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ISC Class XII Notes 2021 : Chemistry

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Tiara Elizabeth
Indian Certificate of Secondary Education (ICSE), New Delhi
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(Strictly according to the latest syllabus for ISC (XII Class) prescribed by the Council for Indian School Certificate Examination, New Delhi ISC PRACTICAL CHEMISTRY VOLUME II (FOR CLASS XII) S.P. Sharma M.Sc., B.T. Former Academic Incharge Agra Public School Agra Dr. Ajaya Baboo M.Sc. Ph.D. M.Ed., LL.B. Deptt. of Chemistry St. Peter s College Agra S. CHAND SCHOOL BOOKS (An imprint of S. Chand Publishing) A Division of S. Chand & Co. Pvt. 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No part of this publication may be reproduced or copied in any material form (including photocopying or storing it in any medium in form of graphics, electronic or mechanical means and whether or not transient or incidental to some other use of this publication) without written permission of the copyright owner. Any breach of this will entail legal action and prosecution without further notice. Jurisdiction : All disputes with respect to this publication shall be subject to the jurisdiction of the Courts, Tribunals and Forums of New Delhi, India only. First Edition 1996 Reprint 2015 (as per New Syllabus) Reprints 1999, 2002, 2004, 2005, 2006 (Twice) 2007, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2014 ISBN : 978-81-219-1296-9 Code : 1004E 196 PRINTED IN INDIA By Nirja Publishers & Printers Pvt. Ltd., 54/3/2, Jindal Paddy Compound, Kashipur Road, Rudrapur-263153, Uttarakhand and published by S. Chand & Company Pvt. Ltd., 7361, Ram Nagar, New Delhi -110 055. PREFACE TO THE REVISED EDITION In an age where increasing specialization and professionalism count so much, chemistry cannot be done away from the practical life of the man; nor can it be kept in the backburner. Everything in life is basically founded on the Principles of Chemistry. This speaks volumes for the ever-growing significance of this subject. Once we are at home with this subject and the principles, the question of learning them by rot does not arise. This book fulfills the long-felt need and will prove a useful companion for the ISC students. Written strictly as per the ISC syllabus, where precision, keen observation, analytical thinking and application of knowledge in a given situation became an essential part of assessment. We hope that the students will find this volume a mine of knowledge about practical chemistry. The chief virtue of this book is to easily, quickly and clearly satisfy the immediate problems faced by a student. We are sure the students will be able to draw inspiration from this book and will explode the myth that chemistry is a different subject. The success of any book depends largely on the able teachers, who must impart the inspiration that clinches the objectives of the book and course. We believe that this book will be a guide to reaching these objectives. In acknowledging our debt we begin with our Principal for his instituted and sustained encouragement and cooperation. We also extend our sincere gratitude to the fellow teachers imparting knowledge of this branch of science. Last but not the least we express our thanks in a very special way to the very students of an esteemed institution St. Peter s College. Authors Disclaimer : While the authors of this book have made every effort to avoid any mistake or omission and have used their skill, expertise and knowledge to the best of their capacity to provide accurate and updated information. The author and S. Chand does not give any representation or warranty with respect to the accuracy or completeness of the contents of this publication and are selling this publication on the condition and understanding that they shall not be made liable in any manner whatsoever. S.Chand and the author expressly disclaim all and any liability/responsibility to any person, whether a purchaser or reader of this publication or not, in respect of anything and everything forming part of the contents of this publication. S. Chand shall not be responsible for any errors, omissions or damages arising out of the use of the information contained in this publication. Further, the appearance of the personal name, location, place and incidence, if any; in the illustrations used herein is purely coincidental and work of imagination. Thus the same should in no manner be termed as defamatory to any individual. (iii) PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION Those sciences are vain and full of errors which are not born from experimentation, the mother of all certainties. Chemistry is the most delicate limb of our so-called mother Science . The experimentation in chemistry is the only outcome and development of the unifying principles, produced through laboratory process. Once we become familiar with these widely applicable and recognised principles, there remains no longer any need for endless memorization of innumerable chemical facts. The book is revised and enriched strictly according to the I.S.C. syllabus for 2000 + where precision, keen observations, critical thinking, application of knowledge in new situation etc. become inseparable part of evaluation. We are sure that the students will find this volume a veritable storehouse of knowledge about practical chemistry. Their genius, unmanifested though rapidly developing, will enable them to enjoy and understand these pages. We hope for no greater reward than that young readers, with their lives before them, may find in this volume something to inspire them with an earnest and unflogging zeal for finding something new in the realm of chemistry. We are whole-heartedly eager to express our sincere thanks and gratitude to our principal for his refined encouragement and pious blessings. Further, we are unable to spare ourselves from expressing our innermost feelings of thanks to our worthy fellow teachers imparting the knowledge of this subject allover. Last but not the least, we express our thanks in very special way to the students of our esteemed institution, St. Peter s College, Agra, which is the leading source of enriching the experimental knowledge in the field of chemistry. Authors (iv) ISC SYLLABUS Paper II Practical work - 20 Marks Candidates are required to complete the following experiments: 1. Titrations: Oxidation-reduction titrations: potassium manganate (VII)/ammonium iron (II) sulphate; potassium manganate (VII)/oxalic acid. The candidate may be required to determine the percentage purity of a compound and the number of molecules of water of crystallization in hydrated salts. In such experiments sufficient working details including recognition of the end point will be given. Candidates will be required to calculate: l Molarity l Concentration in grams l 1/molecular mass l Number of molecules of water of crystallisation/percentage purity. NOTE: Molarity must be calculated upto 4 decimal places at least, in order to avoid error. 2. Study of the rate of reaction: The candidates will be required, having been given full instructions, to carry out an experiment on the rate of reaction, e.g. reaction between sodium thiosulphate (using different concentration) and hydrochloric acid, magnesium and dil. Sulphuric acid/dil. hydrochloric acid (using different concentrations). 3. Identification of the following compounds and functional groups based on observations : l Alcoholic group-glycerol l Aldehyde group-formaldehyde l Ketonic group-acetone l Carboxylic group-benzoic acid l Amino group-aniline v Please Note: Carbylamine reaction should not be performed. 4. Characteristic tests of carbohydrates and proteins : l Carbohydrates-glucose l Proteins-powdered milk 5. Experiments related to pH change using pH paper or universal indicator : l Determination of pH of some solutions obtained from fruit juice, solutions of known and varied concentrations of acids, bases and salts. l Comparison of pH of the solutions of strong and weak acids of the same concentration. 6. Electrochemistry: Setting up a simple voltaic cell. Variation of cell potential in Zn/Zn2+// Cu2+/Cu with change in concentration of electrolyte (CuSO4, ZnSO4) at room temperature. (v) 7. Qualitative analysis: Qualitative analysis: identification of the following in a given mixture (containing two anions and two cations) : Anions: CO32 , NO2 , S2 , SO32 , SO42 , NO3 , CH3COO , Cl , Br , I , C2O4 2. Cations: NH4+, Pb2+, Cu2+, Al3+, Fe3+, Zn2+, Mn2+, Ni2+, Ba2+, Sr2+, Ca2+, Mg2+. More than one radical will not be given from the same group of anions and cations. (Insoluble salts excluded). Anions: Dilute acid group CO32 , NO2 , S2 , SO32 Concentrated Acid Group NO3 , Cl , Br , I Special Group SO42 , CH3COO , C2O4 2 Cations : Group Zero: NH4+ Group I : Pb2+ Group II : Cu2+, Pb2+ Group III : Al3+, Fe3+ Group IV : Zn2+, Mn2+, Ni2+ Group V : Ba2+, Sr2+, Ca2+ Group VI : Mg2+ NOTE: l Formal analytical procedure is required for Qualitative Analysis. l Specific solvent for O.S to be used. l Before adding Group III reagents to the filtrate of Group II, H2S must be removed followed by boiling with conc. Nitric acid. l The right order for buffer (NH4Cl and NH4OH) must be used. l The flame test with the precipitate obtained in Group V for Ba2+, Sr2+, Ca2+ will also be accepted as a confirmatory test. For wet test of anions, sodium carbonate extract must be used (except for carbonate). PATTERN OF CHEMISTRY PRACTICAL PAPER Questions in the practical paper will be set as follows: Question 1 Volumetric Analysis Question 2 Any one or a combination of the following experiments: l Study of the rate of reaction. l Identification of the organic compounds and functional groups based on observations. l Characteristic tests of carbohydrates and proteins. l Experiments related to pH determination using pH paper or universal indicator. l Electrochemistry. Question 3 Qualitative Analysis (Salt mixture). (vi) PROJECT WORK AND PRACTICAL FILE 10 Marks Project Work - 7 Marks The project work is to be assessed by a Visiting Examiner appointed locally and approved by the Council. The candidate is to creatively execute one project/assignment on an aspect of Chemistry. Teachers may assign or students may select a topic of their choice. Following is only a suggestive list of projects. Suggested Evaluation criteria for Project Work : l Introduction/purpose l Contents l Analysis/material aid (graph, data, structure, pie charts, histograms, diagrams, etc) l Presentation l Bibliography Suggested Assignment 1. Amino acids: Peptides, structure and classification, proteins structure and their role in the growth of living beings. 2. Nucleic Acid: DNA and RNA their structure. Unique nature. Importance in evolution and their characteristic features. 3. Lipids: Structure, membranes and their functions. 4. Carbohydrates and their metabolism, Blood-haemoglobin and respiration. 5. Immune systems. 6. Vitamins and hormones. 7. Simple idea of chemical evolution. 8. Natural polymers (any five) - structure, characteristics, uses. 9. Synthetic polymers (any five) - method of preparation, structure, characteristics and uses. 10. Thermoplastics and Thermosetting plastics methods of preparation, characteristics and uses. 11. Types of dyes - methods of preparation, characteristics and uses. 12. Chemicals in medicines: antiseptics, antibiotics, antacids, etc. and their uses. 13. Various rocket propellants and their characteristics. 14. Preparation of soap, nail polish, boot polish, varnish, nail polish remover, shampoo and scents. 15. Chemicals and chemical processes in forensic studies. 16. Air pollution, water pollution. 17. Insecticides, pesticides and chemical fertilisers. 18. Coal and coal tar as a source of many chemicals. 19. Ancient Indian medicines and medicinal plants. 20. Explosives - preparations and their uses. Practical File - 3 Marks The Visiting Examiner is required to assess students on the basis of the Chemistry Practical file maintained by them during the academic year. (vii) CONTENTS Chapter Description Page 1. Titrations 1 39 2. Study of Rate of Reaction 40 48 3. Identification of Organic Compounds and Functional Groups 49 55 4. Characteristic Tests or Carbohydrates and Proteins 56 60 5. Ionic Equilibria 61 62 6. Electrochemistry 7. Qualitative Analysis 8. Viva Questions 63 66 67 123 124 129 Appendices AI. AII. Important Named Organic Reactions Important Inorganic Reactions 130 137 Important Organic Reactions How would you distinguish between? 141 145 AIII. AIV. Preparation of Reagents Some Organic Compounds of Practical Importance 149 150 Preparation of Some Organic Reagents 151 AVI. Colours of Some Salts 152 AVII. Concentrated Acids (Specific Gravity & Normality) 153 AVIII. Symbols: Atomic Numbers and Atomic Weights 154 AIX. Solubility Product Constants 25 C 155 AX. Some Important Physical Constants 156 AXI. Acid Ionization Constants at 25 C 156 AXII. Molecular and Equivalent Weights of Some Common Substances 157 AXIII. First Aid 158 AV. (viii) Chapter 1 Titration (Volumetric Estimations) Out of the two methods of chemical analysis, the qualitative one has already been discussed in Chapter I. The other method i.e., quantitative analysis is divided into volumetric and gravimetric analysis. This Chapter includes the details of volumetric analysis. The principle of volumetric analysis is to take a measured volume of a solution of unknown strength and to this solution an equivalent amount of a solution of suitable reagent of known strength is added. The process of adding the solution till the reaction is complete is known as titration. The sharp change in colouration or the coloured precipitate formation indicates the completion of the titration. The change in colouration can be detected by the addition of a chemical known as indicator. In a titration like KMnO4 solution against oxalic acid solution no indicator is required. The terms used in this method of investigation are the following : Titration : It is a process of adding one solution through burette to the known volume of the other solution till the reaction is complete. The two solutions are such that the strength of one is known to us and is being used or known as titrant or standard solution. The other solution whose concentration is to be determined by this process is known as titrate. Indicator : A chemical substance which helps in the visual detection of completion of titration is called indicator. The completion of reaction is indicated by producing turbidity or a visible change in colour. In a redox titration such as oxalic acid and potassium permanganate solution no indicator is required and the completion of reaction is indicated by the excess drop of potassium permanganate solution. Such a titration is known as self-indicator titration. End Point : A sharp point at which completion of reaction takes place is known as end point of the titration. It is also known as titre value. Strength of the Solution : It is the concentration of a solution expressed in grams per litre. 1 2 Normality : ISC Practical Chemistry II It is the number of gram equivalent weight of solute dissolved in one litre of the solution. Normality is denoted by N . Gram equivalent weight : The equivalent weight of a substance expressed in grams is known as its gram equivalent weight. The stength of a solution, normality and gram equivalent weight can be related as Strength = Normality Gram Equivalent Weight Normal Solution : It is a solution which contains gram equivalent weight of solute in a litre of solution. 1 It can be expressed as 1 N solution. When gram equivalent of solute is dissolved in 1 2 N litre of solution, it is called semi-normal solution and is denoted as . 2 Similarly deci-normal and centi-normal solutions are denoted as N N and respectively. 10 100 Gram Molecular Weight : Molecular weight expressed in grams is known as gram molecular weight. It is also known as one mole. Molarity : It is the number of gram molecular weight or solute dissolved in one litre of solution. The molarity is denoted by M . Molar Solution : It is a solution which contains gram molecular weight of solute dissolved in a litre of solution. 1 When gram molecular weight of solute is dissolved in one litre of solution, it is called 2 M semi-molar solution and is denoted as . 2 M M Similarly, deci- and centi-molar solutions can be denoted as and respectively. 10 100 Molal Solution : It is a solution which contains a gram molecular weight of solute in one thousand grams of solvent. The molarity, gram molecular weight and strength are related as: Strength = Molarity Gram Molecular weight Equipments used in Volumetric Analysis 3 Titration (Volumetric Estimations) BURETTE It is a long cylindrical glass-tube of uniform bore. It is graduated along most of its length from zero to fifty in millilitres such that one small division reads one-tenth of ml i.e. 0.1 ml. The lower end is provided with a glass stopper (or a pinch cock) for controlling the delivery of variable volumes of solutions. The surface of a solution touching the inner wall of the burette is often curved and is known as meniscus. while reading a burette the bottom of the meniscus or say concave meniscus opposite the graduation is considered. Use of Burette : Clean the burette thoroughly with chromic acid. (To prepare chromic acid a mixture of solid potassium dichromate (K2Cr2O7) and conc. sulphuric acid can be boiled in a beaker), and then with tap water. Make sure that it does not leak. If it does, apply a little grease or vaseline to the stopper. Insert it in its position and incite it to and fro to check its free movement. Now, wash the burette with distilled water and then rinse (wash) with the solution to be filled and allow a part of the solution to run down through the jet. BURETTE SOLUTION TD 20 C ml TD 20 C ml 0 0 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 47 47 48 48 49 49 50 50 FUNNEL AIR AIR BURETTE TILE Burette with pinch cock Burette with glass tap 4 ISC Practical Chemistry II MENISCUS 19 G ON WR CORRECT POSITION OF EYE 20 WR ON G Burette Fix the burette vertically on a burette stand. Fill the solution in it, open the tap to remove air bubble if persists. Adjust the concavity of meniscus to the zero mark or to a point convenient according to the level of your eye. A piece of white paper can be fixed behind the level of the liquid to observe the reading accurately. Precautions : 1. Make it a point to wash the burette with distilled water after use. 2. Allow some time for the sticking liquid to come down to the desired mark before adjusting the concavity of meniscus. 3. The oozed out drop sticking with the jet of burette should be wiped off with a filter paper. 4. Filling of hot liquid should be avoided as it is graduated at a much lower temperature. 5. Avoid the use of rubber tubing burette when solution like that of KMnO4 or K2Cr2O7 are to be filled. In this case read top level of the meniscus. PIPETTE Pipette is an apparatus designed to deliver a fixed volume of liquid. It is specially designed glass-tube with a bulb in the middle, a jet at the bottom and etched circular mark at an appropriate height above the bulb. Pipette is filled upto this circular mark for measuring a definite volume. The capacity of the pipette is stated on its bulb in ml at stated temperature. The pipettes in common use are of 25 ml, 20 ml and 10 ml. Use of Pipette : Wash the pipette in the same way as described for burette. Rinse (wash) the pipette with the solution to be measured. Now dip the jet of the pipette in the solution and suck it from the other end gently, so that the liquid rises little above the etched mark. Stop sucking and quickly close the upper end with the forefinger. Rotate the pipette slowly to allow the liquid upto the etched mark. Titration (Volumetric Estimations) 5 The measured liquid is transferred in a clean titration flask by releasing the pressure of the forefinger. When the solution has run out from the pipette, allow its tip to touch the flask held in a slanting position. Precautions : 1. It should not be used for measuring poisonous liquids. 2. The solution retained in the tip should not be blown out. 3. Liquid should be sucked very carefully. During sucking the lower end of the pipette should be well dipped in the solution otherwise the sucked solution may go into the mouth. MEASURING FLASK It is a flat bottomed glass flask with a long narrow neck bearing a ground glass stopper. The neck has a circular line etched around it. The capacity upto the circular mark at the stated temperature is etched on each flask. It is also called a volumetric flask or graduated flask or standard flask. The measuring flask in common use are of 1000 ml, 500 ml, 250 ml, 200 ml and 100 ml. 6 ISC Practical Chemistry II Ground Glass Stopper ETCHED MARK TC 250 ml 20 C TC 250 ml 20 C PEAR-SHAPED SPHERICAL Measuring Flask Use of Measuring Flask : Clean the flask with chromic acid followed by tap water and finally with distilled water. Now the flask is ready to prepare the solution. Preparation of Standard Solution : Collect the clean funnel and insert its stem in the washed measuring flask. the accurately weighed substance on to the funnel. Pour a little distilled water on it the substance to run down into the flask. Place the stopper properly and shake the to dissolve the substance, dilute it with distilled water upto the mark. Carefully 2-3 times and allow it to stand for some time. The solution so prepared is known as solution. Transfer to allow contents invert it standard TITRATION FLASK It is a conical flask made of glass. The titration flasks in common use are of 250 ml and 150 ml. Use of a Titration Flask : Wash the flask two to three times with tap water followed by distilled water. Now it is ready for use. Titration Flak 7 Titration (Volumetric Estimations) CHEMICAL BALANCE It is a delicate instrument which is used to weigh small amounts of substances accurately upto fourth place of decimal. It is an absolute necessity in volumetric analysis as the substances used to prepare standard solutions are weighed using this. Chemical Balance The essential parts of an analytical balance are described as under : 1. Base : It is a rectangular piece of wood or marble which rests on three levelling screws. Two of these are in front and are used to maintain the uniform level of the base. The screws are adjusted so that the plumb line indicates the correct position. The third screw is like a nail which is behind the front screws (bearing central back position). 2. Pillar : It is a hollow metallic structure with broad circular base fixed on the centre of the rectangular piece i.e. the base. The beam rests on it. A little above the base there is a scale fixed on the foot of a pillar. 3. Beam : It is a long, rigid, specially designed metallic rod bearing divisions on it. It is supported on three agate knife edges, two on the sides and one in the centre. The side agate pieces have the edges pointing upwards whereas the middle one has inwards. The beam rests on the bifurcated shaft by means of the middle agate piece. There are 50 or 100 equal divisions on either side of the beam. 8 ISC Practical Chemistry II 4. Bearing : On each sharp agate piece, at the end of the beam, rests a bearing which has two parts. The lower part of it consists of two hooks, one above the other. 5. Adjusting screws : There are two adjusting screws, one at each end of the beam. These are adjusted to keep the position of the pointer in equilibrium. 6. Pans : There are two metallic pans of equal weight hanging on the hooks. 7. Plumb-line : There is a pointed cone tied to a thread which hangs vertically behind the pillar towards the right of the scale. This is known as plumb line. This is used to know the correct levelling of the balance. There is a metallic piece attached to the bottom of the pillar pointed upward. The plumb line remains vertically above the metallic piece in the position of correct levelling. 8. Handle : Handle is a metallic lever attached to the base of the balance which, when turned towards right, raises the beam to make the pointer swing. 9. Scale : It is a white rectangular porcelain piece fixed on the base. It has a zero in the middle and equal number of divisions on the two sides of it. The pointer moves to and fro over it, when the beam oscillates. 