given string is "STUDENT" then the pattern would be as given below S TT UUU DDDD EEEEE NNNNNN TTTTTTT Question 8: Write a java program to overload the method called Convert (i) which takes a String argument and converts reverse of uppercase and lowercase of alphabet present in the string. Example: if String is "10TH std examINation" then output should be: 10th STD EXAMinATION (ii) which takes character argument and prints its ASCII value. (iii) which takes integer argument and converts the sign of the given number (positive to negative or negative to positive) [15]

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