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ICSE Class X Sample / Model Paper 2025 : English Paper 1 (English Language)

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Billabong High International School (BHIS), Bhopal
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MOCK TEST-II 2024-25 Grade: 10 Total Mlarks: 80 Subject: English Language Duration: 2hours BIIOPAL. Attempt all five questions. The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets|I You are advised to spend not more than 30 minutes in answering (Question I and 20 minutes in answering Question 2 Question 1 (Do not spend more than 30 minutes on this questio) Write a composition (300-350) words on any one of the following: Write an original short story title: The Unseen Foe'. |201 1) Narrate about a time when you had to summon great patience in dealing with a d:licult situation or person. Explain iii) the specific challenges you faced, the factors that enabled you to remain patient and the lesson you learned from it. 'Schools must prioritise teaching practical skills over traditional academic subjects.' Express your vicws either for or against this statement. iv) You are standing on the top of ahill that overlooks abustling city. Deseribe the sights that stretch out before you, adding details about the sounds and scents that define this metropolitan landscape. Study the picture given below. Write a short story or a description or an account of what it suggests to you. Your composition may be about the subject of the picture or you may lake suggestions from it: however, there must be a clear connection between the picture and your composition. Question 2 (Do not spend more than 20 minutes on this question) Select any one of the follow ing: Aclose friend had recently helped you get through a challenging time. Write a letter to himher evpressing your 1) ) eand how much hisher presence mcans to you. Share your thoughts on what might have transpired if i gratiter invaluable suppo city expressing concern about letter to the Municinal Comuissiorer absence adequate e Write a lor to the of vour your the of Tecyclng facilities in your locality. Give speeific reasons for your concem and discuss poMential benetiis for both the environment and the community. Question 3 Your school is hosng an Intersclhol Science and Technology Eshikiti to showcasw innovative projcets created by students Write a notice lor the scheol noticehvard, iN iting stu cnts tron Grades S 9. d 100 jricipate in tie exhidon hy presenting their sie rtchnakgy pjces Write a cnail to a: academic espet witl1 a bakgound in SciciKe, eehcogy. Luicering o Miliente (STEM) inviting him/her to be the Chief Guest of tie Intersehvot Science and lhology t shibiton Questin 4 Readthe fellowing passzge carefully and ansser the questions that ullo SSeh's Aalaat t a i the hut itl a secre pt tt Kunwar was twitching with pain K n . n animmals and beasts delav could mcan much, and groaning. Sher Singh did not stop, A minute's Tlhe junglk was of pres, After some distance. he saw bear tracks in the dust. Fear quickencd his pae sdelirious. Sher Singh's muscles ached, and be resled hrietly aganst a tree. was then he heard the squcals of clephants. Below bim lay the broad river bed shining in the moonlight. The clephants d disappeared. Sher Singh crossed the shallow river water but feared the second river. Towards midnight, he heard the second river ahead. The snow had melted, and it was roaring. The bridge had been washed away, Only acrest of water showed where it lay submerged. He set Kunwar down and gave him some water. Sher Singh plated grass into a rope and tied it around his brother and himself to keep them together. Tie cntered the water above the bridge. The river scized and lattened them. At first. he couldn't move but cdged slowly along. finding split bamboo. The deluge denfened him: timber banged and bruised him. Spray blinded him, and the water was icy. He kept Kunwar's head above water and moved inch by inch. Deaf. frozen, and exhausted. he persevered. When Sher Singh awoke, he found himself in a bullock cart. then a truck. "Where have you come from, boy?" "Laldwani." "You carricd him alone? Across the river in flood?" They had reached the hospital. Sher Singh felt shy about entering the hospital. IHe had no moaey. He worked loading coal to buy some flour. mustard cil. and chillies. Presently. the doctor called for him and came out. "Sher Singh Baladur, are you bere?" "My father is not here." replied the boy, his eyes tearful. "But Iam Sher Singh." "You are the boy who brought the child Kunwar from Laldwani?" "Yes." Asmile broke over the doctor's face. "Sher Singh Bahadur! Your brother will live. Come and see." i) For each word given below, choose the correct neaning (as used in the passage) from the options provided. (2| prowess (a) strength (c) exceptional skill (b) (d) proactive nature knowledge (b) (d) dangerous delirious (a (c ii ill Which word in the passage means the opposite of word 'relinquished"? . (a) (c) deiuge (a (c) (d) What made Sher Singh decide that he must take his brother to hospital if he was to be saved? What was Sher Singh's father known for in his arca? Even though Sher Singh hadn't reached the second river, why did he fear to cross it? How did the deluge aflect Sher Singh? (e) Why did the doctor cone out? (b) seized banged (d) Answer the following questions brietly in your own words. (b iv. confused