10. Beam arrests and pan arrests : The balance has a beam arrest. The beam rests on it, when not in use. There are two pan arrests and are used to arrest the pans, when the balance is not in use. 11. Rider : A rider is a thin wire of aluminium or platinum usually in U-shape weighing 10 mg. It can weigh accurately upto 0.001 gm. It can be placed anywhere on the graduated beam with the help of rider hook. 12. Rider Hook : This is a hook on which the rider is suspended. This can be made to move over the graduated beam with the help of a metallic rod known as rider carrier and is used to place the rider at any division on beam. Glass Case : The balance is enclosed in a glass case with a front door and two side windows for keeping the weights and the substance to be weighed on the pans. This protects the balance from air current, dust and moisture. WEIGHT BOX This is a wooden box which contains the weights. The weights are of two types namely : the gram weights and the milligram weights . Weight Box 9 Titration (Volumetric Estimations) The gram weights are usually cylindrical in shape provided with a narrow stem. They are made of brass and coated with nickel or chromium. The milligram weights or fractional weights are made of aluminium or stainless steel. They are leaf-shaped with one corner turned up to facilitate handling. Their shapes differ in different boxes but most of them are rectangular. The weights are arranged generally as 1. Grams 100, 50, 20, 20, 10, 5, 2, 2, 1. 2. Milligram 500, 200, 200, 100, 50, 20, 20, 10. 3. Rider. Sometimes the box contains weights smaller than 10 mg. These are not generally used but a rider is used instead. The weights are placed in specific wooden partition. The fractional weights are covered by a glass slab. FORCEPS Forceps It is a modified form of nickel plated brass tongs used to lift weights. Use of a Balance : The use of a balance can be divided under two headings. 1. Adjustment (setting) of balance. 2. Process of weighing. Setting : Before the weighing is started, the experimentor must see whether the balance is properly set or not. The following steps must be taken in this concern : 1. Clean the glass shutters gently with a cloth. 2. Open the shutters and clean the pans and the platform. 3. See the plumb line. It must be just above the cone. If not, turn the levelling screws to bring it in the correct position. 4. Turn the key towards the right to make the pans swing to and fro and the pointer over the scale covering equal number of divisions on the two sides of the zero, indicates the accuracy of the balance. If the pointer covers more distance on one side and the less to the other side of the zero, turn the key to left to bring the beam and the pointer to rest. Move the adjusting screw of the heavier pan inward and the lighter pan outward and check again the accuracy of the balance by turning the key to right. Do it till the balance is set. Process of Weighing : 1. Open the left window and place the substance to be weighed on the left pan. Close the window. 2. Now open the right window, use the forceps to place a weight which you think is slightly heavier than the substance. 10 ISC Practical Chemistry II 3. Arrest the pans, remove this weight and place a weight just lighter than this. Turn the key and check the lightness of the weight. 4. Now place the smaller gram weights and then fractional weights. 5. Try weights substantially till the oscillation of the pointer covers equal divisions on both sides of the zero mark of the scale. 6. Now close the side windows and try correct weighing. 7. Arrest the beam and note down the weights. 8. Replace the weights in their places in the weight box. Precautions to be observed while weighing : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Turn the key gently. Transfer of anything to and from the pan should be done when the beam is at rest. Place the article to be weighed on the left pan and the weights on the right pan. Never place a hot article in the pan. Side windows must be closed before the final reading is taken as the pointer is disturbed by air movement. 6. Use forceps to lift weight. The Principle of Volumetric Analysis : In volumetric analysis, a standard solution of a reagent is put in the burette and is gradually added to a known volume of the other reagent until it is found that the amount of the reagent added is equivalent to the amount of substance being determined. Let us consider a very common neutralization reaction of monobasic acid and monoacidic base say HCl and NaOH as the reagents. HCl + NaOH NaCl + H2O Ionically : H+ + Cl + Na+ + OH Na+ + Cl + H2O The above neutralization reaction conveys the following informations. (i) That 36.5 gm of hydrochloric acid exactly neutralises 40 gm of sodium hydroxide. (ii) That the molar (or normal) solution of acid will exactly neutralise, the molar (or normal) solution of the alkali. (iii) That the known volume of any fraction of molar (or normal) solution of acid will exactly neutralise the equal volume of same fraction of the molar (or normal) solution of the alkali. Acid-Alkali Titrations : (Neutralization reaction titrations) To understand the neutralization reaction titrations, one should be acquainted with the following two terms viz. (i) Acidimetry : The titration of free bases with the standard acid is known as acidimetry. (ii) Alkalimetry : The titration of free acids with the standard base is known as alkalimetry. Neutralization : It is a process in which hydrogen ions (or hydronium ions H3O+ as per modern theory) combine with equal number of hydroxyl ions to form water. Titration (Volumetric Estimations) 11 The completion of the above process is indicated by some chemical substances known as indicators. Indicators are the electrolytes which give colour change accordingly as they are introduced in acid or alkali solutions. The following combinations of acids and alkalies are in common use. (i) Strong acid* and strong base* (ii) Strong acid and weak base* The indicators used in (i) case can be either methyl orange or phenolphthalein but in (ii) case methyl orange can be used. Note : Where there is choice of indicator, the phenolphthalein should be used as appearance of pink colour from colourless, is sharp and can be distinguished easily. Preparation of standard solutions using 250 ml measuring flask : Object : To prepare M solution of caustic soda (NaOH). 10 Apparatus required : Volumetric flask (measuring flask), chemical balance, weight box, dropper, funnel, weighing bottle, 100 ml beaker and caustic soda (NaOH) pallets. Procedure : (1) Wash a 250 ml measuring flask with tap water followed by distilled water. (2) In a well cleaned dry weighing bottle weigh 1.0 gm caustic soda pallets and transfer it immediately* to a 100 ml beaker. Add sufficient quantity of distilled water and stir the contents well to dissolve. (3) Very carefully transfer the solution to the measuring flask using a funnel. (4) Pour the distilled water on to the funnel in instalments to remove the adhering caustic soda solution. Remove the funnel. Fit the glass stopper of measuring flask well and allow it to stand for some time to make it homogeneous. (5) Shake the flask and add more water to reach its level little below the etched mark. (6) Remove the stopper and with the help of dropper add very carefully the distilled water to make it upto the etched mark. Finally fit the glass stopper. Object : To prepare (deci-normal) solution of hydrochloric acid using one litre measuring flask. Apparatus required : Measuring flask, funnel, burette, beaker, conc. hydrochloric acid (density 1.16 g/cc). Method : (1) Wash a 1 litre capacity measuring flask with the help of clean distilled water and pour approximately 500 ml of distilled water in it. (2) Measure the volume of hydrochloric acid as per following calculation. For M solution of HCl the amount of acid required = 36.5 gm/litre, therefore for M/10 solution of HCl the amount of acid required = 3.65 gm/1itre. * The strong acids in common use are dil H2SO4, HCl and HNO3. The strong bases in common use are NaOH and KOH. The weak bases in common use are NH4OH and Na2CO3 solutions. 12 ISC Practical Chemistry II mass 3.65 = density 1.16 = 3.0 ml (approximately) Since it is inconvenient to weigh acids, the calculation for volume of it containing the above calculated amount are made. (3) From burette run down 3 ml of hydrochloric acid into the measuring flask (containing 500 ml of distilled water). Shake it thoroughly and add distilled water to make it upto the mark. Finally shake the flask and allow the acid solution to stand for some time to make it homogeneous. Note : According to I.S.C. Chemistry Practical Syllabus students are not supposed to prepare the volumetric solutions. The provided solutions of known strength are treated as standard solutions. Volume = EXPERIMENT NO. 1 Object : To determine the normality and strength of a given hydrochloric acid solution by titrating it against a deci-normal solution of caustic soda* using methyl orange as indicator. Apparatus used : Burette**, pipette, titration flask, burette stand, white glazed tile, indicator, methyl orange solution. Procedure : 1. Wash all the glass apparatus with tap water followed by distilled water. 2. Rinse and fill the burette with the given hydrochloric acid solution. Fix it vertically in a burette stand keeping its tap on the right hand side. Adjust the level of acid to zero mark and note it down as initial reading of burette. 3. Rinse the pipette with the alkali solution. Carefully suck up the solution into the pipette and adjust it upto etched circular mark. 4. Transfer this alkali solution into the titration flask, add to it a few drops of the methyl orange indicator. 5. Place the titration flask on the glazed tile so that its mouth is just below the burette tip. (Avoid inserting the tip into the neck of the flask) 6. Add the solution from burette in small instalments and go on shaking the flask by whirling motion. When the colour of the solution is about to change from light yellow to light pink add acid in drops. Stop additions from burette as soon as the colour of indicator is just changed. Wait for few seconds to ensure the stability of pink colour. The persistence*** of pink colour indicates the completion of neutralization reaction. Record the final reading of burette as the end point. The difference in the initial and final readings of the burette represents the volume of the acid which reacts completely with the known volume of the alkali taken in the titration flask. 7. Note down the difference of the initial and final readings of the burette as end point. * Caustic soda is a highly deliquescent substance. Therefore the duration of its exposure to atmosphere should be minimised. ** If it is a rubber tubing burette, run out the solution rapidly through the tip to remove any air bubble entrapped in it. *** If pink colour fails to persist add acid drop by drop to reach the required stage. 13 Titration (Volumetric Estimations) 8. Repeat the experiment till two concordant (same) readings are obtained. Observations : Volume of alkali used (i.e. size of the pipette) = 25 ml. Burette Reading S. No. Initial Volume of acid solution used final 1. 2. 0.0 ml 0.0 ml 24.6 ml 24.5 ml 24.6 ml 24.5 ml 3. 0.0 ml 24.5 ml 24.5 ml End point or Titre value 24.5 ml End point or titre value = 24.5 ml Calculations : (1) For normality N1V1 = N2V2 Where N1 and V1 are the normality and volumes of acid and N2 and V2 for alkali respectively. N1 24.5 = 1 25 10 N1 = 25 1 = ........... 24.5 10 9.8 For Strength, = Strength Normality gm eq. wt. 1 = 36.5 gm/1itre 9.8 = 3.724 gm/1itre Precautions : 1. 2. 3. 4. The solution retained in the tip of pipette should not be blown out. Titration flask must be rinsed with distilled water only. Do not allow any drop of acid solution to stick to the neck or the sides of titration flask. The end point should be recorded at the appearance of the lightest possible permanent pink colour. 5. The concordant readings and not the mean of the values should be used as end point in the calculations. EXPERIMENT NO. 2 Object : You are provided with 3.5 gm/litre of KOH solution. Determine the molarity and strength of sulphuric acid solution by titrating it against the given KOH solution using phenolphthalein solution as indicator. Apparatus required : Burette, pipette, titration flask, burette stand, white glazed tile. Procedure : 1. Wash all the glass apparatus with distilled water. 14 ISC Practical Chemistry II 2. Rinse and fill the burette with the given KOH solution. Fix it vertically in burette stand keeping its tap on right hand side. Adjust the level of the solution to zero mark and record it as initial reading of burette. 3. Rinse the pipette with given acid solution. Carefully suck-up the solution into the pipette and adjust it upto the etched circular mark. Transfer the measured solution to flask. Add to it 2-3 drops of phenolphthalein indicator. 4. Place the titration flask on glazed tile so that the mouth is just below burette tip. 5. Add the alkali solution from burette in small instalment by whirling motion. When the lightest possible persistent pink colour appears, stop adding the alkali solution and record the burette reading. 6. Note down the difference of initial and final reading of burette as end point. 7. Repeat the experiment to obtain the two concordant readings. 2KOH + H2SO4 K2SO4 + 2H2O Observations : Volume of acid used i.e. the size of the pipette = 25 ml. S. No. Burette Reading Initial Final Volume of Alkali Solution used 1. 0.0 ml 24.9 ml 24.9 ml 2. 0.0 ml 24.8 ml 24.8 ml 3. 0.0 ml 24.8 ml 24.8 ml Titre value 24.8 ml Calculations : For Molarity of KOH solution Molarity = = Strength gm. Mol. Wt. 3.5 = 0.0625 M 56 For Molarity of sulphuric acid solution : M1V1 n = 1 M 2 V2 n2 where M1V1 are the molarity and volume for sulphuric acid solution while M2V2 are the Molarity and volume for KOH solution. M1 25 1 = 0.0625 24.8 2 0.0625 24.8 M1 = 25 2 = 0.031 M For Strength of sulphuric acid solution : Strength = Molarity Mol. Wt. = 0.031 98 = 3.028 gm/1itre 15 Titration (Volumetric Estimations) EXPERIMENT NO. 3 Object : Find out the molarity and strength of Na2CO3 solution by titrating it against 0.1 M nitric acid solution using methyl orange solution as indicator. Apparatus required : Burette, pipette, titration flask, burette stand, white glazed tile. Procedure : 1. Rinse and fill the burette with nitric acid solution. 2. Pipette out 25 ml of sodium carbonate solution to the titration flask and add to it 3-4 drops of methyl orange indicator. 3. Rundown the acid solution from the burette in small instalments with constant shaking the flask. Stop additions from burette as soon as the colour of indicator changed to pale pink. Repeat the experiment till two concordant readings are obtained. Na2CO3 + 2HNO3 = 2NaNO3 + H2O + CO2 Observation : Size of pipette used = 25 ml S. No. 1. 2. 3. Burette Reading Initial Final 0.0 ml 25.3 ml 10.0 ml 35.3 ml 10.0 ml 35.3 ml Volume of acid solution used Titre value 25.3 ml 25.3 ml 25.3 ml Calculations : Molarity of nitric acid solution = 0.1 M (given) Molarity of Na2CO3 solution : M1V1 (Nitric acid) n = 1 M 2 V2 (Na 2 CO3 soln) n2 0.1M 25.3 2 = M 2 25 1 M2 = 0.1 M 25.3 25 2 = 0.0506 M Strength of Na2CO3 Solution : Strength = Molarity Molecular weight = 0.0506 106 = 5.3636 gm/1itre 25.3 ml 16 ISC Practical Chemistry II EXPERIMENT NO. 4 Object : You are provided with two solutions as follows : B-1 is a solution containing 4.8 g of sodium hydroxide per litre. B-2 is a solution of sulphuric acid. Procedure : flask. Fill the sodium hydroxide solution B-1 into the burette. Deliver 25 cm3 (or 20 cm3) portion of the sulphuric acid solution B-2 into a clean conical Titrate it with sodium hydroxide solution using methyl orange as indicator, shaking the flask gradually till the last drop gives a light yellow colour to the solution in the flask. Repeat the titration to obtain consistent readings. 2NaOH + H2SO4 Na2SO4 + 2H2O While recording your observations, you must state : (i) The size of the pipette used. (ii) The titre value you intend to use in your calculations (from the set of readings you have recorded) Calculate the following (a) The normality or molarity of sodium hydroxide solution B-1. (b) The normality or molarity of sulphuric acid solution B-2. (c) The concentration of sulphuric acid solution B-2 in g/litre. (d) The number of sulphate ions in gm per litre Observation Table : Burette Reading S. No. Initial Final 1. 0.0 ml 25.6 ml 2. 0.0 ml 25.5 ml 3. 0.0 ml 25.5 ml Capacity of pipette used = 25 ml Volume of alkali solution used Titre value 25.6 ml 25.5 ml 25.5 ml Calculations : (a) Normality of caustic soda soln. B-1 Since strength = Normality Eq. wt. Normality = = Strength eq. wt. 4.8 = 0.1200 N 40 Molarity of NaOH Soln. B-1 Molarity = Strength 4.8 = = 0.1200 M Mol. wt. 40 25.5 ml 17 Titration (Volumetric Estimations) (b) Normality of sulphuric acid soln. B-2 N1V1 = N2V2 (alkali) (acid) 0.12 25.5 = N2 25 0.12 25.5 N2 = = 0.1224 N 25 Molarity of sulphuric acid soln. B-2 (Alkali) M1V1 n = 1 (Acid) M 2 V2 n2 0.12 25.5 2 = M 2 25 1 M2 = (c) (d) 0.12 25.5 = 0.0612 M 2 25 onc. of sulphuric acid soln. B-2 in g/litre C Concentration = Molarity Mol. wt. = 0.0612 98 = 5.9976 gm/litre No. of sulphate ions : 98 gm H2SO4 contains SO42 = 6.023 1023 5.9976 gm H2SO4 contains SO42 = = 6.023 1023 5.9976 98 3686 1019 ions EXPERIMENT NO. 5 Object : You are provided with three solutions as follows : (a) Sol. B-10 contains 5.15 g of anhydrous sodium carbonate per litre. (b) Sol. B-11 is a solution of sulphuric acid, H2SO4. (c) Sol. B-12 is a solution of anhydrous sodium carbonate, Na2CO3 of unknown concentration. Proceed as follows : Fill the sulphuric acid sol. B-11 into a clean burette and titrate 25 cm3 (or 20 cm3) portion of sodium carbonate sol. B-10 in a conical flask using methyl orange as indicator. Na2CO3 + H2SO4 = Na2SO4 + H2O + CO2 II. With the sulphuric acid sol. B-11 in a burette, titrate 25 cm3 or (20 cm3) portion of sol. B-12 in a clean conical flask using methyl orange as indicator. I. Calculate : (i) The (ii) The (iii) The (iv) The molarity of sol. B-10, sodium carbonate molarity of sol. B-11, sulphuric acid concentration of sol. B-11, sulphuric acid in g/1itre concentration of SO42 ions in soln. B-11 in g/1. 18 ISC Practical Chemistry II (v) the molarity of sol. B-12, unknown sodium carbonate (vi) the concentration of sol. B-12 in g/1. (vii) the concentration of CO32- (carbonate ions) in sol. B-12 in g/1. While recording your observations, you must state : (1) the size of the pipette you have used. (2) the titre value you intend to use in your calculations (from the set of readings you have recorded. Observation Table for 1st titration S. No. 1. 2. 3. Burette Reading Initial Final 0.0 ml 0.0 ml 0.0 ml Volume of H2SO4 solution used 23.7 ml 23.6 ml 23.6 ml 23.7 ml 23.6 ml 23.6 ml Titre value 23.6 ml. Capacity of pipette (i.e. volume of solution of Na2CO3 of known concentration used) = 25 ml Observation Table for 2nd titration S. No. Burette Reading Initial Final Volume of H2SO4 solution used Titre value 1. 0.0 ml 29.4 ml 29.4 ml 2. 0.0 ml 29.3 ml 29.3 ml 29.3 ml 3. 0.0 ml 29.3 ml 29.3 ml Capacity of pipette (i.e. Volume of solution of Na2CO3 of unknown concentration used) = 25 ml. Calculations for 1st titration (i.e., with known Na2CO3 concentration) (i) The Molarity of sodium carbonate Strength Molarity = Mol. wt 5.15 = = 0.04858 M 106 (ii) The Molarity of Sulphuric Acid: or M1V1 (H 2SO 4 soln.) n1 = M 2 V2 (Na 2 CO3 soln.) n 2 M1 23.6 1 = 1 0.04858 25 0.4858 25 M1 = 23.6 = 0.05146 M (iii) The Concentration of Sulphuric Acid in g/lit. Concentration = Molarity Mol. wt. = 0.05146 98 = 5.04308 gm/l. 19 Titration (Volumetric Estimations) 2- (iv) The Concentration of SO4 ions in g/lit. 98 gm H2SO4 contains SO42 ion = 96 gm/lit. 96 5.043 5.043 gm H2SO4 contains SO42 ions = 98 = 4.94 gm/lit. Calculations for 2nd Titration (i.e. with unknown Na2CO3 concentration) (v) The Molarity of Unknown Sodium Carbonate M1V1 (H 2SO 4 ) n = 1 M 2 V2 (Na 2 CO3 soln) n2 0.05146 29.3 1 = M 2 25 1 0.05146 29.3 25 = 0.06031 M. The concentration of unknown Na2CO3 conc. in g/lit. Titre value with unknown soln. Conc. of unknown solution = Conc. of known solution Titre value with known soln. M2 = (vi) 29.3 = 6.39385 gm/1it. = 6.394 gm/1it. 23.6 (carbonate ions) in gm/1it. = 5.15 (vii) The concentration of CO32 106 gm Na2CO3 contains CO32 ions 6.394 gm Na2CO3 contains CO32 ions = 60 gm/lit. 60 6.394 gm.lit. 106 = 3.6192 gm/1it. = REDOX TITRATIONS (Iodimetry and Iodometry) Some redox titrations are based on reactions involving iodine. Iodine solution can be used for oxidation purposes for various ions in acidic and alkaline medium. If solid iodine is dissolved in potassium iodide and this solution is used for oxidation of other ions, the process is known as iodimetry. On the other hand when iodine is liberated by means of a chemical reaction by any other oxidising ions from KI in solution, it can be used for oxidising purposes. This is called iodometry. Equivalent weight of sodium thiosulphate solution : When sodium thiosulphate reacts with iodine, the following chemical reaction takes place. 2Na2S2O3 + I2 = Na2S4O6 + 2NaI or 2Na2S2O3 2I O or 2Na2S2O3 O or 16 2 248.2 or 248.2 8 20 ISC Practical Chemistry II Therefore, equivalent weight of sodium thiosulphate is 248.2 which is equal to its molecular weight. OXIDATION REDUCTION TITRATION Reduction : It is a process of electron gain and is brought about by a substance whose particles readily lose electrons so that they are donated to other particles in the system. A substance of this sort is called a reducing agent or reductant. Metals are good examples of reductants as they can lose electron readily to form ions e.q., M (s) Mn+ (aq) + ne or Na (s) Na+ (aq) + e Oxidation : It is process of electron loss and is brought about by a substance whose particles readily gain electrons so that they are taken from other particles in the system. A substance of this sort is called an oxidising agent or oxidant. Reactive non-metals are good examples of oxidants as their atoms show a tendency to accept electrons and become anions e.q. Cl + e Cl Redox Reaction = (Oxidation Reduction Reaction) The reactions which proceed with the transference of electrons between the reactant substances are known as Redox Reactions. 2FeCl3 + H2S 2FeCl2 + 2HCl + S Fe3+(aq) H2S Fe2+ In the above Redox Reaction FeCl3 is reduced to FeCl2 while H2S is oxidised to sulphur. IODIMETRY EXPERIMENT NO. 6 Object : Find out the strength and normality of a sodium thiosulphate solution (Hypo.) by titrating it against N/20 iodine solution, using starch soln. as indicator. Theory : When iodine reacts with sodium thiosulphate soln, the latter is oxidised to sodium tetra thionate. 2Na2S2O3 + I2 Na2S4O6 + 2 NaI (sodium tetra thionate) Methods : 1. Rinse and fill the burette with sodium thiosulphate soln. Adjust it to zero mark and note down the reading. 21 Titration (Volumetric Estimations) 2. Pipette out 25 ml of an iodine solution in a titration flask. 3. Run-down to flask the thio solution from the burette slowly with thorough shaking after each addition till the colour of iodine becomes faint. 4. Now add 3-4 drops of starch soln. and continue adding thio (hypo) soln. to the flask dropwise and with shaking till the blue colour disappears. 5. Note down the final reading of burette and obtain the end point. 6. Repeat the titration to obtain two concordant readings. Observation : Burette Reading S. No. Initial Volume of Hypo used Final 1. 2. 0.0 ml 0.0 ml 24.6 ml 24.5 ml 24.6 ml 24.5 ml 3. 0.0 ml 24.5 ml 24.5 ml End Point 24.5 ml Capacity of pipette used = 25 ml Calculations : For equivalent weight of Iodine : Atomic weight of lodine Eq. weight of Iodine = Valency of lodine 126.92 = 1 = 126.92 For Normality of thio solution : N1V1 = N2 V2 1 N1 24.5 = 25 20 25 1 = N1 = = 0.0510 N 20 24.5 19.6 For strength of thio solution : Strength = Normality gm equivalent weight = 0.0510 248.2 = 12.6582 gm/litre EXPERIMENT NO. 7 Object : You are provided with a N/10 potassium permanganate solution. Titrate it against a soln. of ferrous sulphate crystals (FeSO4. x H2O) containing 28.6 gm/litre and calculate the number of molecules of water of hydration in the FeSO4. x H2O. Theory : In the titration of acidified KMnO4 soln. With FeSO4.x H2O soln. the former acts as an oxidizing agent and oxidizes the latter to ferric sulphate according to the following eqution. 22 ISC Practical Chemistry II 2KMnO4 + 8H2SO4 + 10 FeSO4 K2SO4 + 2MnSO4 + 5Fe2(SO4)3 + 8H2O As long as the process of oxidation continues, KMnO4 soln. keeps on decolourising but a slight excess of it after the oxidation of complete ferrous sulphate, will develop a light pink colour. Titration : 1. Rinse and fill the burette with given KMnO4 soln. Adjust it to zero mark and note down the initial reading. 2. Pipette out 25 ml of ferrous sulphate soln. in a clean titration flask and add to it one test tube full of dil. H2SO4. 3. Run down KMnO4 soln. from burette, constantly shaking the flask. Add KMnO4 soln. in small instalments till the last drop gives a persistent light pink colour to the soln. 4. Note down the final readings. Atomic Wts : H = 1, O = 16, S = 32, K = 39, Mn = 55, Fe = 56 Observations : S. No. 1. 2. 3. Burette Reading Initial Final 10.0 ml 10.0 ml 10.0 ml Volume of KMnO4 solution 26.1 ml 26.0 ml 26.0 ml 36.1 ml 36.0 ml 36.0 ml End Point 26.0 ml Capacity of pipette used = 25 ml. Calculations : For Normality of hydrated ferrous sulphate solution: N1VI = N2V2 1 26 = N2 25 10 (KMnO4) (FeSO4 ) 26 N2 = = 0.1040 N 250 As N = nM and n = 1 M = N; thus molarity = 0.1040 M For the number of molecules of water of crystallisation attached to one molecule of ferrous sulphate : Strength = Molarity gm. molecular wt. 28.6 = 0.1040 (Fe.SO4. x H2O) 28.6 = 0.1040 (152 + 18x) 28.6 = 15.808 + 1.872x 1.872x = 12.792 12.792 1.872 = 6.83 7. x = 23 Titration (Volumetric Estimations) EXPERIMENT NO. 8 Object : 1. In this exercise you are required to determine the percentage purity of hydrated ammonium iron (II) sulphate in given impure sample. You are provided with two solutions as follows : (i) A-5 is a solution which is prepared by dissolving 17.2 gm of an impure sample of hydrated ammonium iron (II) sulphate per litre. (ii) A-6 is a solution containing 1.15 gm of potassium manganate (VII) KMnO4. Proceed as follows : Fill the potassium manganate (VII), KMnO4 soln. A-6 into the burette. deliver 25 cm3 (or 20 cm3) portions of ammonium iron (II) sulphate soln. A-5 into a clean conical flask. The soln. contains sufficient quantity of sulphuric acid added from outside and so no extra acid need be added. Titrate it with the potassium manganate (VII) KMnO4 solution A-6 from the burette, shaking the flask gradually till last drop gives a light pink colour to the soln. in the flask. While recording your observations, you must state : (a) the size of the pipette used (b) the titre value you intend to use in your calculations (from the set of burette readings you have recorded). The equation for the reaction may be written as : 2KMnO4 + 3H2SO4 = K2SO4 + 2MnSO4 + 3H2O + 5[O] 10 FeSO4 + 5H2SO4 + 5[O] = 5 Fe2(SO4)3 + 5 H2O Atomic wts = H = 1, N = 14, O = 16, S = 32, K = 39, Mn = 55, Fe = 56 Calculate the following : (i) The normality or molarity of potassium manganate(VII) A-6 soln. (ii) The normality or molarity of ammonium iron(II) sulphate, solution A-5 (iii) The concentration of ammonium iron(II) sulphate solution A-5 in gm/litre. (iv) The percentage purity of hydrated ammonium iron (II) sulphate in the impure sample. Observation Table S. No. 1. 2. 3. Initial Burette Reading Final Burette Reading Volume of potassium per manganate used Titre value 0.0 ml 29.9 ml 29.9 ml 0.0 ml 29.8 ml 29.8 ml 29.8 ml 0.0 ml 29.8 ml 29.8 ml Capacity of Pipette used i.e., the volume of ammonium iron(II) sulphate soln. = 25 ml. Calculations : (i) Normality of KMnO4 = Strength eq. wt 1.15 = 31.6 24 ISC Practical Chemistry II = 0.03639 N Molarity of KMnO4 = Strength/Molecular weight Molarity of KMnO4 = 1.15 = 0.007278 M 158 (ii) Normality of ammonium iron sulphate N1V1 = N2 V2 (KMnO4 soln.) (amm. iron (II) sulphate soln.) 0.03639 29.8 = N2 25 0.03639 29.8 25 = 0.04337 N N2 = Molarity of ammonium iron sulphate (KMnO 4 ) M1 V1 n 1 = 1 = n2 5 Amm. Iron (II) sulphate M 2 V2 (as M1 = 0.007278 V1 = 29.8 ml V2 = 25 ml) 0.007278 29.8 5 25 = 0.043376 M M2 = (iii) Conc. of ammonium iron (II) sulphate solution Strength = Molarity Mol. wt. = 0.043376 392 = 17.003 gm/litre (iv) Percentage purity of hydrated ammonium iron (II) sulphate : 17.2 gm/lit. of hydrated ammonium iron (II) sulphate is giving = 17.003 gm/litre 17.003 100 100 gm/1it. of hydrated ammonium iron (II) sulphate is giving = = 98.85% 17.2 EXPERIMENT NO. 9 Object : You are provided with two solutions as follows : (a) Solution A-10 is a soln. containing 1.5 gm per litre of potasium manganate (VII) KMnO4. (b) Solution A-11 is a solution containing 18.4 gm per litre of hydrated ammonium iron (II) sulphate crystals, (NH4)2SO4 . FeSO4 . x H2O Procedure : Fill in the burette with potassium manganate (VII) solution, A-10. Pipette out 25 cm3 (or 20 of solution A-11 into a clean conical flask. To this add 20 cm3 of dilute sulphuric acid, A-12, specially provided for titration. cm3) 25 Titration (Volumetric Estimations) Run the solution A-10 slowly till one drop of this solution gives a light pink colour to the soln. in the flask. The pink colour should not disappear on shaking the contents in the conical flask. This indicates the end point. Repeat the titration to get at least two concordant readings. Tabulate your readings. State the size of the pipette used in the titration and the titre value you wish to use in your calculations. The equations for the reactions may be written as below : 2KMnO4 + 3H2SO4 K2SO4 + 2MnSO4 + 3H2O + 5[O] 10(NH4)2.SO4.FeSO4.xH2O 10(NH4)2SO4 + 5Fe2(SO4)3 + 10x H2O + 5H2SO4 + 5[O] + 5H2O The ionic equation for the reaction is given below : 2MnO4 + 16 H+ + 10Fe2+ 2Mn2+ + 10Fe3+ + 8H2O The relative atomic masses are : K = 39, Fe = 56, N = 14, S = 32, H = 1, O = 16, Mn = 55 Calculate the following : (a) The molarity of the solution of potassium manganate (VII) A-10 (b) The molarity of the soln. of hydrated ammonium iron (II) sulphate A-11. (c) The molecular mass of hydrated ammonium iron (II) sulphate. (d) The value of x (e) The formula of hydrated ammonium iron (II) sulphate. Observation Table S. No. 1. 2. 3. Burette Reading Initial Final 0.0 ml 0.0 ml 0.0 ml Volume of KMnO4 used 24.3 ml 24.2 ml 24.2 ml 24.3 ml 24.2 ml 24.2 ml Capacity of pipette used Titre value = = End Point 24.2 ml 25 ml 24.2 ml Strength Mol. Wt. 1.50 = 158 = .00949367 M (KMnO 4 )M1V1 n1 2 1 = (ii) = = (Amm. Iron (II) Sulphate) M 2 V2 n2 10 5 (i) Mol. of KMnO4 = 24.2 0.01006 1 = 25 M 5 = 0.0459 M (iii) The molecular mass of hydrated ammonium iron sulphate Strength = Molarity Molecular weight 26 ISC Practical Chemistry II Molecular weight = = Strength Molarity 19.7 = 400.37 gm. 0.0501 (iv) Value of x Strength = Molarity Formula weight 19.7 = 0.0501 (284 + 18x) 19.7 = 14.23257 + 0.9018x 0.9018x = 19.7 14.23257 0.9018x = 5.46743 x = 6.06 or x = 6. (v) Formula of hydrated ammonium iron (II) sulphate : Fe SO4 . (NH4)2 SO4 . 6H2O EXPERIMENT NO. 10 Object : You are provided with two solutions as follows : Solution A-1 has been prepared by dissolving 1.76 gm of impure sample of potassium manganate (VII) KMnO4 per litre of the solution. Solution A-2 contains 20.3 gms of pure hydrated ammonium iron (II) sulphate, (NH4)2SO4 . FeSO4 . 6H2O in 1 litre of solution. Procedure : Take a clean burette and clamp it vertically in a burette stand. Fill the burette with potassium manganate(VII) solution A-1. Pipette out 25 cm3 or (20 cm3) portion of ammonium iron (II) sulphate solution A-2 into a clean conical flask. To this add about 20 cm3 of dil. sulphuric acid, A-3 provided especially for this purpose. Run the solution A-1 from the burette slowly shaking the flask till the last drop gives a permanent light pink colour to the solution in the flask. This indicates the end point. Repeat the titration to get at least two concordant readings. Record all the initial and final readings in the tabular form. While recording your observations you must clearly state : (i) The size of the pipette used (ii) The titre value (concordant or average) which you intend to use in your calculations. The equation for the reaction may be written as follows : 2KMnO4 + 3H2SO4 K2SO4 + 2MnSO4 + 3H2O + 5(O) 10FeSO4 + 5H2SO4 + 5(O) = 5Fe2(SO4)3 + 5H2O or 2MnO4 + 2Fe2+ + 16H+ = 2Mn2+ + 10Fe3+ + 8H2O Relative atomic masses are : Fe = 56, Mn = 55, K = 39, S = 32, O = 16, N = 14, H = 1 Calculate the following : (a) Molarity of hydrated ammonium iron (II) sulphate soln. A-2. 27 Titration (Volumetric Estimations) (b) The molarity of potassium manganate (VII) soln. A-1. (c) The concentration of potassium manganate (VII) Sol. A-1 in gm/litre (d) The % purity of the impure sample of potassium manganate (VII) that is used in preparing the solution A-1 Observation Table S. No. 1. 2. 3. Burette Reading Initial Final 0.0 ml 23.8 ml 0.0 ml 23.7 ml 0.0 ml 23.7 ml Volume of permanganate used 23.8 ml 23.7 ml 23.7 ml Titre Value 23.7 ml Size of pipette used = 25ml (i.e. Volume of hydrated ammonium ferrous sulphate used is 25 ml) (a) Molarity of ferrous ammonium sulphate Strength = Mol. wt. 20.3 = 392 = 0.05178 M (KMnO 4 )M1V1 n (b) = 1 (Ferrous Amm. Sulphate) M 2 V2 n2 M1 23.7 2 1 = = 10 5 0.05178 25 M1 = 0.05178 5 23.7 = 0.01092 M (c) Concentration = Molecular weight Molarity = 158 0.01092 = 1.725 gm (d) % Purity 1.76 gm/litre KMnO4 contains pure KMnO4 = 1.725 gm/lit. 1.725 100 100 gm/lit. = 1.76 = 98.01% EXPERIMENT NO. 11 Object : You are provided with three solutions as follows : A-10 is a solution containing 13.1g hydrated ammonium iron (II) sulphate, FeSO4. (NH4)2SO4.6H2O A-11 is a solution containing potassium manganate (VII) KMnO4 A-12 is a solution of ammonium iron (II) sulphate of unknown concentration. 28 Proceed as follows : ISC Practical Chemistry II (a) Put the potassium manganate (VII), KMnO4 sol. A-11 into the burette and titrate 25 cm3 or (20 cm3) portion of sol. A-10 into a clean conical flask. Since potassium manganate (VII) is a coloured solution, it acts as a self indicator to give pink colour. Calculate the concentration of the potassium manganate (VII) solution A-11 in grams per litre. The equation for the reaction may be written as : 2 KMnO4 + 3H2SO4 = K2SO4 + 2MnSO4 + 3H2O + 5(O) 10FeSO4 + 5H2SO4 + 5(O) = 5Fe2(SO4)3 + 5H2O or 2MnO4 + 16H+ + 10Fe2+ = 2Mn2+ + 8H2O + 10Fe3+ (b) Fill the potassium manganate (VII) sol. A-11 into the burette. Deliver 25 cm3 or (20 cm3) portion of sol. A-12 into a clean conical flask and titrate. Calculate: (i) The concentration of solution A-12 in g/1 (ii) The concentration of Fe(II) ion in sol. A-12 in g/1. Observation Table for 1st titration S. No. Burette Reading Initial Final Volume of KMnO4 solution used 1. 0.0 ml 19.6 ml 19.6 ml 2. 0.0 ml 19.5 ml 19.5 ml 3. 0.0 ml 19.5 ml 19.5 ml Titre Value 19.5 ml Capacity of pipette used (i.e., volume of hydrated ammonium iron(II) sulphate solution of known concentration) = 25 ml. Observation Table for 2nd titration S. No. 1. 2. 3. Burette Reading Initial Final 0.0 ml 20.2 ml 0.0 ml 20.1 ml 0.0 ml 20.1 ml Volume of KMnO4 Solution used 20.2 ml 20.1 ml 20.1 ml Titre Value 20.1 ml Capacity of pipette used (i.e., volume of hydrated ammonium iron (II) sulphate solution of unknown concentration) = 25 ml. Calculations : For the concentration of the potassium manganate (VII) solution A-11 : (a) Molarity of hydrated ammonium iron (II) sulphate solution A-10 : Concentration Molarity = Mol. wt = 13.1 = 0.0334 M 392 29 Titration (Volumetric Estimations) (b) Molarity of KMnO4 solution A-11 : M1 V1 (Amm. Iron sulphate) n = 1 M 2 V2 (KMnO 4 ) n2 0.0334 25 10 5 = = M 19.5 2 1 M2 = 0.0334 25 19.5 5 = 0.008564 M (c) Conc. of KMnO4 Solution A-11 : Concentration = Molarity Mol. wt. of KMnO4 = 0.008564 158 = 1.3531 gm/lit. Calculations for 2nd titration : For concentration of unknown Amm. Iron (II) Sulphate solution A-12 : Concentration of Titre value with unknown soln. Concentration = known Amm.iron(II) of unknown solution sulphate A-10 Titre value with known soln. 13.1 20.1 = ml = 13.5030 gm/lit. 19.5 For Concentration of Fe2+ ions in A-12 in gm/lit. 392 gm hydrated amm. iron (II) sulphate solution contain Fe2+ = 56 gm/lit. 13.5030 gm hydrated amm. iron (II) sulphate solution contain Fe2+ 56 13.5030 = = 1.929 gm/lit. 392 EXPERIMENT NO.12 Object : To find out the strength of the given potassium permanganate solution using N/10 oxalic acid solution. Indicator : Potassium permanganate acts as a self indicator. Apparatus required : Burette, burette stand, pipette, titration flask, beakers, tile. Theory - Since oxalic acid is a reducing agent it can be titrated against acidified potassium permanganate according to the following equation 2KMnO4 + 3H2SO4 + 5H2C2O4 + 2MnSO4 + 3H2O + 5[O] 60 C [H 2 C2 O 4 + [0] 2CO 2 + H 2 O] 5 2KMnO 4 + 3H 2SO 4 + 5H 2 C2 O 4 K 2SO 4 + 2MnSO 4 + 8H 2 O + 10 CO 2 or 2MnO4 + 5C2O42 + 16H+ = 2Mn2+ + 10CO2 + 8H2O 30 Procedure : ISC Practical Chemistry II Rinse and fill the glass stoppered burette with the given potassium permanganate solution and note down the initial burette reading. (A rubber tubing burette cannot be used as the rubber is attacked by potassium permanganate solution) Pipette out 25 ml of N/10 oxalic acid solution into the filtration flask and add to it 10 ml of bench dil. H2SO4. Heat the solution to around 65oC. Allow the permanganate solution to run into the warm oxalic acid solution slowly till a pink colour is obtained. Repeat the titration to get two concordant readings. Observations : S. No. 1. 2. 3. Burette Reading Initial Final Vol. of Oxalic acid 25 ml 25 ml 25 ml 0.0 ml 0.0 ml 0.0 ml Volume of KMnO4 Solution End Point 25.3 ml 25.2 ml 25.2 ml 25.2 ml 25.3 ml 25.2 ml 25.2 ml Capacity of pipette used = 25 ml Calculations : Titre value = 25.2 ml Vol. of oxalic acid used = 25 ml V 1 N 1 = V2 N 2 1 25.2 N1 = 25 10 25 = 0.0992N 10 25.2 Strength = Normally gm. equivalent wt. = 0.0992 63.04 = 6.2535 gm/litre N1 = Precautions: 1. Sufficient quantity of dil. sulphuric acid should be added as insufficient quantity will lead to the formation of brown ppt. of manganese oxide. 2. The temperature of solution should not fall down below 60 C during titration. EXPERIMENT NO. 13 Object : You are provided with two solutions as follows : (i) A-11 is a solution containing 3.250 g of potassium manganate (VII) KMnO4 per litre of the solution. (ii) A-12 is a solution prepared by dissolving 6.350 g of oxalic acid crystals H2C2O4. x H2O per litre of the solution. 31 Titration (Volumetric Estimations) Procedure : Rinse and fill the burette with the given solution A -11 of potassium manganate (VII). Pipette out 25 cm3 of the solution A -12 of oxalic acid in a clean conical flask. To this add 20 cm3 of dil sulphuric acid. Warm the contents of the flask to about 50 C to 60 C (till the bubbes appear at the bottom of the flask). Now remove the flask from the flame and titrate the contents of this hot solution by dropping the A-11 from the burette till the last drop gives a permanent pale pink colour to the solution A-12 in the conical flask. You are to ensure that the pink colour obtained to the solution A-12 in the conical flask. Repeat the above procedure to get at least two concordant readings. Tabulate your readings. The equations for the above reactions are as follows : 2KMnO4 + 3H2SO4 K2SO4 + 2MnSO4 + 3 H2O + 5[O] 60 C H 2 C2 O 4 + [O] 2CO 2 +H 2 O] 5 2KMnO 4 + 3H 2SO 4 + 5C2 H 2 O 4 K 2SO 4 + 2MnSO 4 + 8H 2 O + 10CO 2 OR 2MnO4 + 5 C2O42 + 16H+ 2Mn2+ + 10 CO2 + 8 H2O Relative atomic masses : Mn + 55, K = 39, O = 16, C =12, H = 1 Calculate the following : (i) The molarity of potassium manganate (VII) solution A-11. (ii) The molarity of hydrated oxalic acid solution A-12. (iii) The molecular mass of hydrated oxalic acid deduced from the experimental data. (iv) The numerical value of x , i.e., the number of molecules of water of crystallization in H2C2O4.xH2O. Observations: S. No. 1. 2. 3 Burette Reading Initial Final 0.0 ml 24.6 ml 0.0 ml 24.5 ml 0.0 ml 24.5 ml Vol. of Oxalic acid 25.0 ml 25.0 ml 25.0 ml Volume of KMnO4 Solution 24.6 ml 24.5 ml 24.5 ml Capacity of pipette = 25 ml Calculations (i) Molarity of potassium manganate (VII) Solution A-11 : Strength Molarity = Molecular weigth = 3.250 158 (ii) Molarity of hydrated oxalic acid solution A -12 : M V (KMnO 4 ) n = 1 1 1 M 2 V2 (H 2 C2 O 4 .xH 2 O) n2 0.02056962 24.5 2 = M 2 25 5 End Point 24.5 ml 32 ISC Practical Chemistry II M2 = 0.02056962 24.5 5 25 2 = 0.050395569 m. (iii) Molecular mass of hydrated oxalic acid deduced from the experimental data : Strength Molecular mass = Molarity = 6.350 0.050395569 = 126.003 (iv) The numerical value of x : H2C2O4. xH2O = 126.003 (2 + 24 + 64) + x (2 + 16) = 126.003 90 + 18x = 126.003 18x = 126.003 90 = 36.003 x = 2.0015 2 EXPERIMENT NO. 14 You are provided with two solutions as given below : C-15 is a solution prepared by dissolving 6.750 g of impure hydrated oxalic acid H2C2O4.2H2O per litre of the solution. C-16 is a solution containing 3.250 g. of potassium manganate (vii) KMnO4 per litre of the solution. Proceed as follows : Wash the burette with distilled water. Rinse and fill the burette with the given solution C 16 of potassium manganate (vii). Pipette out 25 ml of the solution C-15 of oxalic acid in a clean conical flask. To this add 20 ml of dilute sulphuric acid. Warm the contents of the flask to about 60 C. (This temp. can be estimated when bubbles appear at the bottom of the flask) Now remove the flask from the fire and titrate the contents of this hot solution by dropping the C-16 from the burette with constant whorling the flask till the last drop gives a permanent pale pink colour to the solution C-15 in the conical flask. You are to ensure that the pink colour obtained to the solution C-15 in the conical flask. Repeat the above procedure to get at least two concordant readings. Tabulate your readings. Required chemical equations : 2KMnO4 + 3H2SO4 + 5 C2H2O4 K2SO4 + 2MnSO4 + 8H2O + 10 CO2 OR 2 2 MnO4 + 5 C2O4 + 16H+ 2Mn2+ + 10CO2 + 8H2O Relative atomic masses : Mn = 55, K = 39, O = 16, C = 12, H = 1 Calculate the following : (i) The molarity of potassium manganate (vii) solution C-16. (ii) The molarity of hydrated oxalic acid solution C-15. 33 Titration (Volumetric Estimations) (iii) (iv) Concentration of pure hydrated oxalic acid in g/l of solution C-15. The percentage purity of hydrated oxalic acid solution C-15. Observation : Burette Reading Initial Final 1. 25.0 ml 10.0 ml 34.3 ml 2. 25.0 ml 0.0 ml 24.2 ml 3 25.0 ml 0.0 ml 24.2 ml Intended titre value = 24.2 ml Capacity of pipette = 25 ml S. No. Vol. of Oxalic acid Volume of KMnO4 Solution End Point 24.3 ml 24.2 ml 24.2 ml 24.2 ml Calculations : (i) Molarity of potassium manganate (vii) solution. Concentration Molarity = Molecular Weight 3.250 158 = 0.02056962 M (ii) Molarity of hydrated oxalic acid solution : M1V1 (KMnO 4 ) n = 1 M 2 V2 (H 2 C2 O 4 .2H 2 O) n2 = 0.02056962 24.2 2 = M 2 25 5 M2 = 0.049778481M (iii) Concentration of hydrated oxalic acid : Concentration = Molarity Molecular Mass = 0.049778481 126 = 6.272 g/l. (iv) Percentage purity of hydrated oxalic acid : 6.750 g of oxalic acid contains Pure Part = 6.272 6.272 100 100 g of oxalic acid contains = 6.750 = 92.92% EXPERIMENT NO. 15 Object You are provided with the following two solutions. (i) A-15 is a solution containing 3.520 g of impure potassium manganate (VII) KMnO4 per litre of the solution. (ii) A-16 is a solution prepared by dissolving 6.500 g of hydrated oxalic acid H2C2O4.2H2O per litre of the solution. 34 Procedure : ISC Practical Chemistry II Wash the burette with distilled water. Rinse and fill it with the given solution A-15 of potassium manganate (VII). Pipette out 25 cm3 of the solution A-16 of oxalic acid in a clean conical flask. To this add 20cm3 of dil. sulphuric acid. Warm the contents of the flask to a temperature between 50 C and 60 C. The heating should be continued till some bubbles are seen at the bottom of the flask. Now the flame is removed away from the flask. Titrate the contents of this hot solution by dropping solution A-15 from the burette till the last drop gives a permanent pale pink colour to the solution A-16 taken in the conical flask. Repeat the above procedure to get two concorlant readings. The chemical equations showing the given reactions are as follows: 2KMnO4 + 3H2SO4 K2SO4 + 2MnSO4 + 3H2O + 5 [0] 60 C H 2 C2 O 4 + [0] 2CO 2 + H 2 O 2KMnO 4 + 3H 2SO 4 + 5H 2 C2 O 4 K 2 SO 4 + 2Mn SO 4 + 8H 2 O + 10CO 2 OR 2MnO4 + 5 C2O42 + 16 H+ 2Mn2+ + 10CO2 + 8H2O Relative atomic mass : Mn = 55, K = 39, O = 16, C = 12, H = 1. Calculate the following : 1. The molarity of oxalic acid solution i.e. A-16. 2. The molarity of potassium manganate (VII) solution. i.e. A-15. 3. The concentration of potassium manganate (VII) soln. in gram per litre. 4. The percentage purity of potassium manganate (VII) solution. Observations : S. No. 1. 2. 3 Vol. of Oxalic acid 25.0 ml 25.0 ml 25.0 ml Capacity of pipette = 25 ml. Burette Reading Initial Final 0.0 ml 24.8 ml 0.0 ml 24.7 ml 0.0 ml 24.7 ml Volume of KMnO4 Calculations : (i) Molarity of hydrated oxalic acid solution: Concentration Molarity = Molecular Weight = 6.500 126 = 0.051587301 m (ii) Molarity of potassium manganate (VII) solution : M1V1 (KMnO 4 ) n = 1 M 2 V2 (oxalic acid) n2 M1 24.7 2 = 0.051587301 25 5 M1 = 0.020885547 m 24.8 ml 24.7 ml 24.7 ml End Point 24.7 ml 35 Titration (Volumetric Estimations) (iii) Concentration of potassium manganate (VII) solution: Concentration = Molarity Molecular Weight = 0.020885547 158 = 3.299 g/l (iv) Percentage purity of potassium manganate (VII) solution : 3.520 g KMnO4 contains pure amount = 3.299g 100 g KMnO4 contains pure amount = 3.299 100 3.520 = 93.72% EXPERIMENT NO. 16 Object : To determine the normality and strength of hydrated sodium thiosulphate (Na2S2O3 . 5H2O) solution by titrating it against N/30 potassium dichromate (K2Cr2 O7) solution. Apparatus and reagents required : Burette stand, burette, pipette, titration flask, beakers, tile. 10% KI solution, starch solution, dil. sulphuric acid. Theory When acidified potassium dichromate solution reacts with KI solution, the latter is oxidised to iodine which is titrated with hypo solution (sodium thiosulphate) using starch solution as indicator K2Cr2O7 + 4H2SO4 = K2SO4 + (Cr2(SO4)3 + 3(O) 2KI + H2O + O = 2KOH + I2] 3 2Na2S2O3 + I2 = Na2S4O6 + 2NaI] 3 Method : 1. Rinse and fill a burette with sodium thiosulphate. Adjust it to zero mark and note down the reading. 2. Pipette out 25 ml of K2Cr2O7 solution in a titration flask and add to it 10 ml of KI solution and 12 ml of dil. H2SO4. Wait for 2-3 minutes till the liberated iodine is completely dissolved. 3. Run down the sodium thiosulphate solution from burette to the flask slowly and stir it well till the yellowish colour of iodine persists. 4. Add 3-4 drops of starch solution to develop a violet or blue colour due to absorption of iodine on starch molecule. 5. Continue adding sodium thiosulphate solution slowly to the flask dropwise and with constant stirring till the blue or violet colour just disappears and the solution becomes greenish. The greenish colour appears due to the formation of chromium sulphate. Observations : S. No. Burette Reading Initial Final Volume of Hypo used 1. 0.0 ml 30.1 ml 30.1 ml 2. 0.0 ml 30.0 ml 30.0 ml 3. 0.0 ml 30.0 ml 30.0 ml Capacity of pipette used = 25 ml. End Point 30.0 ml 36 Calculations : ISC Practical Chemistry II For Normality of sodium thiosulphate solution N1 V1 = N2 V2 (Thio) (Pot. dichromate) 1 N1 30 = 25 30 N1 = 25 30 30 1 36 = 0.0277N = For strength of thio solution : Strength = Normality gram equivalent weight = 0.0277 248.2 = 6.8944 gm/litre EXPERIMENT NO. 17 Object : You are provided with two sloutions as follows : (a) Solution A-1 is a solution of sodium thiosulphate containing 24.0 gm/litre of sodium thio sulphate, Na2S2O3. 5H2O per litre. (b) Solution A-2 is a solution of potassium dichromate, K2Cr2O7 whose strength is to be determined. Procedure : Fill the burette with sodium thio sulphate soln. Pipette out 25 cm3 (or 20 cm3) of the potassium dichromate solution into a clean conical flask. To this add 25 cm3 of dilute sulphuric acid and 10 cm3 of potassium iodide solution, A-3, specially provided for titration. Shake the contents carefully. Cover the flask with a piece of paper and leave it for about 5 minutes in the dark till the solution becomes reddish brown. Titrate by running the sodium thiosulphate solution till the reddish brown solution turns yellowish green. Add 2 cm3 of freshly prepared cold solution of starch. The colour of the soln. changes to dark blue. Continue the addition of sodium thiosulphate solution, rotating the solution constantly, till the addition of one drop of the sodium thiosulphate solution changes its colour from blue to light green. This indicates the end point. Repeat the titration to get concordant readings. Tabulate your readings. State the size of the pipette used in titration and the titre value you wish to use in your calculation. The equation of the reaction may be written as below : K2Cr2O7 + 7H2SO4 + 6KI 4K2SO4 + Cr2(SO4)3 + 7H2O + 3I2 6Na2S2O3 + 3I2 3Na2 S4O6 + 6NaI The relative atomic weights are : H = 1, O = 16, Na = 23, S = 32, K = 39, Cr = 52 Calculate the following : (i) The molarity of sodium thiosulphate solution A-1. 