sensitive plaited 12 [2 [2 In not more than 50 words, describe how Sher Singh carried his brother to the hospital. Question S Fill in each of the numbered blanks with the correct form of the words given in the brackets. Do not copy the passage but write in correct serial order the word or phrase appropriate to the blank space. Exanple:(0) The Okapi, dubbed the "Afiican unicon," (0) (duell in the Democratic Republic of Congo's rainforests Answer: dwells While its legs bear zebra-like black and white stripes. its body noi (hae) arich, reddish-brown hue. Its unique features (2) (include) a lengt1y. lexible ongue for hearing in its tropical habitat. Despie its (eude) the wild. G)(strp) leaves and expressive cars for acute (4)(dicver) in thc carly 20" century, the okapi remains (6)(conveal) by tet o e s 7)(poach). pose tircats lo its habun, rasng (8}(cosere) cowems tor this enigmatic creaure Till in the blanks with appropriale tords. The river gently meandered Cassius iook sevcral measres to incit Brutus Tie piaced the minature odel tel The tox disappeared th reptica. the thn k fntie Ile was reiicved They have o tees icdlieira t Iis olicer is vested e loliowiiL senteh:s ithout : (5) deptlhs, H.ma1 ctisities, inchding deforestatk ! o is (MIS the Wreel opn When the water is murky, it will be purified before use. (C) (d) 1 fthe water is murky, it is purified before use. We cncountered heavy traffic on the way. We reached the destination on time. 2 (a)\ Despite having encountered heavy traffic, we reach the destination on time. being encountered, we reached the destination on time. (b)\ Despite heavy Despite of encounteringheavy traffic, we reached the destination on time. (c) (d) Despite encountering heavy traffic, we reached the destination on time. Tom did not lock the house. Tom did not lock the gates. 3 (a) 4 (a) (b) iv. Neither Tom locked the house nor the gates. (b) Tom locked neither the house nor the gates. Neither did Tom lock the house or the gates. (C) (d) Neither the house or the gates did Tom lock. You may get lost. Follow the guide. to get lost Follow the guide if you don't want forever. You may get lost unless you follow the guide. You may follow the guide and get lost. (c) You should not get lost; do follow the guide. to the instructions given after cach sentence. (d) Choose the correct option to rewrite the following according Sundarrisis tthe strongest wrestler in this taluka. (Use: strong) 1. No other wrestler in this taluka is as strong as Sundar. (a) (b) (c) (d) Sundar is a strong wrestler in this taluka. No other wrestler in this taluka is stronger than Sundar. Sundar is as strong as any other wrestler in this taluka effortlessly) My sister completed the puzzle without any cffort. (Use: (a) (b) (C) (d) 3. 4. My sister effortlessly completed a puzzle. My sister completed the puzzle effortlessly. My sister completed the puzzle a little effortlessly. My sister completed a puzzle with effortlessness. The river is too shallow for boats to navigate. (Remove to0) The river is so shallow that boats cannot navigate. (a) The river is so shallow and boats cannot navigate. (b) The river is so shallow for boats to navigate. (c) cannot navigate. The river ris so shallow, morcover, boats (d) The waiter brought it to the customer.(Begin with: No the dish. preparing finished As soon as the chef sooner.....) the waiter brought it to the customer. No sooner did the chef finished preparing the dish when then the waitcr brought it to the customer. the dish aring preparing (b) No sooner had the chef preparing the dish than the waiter brought it to the custorner. (c) No sooner did the chef finish the waiter brought it to the custome. (d) No sooner has the chef finished preparing the dish, ago.(Begin :t has.) The construction workers completed the projeci two days workers. construction by the (a) It has bcen two days for the completion of the project workers. construction by the (b) It has been two days ago that the project was conpleted of the project completion (c) It has been two davs for the construction workers' (d) Ilhas been two days since the construction workers completed the projcct. The students lhave completcd several assignments before the suinmative examination. (a) 5. . (BeginSeveral with: Several assignments...) assignments were completed bv the students belore the summative examination. (D) (C) (d) 7. Several assipnments are being completcd bv te students before the summative examinalion. Several assipnments have bven completed by the students betore tlhe summative evamnination. Several assinments had been completed by tlhe students hefore the sunmative enamination. The event wit procecd only if there is suflicicnt attendance(Use: 'unless') The cvent ill proceed unless there is sutlicient attendace. (a) Unless tlhere is sutlicient atendance, the event will not procecd. (e)is cxet wiil procved iiless there is tol choupt atiendance. (di nless thee is net sutficicnt attendance, the event will proceed. (a) Heancuxed that he will hemecting he youh of tlis constituency the nest day " will be mceting the youtlh of this constituency tomorrow." Ie anounced (Begin with: He aOuccd..) (b) d lic ahoucd tlat he wonld meet the youth ofthe constiiuency that dty He annoe:ced that he will be neeting thetheyouth ofthat constitucncy temoro. o l snoc tia, be soukd le meetin: outh of that corstilucney ihe nest day.

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