37 Titration (Volumetric Estimations) (ii) The molarity of potassium dichromate solution A-2. (iii) Concentration of potassium dichromate in grams per/litre in A-2. (iv) The concentration of dichromate ions in grams per litre in the solution A-2. Observation : S. No. 1. 2. 3. 1. Burette Reading Initial 10.0 ml 10.0 ml 10.0 ml Final 29.0 ml 38.9 ml 38.9 ml Volume of sodium Thiosulphate sodium 28.9 ml Capacity of pipette i.e., volume of pot. dichromate solution used = 25 ml. Titre value = 28.9 ml Molarity of hypo (Sodium thiosulphate) Strength Molarity = Molecular weight = 2. 29.0 ml 28.9 ml 28.9 ml Titre Value 24 = 0.09677 M. 248 Molarity of K2Cr2O7 : (thio) M1V1 n = 1 (Pot. dichromate) M 2 V2 n2 0.0967 28.9 6 = 1 M 2 25 M2 = 0.09677 28.9 150 = 0.018644 M 3. Strength of potassium dichromate solution : Strength = Molarity gm. mol. wt. = 0.018644 294 = 5.481 gm/lit. 4. Conc. of dichromate ions in gm per litre : 294 gm potassium dichromate contains chromate ions = 216 gm/lit. 216 5.481 5.481 gm potassium dichromate contains chromate ions = 294 = 4.0268 gm/1it. EXPERIMENT NO. 18 Object : In this exercise you are required to find the number of molecules of water of crystallisation in copper sulphate crystals. You are provided with two solutions as follows : A-1 is the solution of sodium thiosulphate, Na2S2O3.5H2O containing 25.1g of sodium thiosulphate crystals per litre. 38 ISC Practical Chemistry II A-2 is a solution which has been prepared by dissolving 24.4g of pure copper sulphate crystals CuSO4 . xH2O per litre. Proceed as follows : Take a clean burette and clamp it vertically in a burette stand. Fill it with the sodium thiosulphate solution A-1. Deliver 20 cm3 (or 25 cm3) portion of copper sulphate solution A-2 into a clean conical flask and to it add sodium carbonate solution A-3 drop by drop, shaking the contents of the flask carefully until a slight permanent bluish precipitate or turbidity is formed. To the above solution now add acetic acid solution A-4 in drops, shaking the contents to dissolve the precipitate. This procedure is adopted to neutralise any mineral acid present in the solution. Next add about 25 cm3 of potassium iodide solution A-5 to the contents of the flask, shake and leave it for a couple of minutes. Titrate it against the sodium thiosulphate solution A-1 from the burette, shaking the contents till the brown colour of iodine changes to straw colour. Now add a few drops of starch solution A-6 and about 1g (one gram) of potassium thio cyanate to the contents of the flask. Continue adding solution A-1 slowly, little by little, till the colour just disappears. Repeat the experiment to get concordant readings. While recording your observations you must state : (a) the size of the pipette used. (b) the titre value you intend to use in your calculation (from the set of burette readings you have recorded). The equation for the reaction may be written as : 2CuSO4 + 4KI = Cu2I2 + 2K2 SO4 + I2 Cu2+ + 4I = Cu2I2 + I2 with thiosulphate 2Na2S2O3 + I2 = Na2S4O6 + 2NaI 2S2O32 + I2 = S4O62 + 2I At. wts. O = 16, Na = 23, S = 32, K = 39, Cu = 63.5, I = 127 Calculate : (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) The molarity of sodium thiosulphate solution A-1. The molarity of copper sulphate solution A-2. The concentration of copper sulphate solution, A-2 in gm. moles/litre. The number of molecules of water of crystallisation in copper sulphate crystals i.e. the value of x. Observation Table S. No. 1. 2. 3. Burette Reading Initial Final 0.0 ml 24.3 ml 0.0 ml 24.2 ml 0.0 ml 24.2 ml Volume of sodium Thiosulphate solution used Titre Value 24.3 ml 24.2 ml 24.2 ml Capacity of pipette (i.e., volume of copper sulphate solution used) = 25ml. Calculations : Strength 25.1 = (i) Molarity of Hypo (sodium thiosulphate soln.) = Mol. Wt. 248. = 0.1012 M 24.2 ml Titration (Volumetric Estimations) (ii) Molarity of copper sulphate solution (thio) M1V1 n = 1 (CuSO 4 soln.)M 2 V2 n 2 0.1012 24.2 2 1 = = 2 1 M 2 25 0.1012 24.2 25 = 0.09796 M (iii) Concentration of copper sulphate solution in gm mole/litre = 0.09796 gm mole/litre (iv) Value of x in CuSO4 . x H2O M2 = Strength = Molarity formula wt. Strength = Molarity CuSO4 . xH2O 24.4 = 0.09796 (159.5 + 18x) 24.4 = 15.6246 + 1.76328x 24.4 15.6246 = 1.76328x 8.7754 = 1.76328x x = 4.9767 x 5 Note : Value of water of crystallization is ever reported in whole number only. 39 Chapter 2 Study of the Rate of Reaction The rate of reaction is the amount of product formed or the amount of reactants used up per unit time. The rate calculations do not depend upon the total quantity of reaction mixture used, we express the rate for a unit volume of the mixture. Therefore, the reaction rate is the increase in molar concentration of product of a reaction per unit time or decrease in molar concentration of reactant per unit time. The decomposition of dinitrogen pentoxide, N2O5 in an inert solvent like carbon tetra chloride results in production of oxygen gas that is soluble in the reaction mixture. The so formed gas can be collected. 2N2O5 (Soln.) 2N2O4 (Soln.) + O2(g) Conc. of O2 (Mole/liter) The rate of formation of oxygen in the above case can be presented as : [O2] t Rate of formation of O2 = [O2] t Time in seconds Fig. Rate of reaction in the formation of O2 by the decomposition of N2O5. Among the factors which influence the rate of chemical reaction are : 1. The particle size i.e., surface area of the reactant. 2. The concentration of the reacting species. 3. The temperature of the system. 4. The presence of catalyst. THE PARTICLE SIZE I.E., SURFACE AREA OF THE REACTANT The rate of reaction is directly proportional to the surface area of the reactants. The rate of a reaction, therefore, depends to a great extent upon the size of the surface of contact between 40 41 Study of the Rate of Reaction the two phases. This provides greater opportunity for collision which in turn will increase the product formation. Experiment : Take two conical flasks of 150 ml capacity each and label them as No. 1 and 2. Place 0.5 gm of iron filings in flask No. 1 while 0.5 gm of iron piece in flask No. 2. Now add 25 ml of 2M dilute sulphuric acid to each flask simultaneously and click the stop watch to read the reaction time for the dissolution of the metal in each flask. No. 2. It is observed that in flask No. 1 the dissolution of iron filings takes less time than in flask THE CONCENTRATION OF THE REACTING SPECIES The rate of the reaction is dependent upon the concentration of the reacting substances at a fixed temperature and in the absence of a catalyst. The concentration of the reacting substances gives an opportunity for the effective collisions and thus increase the rate of reaction. Consider reaction between sodium thiosulphate and dilute hydrochloric acid. Na2S2O3 + 2HCl 2NaCl + H2O + SO2 + S Variable concentrations of sodium thiosulphate solution in equal volumes of hydrochloric acid of same concentrations in each case and sulphur precipitation is compared. A cross ( ) is made on a piece of paper and the flasks or the beakers are held over the cross. The time taken for the cross to be obscured by the precipitate is noted in each case. If we plot a graph in rate against concentration we can get a line which tells that there is an increase in rate with the concentration. Volume of 0.1 Volume of H2O Thio Soln. 100 180 160 140 120 ml ml ml ml ml 0.0 20 40 60 80 Time period in sec. for ( ) to obscure ml ml ml ml ml 99 125 161 250 500 sec. sec. sec. sec. sec. Rate (S 1) 103 10.1 8.0 6.2 4.0 2.0 THE TEMPERATURE OF THE SYSTEM If to a system energy is given from outside i.e. if the temperature is raised, the energy of the particles in substance will increase. This increase in the energy will cause the particles to move quickly, hence more chances for better collision and thus increase in rate of reaction. If the reaction between Na 2S 2O 3 and dil. HCl is considered, it is seen that by rising the temperature, the time taken to complete the reaction decreases considerably. If 10cc of 1 M concentration HCl is added to 0.25 M concentration 100 ml Na 2S 2O 3 solution, the result with the increase of temperature can be depicted against time as follows. S. No. Temperature oC 1. 25oC 2. 33oC 3. 38oC 4. 45oC 5. 56oC Time (t) secs. 29 19 15 10 7 secs. secs. secs. secs. secs. Rate (S 1) 103 34/S 53/S 67/S 100/S 143/S 42 ISC Practical Chemistry II THE PRESENCE OF CATALYST A catalyst changes the speed of reaction without itself being chemically changed. Actually a catalyst lowers the activation energy and forms a new activated complex. Let us consider decomposition of hydrogen peroxide 2H2O2(l) 2H2O(l) + O2(g) If H2O2 is allowed to stand, it will decompose with low rate to form H2O and O2. However, if some MnO2 is added the reaction is almost instantaneous. The unchanged MnO2 is obtained along with the products. Experimentally To study the effect of a catalyst on reaction rate we can take two clean 500 cm3 measuring cylinders. To each cylinder add 25 cm3 of hydrogen peroxide. Now add 2 cm3 of detergent and then about 2 gm of manganese dioxide to one of the cylinders and the reaction rate in the two cylinders can be compared. EXPERIMENT NO. 1 Object : To study effect of concentration on rate of reaction. Theory : When sodium thiosulphate solution reacts with dilute hydrochloric acid sulphur is produced. S2O3 2(aq) + 2H+ (aq) H2O(l) + SO2 (g) + S(s) We measure the time taken for the precipitated colloidal sulphur to reach a given intensity. To do this a cross ( ) is marked on a piece of paper and the time taken for the cross to be obscured is noted. Solutions Required : (a) 500 ml of 0.25 M sodium thiosulphate solution (b) 50 ml of 1 M hydrochloric acid. Process : Place 100 cm3 of sodium thiosulphate solution in a beaker and add 5 cm3 of the hydrochloric acid. Start the stop clock. Stir the mixture and note the time taken for the cross to be obscured. Repeat the experiment with different volumes of the sodium thiosulphate solution, in each case made upto 100 cm3 with water. The same volume of acid is added in each case. Time taken for the cross to be obscured is noted and the reciprocal of the time is the time taken as a measure of the rate of reaction. Complete the table of results : Volume of sodium Volume of water Relative conc. of (cm3) thiosulphate solution (cm2) thiosulphate solution. 100.0 80.0 60.0 40.0 20.0 00.0 20.0 40.0 60.0 80.0 5 4 3 2 1 Time t (s) Rate (S 1 ) 103 43 Study of the Rate of Reaction 1 103 against relative concentration. t Use this graph to show the relationship between reaction rate and concentration. Plot a graph of EXPERIMENT NO. 2 Object : You are provided with two solutions of hydrochloric acid as follows : A-10 is 1.0 M HCl (Hydrochloric acid solution) A-11 is 2.0 M HCl (Hydrochloric acid solution) Compare the rates of reaction between magnesium and aqueous solutions of the above two acid solutions A-10 and A-11 of different concentrations. Be careful to measure the volumes of the acid solutions with the help of a measuring cylinder (to the nearest ml). Requirements Two beakers of 250 ml capacity, glazed tile, measuring cylinder, wrist/stop watch, graph paper, glass rod, distilled water, magnesium strips of equal length i.e. 4 cm each. Procedure With HCl solution A-10 Into a 250 ml clean beaker place 70 cm3 of solution A-10 noting the time with the help of your wrist watch, simultaneously immerse in the acid a 4 cm clean strip of magnesium ribbon (you may press the ribbon down using the glass rod). Note the time for the ribbon to completely dissolve in the acid without stirring. Throw away the solution and wash the beaker thoroughly. Repeat the experiment three times more using 60, 50 and 40 cm3 of the acid and diluting it with 10, 20 and 30 cm3 of distilled water respectively to the total volume of the content 70 cm3. With Hydrochloric acid A-11 Repeat the above four experiments as in (1) but this time using the solution A-11. For Hydrochloric acid solution A-10. Volume of undiluted acid (cm3) 70.0 60.0 50.0 40.0 Volume of distilled water added (cm3) 0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 Time to nearest second (s) 100 time in seconds (correct to one decimal place) 44 ISC Practical Chemistry II For Hydrochloric acid solution A-11 Volume of undiluted acid (cm3) Volume of distilled water added (cm3) 70.0 00.0 60.0 10.0 50.0 20.0 40.0 30.0 Time to nearest second (s) 100 time in seconds (correct to one decimal place) 100 correct to one decimal place. time in seconds Plot the graphs of volume of acids (undiluted A-10 and A-11) against the value of the 100 fraction for each of the acids (on the same graph paper). You may take the time in seconds Calculate the numerical value of the fraction volume of the acids along the y-axis. Clearly indicate on the sheet the graph of each acid. Answer the following questions (i) Which acid caused the faster reaction ? (ii) What inference can you draw from the two graphs ? (iii) How much time will it take for the 4 cm strip of magnesium to be dissolved completely if 55 cm3 of either of the undiluted acids A-10 or A-11 were taken? (iv) Write ionic equation for the reaction between magnesium and hydrogen ions. Note : The rate of reaction between zinc metal and aqueous solution of dilute sulphuric acid can be compared using constant weight of zinc metal each time, in place of magnesium strip as mentioned in the above experiment. EXPERIMENT NO. 3 Object : To study the effect of temperature on reaction rate. Prepare the following solutions. (a) 100 cm3 0.25 M sodium thiosulphate solution. (b) 100 cm3 1 M hydrochloric acid. Procedure : (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) Dilute 10 cm3 sodium thiosulphate solution to 50 cm3 with water in a 100 cm3 beaker. Stand a test-tube containing 5 cm3 of the hydrochloric acid in the beaker and heat to 30o C. Add the acid to the sodium thiosulphate solution, at the same time starting a stop clock. Place the beaker over a cross, marked on a paper piece and stir. Note the time for the cross to be obscured. Repeat the experiment for a range of temperature upto 60o C. 45 Study of the Rate of Reaction Complete the table of results : Volume of thiosulphate solution (cm3) 10.0 10.0 10.0 Volume of water (cm3) Temperature of 5 cm3 of HCl to be added (oC) 40.0 40.0 40.0 30 35 40 10.0 40.0 45 10.0 40.0 50 10.0 10.0 40.0 40.0 55 60 Time t (s) Rate (S 1) 1/3 103 1 103 against relative temperature. Use your graph to show the relationt ship between reaction rate and temperature. Plot a graph of EXPERIMENT NO. 4 You are provided with two solutions as follows: A1 is 1.0 M H2SO4 A2 is 2.0 MxHSO4 You are required to compare the rates of reaction between magnesium and aqueous solutions of the above two solutions of different concentrations. During the course of experiments, you should very carefully measure the volumes of the acid with the help of a measuring cylinedr. Proceed as follows: With H2SO4 solution A1 Into a 250 cm3 clean beaker, place 75 cm3 of solution A1, noting the time with the help of your wrist watch, simultaneously immerse in the acid a 5 cm clean strip of magnesium ribbon (you should press the ribbon down using a glass rod). Note the time for the ribbon to completely dissolve in the acid without stirring. Throw away the solution and thoroughly wash the beaker. Repeat the above experiment three times more using 60, 45 and 30 cm3 of the acid and diluting it with 15, 30 and 45 cm3 of distilled water respectively to make the total volume of the content 75 cm3. With xHSO4 solution A2 Repeat the above four experiments as (1) but this time using the solution A2. Enter your observations as follows: For H2SO4 solution, A1 46 ISC Practical Chemistry II Volume of undiluted acid (cm3) 75 60 45 30 Volume of distilled water added (cm3) Time to nearest second (t) 100 time in seconds (correct to one decimal place) Time to nearest second (t) 100 time in seconds (correct to one decimal place) 0 15 30 45 For xHSO4 Solution, A2 Volume of undiluted acid (cm3) 75 60 45 30 Volume of distilled water added (cm3) 0 15 30 45 For each interval, recorded, by you calculate the numerical value of the fraction, correct to one decimal place. 100 time in seconds Plot graphs of volume of acids (undiluted H2SO4, A1 and xHSO4, A2) against the value of 100 the fraction for each of the two acids, on the same graph paper. You may take time in seconds the volume of the acids along the Y-axis. Indicate on the sheet the graph of each acid clearly. Answer the following questions: 1. 2. 3. 4. What inferences can you draw from the two graphs? Which acid causes the faster reaction? How much time will it take for 5 cm strip of magnesium to be dissolved completely if 50 cm3 of either of the undiluted acids A1 or A2 were taken? Write an ionic equation for the action of H+ ions on magnesium. EXPERIMENT NO. 5 You are provided with two solutions as follows: C10 is a solution of Potassium per-sulphate, K2S2O8 (an oxidising agent). C11 is a solution of potassium iodide and starch containing a small quantity of sodium thiosulphate. You are required to investigate how the rate of formation of a fixed mass of iodine depends on the concentration of the oxidising agent. Proceed as follows: (i) Fill C10 in a burette. Run 10 cm3 of the solution in 250 cm3 clean beaker, dilute it with 90 cm3 distilled water from a graduated cylinder and swirl the contents of the beaker gently so as to mix properly. 47 Study of the Rate of Reaction (ii) Fill a small test tube up to the brim with C11, and pour the contents of the test tube in to the beaker containing C10, noting the time as you do so. Swirl the contents of the beaker gently at once. Place the beaker on the white sheet and view the solution against the white back ground. (iii) Record the time to the nearest second for the solution to become blue. (iv) Repeat the experiment exactly as described above except that this time you run 20 cm3 of C10 from the burette in to the beaker and dilute it with 80 cm3 distilled water to make the total volume of the contents 100 cm3 as before. (v) Repeat the experiment three times, exactly as done above using 30, 40 and 50 cm3 and diluting it with 70, 60 and 50 cm3 of distilled water respectively. (vi) For each time interval you have recorded, calculate the numerical value of the fraction 100 correct to one decimal place. Enter your observations in the following time in seconds table: Volume of C10 (cm3) 10 20 30 40 50 Volume of distilled Time taken for the water added (cm3) blue colour to appear (seconds) 100 time in seconds (Rate of formation of iodine) 90 80 70 60 50 (vii) Plot a graph of the volume of C10 against the rate of formation of iodine i.e., the 100 value of . time in seconds You may take the volume of C10 along the X-axis. (viii) State two conclusions, you can draw from the graph. (ix) Use the graph to predict how long it would take for the solution to turn blue if the experiment was performed with 45 cm3 of C10. EXPERIMENT NO. 6 You are provided with two solutions as follows: 1. A-1 is a solution of sodium thio sulphate (Na2S2O3) of 0.1 M strength. 2. A-2 is a solution of hydrochloric acid of 0.1M strength. Process: Take five beakers of 100 ml each. Label them A, B, C, D and E. Measure 0.1 M sodium thio sulphate solution A-1 and distilled water according to the following table: 48 ISC Practical Chemistry II Beaker Labelled as Volume of 0.1 M sodium thio sulphate (ml) Volume of distilled water added (ml) A 50 0 B 40 10 C 30 20 D 20 30 E 10 40 Now make a black cross-mark on a white pieces of paper, place beaker. A on this cross mark. Observe the cross-mark through the sodium thio sulphate solution. Add to it 10 ml of 0.1 M hydrochloric acid A-2 and immediately start a stop-water. View the solution from the top and stop the stop-watch as soon as the black cross on paper gets obscured (invisible). Note the time in the stop-watch. Repeat the experiment by adding 10 ml of 0.1 M hydrochloric acid A-2, to the beakers labelled B, C, D and E and note the time taken in each case for the black cross-mark on the piece of paper to become invisible. Tabulate your results. When sodium thio sulphate solution reacts with hydrochloric acid to form colloidal sulphur which makes the cross-mark invisible. Raction Na2S2O3(aq) + 2HCl (aq) 2NaCl (aq) + SO2 (g) + H2O(l) + S (colloidal) From your result: (i) Plot a graph between the concentration of sodium thio sulphate solution and the time taken for the black cross-mark on the paper to become just invisible. (ii) Predict the effect of change in concentration of sodium thio sulphate solution on the rate of the above reaction from the nature of your graph. Chapter 3 Identification of Organic Compounds and Functional Groups Based on Observations Organic chemistry is the chemistry of hydrogen compounds of the carbon and their derivatives. Each organic compound contains individual group with its characteristic properties. The study of the identification of the compound includes the state, colour, odour, solubility, etc. Before proceeding to the identification it is a must to use specific quantities of the test sample to obtain the correct results for which the amount and volume must be considered in the light of day-to-day practice of the laboratory. Generally small amount of the substance gives a very correct result over to the unwanted heap of original substance which can confuse the experimentor in many ways. Before proceeding to the specific tests a knowledge of physical properties and physical constants helps as a milestone in the identification of the organic compound. The following tables contain the summary of the physical properties of the organic compounds as per the I.S.C. syllabus. Name of Compound 1. Glycerol Formula I.U.P.A.C Name State Colour CH2OH Propane Liquid Colourless | CHOH 1,2,3, | CH2OH Triol 2. Formaldehyde- HCHO gas (Provided in form of aq. solution called formalin) 3. Acetone CH3COCH3 4. Benzoic acid C6H5COOH 5. Aniline C6H5NH2 Methanal Gas Colourless Ethanone Liquid Colourless White crystalline Odourless pearly flakes (solid) Colourless oily liquid Characteristic amine odour Identification of organic compounds : Identification of functional groups : 49 Odour B.P. (except glucose) Odourless 290OC Pungent 21 C Pleasant odour 56 C Sparingly soluble in cold water, Fairly M.P.121 C soluble in hot water. Sparingly soluble in water B.P 184 C 50 1. 2. ISC Practical Chemistry II Alcoholic Group ( OH) (a) In a dry test tube take 2 ml of substance with small amout of anhydrous CaCl2. Shake well to remove moisture from the substance. Now decant the liquid in a dry and clean test tube. Add to it a clean piece of metal sodium. Effervescence with evolution of H2 indicates alcohols. (b) Ester test : In a clean test tube take little amount of substance. Add almost equal amount of acetic acid and few drops of conc. H2SO4. Heat the mixture, cool and smell. A fruity pleasant odour due to formation of ester indicates the presence of alcohols. Aldehyde Group ( CHO) (a) Place 2 ml of substance in a clean test tube. Add to it equal amout of Fehling s solution. Heat the contents to boil. Blue colour of solution gradually fades down and finally turns to red precipitate. (b) Place small amount of substance and add to it 2 ml of Tollen's reagent. Warm the solution in boiling water. Formation of silver mirror on the inner walls of the test tube takes place. It indicates presence of CHO group. (c) When a dilute solution of aldehyde is added to magenta (p-rosaniline-hydrochloride solution decolourized by sulphur dioxide gas), the intense red colour of the original dye is restored. 3. Ketonic Group (>C=O) 4. 5. (a) Ketones do not form silver mirror with ammoniacal silver nitrate (Tollen's reagent). (b) Ketones do not restore the colour of Schiff's reagent. (b) Take 2 ml. of substance and add to it 5 ml of saturated solution of NaHSO3. A crystalline white ppt. is formed. (d) Take 5ml of the substance in a test tube and add to it 5 ml of 2, 4-dinitrophenyl hydrazine reagent. Shake for 10-15 min. An orange yellow precipitate appears. Carboxylic Group ( COOH) (a) Treat the substance with moist blue litmus paper. The blue colour of litmus paper turns red. (b) Place 2 ml. of substance in a clean test-tube and add to it 2 ml of 15% sodium hydrogen carbonate solution. Effervescence with evolution of CO2 gas. (c) To 2 ml of substance in a clean test tube add 2 ml of C2H5OH and few drops of conc. H2SO4. Heat and cool. A pleasant fruity odour due to ester formation. Amino Group ( NH2) (a) To a small amount of substance in a test tube add 5 drops of conc. H2SO4 and few drops of chloroform. Now add 2 ml of alcoholic solution of KOH. Warm the test tube gently. An offensive odour of isocyanide is formed. Identification of Organic Compounds and Functional Groups Based on Observations (b) 51 To a well cooled solution of amino compund in excess of HCl acid, add small amount of sodium nitrite solution slowly. Shake the mixure thoroughly. Pour the mixture into an alkaline solution of -naphthol. A brilliant red colour is produced due to the formation of a dye. IDENTIFICATION OF INDIVIDUAL ORGANIC COMPOUNDS CH3 ACETONE O C CH3 Physical Properties Colourless. Pleasant smelling liquid with pungent sweet taste. Mixes with water, alcohol, ether etc. in all proportions. Boiling point 56.5o C. Inflammable and volatile Tests : 1. Take few crystals of iodine and add 2 ml acetone, keep shaking till the crystals of iodine dissolve. Now add caustic soda solution with constant shaking until brown colour disappears. Heat gently and cool. Observation : On cooling the yellow precipitate is formed. The yellow precipitate is of iodoform (CHI3) which has got a characteristic smell. 2. 2ml of original compound shaken with a crystals of iodine and then ammonium hydroxide is added with constant shaking. Allow the contents to stand for three minutes before heating. Heat, cool and observe the change. Observation : A small amount of black precipitate is formed. The black precipitate on heating and cooling changes to yellow precipitate. The yellow precipitate is of iodoform (CHI3). The yellow ppt. has characteristic smell. 3. To 2 ml of original compound add 0.5 ml of caustic soda solution followed by 2-3 drops of freshly prepared sodium nitroprusside solution. Allow it to stand for some time. Warm gently then cool. Observation : 4. A ruby red coloration is produced. The red coloration fades to yellow or disappears. To 1 ml of original compound add few drops of freshly prepared solution of sodium nitroprusside and then ammonia solution. Observation : A violet colour is produced. The violet colour disappears on warming and reappears on cooling. 52 5. ISC Practical Chemistry II Take 2 ml of original compound and dissolve in it a little O-nitro benzaldehyde. Pour this solution in 100 ml water containing little potassium hydroxide solution. Observation : 6. A blue colour of indigotin is formed. Take about 2cm3 of a saturated solution of sodium bisulphite in a clean test tube and to this add a few drops of original compounds. Observations : 7. A white crystalline precipitate is observed. Take about 0.5 cm3 of mercuric chloride solution in a test tube. To this add dilute solution of sodium hydroxide drop by drop till no further change occurs. To the above add original substance drop by drop till the additional drop makes no change on the content. Observation : The yellow crystals are formed which finally dissolve when original substance in added. FORMALDEHYDE (HCHO) Physical Properties : Colourless, pungent smelling gas. Readily soluble in water and is sold in market as formalin (40% solution of formaldehyde gas in water is called formalin. Identification : EXPERIMENT NO. 1 In a clean test tube treat 1 ml of formalin with freshly prepared strong solution of pyrogallol containing excess of hydrochloric acid. Observation : A white precipitate is formed which readily turns pink and then deep red. EXPERIMENT NO. 2 1 ml of 1% phenyl hydrazine solution is mixed with 1 ml of freshly prepared solution of sodium nitroprusside. This mixture is now added to 5 ml of formalin and finally the contents are made alkaline by adding excess NaOH solution. Observation : A deep blue colour appears which turns green to brown and finally red on standing. EXPERIMENT NO. 3 Treat 2 ml of formalin with equal volume of Fehling solutions A & B. Shake. Observation : A red precipitate of Cu2O is formed. Identification of Organic Compounds and Functional Groups Based on Observations 53 EXPERIMENT NO. 4 Take 5 ml Schiff's reagent and add to it 3 ml of formalin. Observation : The pink colour of original dye is restored. EXPERIMENT NO. 5 To 2 ml of 1% solution of phenyl hydrazine hydrochloride add few drops of formalin and 1 ml of 5% solution of potassium ferricyanide. Now add 2 drops of conc. HCl. Observation : A rose red colour appears. EXPERIMENT NO. 6 Treat 2 ml of formalin with 2 ml of Tollen's reagent and warm the contents. Observation : Shiny silver mirror forms at the inner walls of the test-tube. EXPERIMENT NO. 7 To 1.0 cm3 of the original substance add a crystal of resorcinol and shake. Then slowly add about 1.0 cm3 of conc. sulphuric acid by the side of the test tube. Observation A red ring is formed at the junction of two liquids while a white precipitate forms in aqueous layer. CH2OH GLYCEROL CHOH CH2OH Physical Properties : Colourless, odourless, viscous liquid. Sweet in taste. On cooling it solidifies to colourless, crystalline solid. Boils at 290oC with slight decomposition. Readily soluble in water and alcohol. Insoluble in ether. Hygroscopic 54 ISC Practical Chemistry II Identification : EXPERIMENT NO. 1 In a clean test tube place 2 ml of glycerol and add to it 500 mg of potassium hydrogen sulphate. Heat the contents gently and treat it with fehling solution and heat to boil. Observation : Highly pungent vapours of acrolin are given off. When the solution of acrolin is treated with fehling solution and heated, a red precipitate of Cu2O is obtained. [Note : Glycerol does not give red precipitate with Fehling solution] EXPERIMENT NO. 2 Take 5ml of 1% solution of borax in a test tube & add to it few drops of phenolphthalein solution. Observation : A pink colour is produced. To this add few drops of glycerol and shake. Observation : Pink colour disappears. It reappears on warming and again disappears on cooling. EXPERIMENT NO. 3 Place 2 drops of glycerol along with 2 drops of phenol in a test tube. Add to it few drops of conc. sulphuric acid. Heat the solution. Cool and dilute with water and finally add to it ammonia solution. Observation : A red colour is produced. EXPERIMENT NO. 4 Treat 2 ml of glycerol with 3 ml of caustic soda solution. Shake. Observation : No change in colour is produced. EXPERIMENT NO. 5 To 1 cm3 of copper sulphate solution add about 4 drops of the glycerol and a few drops of sodium hydroxide solution. Observation : A blue coloured solution is formed. EXPERIMENT NO. 6 cm3 Take 2-3 of Tollen s reagent in a test tube. To this add 2-3 drops of the original substance and heat the content by keeping the test tube in boiling water for about 5 minutes without disturbing it. Identification of Organic Compounds and Functional Groups Based on Observations 55 Observation : Shining silver mirror is formed on standing. ANILINE (C6H5NH2) Physical Properties : Freshly prepared aniline is a colourless oily liquid. It becomes brown when exposed to air. It has a characteristic odour which is not pleasant. Boils at 104oC, slightly soluble in water, soluble in alcohol, and toxic in nature. Tests : 1. To aqueous aniline add bromine water. Observation : A pinkish precipitate of tribromo-aniline is obtained. 2. Warm C6H5NH2 with the solution of alcoholic potassium hydroxide and chloroform. Observation : An offensive odour of phenyl isocyanide is produced (Carbyl amine reaction). 3. To an aqueous solution of aniline add few drops of a solution of bleaching powder and shake well. Now dilute it with water and add a few drops of ammonium sulphide [(NH4)2S] solution. Observation : A purple /violet colouration is produced which soon turns brown/green and then fades away. On dilution and futher addition of ammonium sulphide solution intense red colour develops. 4. Add few drops of potassium dichromate solution to aniline solution in dilute H2SO4. Observation : A deep red colour is produced which soon changes to deep blue or black (aniline black) 5. To a well cooled solution of aniline in excess HCl, add a small amount of sodium nitrite solution, shake the mixture thoroughly. Now pour it into an alkaline solution of -naphthol. Observation : A brilliant red colour dye is produced (diazotization). 6. Mix 1-2 drops of liquid organic compound with about 1 cm3 of conc. hydrochloric acid in a test tube. To this mixture now add a few drops of iron (III) chloride (FeCl3) solution shake well and dilute with some water. Observation : A pale green colour develops. Chapter 56 ISC Practical Chemistry II 4 Characteristic Tests or Carbohydrates and Proteins It is not uncommon to see foods advertised as of exceptional quality, either as a whole or for certain purposes, many of the preparations of this kind are of undoubted excellence but fail to reach the superior standard or perform the particular function which is attributed to them. In the evolution of society, economy and efficiency indicate that specialization should be made as completely as possible. For this reason it is advisable that foods of a certain character may be manufactured and prepared for consumption on a large scale, so that due economy and purity may be secured. It is common habit of speech to divide food into two great classes, namely foods and beverages. The term foods namely, cereals, meats of all kinds, milk, vegetable, nuts and fruits. The term beverages namely-natural and artificial water, soda waters, soft drinks, coffee, tea, cocoa, wines, beer and other fermented beverages. The food should contain the various elements which enter into nutrition in the proper quality. The nitrogenous constituents in food, when subjected to the ordinary process of digestion, yield a certain quality of heat and energy but their more important function is to nourish the nitrogenous elements of body of which the muscles, hair, skin, and finger nails are types. Mineral constituents of food especially phosphorous and lime have a general utility in promoting the metabolic functions especially in the movements of the fluids of the body through the cell walls and at the same time are actual nourishing materials, entering particularly into the composition of bones and teeth. The fats and oils which are present in the foods have the capacity of producing large amount of heat energy during their combustion in the body and thus serve as a source of animal heat and muscular activity. Carbohydrates Naturally occuring polyhydroxy aldehydes and ketones. Monosaccharides are the basic units of the carbohydrates. Sugars are water soluble Mono and disaccharides having sweet taste, sucrose or cane sugar is a disaccharide. Starch & cellulose are polysaccharides which are made up of repeating glucose units in different arrangements. Important nutrient for human beings is the starch while cellulose is the main structural constituent of plants. Cellulose dissolves in schweizer s reagent (deep blue solution of cupric hydroxide in ammonia) 56 Characteristic tests or Carbohydrates and Proteins 57 Glucose Physical Props Colourless crystalline solid Sweet in taste Readily soluble in water Sparingly soluble in alcohol Insoluble in ether Anhydrous form melts at 86 C. Dextro-rotatory (hence the name dextrose) Tests 1. It decolourises the red solution of bromine water. 2. It reduces Fehling solution to give brick red precipitate or cuprous oxide. 3. It reduces tollen s reagent (ammoniacal silver nitrate) to give silver mirror. 4. With solid lead acetate the glucose solution gives white ppt which on boiling with ammonium - hydroxide turns salmon pink. Identification of Glucose EXPERIMENT NO. 1 Heat one gm of organic compound in a hard glass test tube Observation : Substance melts, turns black on strong heating, smells of burnt sugar (charring) EXPERIMENT NO. 2 1. Small portion of organic compound is treated with 1 ml of conc. H2SO4 and warmed. Observation : No charring with cold sulphuric acid. Charring occurs on heating. A black puffy mass is formed. Evolution of gases takes place. Pungent smell. EXPERIMENT NO. 3 Dissolve 1 gm organic compound in 8 ml of water in a clean test tube, divide the solution into 4 parts. 1. To first part add few drops of caustic soda soln and heat to boil. Observation : Solution turns yellow, then dark brown/reddish brown. On acidifying the mixture with dil. HNO3 the colour changes to pale yellow. 2. To second part of solution add 1 ml of Fehling solution and warm. Observation : A brick red/red precipitate of cuprous oxide (Cu2O) Forms. 3. To the thrid part of solution add 1 ml of Tollen s reagent. (The test can be performed by adding equal volume of silver nitrate followed by excess ammonium hydroxide) place the test tube in a beaker of water boiling for 2 minutes. 58 ISC Practical Chemistry II Observation : Shiny silver mirror forms at the inner wall of the test tube. 4. To the last part of the solution add 2 drops of alcoholic a-naphthol solution and then 1 ml conc H2SO4 carefully by the side of the test tube. Observation : A violet ring forms at the junction of two liquids. EXPERIMENT NO. 4 Dissolve 1 gm of substance in 2 ml distilled water and then add 0.5 gm of solid lead acetate. Heat to boiling. Now add 5 ml of ammonium hydroxide solution. Heat the mixture again to boiling for two minutes. Observation : A white precipitate is formed on boiling. The white precipitate turns into salmon pink on boiling with ammonium hydroxide. EXPERIMENT NO. 5 Solution of glucose in a test tube is treated with phenyl hydrazine and few drops of glacial acetic acid. Place the test tube in beaker containing boiling water for ten minutes. Observation : Yellow crystals of glucosazone are formed. Fructose (C6H12O6) Colourless crystalline substance Readily soluble in water Sweetest of all sugars with conc. Sulphuric acid it dehydrates to black, pulfy mass. It reduces Fehling solution and Tollen s reagent due to the hydroxy ketogroup. Tests for fructose 1. Does not decolourise the red colour of bromine water. 2. With alcoholic a - naphthol and conc. HCl on boiling it gives violet colouration. 3. With recorcinol and conc. HCl it gives brownish red colouration. 4. With freshly prepared ammonium molybdate solution containing few drops of acetic acid on heating it gives bluish green colouration. Sucrose (Cane sugar) C12H22O11 Properties: Colourless, crystalline solid. Freely soluble in water. Sweet in taste. Hydrolysed with mineral acids or enzymes. Characteristic tests or Carbohydrates and Proteins 59 Tests 1. On heating it melts and on cooling solidifies as an amorphous, transparent brown mass called caramel. 2. With hot and conc. sulphuric acid it gives black mass. 3. With dil hydrochloric acid and ammoniacal silver nitrate solution (Tollen s reagent) it gives silver mirror. Note : Cane sugar is non reducing sugar but with mineral acid it hydrolyses to give a mixture of glucose and fructose. Starch (C6H10O5)n Properties 1. White amorphous powder. 2. Sparingly soluble in hot water but insoluble in cool water. 3. It does not reduce ammoniacal silver nitrate solution (Tollen s reagent). 4. It shows no effect on Fehling solution. Test for starch Iodine Test Starch solution turns iodine solution blue. The blue colour disappears on heating and reappears on cooling. PROTEINS Proteins are the natural polymers and are also called condensation products of amino acids. They are complex - nitrogenous organic compounds found in plants and animals. Proteins are present in meat, milk, skin etc. They help in growth and repairing of damaged tissues. Milk and its Product : Milk is fresh, clean, lacteal secretion and contains not less than eight and half (8.5) per cent of solid fat and 3.25 per cent of milk fat. Skimmed Milk : It is milk from which a part or all of the cream has been removed and contains not less than 9.25 per cent of milk solids. Pasteurized Milk : It is milk that has been heated below boiling point but sufficiently to kill most of the active organisms and immediately cooled to 260 C or lower. Sterilized Milk : It is milk that has been heated at a temperature of boiling water or higher for a length of time sufficient to kill all organisms present. 60 ISC Practical Chemistry II Condensed Milk It is milk from which a considerable portion of water has been evaporated and contains not less than twenty-eight per cent of milk solid of which not less than 27.5 per cent is the milk fat. Tests for Proteins Biuret reaction If Copper (II) sulphate is added to a solution of a protein and the resulting is made alkaline with sodium hydroxide solution; a violet colour develops. Xanthoproteic Reaction When a solution of protein is boiled with concentrated nitric acid and neutralized with aqueous ammonia (NH4OH); an orange colour is produced. Identification of proteins Experiment : Take 500 mg sample of condensed milk powder and dissolve it in 5 ml distilled water. Shake the contents well. Divide the contents into two parts. (A) To first part add one ml copper (II) sulphate solution shake. Now add 3 ml caustic soda solution. Observe the change. Observation : A violet colour develops. (B) To the second part add one ml conc. nitric acid. Boil the contents. Now add 5 ml ammonium hydroxide. Observe the change. Observation : An orange colour is produced. Deduction : The given sample is a protein. Chapter 5 Ionic Equilibria The equilibrium involving ionic species and unionized species of a substance is called ionic equilibrium. According to Arrhenius theory of ionization, molecules of electrolyte when dissolved in water split up into electrically charged particles called ions. The process of splitting of electrolyte into ions is called ionization or dissociation. All electrolytes do not ionise to the same extent in solution. The degree of ionisation determines the strength of an electrolyte. The electrolytes which are almost completely dissociated into ions in solution are called strong electrolytes while the electrolytes which do not ionise completely are called weak electrolytes. Such electrolytes on dissolution give few ions. This solutions contain both ions and unionized molecules. Acids, base and salts behave as electrolytes according to their degree of ionisation. Acids which have high degree of ionisation are called as strong electrolytes such as dil hydrochloric acid while the acids which have low degree of ionisation are called as weak electrolytes such as dil. acetic acid. The acidity of a solution is due to the presence of excess of hydrogen ions in it and the alkalinity of a solution is due to the presence of excess hydroxyl ions in it. Water is a very weak electrolyte and feebly ionised. Pure water contains equal concentrations of hydrogen and hydroxyl ions at 25 C. For this reason water is considered as neutral. Any aqueous solution of some salt or a non electrolyte passing equal concentrations of H3O+ and OH is also called neutral. However, if one of the ions is present in greater concentration than the other, the solution becomes acidic or basic. Thus, acidity or alkalinity of any solution is expressed in terms of H3O+ ion concentration. In other words, the concentration of hydrogen ion gives an idea about the acidic and basic character of the aqueous solution. However, Sorensen coined a new term for expressing the concentration of hydrogen ions known as pH. The pH of solution is defined as The negative logarithm of the H3O+ ion concentration in moles per litre . paper. Comparing the pH of a solution of strong and weak acid of same concentration with pH A pH paper in the strip of paper soaked in a universal indicator. A universal indicator is a mixture of several different indicators. These acid-base indicators exhibit a series of colour change over a wide range of pH values. Strongly acidic solutions turn universal indicator bright red while the weak acid turns it orange-yellow. 61 62 ISC Practical Chemistry II Degree of dissociation of acids at 25 C. Acid HCl HNO3 M Solution 0.79 0.82 M/10 Solution 0.92 0.96 M/1000 Solution 0.99 0.99 1 H2SO4 2 0.51 0.65 0.96 CH3COOH H3BO3 0.004 0.00002 0.013 0.00008 0.13 0.0008 An indicator is a substance which possesses one colour in acidic solution and an entirely different colour in alkaline solution i.e., its colour changes with the changing pH. Every indicator has a definite range of hydrogen ion concentration, or pH, over which it changes colour. Methyl orange is pink at a pH of 2.9, orange when the pH is 3.7 and yellow when the pH reaches to 4.6. This methyl orange has a range of pH 2.9 4.6. The colours and pH range of some well-known indicators are given below: Indicator pH range Thymol blue 1.2 8.0 2.9 3.0 4.2 5.0 8.3 Methyl orange Congo red Methyl red Litmus Phenolphthalein 2.8 9.6 4.6 5.0 6.3 8.0 10.0 Colour (Acid Alkali) Red Yellow Yellow Blue Pink Yellow Blue Red Pink Yellow Red Blue Colourless Red HOW TO DETERMINE THE pH OF A SOLUTION? The pH of a solution for qualitative work is determined with the help of pH paper. The pH paper in the term of a booklet of strips carries a colour chart attached. The colour chart as a number of different colours, with the pH value of each mentioned therein. The pH paper is immersed into the solution whose pH is to be determined. The paper is then taken off and the colour it acquires is compared with the colour chart provided. The indicated pH value of the colour of the chart, with which the acquired colour of the pH paper matches, is the pH of the solution. Experiment: Comparing the pH of a solution of strong and weak acid of same concentration. Requirement: Two test tubes, dil. hydrochloric acid, pH papers, dil. acetic acid. Process: Mark one test tube as S and the other test tube as W . In the test tube marked as S take 10 ml of 0.1 M hydrochloric acid while in the other test tube marked as W; add 10 ml of 0.1 M acetic acid. To each test tube now immersed strip of pH paper from the same booklet of pH papers. Take off the pH paper from each solution and compare the colour with the colour chart provided. Observation: It is observed that the pH paper immersed into the solution of 0.1 M hydrochloric acid turns bright red while the pH paper immersed into the solution of 0.1 M acetic acid turns yellow. Inference: This experiment proves that dil. hydrochloric acid is strong acid while dil. acetic acid is a weak acid because according to colour chart the pH of 0.1 M hydrochloric acid is 1.1 while that of 0.1 M acetic acid is 4.65 approximately. Chapter 6 Electrochemistry It is the study of all the physical and chemical processes in which electricity is either produced or consumed. A cell is a device which is used to supply an electric current by maintaining a constant potential difference between its electrodes. Devices used for the direct conversion of the energy of a chemical reaction into electrical energy are called galvanic (or voltaic) cells. It is customary practice to apply the name galvanic cell only to a chemical source of current in which virtually irreversible reactions proceed. Such current sources can not usually be recharged; they are intended for use only once. Chemical sources of current in which virtually reversible reactions occur are called accumulations. They can be recharged and used repeatedly. Electro chemical cells are of two types: a. electrolytic cells b. voltaic or galvanic cells These cells can be differentiated as: Electrolytic cell Voltaic or galvanic cell I. Chemical energy is obtained from electrical energy. I. Electrical energy is obtained from chemical energy. II. Anode is assigned as positive electrode while cathode as negative electrode. II. Anode is assigned as negative electrode while cathode as positive electrode. III. Discharge of ions occurs at both the electrodes. III. Ions are discharged only on the cathode. IV. Both the electrodes are fitted in the same compartment. IV. The electrodes are fitted in two different compartments and are treated as half cells. ELECTRODE POTENTIAL When a metal is put in a solution containing ions of the metal, a voltage difference forms between the metal and the solution, this is an electrode potential. Standard Electrode Potential : The potential difference developed between metal electrode and the solution of its ions of unit molarity (1 M) at 298 K and one atm. pressure is called standard electrode potential. 63 64 ELECTRO MOTIVE FORCE ISC Practical Chemistry II It is the electrical force of a primary cell which drives a current through a connected circuit. The symbol for electro motive force is E, and the unit for it is the volt. The electro motive force is produced by the two electrode potentials of the cell and is abbreviated as e.m.f. SETTING UP A SIMPLE VOLTAIC CELL Fill some dilute sulphuric acid in a glass vessel. Dip two rods in it, one of copper and other of zinc. This combination is called a simple voltaic cell. Current Anode ( ) e + Cathode Beaker Zinc rod Cu rod dil H2SO4 Since copper is at a positive potential of 0.46 volt and zinc at a negative potential of 0.62 volt with respect to dilute sulphuric acid. The e.m.f. of the cell is 0.46-( 0.62) = 0.46 + 0.62 = 1.08 volt. The reactions inside the cell can be given as below : Zn = Zn2+ + 2e H2SO4 = 2H+ + SO42 Zn2+ + SO42 = ZnSO4 2H+ + 2e = 2H = H2 When the cell is used for some time the strength of the current ceases gradually, owing to the defects, namely polarization and local action. CONSTRUCTION OF DANIEL CELL Fill a copper container with a saturated solution of copper sulphate. Dip a porous pot containing some dilute sulphuric acid in which a zinc rod is immersed. ( ) Zn Rod Porous pot. dil H2SO4 (+) Cu Container CuSO4 solution 65 Electro-Chemistry The chemical reactions going on in the cell are represented as given below : Zn = Zn2+ + 2e H2SO4 = 2H+ + SO42 Zn2+ + SO42 = ZnSO4 The defects of simple cell are eliminated in this cell. Local action is checked by amalgamating the zinc rod and polarization is checked by copper sulphate solution. Since reaction of depolarization is an ionic one, it goes on at a rapid rate, therefore, e.m.f. of the cell (1.08 to 1.1 volt) remains constant for a fairly long time. Reaction showing depolarization is given below : 2H+ + CuSO4 = H2SO4 + Cu Copper formed here collects on the container. The strength of the copper sulphate solution is lowered gradually which is maintained automatically by the dissolution of copper sulphate crystals kept on shelves, made in the copper container itself. Variation of cell potential in Zn / Zn2+ // Cu2+ / Cu with change in concentration of electrolyte (CuSO4, ZnSO4) at room temperature: The functioning of any galvanic cell is based on the proceeding of a redox reaction in it. The simplest galvanic cell consists of two plates or rods made from different metals and immersed in a solution of an electrolyte. This system makes possible the separation of the redox reaction i.e., oxidation occurs on one metal and reduction on the other in the respected half cells. Thus, the electrons are transferred from the reducing agent to the oxidising one via the external circuit. Let us consider as an example a copper-zinc galvanic cell operating at the express of the energy of the reaction between zinc and copper sulphate. In this cell copper plate is immersed in a solution of copper sulphate and a zinc plate immersed in a zinc sulphate solution. The two solutions are in contact with each other through a salt bridge which prevents mixing of the two solutions. When the circuit is closed, the Zinc metal becomes oxidised on the surface of its contact with the solution, the zinc atoms transform into ions and after becoming hydrated pass into the solution. The liberated electrons travel through the external circuit to the copper electrode. The half cell reaction can be given as Zn Zn2 + + 2e At the copper electrode, reduction of the copper ions takes place. The electrodes arriving here from the zinc electrode combine with the copper ions becoming hydrated and leaving the solution; copper atoms are produced that separate in the form of metal. The half cell reaction can be represented as Cu2+ + 2e = Cu The net equation of the reaction proceeding in the cell is obtained when the equations of the two half cells are summated. Zn + Cu2+ Zn2+ + Cu Zn | ZnSO 4 (aq ) || CuSO 4 (aq ) | Cu + Anode Salt bridge Cathode 66 ISC Practical Chemistry II Eox (Zn/Zn2+) = + 0.76 volt standard reduction potential of this half cell is 0.76 volt. E (Cu2+/Cu) = 0.34 volt Eox of this half cell is 0.34 volt MEASUREMENT OF E.M.F. OF A CELL If two poles of a cell are connected to the two terminals of a voltmeter, using copper an approximate value of e.m.f. of the cell be known. Exact e.m.f. can not be obtained by this method because some energy of the cell will be used in sending current through the circuit owing to its internal resistance. The exact e.m.f. is, therefore, calculated by the use of a potentiometer in which no current is allowed to pass through the circuit. POTENTIOMETER It is an instrument which consists of a length of two or more meters of a uniform resistance wire mounted on a board between thick brass strips of negligible resistance. A milli meter scale is fixed on it to measure the required length of a wire. A steady current is sent through the entire length of this wire by connecting its two ends to lead accumulator. Connections are done as shown in figure : E1 is the cell of which the e.m.f. is to be determined, E2 is another cell of known e.m.f. (E should be more than E1 or E2). They are connected to the potentiometer wire through the two, way key. E (Lead accumulator) K A l2 B l1 E1 E2 G Two way key Press the key to bring E1 in the circuit. Move the sliding key to obtain on the wire such that there is no deflection shown by the galvanometer. Measure the length l1. Now bring E2 in circuit and again obtain a point to get zero deflection in the galvanometer. This is l2. E l Apply the formula 1 = 1 to get the value of E1 if E2 is known. E1 l2 Chapter 7 Qualitative Analysis In I.S.C. Examination there is a provision of analysis of a mixture containing two cations and two anions qualitatively. The method by which the qualitative chemical analysis is done is by dividing the basic as well as acid radicals into different groups depending on various physicochemical principles and properties, these are: (1) The law of mass action (2) Solubility product (3) Complex formation (4) Oxidation and reduction (5) The Ionic theory Let us discuss the principle on which the separation of basic radicals into various groups is based. It is known that only the chlorides of silver (Ag) and lead (Pb) are insoluble in cold water as well as in acids. Therefore, a mixture containing salts from silver group to the magnesium when treated with dilute or concentrated hydrochloric acid gives AgCl and PbCl2 which can be separated by filtration on account of their insolubility. It is also known that mercuric, lead, copper and tin could be precipitated as sulphides by passing H2S into their salt solution in the acidic medium whereas the rest of the sulphides of the metals cannot be precipitated due to their high solubility product, therefore, when H2S is passed into the solution containing salts in presence of dilute hydrochloric acid, the sulphides of mercuric, lead, cupric and tin are precipitated whereas that of iron, chromium, aluminium, nickel, manganese, cobalt and zinc are not precipitated. Separation of II A and II B groups depends upon the formation of complex salt using yellow ammonium sulphide and a few drops of caustic soda solution only, but in I.S.C., combination of II A and II B is not provided, therefore, it is unwise to discuss this point here. It is a well known fact that ferric hydroxide has lower solubility product than ferrous hydroxide, therefore, before proceeding to the third group, the ferrous ions are converted into ferric ions by treating the filtrate of II group after the complete expulsion of H2S gas by adding a few cc of conc. nitric acid followed by boiling. Since the solubility product of ferric, chromium and aluminium hydroxides is small, a pinch of ammonium chloride followed by excess ammonium hydroxide solution facilitates the precipitation of iron, chromium and aluminium hydroxide only. To the filtrate of III group, if H2S is passed into the alkaline solution containing zinc, manganese and nickel ion, then they will be precipitated as their sulphides because their ionic products exceed their solubility products. The sulphides of barium, strontium, calcium and magnesium are soluble and have higher solubility product. Therefore, they do not precipitate along 67 68 ISC Practical Chemistry II with IV group cations. The V group radicals barium, strontium and calcium are precipitated as their carbonates when the filtrate of IV group after complete expulsion of H2S gas in the alkaline medium is treated with excess ammonium carbonates solution. In the presence of ammonium chloride the precipitation of magnesium carbonate does not take place, therefore the V group is precipitated as carbonates. The magnesium ions, if present, are separated from the V group carbonates by filtration and are detected accordingly. Thus, it is obvious from the above discussion that the division of basic radicals into various groups depends upon the solubility product. However, ammonium ion (NH4+), which forms a separate group known as Zero group has no group reagent and is identified by a separate test. The summary of the details of the cations belonging to various groups and group reagents along with colours of the precipitates is given below in the table. Group Group Cation(s) Reagent Zero NaOH NH4+ Formulas and Colours of the Precipitated Salts No precipitate but ammonia is evolved when heated with NaOH soln. I dil. HCl Pb2+ PbCl2 (white) soluble in hot, insoluble in cold 2+ II H2S in acidic Pb PbS (Black) 2+ medium Cu CuS (Black) Sn2+ SnS (Black or Brown) 3+ III NH4OH (excess) Fe Fe (OH)3 (Reddish Brown) in presence Cr3+ Cr (OH)3 (Dull green or Bluish green) 3+ of NH4Cl Al Al (OH)3 (Gelatenous white) 2+ IV H2S gas in Zn ZnS (White) presence of NH4Cl Mn2+ MnS (Flesh coloured) 2+ and NH4OH (excess) Ni NiS (Black) 2+ Co V (NH4)2CO3 in pre- Ba2+ BaCO3 (White) sence of NH4Cl & Sr2+ SrCO3 (White) NH4OH (excess) Ca2+ CaCO3 (White) VI Na2HPO4 in pre- Mg2+ Mg(NH4)PO4 (White) sence of NH4Cl & NH4OH (excess) Note: Fe2+ is identified using the filtrate of II gp. For our purpose in I.S.C. the given mixture would be generally soluble in water or in dilute hydrochloric acid. THE PROCEDURE OF SEPARATION OF CATIONS Starting with the original solution we go groupwise. Once a radical in a particular group is detected the original solution cannot be used for the next group but the filtrate of this group must be used as the starting solution for the next groups, one after the other. In order to be more clear an 69 Qualitative Analysis example may be taken. If on adding dilute hydrochloric acid to the original solution a white precipitate is observed (indication of presence of 1st group) the solution must be filtered and the precipitate must be used for 1st group and the FILTRATE of this must be used as the starting solution for 2nd or 3rd or 4th etc. in order. The procedure of the separation of all the six groups may be diagramatically represented as follows. Original solution + dil. HCl White ppt. Filter Precipitate for 1st group | | (Indication of presence of 1st group) Filtrate for subsequent group + dil. HCl & H2S Black or brown precipitate (Indication of presence of 2nd group) Filter Precipitate for 2nd group | | Filtrate for subsequent group Boil off H2S Now add conc. HNO3 and boil + NH4Cl + NH4OH (Excess) Reddish brown or dull green or white ppt. (Indication of presence of 3rd group) Filter Precipitate for 3rd group | | + NH4OH + H2S Filtrate for subsequent group 70 ISC Practical Chemistry II White or flesh coloured or black ppt. (Indication of presence of 4th group) Filter Precipitate for 4th group | | Filtrate for subsequent group Boil off H2S + NH4OH + (NH4)2CO3 White ppt. Filter Precipitate for 5th group | | Filtrate for subsequent group + NH4OH and Na2HPO4 White ppt. (Presence of 6th group) When we consider the identification of acid radicals, their divisions in the respective groups is based on their reactions with dilute and concentrated acids. Carbonates, sulphides, sulphites, acetates and nitrites are easily acted upon, by means of dilute hydrochloric or dilute sulphuric acid whereas the other salts are unaffected by them. Thus, they form one group of acid radicals. Group Group Anions reagent Formula(s) of the gas evolved Colour of gas CO32 CO2 Colourless I dil. HCl 2 H2S Colourless dil. H2SO4 S SO32 SO2 Colourless NO NO which is Colourless which 2 seen as NO2 turns brown CH COO CH COOH (Vapour) Colourless 3 3 Br HBr HI which changes I to I2 NO3 NO2 CH COO CH COOH (Vapour) 3 32 III No group SO4 No gas evolved reagent C2O42 II Conc. H2SO4 Cl HCl Note : CH3COO can be identified with any or conc. H2SO4 Colourless Colourless Violet Light brown Colourless The other group of acid radicals is, in which the substance is treated with concentrated sulphuric acid (not conc. HCl). Anions like chloride, bromide, iodide, nitrate and acetate belong to this 71 Qualitative Analysis group and are identified by their characteristic tests. It is noteworthy that certain salts like carbonates, sulphides, sulphites etc. react with dilute as well as concentrated acids, therefore, the separation of such radicals is possible by treating them with dilute acid and then the remaining by concentrated acid (H2SO4) The only radical sulphate does not evolve any gas on treating with dilute or concentrated acid and does not therefore belong to either of the groups stated above. However, it has an entirely different test and belongs to a special group. However, in this group oxalate ion C2O42 is also included. The summary of the details of various anions, their group reagent, name of the gas evolved etc. is given below in the table. IDENTIFICATION OF CATIONS BY FORMAL GROUP ANALYSIS ATTENTION : Before proceeding to the wet tests it is a must to prepare the original soulution of the given mixture. This operation can be performed under the following heads : 1. Treatment of the mixture with water. A pinch of mixture is shaken with water. If a clear solution is obtained the aqueous solution is called the original solution and is abbreviated as O.S. If there remains a turbidity on shaking, but disappears on heating, the O.S. is possible in hot water. If the substance dissolves in hot water but separates out on cooling, the lead halide is expected. In case the mixture is insoluble in water, few drops of concentrated hydrochloric acid are added to the contents of the test tube and a gentle heating is provided. If a clear solution is obtained, this indicates the preparation of original solution and is abbreviated as O.S. The preparation of O.S. in dil. hydrochloric acid indicates the absence of first group. If the mixture remains insoluble in dilute hydrochloric acid, a fresh portion of the mixture is treated with concentrated hydrochloric acid, heated and subsequently diluted with water to form a clear solution. If the above technique also fails, a fresh portion of the mixture is treated with dilute nitric acid (Heat if neccessary) shake the test tube and filter if required. The filtrate is called Original Solution. IDENTIFICATION OF GROUP I RADICAL The lead and silver ions are present in this group. The group reagent for it is dilute hydrochloric acid which with lead ions forms a white precipitate of lead chloride, so also with silver ions, a white precipitate of silver chloride is formed. The lead chloride precipitate is soluble in hot water while that of silver chloride dissolves either in hot concentrated hydrochloric acid or in ammonia solution. The reactions involved in the precipitation of first group radicals are the following. Pb (NO3)2 + 2HCl = PbCl2 + 2HNO3 Ionically : Pb2+ + 2NO3 + 2H+ + 2Cl = PbCl2 + 2H+ + 2NO3 AgNO3 + HCl = AgCl + HNO3 = AgCl + H+ + NO3 Ionically : Ag+ + NO3 + H+ + Cl 72 ISC Practical Chemistry II The white precipitate of lead chloride also dissolves in conc. hydrochloric acid and even in strong alkalies forming complexes. PbCl2 + 2HCl = H2PbCl4 (Chloro plumbic acid) PbCl2 + 2NaOH = Pb (OH)2 + 2NaCl PbCl2 + 2Na+ + 2OH = Pb (OH)2 + 2Na+ + 2Cl Treatment of the white ppt. of lead chloride in hot water. Divide the above solution into four parts. (i) Allow a portion of the solution to cool, the white precipitate reappears. Heat it again to dissolve it and add potassium iodide solution. A canary yellow precipitate confirms lead ions. PbCl2 + 2KI = PbI2 + 2KCl Pb2 + 2Cl + 2K+ + 2I = PbI2 + 2K+ + 2Cl (ii) To the second portion add potassium chromate solution. A mustard yellow precipitate confirms the presence of lead ions. PbCl2 + K2CrO4 = PbCrO4 + 2KCl Pb2+ + 2Cl + 2K+ + CrO42 = PbCrO4 + 2K+ + 2Cl (iii) To the third portion add caustic soda solution drop by drop. A white precipitate appears which dissolves in excess caustic soda solution. PbCl2 + 2NaOH = Pb(OH)2 + 2NaCl Ionically : Pb2+ + 2Cl + 2Na+ + 2OH = Pb(OH)2 + 2Na+ + 2Cl (White ppt.) Pb(OH)2 + 2NaOH = Na2PbO2 + 2H2O Ionically : Pb(OH)2 + 2Na+ + 2OH = 2Na+ + PbO22 + 2H2O (iv) To the fourth portion add dilute sulphuric acid, a white precipitate is observed due to formation of lead sulphate. The precipitate treated with ammonium acetate, if dissolves, confirms the presence of lead ions. PbCl2 + H2SO4 = PbSO4 + 2HCl Ionically : Pb2+ + 2Cl + 2H+ + SO42 = PbSO4 + 2H+ + 2Cl PbSO4 + CH3COONH4 = Pb(CH3COO)2 + (NH4)2SO4 Ionically : PbSO4 + 2CH3COO + 2NH4+ = Pb2+ + 2CH3COO + 2NH4 + SO42 Treatment of the white precipitate of silver chloride. Wash the white precipitate of silver chloride thoroughly with water and add ammonium hydroxide to dissolve it. AgCl + 2NH4OH+ = Ag(NH3)2Cl + 2H2O Qualitative Analysis 73 Ionically : AgCl + 2NH4+ + 2OH = [(Ag (NH3)2]+ + Cl + 2H2O Divide this solution into three parts. (i) To the first part add dilute nitric acid, a white ppt. confirms the presence of silver ions. Ag(NH3)2Cl+ + 2HNO3 = AgCl + 2NH4NO3 (White ppt.) Ionically : [Ag(NH3)2]+ + Cl + 2H+ + 2NO3 = AgCl + 2NH4+ + 2NO3 (ii) To the second portion add potassium chromate solution, a brick red precipitate confirms the presence of silver ions. (iii) To the third portion add potassium iodide solution, a yellow precipitate confirms the presence of silver ions. The precipitate is due to the formation of silver iodide. IDENTIFICATION OF GROUP II RADICALS The filtrate of the first group is warmed. A few drops of dilute hydrochloric acid are added and some hydrogen sulphide gas is passed. Formation of a precipitate, black or brown in colour indicates the presence of second group members. Preparation of H2S gas The hydrogen sulphide gas required to detect cations of II and IV group is prepared using Kipp s apparatus description of which has been given already in vol. I (for Class XI students) The gas obtained from ferrous sulphide and dil HCl or dil H2SO4 is impure, particularly due to the presence of hydrogen. It is because the commercial sample of ferrous sulphide used contains some iron in from of impurity which reacts with dil acid to produce hydrogen. The purification can be done by passing it through potassium permangnate soln. However, a sample of pure H2S can be obtained by using Calcium sulphide or antimony trisulphide (Sb2S3) in place of ferrous sulphide. Small balls can be made using a paste containing calcium sulphide mixed with plaster of paris. The well dried balls can be used in place of ferrous sulphide pieces. Note (I) Teachers are advised to prepare a saturated solution of this gas in distilled water and store it in well stoppered bottle for students use. (II) It is a poisonous gas and the apparatus should not be allowed to leak in lab. The leakage can be very well detected owing to the rotten egg unpleasant smell of it. The colour of the precipitate which is due to the formation of metallic sulphide indicates the presence of specific ion, which is as follows : 74 ISC Practical Chemistry II S.N. Colour of the precipitate Name of the substance formed Formulae of the The ions indicated substance 1. Black or Brown Lead Sulphide PbS Pb2+ 2. Black or Brown Cupric Sulphide CuS Cu2+ 3. Brown Tin (II) Sulphide SnS Sn2+ The reactions showing the formation of sulphides are given below : PbCl2 + H2S Ionically : Pb2+ + 2Cl + 2H+ + S2 CuCl2 + H2S Ionically : Cu2+ + 2Cl + 2H+ + S2 HgCl2 + H2S Ionically : Sn2+ + 2Cl + 2H+ + S2 Filter the solution. Retain filtrate for the the second group radicals. = PbS + 2HCl = = PbS + 2H+ + 2Cl CuS + 2HCl = = CuS + 2H+ + Cl HgS + 2HCl = SnS + 2H+ + 2Cl 3rd and subsequent groups. Use residue to detect TREATMENT OF THE RESIDUE 1. 2. The residue is treated with minimum amount of hot dilute nitric acid. There are two possibilities. The precipitate dissolves It indicates the presence of copper or lead or tin ions. The precipitate does not dissolve It indicates the presence of mercuric ions. The dissolution of the precipitate in dilute nitric acid, can be shown by chemical equations as given below, PbS + 2HNO3 = Pb(NO3)2 + H2S Ionically : PbS + 2H+ + 2NO3 = Pb2+ + 2NO3 + H2S CuS + 2HNO3 = Cu(NO3)2 + H2S Ionically : CuS + 2H+ + 2NO3 = Cu2+ + 2NO3 + H2S SnS + 2HNO3 = Sn(NO3)2 + H2S Ionically : SnS + 2H+ + 2NO3 = Sn2+ + 2NO3 + H2S The above solution is used one by one, to detect lead, copper and tin ions. TEST FOR LEAD IONS : Divide the solution into five parts : 1. To the first part add caustic soda solution drop by drop and then in excess, white ppt. of lead hydroxide is formed which dissolves in excess caustic soda solution due to its amphoteric nature. Pb(NO3)2 + 2NaOH = Pb(OH)2 + 2NaNO3 Qualitative Analysis 75 Ionically : Pb2+ + 2NO3 + 2Na+ + 2OH = Pb(OH)2 + 2Na+ + 2NO3 Pb(OH)2 + 2NaOH = Na2PbO2 + 2H2O Ionically : Pb2+ + 2OH + 2Na+ + 2OH = 2Na+ + PbO22 + 2H2O 2. Treat the second portion of the solution with potassium iodide solution, a canary yellow coloured precipitate confirms the presence of lead ions. Pb(NO3)2 + 2KI = PbI2 + 2KNO3 (Yellow ppt.) Ionically : Pb2+ + 2NO3 + 2K+ + 2I = PbI2 + 2K+ + 2NO3 3. To the third portion add potassium chromate solution, the appearance of a mustard yellow precipitate is due to the formation of lead chromate. Pb(NO3)2 + K2CrO4 = PbCrO4 + 2KNO3 (Yellow ppt.) Ionically : Pb2+ + 2NO3 + 2K+ + CrO42 = PbCrO4 + 2K+ + 2NO3 4. To the fourth portion of the solution add dil. sulphuric acid and a little of ethyl alcohol, a white precipitate confirms the presence of lead ions. Pb(NO3)2 + H2SO4 = PbSO4 + 2HNO3 Ionically : Pb2+ + 2NO3 + 2H+ + SO42 = PbSO4 + 2H+ + 2NO3 White precipitate will form even in the absence of alcohol but its presence helps in complete precipitation. The precipitate is soluble in ammonium acetate. PbSO4 + 2CH3COONH4 = (CH3COO)2 Pb + (NH4)2SO4 Ionically : PbSO4 + 2CH3COO + 2NH4+ = Pb2+ + 2CH3COO + 2NH4+ + SO42 TEST FOR COPPER IONS Divide the solution (Precipitate dissolved in dil. nitric acid) into five parts. 1. To the first part add caustic soda solution in excess, a pale blue precipitate indicates the formation of copper hydroxide which readily turns black on heating due to the formation of copper (II) oxide. Cu(NO3)2 + 2NaOH = Cu(OH)2 + 2NaNO3 Ionically : Cu2+ + 2NO3 + 2Na+ + 2OH = Cu(OH)2 + 2Na+ + 2NO3 Heated Cu (OH)2 = CuO + H2O (Black) 2. To the second portion of the solution add ammonium hydroxide drop by drop and then in excess. A bluish white precipitate is formed which dissolves in excess of ammonia solution due to the formation of deep blue coloured tetra amine copper complex (In this case tetra amine copper nitrate) Cu(NO3)2 + 4NH4OH = [Cu (NH3)4] (NO3)2 + 4H2O (Deep Blue colour) Soln. + dil. HCl + HgCl2 white ppt. which turns grey. Soln. + NH4 OH dropwise till in excess bluish white ppt. which dissolves to produce deep blue soln. Soln. + K4 [Fe (CN)6] chocolate coloured ppt. 2. Soln. + KI Canary yellow ppt. 3. Soln. + K2 CrO4 mustard yellow ppt. 5. Soln. + dil. H2SO4 white ppt. soluble in CH3COONH4 Soln. + H2S black ppt. 4. Soln. + NaOH (dropwise) Soln. + KI khaki ppt. white ppt appears and finally dissolves. Soln. + NaOH drop. wise till in excess white ppt. which dissolves in excess NaOH Soln. 1. Soln. + dil. HCl white Soln. + NaOH pale ppt. filter. Dissolve blue ppt. heated the ppt. in hot water black substance formed Cool the ppt. reappears. Soln. + KI red ppt. which dissolves in excess KI Soln. + NaOH dropwise till in excess Reddish brown ppt. which turns yellow Soln. + Cu turnings Mercury deposits on copper Soln. + SnCl2 white ppt. turns grey. Residue dissolved in aqua regia. STANNOUS IONS LEAD IONS COPPER IONS The precipitate does not dissolve, Hg2+ The precipitate dissolves, Pb2+ or Cu2+ or Sn2+ Add little dil. HCl to the O.S. or to the filtrate of the first group and pass H2S gas, filter the soln. retain the filtrate for the next group. Treat the residue with 33% HNO3 2nd Group 76 ISC Practical Chemistry II Qualitative Analysis 77 3. To the third portion of the solution add potassium ferrocyanide solution, a chocolate coloured solution is obtained due to the formation of the complex named copper ferrocyanide. 2Cu(NO3)2 + K4[Fe(CN)6] = Cu2 [Fe(CN)6] + 4KNO3 Ionically : 2Cu++ + 4NO3 + 4K+ + Fe(CN)64 = Cu2[Fe(CN)6] + 4K+ + 4NO3 4. To the fourth portion add a potassium iodide soln, a khaki precipitate of copper (II) iodide is formed. Cu(NO3)2 + 2KI = CuI2 + 2KNO3 (khaki ppt.) Ionically : Cu2+ + 2NO3 + 2K+ + 2I = CuI2 + 2K+ + 2NO3 5. Pass hydrogen sulphide (H2S) gas through the fifth portion of the solution, a black precipitate of cupric sulphide is obtained. Cu(NO3) + H2S = CuS +2HNO3 (Black ppt.) (Black) Ionically : Cu2+ + 2NO3 + 2H+ + S2 = CuS + 2H+ + 2NO3 TEST FOR STANNOUS IONS : Divide the solution (Brown precipitate dissolved in dil. nitric acid) into two parts. 1. To the first portion add caustic soda solution drop by drop. A white precipitate appears due to the formation of stannous hydroxide. Sn(NO3)2 + 2NaOH = Sn(OH)2 + 2NaNO3 (White ppt.) Ionically : Sn2+ + 2NO3 + 2Na+ + 2OH = Sn(OH)2 + 2Na+ + 2NO3 The white precipitate dissolves when caustic soda is in excess due to its amphoteric nature. Sn(OH)2 + 2NaOH = Na2SnO2 + 2H2O (Sodium stannite) Ionically : Sn(OH)2 + 2Na+ + 2OH = 2Na+ + SnO22 + 2H2O 2. To the second portion of the solution, add dil. hydrochloric acid followed by an aqueous solution of mercuric chloride, a white precipitate is observed due to the formation of mercurous chloride. SnCl2 + 2HgCl2 = Hg2Cl2 + SnCl4 White ppt. Ionically : Sn2+ + 2Cl + 2Hg2+ + 4Cl = Hg2Cl2 + Sn4 + + 4Cl The white precipitate turns grey due to the conversion of mercurous chloride into mercury. 3. Treatment of residue (Detection of Hg2+) : The black residue (HgS), insoluble in dil. nitric acid is treated with aqua regia (Three parts of conc. HCl + one part of conc. HNO3 by volume) to disslove it. Heat it to boil for some time to reduce its volume. The reactions given below explain the formation of sulphide and its dissolution in aqua regia. 78 ISC Practical Chemistry II On passing hydrogen sulphide into the solution of mercuric chloride, first chlorosulphide of mercury is formed. 3HgCl2 + 2H2S = Hg3S2Cl2 + 4HCl The chlorosulphide combines with hydrogen sulphide to form mercuric sulphide Hg3S2Cl2 + H2S = 2HCl + 3 HgS (Black) Mercuric sulphide dissolves in aqua regia to produce mercuric chloride as shown below. 3HgS + 6HCl + 2HNO3 = 2NO + 4H2O + 3S + 3HgCl2 (Aqua regia) The mercuric chloride solution obtained above is divided into four to confirm the mercuric ions in it. 1. To the first portion add stannous chloride solution, a white precipitate is observed due to the formation of mercurous chloride. 2HgCl2 + SnCl2 = SnCl4 + Hg2Cl2 (White ppt.) Ionically : 2Hg2+ + 4Cl + Sn2+ + 2Cl = Sn4+ + 4Cl + Hg2Cl2 The white precipitate turns grey as mercurous chloride is changed into mercury. Hg2Cl2 + SnCl2 = SnCl4 + 2Hg Ionically : Hg2Cl2 + Sn2+ + (grey) 2Cl = Sn4 + + 4Cl + 2Hg 2. Add some copper turnings to the second portion of the solution. HgCl2 + Cu = CuCl2 + Hg The greyish coloured mercury formed collects on the copper turnings. 3. When caustic soda solution is added to the third portion, a reddish brown precipitate is observed due to the formation of mercuric hydroxide which changes to yellow colour on the addition of excess caustic soda due to the formation of mercuric oxide. HgCl2 + 2NaOH = HgO + 2NaCl + H2O Ionically : Hg2+ + 2Cl + 2Na+ + 2OH = HgO + 2Na+ + 2Cl + H2O 4. To the fourth part of the solution add an aqueous solution of potassuim iodide, a red precipitate is observed due to the formation of mercuric iodide which dissolves in excess of potassium iodide to form a complex named potassium mercuric iodide. HgCl2 + 2KI = HgI2+ 2KCl Ionically : Hg2+ + 2Cl + 2K+ + 2I = HgI2 + 2K+ + 2Cl HgI2 + 2KI = K2(HgI4) (Pot. mercuric iodide) The tests for all the four cations in 2nd group are summarised in the tabular form as shown on page 12. 79 Qualitative Analysis IDENTIFICATION OF GROUP III RADICALS Fe2+, Fe3+, Cr3+, Al3+ If first and second groups are absent, we shall begin with nearly 5ml of original solution. But if any of these groups is present, we shall begin with the filtrate of the corresponding group. If the starting solution is filtrate, it is boiled for some time to remove all hydrogen sulphide gas (should be tested with a lead acetate paper) A portion of it is used to test for ferrous ions. This is done in the following manner. Test for ferrous ions (Fe2+): To a portion of the above solution add a pinch of ammonium chloride and excess ammonium hydroxide, a dirty green precipitate confirms the presence of ferrous ions. The reaction takes place as shown below. FeCl2 + 2NH4OH = Fe(OH)2 + 2NH4Cl (Dirty Green) Fe2+ + 2Cl + 2NH4+ + 2OH = Fe(OH)2 + 2NH4+ + 2Cl 2. Add a few drops of potassium ferricyanide soln. to one ml of the solution or the filtrate, a deep blue coloured solution confirms the presence of ferrous ions. Boil a portion of this soln. with some conc. nitric acid for some time to oxidise ferrous ions into ferric ions. To this solution add some solid ammonium chloride and excess ammonium hydroxide (can be tested using a red litmus paper). The table given below shows the colours of the precipitate formed corresponding to the different cations. S.No. Colour of the precipitate Name of the precipitate Formula of the precipitate 1. 2. 3. Ferric hydroxide Chromium hydroxide Aluminium hydroxide Fe(OH)3 Fe3+ Cr(OH)3 Cr3+ Al(OH)3 Al3+ Reddish brown Gelatinous green Gelatinous white Cation present The reactions showing the formation of above precipitate are given below. FeCl3 + 3NH4OH = Fe(OH)3 + 3NH4Cl (Reddish Brown) Ionically : Fe3+ + 3Cl + 3NH4+6 + 3OH = Fe(OH)3 + 3NH4+ + 3Cl CrCl3 + 3NH4OH = Cr(OH)3 + 3NH4Cl (Green) Ionically : Cr3+ + 3Cl + 3NH4+ + 3OH = Cr(OH)3 + 3NH4+ + 3Cl AlCl3 + 3NH4OH = Al (OH)3 + 3NH4Cl (White) Ionically : Al3+ + 3Cl + 3NH4+ + 3OH = Al(OH)3 + 3NH4+ + 3Cl Filter the solution. Retain the filtrate for the fourth group and use residue for the third. 80 ISC Practical Chemistry II Dissolve the residue in minimum quantity of dilute hydrochloric acid to change the hydroxides into their chlorides which are soluble. Fe(OH)3 + 3HCl = FeCl3+ 3H2O Ionically : Fe(OH)3 + 3H+ + 3Cl = Fe3+ + 3Cl + 3H2O Cr(OH)3 + 3HCl = CrCl3 + 3H2O Ionically : Cr(OH)3 + 3H+ + 3Cl = Cr3+ + 3Cl + 3H2O Al(OH)3 + 3HCl = Al Cl3 + 3H2O Ionically : Al (OH)3 + 3H+ + 3Cl = Al3+ + 3Cl + 3H2O Using the above solutions the tests for cations are performed as follows. TEST FOR FERRIC IONS : 1. To a portion of the solution add caustic soda solution, a reddish brown precipitate soluble in excess caustic soda confirms the presence of ferric ions. FeCl3 + 3NaOH = Fe(OH)3 + 3NaCl (Reddish Brown) Ionically : Fe3+ + 3Cl + 3Na+ + 3OH = Fe(OH)3 + 3Na+ + 3Cl 2. To a portion of the above solution add potassium ferrocyanide solution a deep blue coloured solution is observed due to the formation of ferric ferrocyanide. 4 FeCl3 + 3K4 [Fe(CN)6] = Fe4 [Fe(CN)6)3] + 12KCl (Prussiun Blue Colour) Ionically : 4Fe3+ + 12Cl + 12K+ + 3Fe(CN)64 = Fe4[Fe(CN)6]3 + 12K+ + 12Cl 3. To another portion of the above solution add potassium thiocyanate (potassium sulphocyanide) solution. An intense blood red colouration, due to the formation of ferric thiocyanate (ferric ferrocyanide) confirms the presence of ferric ions. FeCl3 + 3KCNS = Fe(CNS)3 + 3KCl (Blood red) Ionically : Fe3+ + 3Cl + 3K+ + 3(CNS) = Fe3+ + 3(CNS) + 3K+ + 3Cl 4. When hydrogen sulphide gas is passed into a solution of ferric chloride it is reduced to ferrous chloride which is green in colour and yellow coloured colloidal sulphur is precipitated. This confirms the presence of ferric ions. 2FeCl3 + H2S = 2FeCl2 + 2HCl + S (Yellow) (Green Colour) Ionically : 2Fe3+ + 6Cl + 2H+ + S2 = 2Fe2+ + 4Cl + 2H+ + 2Cl + S Qualitative Analysis 81 TEST FOR CHROMIUM IONS (Cr3+) : When caustic soda solution is added to the chromium chloride solution obtained above, a gelatinous green precipitate of chromium hydroxide is obtained which dissolves in excess caustic soda solution to produce sodium chromite. CrCl3 + 3NaOH = Cr(OH)3 + 3NaCl (Green ppt.) Ionically : Cr3+ + 3Cl + 3Na+ + 3OH = Cr(OH)3 + 3Na+ + 3Cl Chromium hydroxide reacts with excess caustic soda in the following way. Cr(OH)3 + NaOH = NaCrO2 + 2H2O Ionically : Cr(OH)3 + Na+ + OH = Na+ + CrO2 + 2H2O Divide sodium chromite solution in two parts. (i) Boil one portion of this solution, a green precipitate is observed due to the formation of chromium hydroxide. (ii) To the second portion bromine water is added and boiled, followed by the addition of small amounts of acetic acid and lead acetate when a yellow precipitate of lead chromate is observed. In the above test bromine combines with caustic soda to form sodium oxybromide which oxidises sodium chromite into sodium chromate. Br2 + 2NaOH = NaBr + NaOBr + H2O 2Cr(OH)3 + 4NaOH + 3NaOBr = 2Na2CrO4 + 5H2O + 3NaBr Na2CrO4 + (CH3 COO)2 Pb = PbCrO4 + 2CH3 COONa (Yellow ppt.) Ionically : 2Na+ + CrO42 + 2CH3COO + Pb2+ = PbCrO4 + 2CH3COO + 2Na+ TEST FOR ALUMINIUM IONS (Al3+) : (i) When caustic soda solution is added drop by drop to the aluminium chloride solution, a gelatinous white precipitate appears which dissloves in excess caustic soda solution. AlCl3 + 3NaOH = Al (OH)3 + 3NaCl Ionically : Al3+ + 3Cl + 3Na+ + 3OH = Al(OH)3 + 3Na+ + 3Cl Al (OH)3 + NaOH = NaAlO2 + 2H2O Ionically : Al(OH)3 + Na+ + OH = Na+ + AlO2 + 2H2O To the above solution add a pinch of ammonium chloride and heat, a white precipitate confirms the presence of aluminium ions. NaAlO2 + NH4Cl + H2O = Al(OH)3+ NH3 + NaCl (White ppt.) Ionically : Na+ + AlO2 + NH4+ + Cl + H2O = Al(OH)3 + NH3 + Na+ + Cl 82 ISC Practical Chemistry II (ii) To a portion of aluminium chloride add a few drops of blue litmus solution followed by ammonium hydroxide solution. A pale blue floating precipitate in a colourless solution confirms the presence of aluminium ions. The tests for the cations in the 3rd group are summarised in the tabular form as shown below. (Presence of ferrous ions has been tested separately). Boil the solution with conc. HNO3 and add a pinch of solid NH4Cl followed by excess NH4OH. The ppt. is separated by filtration and used for 3rd group. The ppt. is dissolved in dil. HCl and tested for the respective ions. Fe3+ Cr3+ Al3+ 1. Soln. + NaOH Reddish brown ppt. insoluble in excess Soln. + NaOH gelatinous 1. green ppt. soluble in excess NaOH. Divide the above soln. in two parts. Soln. + NaOH drop by drop till in excess. A white ppt. appears which dissolves in excess NaOH solution. 2. Soln. + K4[Fe(CN)6] Blue 1. colour. Boil one portion of the soln green ppt. observed. This soln. + NH4 Cl heat white ppt. 3. Soln. + KCNS Blood red colour. Add Br 2 water and boil 2. Add CH 3 COOH and (CH3COO)2Pb. Yellow ppt. Soln. + drops of blue litmus soln. + NH4OH pale blue floating ppt. in a colourless soln. 4. Soln. + H2S gas soln. turns green and yellow colour due to colloidal sulphur observed. IDENTIFICATION OF GROUP IV RADICALS : Zn2+, Mn2+, Ni2+, Co2+ If first, second and third groups are absent, we shall begin with nearly 5 ml. of original solution, but if any of these groups is present, we shall begin with the filtrate of the corresponding group. To a portion of the original solution add a pinch of ammonium chloride and excess ammonium hydroxide (the chemicals may not be added if already added for third group) followed by hydrogen sulphide gas. Details of the sulphide precipitates are given below. Colour of the Name of the Precipitate Precipitate Formulas of Cation Indicated Sulphide White or grey Flesh coloured Black Black ZnS MnS NiS CoS Zinc sulphide Manganese sulphide Nickel sulphide Cobalt sulphide Zn2+ Mn2+ Ni2+ Co2+ Filter the solution and retain the filtrate for the next group. Use residue for the fourth group. The following reactions show the formation of sulphides when hydrogen sulphide is passed. The original solution when treated with ammonium hydroxide in presence of ammonium chloride, changes into hydroxide. 2NH4OH + H2S = (NH4)2 S + 2 H2O 83 Qualitative Analysis Ionically : 2NH4+ + 2OH + 2H+ + S2 = 2NH4+ + S2 + 2H2O ZnCl2 + (NH4)2 S = ZnS + 2NH4Cl (White ppt.) Ionically : Zn2+ + 2Cl + 2NH4+ + S2 = ZnS + 2NH4+ + 2Cl Similarly : MnCl2 + (NH4)2 S = MnS + 2NH4Cl (Flesh coloured ppt.) Ionically : Mn2+ + 2Cl + 2NH4+ + S2 = MnS + 2NH4+ + 2Cl Similarly : NiCl2 + (NH4)2 S = NiS + 2NH4Cl (Black ppt.) Ionically : Ni2+ + 2Cl + 2NH4+ + S2 = NiS + 2NH4+ + 2Cl Similarly : CoCl2 + (NH4)2 S CoS + 2NH4Cl (Black ppt.) Ionically : Co2+ + 2Cl + 2NH4+ + S2 CoS + 2NH4+ + 2Cl The precipitate obtained above is treated with minimum quantity of dil. hydrochloric acid. Solution is heated for a long time to boil off H2S produced by the interaction of ZnS and dil hydrochloric acid. The sulphides of zinc and manganese dissolve but that of nickel does not. ZnS + 2HCl = Ionically : ZnS + 2H+ + 2Cl = Zn2+ + 2Cl + 2H+ + S2 MnS + 2HCl = Ionically : ZnCl2 + H2S MnCl2 + H2S MnS + 2H+ + 2Cl = Mn2+ + 2Cl + 2H+ + S2 The chlorides of zinc and manganese are used to perform tests for them. TEST FOR ZINC IONS : 1. To the solution obtained above add caustic soda solution drop by drop. A white or greyish precipitate appears which dissolves in excess caustic soda solution due to its amphoteric nature. ZnCl2 + 2NaOH = Ionically : Zn(OH)2 + 2NaCl Zn2+ + 2Cl + 2Na+ + 2OH = Zn(OH)2 + 2Na+ + 2Cl Zn(OH)2 + 2NaOH Ionically : = Na2ZnO2 + 2H2O Zn(OH)2 + 2Na+ + 2OH = 2Na+ + ZnO22 + 2H2O 84 ISC Practical Chemistry II Pass hydrogen sulphide gas into it, a white precipitate of zinc sulphide confirms the presence of zinc ions in the solution. Na2ZnO2 + H2S = ZnS + 2NaOH (White ppt.) Ionically : 2Na+ + ZnO2 2 + 2H+ + S2 = ZnS + 2Na+ + 2OH 2. Treat the second portion of the solution with a potassium ferrocyanide solution. Formation of a white or a bluish white precipitate confirms the presence of zinc ions. 2 ZnCl2 + K4 [Fe(CN)6] = Zn2 [Fe(CN)6] + 4KCl (White or bluish white) Ionically : 2 Zn2+ + 4Cl + 4K+ + [Fe(CN)6]4 = Zn2[Fe(CN)6] + 4K+ + 4Cl TEST FOR MANGANESE IONS : 1. Add caustic soda solution drop by drop till it is in excess. A white precipitate appears which remains insoluble in presence of excess caustic soda solution. The reactions explaining the changes are given below : MnCl2 + 2NaOH = Mn(OH)2 + 2NaCl (White ppt.) Ionically : Mn2+ + 2Cl + 2Na+ + 2OH = Mn(OH)2 + 2Na+ + 2Cl In contact with oxygen of air it turns brown. The following reaction explains the change. 4Mn(OH)2 + 2H2O + O2 = 4Mn (OH)3 Brown This confirms the presence of manganese ions. 2. To the solution of the ppt. (MnS) prepared in dil. hydrochloric acid add caustic soda soln. to convert it into its hydroxide. Filter the soln. and reject the filtrate. Dissolve the precipitate in conc. nitric acid in presence of lead dioxide. Boil it for some time and dilute it. A purple colour is observed due to the formation of permanganic acid. The reaction is as given below. 2Mn(OH)2 + 5PbO2 + 10 HNO3 = 5Pb(NO3)2 + 6H2O + 2HMnO4 (purple colour) TEST FOR NICKEL IONS : The black precipitate of nickel sulphide which is insoluble in dil. hydrochloric acid is treated with aqua regia to dissolve it. The reactions take place as shown below. HNO3 + 3HCl NiS + 2Cl = = 2H2O + NOCl + 2Cl NiCl2 + S Boil it for some time to reduce its volume and divide the solution into two parts. 1. To one part add caustic soda solution; a green coloured precipitate confirms the presence of nickel ions. 85 Qualitative Analysis NiCl2 + 2NaOH = Ni(OH)2 + 2NaCl (Green) Ionically : Ni2+ + 2Cl + 2Na+ + 2OH = Ni(OH)2 + 2Na+ + 2Cl 2. To the second portion add excess ammonium hydroxide followed by some dimethyl glyoxime solution a scarlet red precipitate is observed due to the formation of nickel dimethyl glyoxime. This confirms the presence of nickel ions. The appearance of scarlet red precipitate can be explained in the following manner: H3C C = NOH NiCl2 + 2NH4OH + 2 | 2H2O + 2NH4Cl H3C C = NOH Dimethyl glyoxime OH O | H3C C = N+ N+ = C CH3 | Ni | H3C C = N+ N+ = C CH3 | O OH Nickel dimethyl glyoxime (Scarlet red) The tests of members of 4th group can be summarised in the tabular form as given below. To the O.S. (if all three groups are absent) or to the filtrate of the previous group, add a pinch of NH4Cl excess NH4OH followed by H2S gas passed into it. Filter the solution. Retain the filtrate for the next group and use residue for the 4th group. Treat the residue with dil. HCl. Precipitate Insoluble (Black colour) Ni2+ Precipitate dissolves Zn2+ Mn2+ Dissolve the ppt. in aqua 1. Soln. + NaOH dropwise 1. Soln. + NaOH dropwise regia and boil for long time. till in excess white ppt. till in excess white ppt. 1. Soln. + NaOH green ppt. soluble in excess NaOH. insoluble in excess turns Pass H2S. A white ppt. brown after some time. 2. Soln. + NH4 OH + Dimethyl 2. Soln. + K 4 [Fe(CN) 6 ] 2. Soln. + NaOH ppt glyoxime scarlet red ppt. Bluish white ppt. Add PbO2 and conc. HNO3 to the ppt purple colour IDENTIFICATION OF GROUP V RADICALS : Ba2+, Sr2+, Ca2+ Begin with original soln. if all four groups are absent. If filtrate of fourth group is used boil it for some time to get rid of hydrogen sulphide as well as to concentrate the soln. to reduce it to one-third of original volume. To this, add a pinch of ammonium chloride and excess ammonium hydroxide followed by ammonium carbonate soln. Formation of a white precipitate indicates the presence of fifth group. 86 ISC Practical Chemistry II The following reactions explain the appearance of white precipitate due to the formation of the carbonates. BaCl2 + (NH4)2CO3 = BaCO3 + 2NH4Cl Ionically : Ba2+ + 2Cl + 2NH4+ + CO32 = BaCO3 + 2NH4+ + 2Cl SrCl2 + (NH4)2 CO3 = SrCO3 + 2 NH4Cl Ionically : Sr2+ + 2Cl + 2NH4+ + CO32 = SrCO3 + 2NH4+ + 2Cl CaCl2 + (NH4)2 CO3 = CaCO3 + 2NH4 Cl Ionically : Ca2+ + 2Cl + 2NH4+ + CO32 = CaCO3 + 2NH4+ + 2Cl Filter this solution and retain the filtrate for the sixth group. Use residue for fifth group. Dissolve the residue in minimum quantity of hot acetic acid. The dissolution of carbonates can be explained in the following way. BaCO3 + 2CH3COOH = (CH3COO)2 Ba + H2O + CO2 Ionically : BaCO3 + 2CH3COO + 2H+ = 2CH3COO + Ba2+ + H2O + CO2 SrCO3 + 2CH3COOH = (CH3COO)2 Sr + H2O + CO2 Ionically : Sr CO3 + 2CH3COO + 2H+ = 2CH3COO + Sr2+ + H2O + CO2 CaCO3 + 2CH3COOH = (CH3COO)2 Ca + H2O + CO2 Ionically : CaCO3 + 2CH3COO + 2H+ = 2CH3COO + Ca2+ + H2O + CO2 Use the solution to perform tests for barium, strontium and calcium in this very order. To the first portion add potassium chromate solution; a yellow precipitate confirms the presence of barium ions. (CH3COO)2 Ba + K2CrO4 = BaCrO4 + 2CH3COOK (Yellow ppt.) Ionically : 2CH3COO + Ba2+ + 2K+ + CrO42 = BaCrO4 + 2CH3COO + 2K+ If barium ions are absent, add a concentrated solution of ammonium sulphate, boil it and allow to cool. A white ppt. confirms the presence of strontium ions. (CH3COO)2 Sr + (NH4)2 SO4 = SrSO4 + 2CH3COONH4 (White ppt.) Ionically : 2CH3COO + Sr2+ + 2NH4+ + SO42 = SrSO4 + 2CH3COO + 2NH4+ Note. Sometimes, the white precipitate appears only on scratching the sides of the test tube using a glass rod. If barium and strontium ions are absent, use the third portion for calcium ions. 87 Qualitative Analysis Add ammonium oxalate soln. to it and heat, a white precipitate confirms the presence of calcium ions. Calcium oxalate is formed in the reaction. (CH3COO)2 Ca + (NH4)2 C2O4 = 2CH3 COONH4 + CaC2O4 (White ppt.) Ionically : 2CH3COO + Ca2+ + 2NH4+ + C2O42 = 2CH3COO + 2NH4+ + CaC2O4 The tests for the members of fifth group can be summarised in the following table. O.S. or filtrate of the previous group + NH4Cl + NH4OH (excess) + (NH4)2 CO3 white ppt. Filter use filtrate for the next group and residue for the fifth group. Residue is dissolved in minimum amount of hot and dilute acetic acid after the contents. Divide the solution into three parts Ba2+ oln. + K2CrO4 Yellow ppt. S Insoluble in acetic acid. Sr2+ Ba2+ If is absent, soln. + (NH4)2SO4 white ppt. Ca2+ Ba2+ I f both and Sr2+ are absent: soln. + (NH4)2C2O4 white ppt. Insoluble in acetic acid. It must be noted carefully that potassium chromate which is used to detect barium ions gives yellow precipitate with strontium and calcium salts too, as they also produce chromates. Same way ammonium oxalate solution gives a white precipitate not only with solution of calcium salts but also with barium and strontium due to the formation of their oxalates. However, we can distinguish them from each other on the basis of their solubility in acetic acid. Formation of the chromates and oxalates can be explained with the help of following chemical equations : SrCl2 + K2CrO4 = SrCrO4 + 2KCl (Yellow ppt.) Ionically : Sr2+ + 2Cl + 2K+ + CrO42 = SrCrO4 + 2K+ + 2Cl CaCl2 + K2CrO4 = CaCrO4 + 2KCl (Yellow ppt.) Ionically : Ca2+ + 2Cl + 2K+ + CrO42 = CaCrO4 + 2K+ + 2Cl BaCl2 + (NH4)2 C2O4 = BaC2O4 + NH4Cl (White ppt.) Ionically : Ba2+ + 2Cl + 2NH4+ + C2O42 = BaC2O4 + 2NH4+ + 2Cl SrCl2 + (NH4)2 C2O4 = SrC2O4 + 2NH4Cl (White ppt.) Ionically : Sr2+ + 2Cl + 2NH4+ + C2O42 = SrC2O4 + 2NH4+ + 2Cl The following table states the effect of acetic acid on the named precipitates. 88 ISC Practical Chemistry II Cation present Yellow ppt. White ppt. with in the salt with K2CrO4 (NH4)2C2O4 (Treated with (Treated with CH3COOH) CH3COOH) Ba2+ Insoluble Soluble in hot acid Sr2+ Soluble Insoluble Ca2+ Soluble Insoluble Once an indication is made of the presence of fifth group by observing white ppt. on adding ammonium carbonate to the solution and the confirmatory test is performed for the particular member, flame test must be done to verify the result. The colours observed are given below. Barium ions Grassy green Strontium ions Crimson Calcium ions Brick red IDENTIFICATION OF GROUP VI RADICALS : To the filtrate of the previous group (or O.S. if all five groups are absent) add ammonium hydroxide in excess and some disodium hydrogen phosphate solution, a white precipitate due to the formation of magnesium ammonium phosphate confirms the presence of magnesium ions in the solution. The reaction takes place as follows : MgCl2 + Na2HPO4 + NH4OH = Mg(NH4)PO4 + 2 NaCl + H2O (White ppt.) Ionically : Mg2+ + 2Cl + 2Na+ + HPO42 + NH4+ + OH = Mg(NH4) PO4 + 2Na+ + 2Cl + H2O The white precipitate often appears after scratching the test tube with a glass rod for some time. IDENTIFICATION OF ZERO GROUP RADICAL : This group contains only one ion named ammonium ion (NH4+). This ion does not need an original solution but the salt is used as such in the solid state and therefore its identification is done off the track of formal group analysis. TESTS FOR AMMONIUM ION : Place a small amount of given salt in a clean test tube and add some caustic soda solution to it. Heat the contents gently, the liberation of ammonia gas indicates the presence of ammonium ion in the salt. The formation of ammonia is shown by the chemical equation as follows. NH4Cl + NaOH = NaCl + NH3 + H2O The liberation of ammonia gas can be confirmed as shown below. 1. The gas is colourless and when smelt brings tears out. 2. A moist red litmus strip when brought in contact with the gas, is found to have turned blue. 3. A mercurous nitrate paper when brought in contact with the gas, turns black. 4. A glass rod moistened with conc. hydrochloric acid when brought in contact with the gas produces dense white fumes due to the formation of ammonium chloride as shown below. NH3 + HCl = NH4Cl (Dense white fumes) 89 Qualitative Analysis 5. When the gas is passed into Nessler's reagent, the solution turns brown as shown below. Formation of Nessler s reagent. HgCl2 + 2KI = HgI2 + 2KCl HgI2 + 2KI = K2HgI4 (Nessler s reagent) Reaction of Nessler s reagent with ammonia gas. 2K2HgI4 + 3NaOH + NH3 = Hg2NH2OI + 4KI + 3NaI + 2H2O (Brown) Note : It is better to test for ammonium ions in the beginning of the analysis for cations. FLAME TEST : Flame test is one of the dry tests used to detect some selected cations which impart a particular colour to the oxidising flame of a Bunsen burner. A clean platinum wire and conc. hydrochloric acid are used for the purpose. Place about 8 ml of pure conc. hydrochloric acid in a watch glass and to it add a pinch of the given salt of mixture and prepare a thick paste of it using platinum wire to mix them so that some paste sticks to the loop of the platinum wire. Now bring the loaded wire into the non-luminous flame of the Bunsen burner and observe the colour imparted to it by the paste. The colour of the flame changes when viewed through a cobalt glass. The colours as seen with naked eye and through cobalt (blue) glass for different cations are given in the following table. S.No. Colour Through Naked Eye Colour Through Blue Glass Cation Indicated 1. Bluish Green Copper 2. Brick Red Light Green Calcium 3. Crimson Red Crimson Red Strontium 4. Grassy Green Bluish Green Barium 5. Golden Yellow Invisible (Nil) Sodium 6. Lilac (Violet) Pink or Purple Potassium Note : Sodium and potassium ions are not in course of I.S.C. HOW TO CLEAN A PLATINUM WIRE ? Bend a small loop at the end of the platinum wire and dip the looped end in concentrated hydrochloric acid taken in a test tube. Now bring it to the oxidising (non-luminous) flame of the burner. A change in colour of the flame indicates that the wire is not clean and needs the above operation. The operation should be repeated till the wire is clean. Platinum wire should always be cleaned after the flame test is performed. Note : It should be noted that persistent golden yellow colour of sodium flame conceals all other flames, therefore, flame has to be observed carefully in presence of sodium. THEORY OF FLAME TEST : Ionisation of a salt can be achieved in two ways. 1. By dissolving it in water This is utilised in wet tests when original solution of the salt is used in analysis. 2. By thermal ionisation This property is utilised in flame test. 90 ISC Practical Chemistry II All salts get ionised at some temperature or the other when heated. The halides of metals have lower thermal ionisation temperature whereas oxides have very high. nCarbonates, nitrates etc. decompose into their oxides and do not get vapourised when brought to the flame. This is why halides only are used. Also hydrochloric acid is cheap and easily available, therefore all the salts are treated with hydrochloric acid to convert them into their chlorides which when brought to the flame ionise to set free the cation which imparts its characteristic colour to the flame. Platinum wire only is used for the purpose simply because : 1. Platinum does not react with conc. hydrochloric acid nor with the chloride of the metal formed, even at the temperature of the flame. 2. Platinum does not impart any colour to the flame, therefore the characteristic colour of the cation present in the salt, remains interference free. 3. The melting point of platinum is much above the temperature of the Bunsen burner flame. The detection and separation of cations, already discussed, has a systematic scheme. The same is not true in case of anions. But still anions can be roughly divided into two groups. The preliminary division of anions in two groups depends upon the fact that carbonates, sulphides, sulphites and nitrites are reacted upon by dilute hydrochloric acid or dilute sulphuric acid whereas the rest of the anions as chlorides, bromides, iodides, nitrates are not reacted upon by dil. acid. These ions need concentrated sulphuric acid for their decomposition. Acetates are decomposed by both and sulphates by none of them. It is remarkable that carbonates, sulphides, sulphites, nitrites etc. which are decomposed by dilute acids are also decomposed by concentrated acids but the rest of the anions (halides and nitrates) which are decomposed by conc. acid are not decomposed by dilute acid at all. Based on this difference the anions are divided into two groups (i) dil. acid (HCl or H2SO4) group (ii) Conc. acid (H2SO4) group. When these salts are treated with acids, different gases are evolved whose physical properties indicate the corresponding anion and some appropriate and specific chemical properties confirm them. Thus, confirmatory tests to these gases are the confirmatory tests to the respective anions. The special group, the group with the only ion sulphate is not affected by any acid and there is no liberation of any gas. In the table given below is the classification of anions into three groups. S.N. Dilute Acid (HCl or H2SO4 ) Conc. Acid (H2SO4 ) Special Group Group 1. Carbonates 2. Sulphide 3. Sulphite 4. Nitrite 5. Acetate Group Chloride Sulphate Bromide Iodide Nitrate Acetate CHEMISTRY OF INDIVIDUAL RADICALS : (a) Carbonate, (CO32 ) When dil. HCl or H2SO4 is added to a carbonate, brisk effervescence takes place with the evolution of CO2 which is colourless, odourless and acidic to moist litmus (Blue turns red) CaCO3 + 2HCl (dil.) CaCl2 + H2O + CO2 CaCO3 + H2SO4 (dil) CaSO4 + H2O + CO2 91 Qualitative Analysis Ionically : CaCO3 + 2H+ + 2Cl = Ca2+ + 2Cl + H2O + CO2 CaCO3 + 2H+ + SO42 = Ca2+ + SO42 + H2O + CO2 CONFIRMATORY TESTS FOR CO2 : When CO2 is passed through lime water it becomes turbid due to the formation of calcium carbonate. The turbidity dissolves when excess CO2 is passed through lime water forming soluble calcium bicarbonate Ca(OH)2 + CO2 = CaCO3 + H2O Ionically : Ca2+ + 2OH + CO2 CaCO3 + H2O + CO2 Ionically : (b) = CaCO3 + H2O = Ca(HCO3)2 CaCO3 + H2O + CO2 = Ca2+ + 2(HCO3) Sulphide When dilute hydrochloric acid or dilute sulphuric acid is added to a sulphide salt, a characteristic rotten egg smelling gas, hydrogen sulphide evolves. Ionically : CaS + 2HCl = CaCl2 + H2S CaS + H2SO4 = CaSO4 + H2S CaS + 2H+ + 2Cl = Ca2+ + 2Cl + H2S CaS + 2H+ + SO42 = Ca2+ + SO42 + H2S CONFIRMATORY TESTS FOR H2S GAS : When a piece of filter paper moistened with lead acetate solution is brought in contact with H2S gas, a shining black precipitate is formed due to lead sulphide formation. (CH3COO)2 Pb + H2S = PbS + 2CH3COOH (Black) Ionically : 2CH3COO + Pb2+ + 2H+ + S2 PbS + 2CH3COO + 2H+ (c) Sulphite (SO32 ) : When dil. hydrochloric acid or dil. sulphuric acid is added to a salt containing sulphite, sulphur dioxide, having a characteristic burning sulphur smell, is evolved. CaSO3 + 2HCl = CaCl2 + SO2 + H2O CaSO3 + H2SO4 = CaSO4 + SO2 + H2O Ionically : CaSO3 + 2H+ + 2Cl = Ca2+ + 2Cl + SO2 + H2O CaSO3 + 2H+ + SO42 = Ca2+ + SO42 + SO2 + H2O CONFIRMATORY TESTS FOR SULPHUR DIOXIDE GAS : 1. When SO2 is passed in dil. potassium permanganate solution the pink colour of the latter is decolourised. 92 ISC Practical Chemistry II 2KMnO4 + 5SO2 + 2H2O = K2SO4 + 2MnSO4 + 2H2SO4 Ionically : 2K+ + 2MnO4 + 5SO2 + 2H2O 2K+ + SO42 + 2Mn2+ + 2SO42 + 4H+ + 2SO42 2. When a piece of filter paper moistened with acidified K2Cr2O7 soln. is brought in contact with SO2 gas, the orange colour of K2Cr2O7 soln. turns green, due to the formation of chromium ions (Cr3+). K2Cr2O7 + 3H2SO4 + SO2 = K2SO4 + Cr2(SO4)3 + 3H2O Ionically : 2K+ + Cr2O72 + 6H+ + 3SO42 + 5O2 = 2K+ + SO42 + 2Cr3+ + 3SO42 + 3H2O (d) Nitrite When dil. hydrochloric acid or dil sulphuric acid is added in sodium nitrite, a colourless gas, nitric oxide, evolves which readily oxidises to nitrogen dioxide gas and is observed as yellowish brown gas. NaNO2 + HCl = NaCl + 2HNO2 2NaNO2 + H2SO4 = Na2SO4 + 2HNO2 2HNO2 = H2O + 2NO + O 2NO + O2 = 2NO2 The evolved gas (NO2) is an oxidising agent and turns starch iodide paper blue due to the liberation of iodine. (e) Acetate (CH3COO ) When dil. hydrochloric acid or dil. sulphuric acid is added to a salt containing acetate ion, acetic acid is formed which can be detected by its characteristic vinegar odour. CH3COONa + HCl NaCl+ CH3COOH 2CH3COONa + H2SO4 = Na2SO4 + 2CH3COOH The formation of acetic acid is confirmed by adding neutral ferric chloride soln. to the above soln. 3CH3COOH + FeCl3 = (CH3COO)3 Fe + 3HCl (Wine red colour) Note : Acetate can also be detected by adding an equal amount of solid oxalic acid to the given salt followed by few drops of water which when mixed thoroughly give intense odour of vinegar. CONCENTRATED SULPHURIC ACID GROUP HALIDES (Cl , Br , I ) : When conc. sulphuric acid is added to the given salt containing halide ions, gases with characteristic colour and odour are evolved on heating. Their behaviour is different with silver nitrate soln. The chemical equations that explain the formation of the hydrogen halides and their reactions with silver nitrate solutions, are given below : For Chloride : NaCl + H2SO4 (conc.) = NaHSO4 + HCl Ionically : Na+ + C1 + 2H+ + SO42 = Na+ + HSO4 + HCl AgNO3 + HCl = AgCl + HNO3 (Curdy white ppt) 93 Qualitative Analysis Ionically : Ag+ + NO3 + H+ + Cl For Bromide : = AgCl + H+ + NO3 NaBr + H2SO4 = NaHSO4 + HBr Ionically : Na+ + Br + 2H+ + SO42 = Na+ + HSO4 + HBr AgNO3 + HBr = AgBr + HNO3 (Pale yellow) Ionically : Ag+ + NO3 + H+ + Br = AgBr + H+ + NO3 HBr obtained in the equation above combines further with conc. sulphuric acid to produce brown vapour, due to bromine. 2HBr + H2SO4 = 2H2O + SO2 + Br2 (Brown) Just as chlorides and bromides produce HCl and HBr, Iodides produce HI (colourless) which is yellow in colour. HI formed reacts with H2SO4 (like HBr) to produce iodine which has a violet colour. For Iodide : NaI + H2SO4 Ionically : AgNO3 + HI (yellow) 2HI + H2SO4 2H2O + SO2 + + 2H+ NaHSO4 + HI Na+ I + SO42 = Na+ + HSO4 + HI AgI + HNO3 I2 (vapours) (violet) AgCl produced above readily dissolves in ammonium hydroxide, AgBr dissolves with difficulty and AgI is insoluble. This is how we can distinguish between bromide and iodide. An oxidising agent such as manganese dioxide can also be used to detect the halide ion because it converts the hydrogen halide into the corresponding halogen with specific colours. The reactions for the three halide ions can be written in the following way : 2NaCl + 2H2SO4 + MnO2 = Na2SO4 + MnSO4 + 2H2O + Cl2 (Greenish yellow) 2NaBr + 2H2SO4 + MnO2 = Na2SO4 + MnSO4 + 2H2O + Br2 (Reddish brown) 2NaI + 2H2SO4 + MnO2 = Na2SO4 + MnSO4 + 2H2O + I2 (Violet vapour) In general we can write : 2Nax + 2H2SO4 + MnO2 = Na2SO4 + MnSO4 + 2H2O + x2 x can be recognised by its characteristic colour. Sodium carbonate extract of the salt also is very useful in the detection of anions such as chloride, bromide, iodide, nitrate and sulphate. 94 ISC Practical Chemistry II WHAT IS SODIUM CARBONATE EXTRACT ? An extract of the mixture obtained after boiling the mixture with an excess of sodium carbonate soln. is called soda extract or sodium carbonate extract. HOW TO PREPARE SODIUM CARBONATE EXTRACT ? Mix the given substance with solid sodium carbonate in the ratio 1 : 3 approximately and add about 15 cc of distilled water to it. Boil it for some time and filter. The filtrate is called sodium carbonate extract. Theory of Preparation : When the given substance is boiled with sodium carbonate soln. the ions have mutual exchange and form two new compounds. The metallic ion of the given substance forms carbonate and the corresponding sodium salt is formed with the anion to be detected. When filtered, the carbonate being insoluble is rejected and the sodium compound (with the ion to be detected) goes in to solution form. This is a known as sodium carbonate extract. Example : Suppose, you are given zinc chloride which is boiled with sodium carbonate. Zinc carbonate and sodium chloride are formed. When filtered sodium chloride remains in solution while zinc in form of zinc carbonate is rejected. Sodium chloride soln. thus formed is called sodium carbonate extract. ZnCl2 + Na2CO3 = ZnCO3 + 2NaCl The advantages of preparing sodium carbonate extract are given below : 1. It removes the basic radicals which may interfere in the systematic identification of acidic radicals by converting them into insoluble carbonates. 2. The identification of acid radical, becomes easy if compound is insoluble in water and dilute acid. Imp. It is necessary to neutralise sodium carbonate extract with a suitable acid. TESTS FOR CHLORIDE : 1. When conc. sulphuric acid is added to the given salt and heated hydrogen chloride gas is evolved. The gas is colourless but fumes in moist air. It has a pungent odour and turns a moist blue litmus paper red. (a) When a glass rod dipped in ammonium hydroxide is brought near the gas, dense white fumes are observed. (b) When the gas is passed through silver nitrate solution, a curdy white precipitate is formed which dissolves in Ammonium hydroxide solution. 2. Add a little manganese dioxide and conc. sulphuric acid to the given salt in a test tube and heat, a greenish yellow coloured gas is evolved which has a very characteristic pungent choking odour (Cl2). A moist blue litmus paper when brought in contact with the gas turns red and is finally bleached. 3. Take nearly 2 ml of sodium carbonate extract in a test tube. Acidify it with dil. nitric acid by pouring it drop by drop till effervescences cease. Now add silver nitrate solution. A curdy white precipitate is observed which confirms the presence of chloride ions. CHROMYL CHLORIDE TEST : Mix the given substance with solid potassium dichromate in the ratio 1 : 2 and add some conc. sulphuric acid to it. When heated, red fumes of chromyl chloride gas, having a strong Qualitative Analysis 95 pungent odour, are evolved which when passed into distilled water, it turns yellow. This is due to the formation of chromic acid. Add some caustic soda solution to it and then acetic acid followed by lead acetate soln. Yellow precipitate due to the formation of lead chromate confirms the presence of chloride ions. 4NaCl + K2Cr2O7 + 6H2SO4 = 2CrO2 Cl2 + 2KHSO4 + 4NaHSO4 + 3H2O 2CrO2Cl2 + 4H2O = 2H2CrO4 + 4HCl (Yellow) Ionically : 2CrO2Cl2 + 4H2O = 4H+ + 2CrO42 + 4H+ + 4Cl Pb2+ + CrO42 = PbCrO4 (Yellow ppt.) Note : (i) This test is not shown by the chlorides of mercuric, tin, lead and silver. In these cases, take residue obtained after evaporation of sodium carbonate extract and use it as salt for analysis. (ii) The test should be performed in a dry test tube, otherwise the red coloured chromyl chloride gas will be hydrolysed. (iii) If a white precipitate is obtained in place of yellow precipitate on the addition of lead acetate, this does not mean presence of chloride. The precipitate is due to the formation of lead hydroxide. (iv) The test is not exhibited by bromide and iodide ions. TESTS FOR BROMIDE IONS : 1. When conc. sulphuric acid is added to the given substance and heated, a colourless gas with pungent odour, named hydrogen bromide, is evolved. The whole liquid turns brown. Pass the gas into silver nitrate soln. A curdy yellowish white precipitate is observed, which is soluble in excess ammonium hydroxide with difficulty. 2. To a small amount of the given substance in a test tube add conc. sulphuric acid and manganese dioxide. When heated, brown vapours are observed due to the formation of bromine. Pass these vapours into water, it turns yellow. This confirms the presence of bromide ions. 3. Take about 2 ml of the sodium carbonate extract in a test tube. Acidify it with dilute nitric acid by adding acid drop by drop till effervescences cease. Add some silver nitrate solution to it. A pale yellow precipitate is formed which dissolves in excess ammonium hydroxide with difficulty. 4. Acidify the extract with dil. sulphuric acid and add some chlorine water, which liberates bromine. To this add chloroform or carbon tetrachloride and shake the contents. The chloroform layer turns brown. This becomes colourless on adding excess of chlorine water. 2NaBr + CI2 = 2NaCl + Br2 Bromine in chloroform gives a brown layer. This test is known as chlorine water test. Note : Excess of chlorine water should not be used. IODIDE : 1. When conc. sulphuric acid is added to the given salt first hydrogen iodide is produced. This immediately combines with conc. sulphuric acid to produce iodine which escapes as violet pungent fumes. The fumes condense as black specks on the cooler parts of the test tube. The reactions take place as given below : KI + H2SO4 = KHSO4 + HI H2SO4 + 2HI = 2H2O + SO2 + I2 Place a piece of filter paper moistened with starch solution near the mouth of the test tube. The paper turns blue. 96 ISC Practical Chemistry II 2. To the salt given in a test tube add some manganese dioxide and concentrated sulphuric acid. Dense violet coloured pungent smelling vapours of iodine are liberated. The vapours can be tested with starch paper as in Test no.1 3. Take about 2 ml of sodium carbonate extract. Acidify it drop by drop till effervescences cease. Now add silver nitrate solution. A yellow precipitate is formed which is insoluble in ammonium hydroxide. 4. Treat the given substance with dilute sulphuric acid or acidify the solution of the salt or extract with this acid. To it add chlorine water. Iodine is liberated. Now add chloroform or carbon tetrachloride to it. The layer turns violet. This confirms the presence of iodide ions. Note : Excess of chlorine water should not be used as this will convert iodine into iodic acid and in place of violet colour, the layer shall turn colourless. NITRATE : When conc. sulphuric acid is added to a salt containing nitrate, brown fumes are evolved due to the formation of nitrogen dioxide gas. 2NaNO3 + H2SO4 (conc.) = Na2SO4 + 2HNO3 4HNO3 2H2O + 4NO2 + O2 (Brown) If the fumes are passed into water, it does not turn yellow. When copper turnings are added to the test tube containing a nitrate salt and conc. sulphuric acid, the fumes turn dense brown due to the liberation of more and more nitrogen dioxide gas. Cu + 4HNO3 = Cu(NO3)2 + 2NO2 + 2H2O RING TEST : To an aqueous solution of the salt or neutral sodium carbonate extract add some freshly prepared aqueous solution of ferrous sulphate. Mix them well and add a drop or two of conc. sulphuric acid to this mixture by allowing it to flow by the sides of the test tube. A thin brown ring is formed at the junction of the two liquids due to the formation of nitroso ferrous sulphate (FeSO4NO). NaNO3 + H2SO4 = NaHSO4 + HNO3 6 FeSO4 + 2HNO3 + 3H2SO4 = 3Fe2(SO4)3 + 4H2O + 2NO FeSO4 + NO = FeSO4 NO (Brown ring) Note : Ring test does not work in presence of nitrite. Special group : It cotains only one ion named sulphate. TEST FOR SULPHATE (SO42 ) : Dissolve the given salt in dil. hydrochloric acid and add barium chloride soln. when a white precipitate is formed. The white precipitate is insoluble in all the acids. The formation of white precipitate can be understood as given below : Na2SO4 + BaCl2 = BaSO4 + 2NaCl Ionically : 2Na+ + SO42+ + 2Cl + Ba2+ = BaSO4 + 2Na+ + 2Cl The test for sulphate can also be performed with sodium carbonate extract. Test. Add dil. hydrochloric acid to the sodium carbonate extract drop by drop till the effervescence ceases. Now add barium chloride solution. A white precipitate insoluble in all the acids confirms the presence of sulphate ions in the substance. Note : If silver or lead is present in the salt, the white precipitate obtained on adding barium chloride may not be due to sulphate but due to the chlorides of silver and lead. Thus, the test for sul9phate fails in these cases. Therefore, in place of barium chloride, a soln. of barium nitrate may be used in these cases. 97 Qualitative Analysis TEST FOR COBALT IONS (Co2+) When H2S gas is passed into the solution containing NH4Cl(s) and NH4OH, a black precipitate of cobalt sulphide is formed. 2NH4OH + H2S (NH4)2 S + 2H2O CoCl2 + (NH4)2S CoS + 2NH4Cl Black ppt Filter the contents. Dissolve the precipitate in aqua regia and divide the contents into three parts. Retain the filtrate for subsiquent gp. HNO3 + 3HCl NOCl + 3H2O + 2Cl CoS + 2Cl CoCl2 + S 1. One portion of the contents with caustic soda solution. A blue precipitate in observed due to the formation of Cobalt hydroxy chloride CoCl2 + NaOH Co(OH) Cl + NaCl Blue ppt. 2. To the second portion of the contents add one ml of amyl alcohol followed by ammonium thio cyanate solution. A blue colour is observed due to the formation of ammonium cobalto thio cyanate. 4NH4 CNS + CoCl2 (NH4)2 [Co(CNS)4] + 2NH4Cl Blue Colour 3. To the third portion add potassium ferricyanide solution in presence of NH4Cl and NH4OH. A red precipitate of cobalt ferricyanide is formed. 3CoCl2 + 2K3 [Fe (CN)6] Co3 [Fe (CN)6]2 + 6KCl Red ppt. TEST FOR OXALATE ION (C2O4 2) 1. Take 5 ml of sodium carbonate extract and neutralise it with dil. hydrochloric acid. Now add 2ml of calcium chloride solution. A thick white precipitate confirms oxalate ion if this precipitate remains insoluble in acetic acid. 2. Take the white precipitate of this calcium oxalate obtained in the above test and add to it dil.H2SO4. Now add a few drops of KMnO4 and warm gently. The pink colour of KMnO4 is discharged. Cemical reactions involved in the test of oxalate ion. Na2C2O4 + CaCl2 CaC2O4 White ppt of Calcium oxalate CaC2O4 + H2SO4 CaSO4 dil + + 2NaCl H2C2O4 oxalic acid 5H2C2O4 + 3H2SO4 + 2KMnO4 K2SO4 + 2KMnSO4 + 5CO2 + 8H2O The tests for all the anions can be summarised in tabular form as shown. Add dil. HCl or dil. H2SO4 to the salt NITRITE ACETATE On warming colourless Brown gas vapours with strong evolved with- odour evolved. out heating. Salt + oxalic acid + water Rub on palm It has strong vinegar odour. pungent smell. Aqueous solution + neutral ferric chloride solution Turns moist wine Red Colour blue litmus Sodium carbonate extract neutralised with dil. HCl + neutral ferric chloride solution wine red colour red. Starch Mixture + ethyl alcohol + conc. H2SO4 heat the contents iodide paper Fruity odour. turns blue. Pour the contents in a beaker half filled with water Fruity odour becomes distinct. Preparation of neutral FeCl3 solution: Treat aqueous ferric chloride solution with NH4OH dropwise till a reddish brown ppt. forms & persists on shaking, Filter. The filtrate is neutal ferric chloride solution. Note: Acetate gives vinegar odour with conc. H2SO4 on heating. CARBONATE SULPHIDE SULPHITE Effervescence May require heat. May require heat. colourless, odour- Colourless gas Effervescence less gas.Turns moist rotten egg odour colourless gas with blue litmus red. moist blue litmus strong burning Gas passed into turns red. Lead sulphur odour. lime water it acetate paper turns Turns moist blue turns milky black. litmus red and then gets bleached. The gases (i) Passed into KMnO4 soln. colourless (ii) passed into acidified K2Cr2O7 Turns green DILUTE ACID GROUP 98 ISC Practical Chemistry II 1. Vinegar odour which becomes intense on heating. Aqueous solution + neutral Ferric chloride solution wine red colour. Neutral sodium carbonate extract + neutral ferric Chloride solution wine red colour Acetate 2. The colourless fumes passed into AgNO 3 soln. Yellowish white ppt. Soluble in excess NH4OH with difficulty. 3. Soda extract + dil. HNO3 + AgNO3 pale yellow ppt. Dissolves in excess NH4OH with difficulty. 2. Dense white fumes with glass rod moistened with NH4OH 3. Salt + MnO2 + conc. H 2S O 4 h e a t Greenish yellow coloured gas with pungent odour Turns moist blue litmus paper red and finally bleaches 1. Colourless fumes which immediately turn brown. Become dense on heating. Liquid turns brown. Brown fumes have pungent odour. Bromide 1. Colourless fumes which become light white in air. Pungent odour. Moist blue litmus red. Chloride 3. Soda extract + dil. HNO3 + AgNO3 yellow ppt. insoluble in NH4OH. 2. Fumes become dense violet when MnO2 is added and heated. (test with starch paper) 1. Colourless fumes which readily turn violet. Pungent odour. Fumes condense as black specks on the cooler parts of the test tube. Starch paper in contact with the gas turns blue. Iodide Ntrate con. on page 32 Sodium carbonate extract or aq. soln. of the substance + equal vol. of freshly prepared FeSO4 soln. This soln. + few drops of conc. H2SO4 (allowed to flow along the sides of the test tube without disturbing the contents). Thin brown ring observed at the junction of the liquids. Ring Test : 1. Pungent smelling yellowish brown fumes which turn dark brown on adding copper turnings. Substance + conc. H2SO4--- Heat. Take Observations (Physical Prop. of the gas evolved) CONC. ACID (H2SO4) GROUP Qualitative Analysis 99 6. Chromyl chloride Test Salt + K2Cr2O7 (Solid) + conc. H2SO4 heat red fumes pass into NaOH soln. add CH3COOH and (CH 3 COO) 2 Pb yellow ppt. of lead chromate. 5. Soda extract + dil. HNO3 + AgNO3 Curdy white ppt. soluble in NH4OH. 4. Gas passed into AgNO3 solution curdy white ppt. soluble in NH4OH Bromide 4. Colourless fumes become dense when MnO2 is added and heated. Fumes passed into water. yellow solution. 5. Sodium carbonate extract + dil. H 2SO 4 + chlorine water. Add CHCl 3 or CCl 4 and shake. Layer turns brown. The layer turns colourless when excess chlorine water is added Iodide Note: Barium nitrate solution can be used in place of barium chloride solution. For Conc. H2SO4 gp. radicals heating is a must for preliminary test. Nitrate 4. Soda extract + dil. H2SO4 + chlorine water violet coloured iodine liberated. Add CHCl3 or CCl4 to it layer turns violet. The layer turns colourless when excess chlorine water is added. SPECIAL GROUP(SULPHATE ACETATE) 1. Salt dissolved in dil. HCl + BaCl2 solution white ppt. insoluble in all the mineral acids. 2. Soda extract + dil. HCl + BaCl2 solution white ppt. insoluble in all the mineral acids. Acetate Oxalate 100 ISC Practical Chemistry II 101 Qualitative Analysis SOME SOLVED EXAMPLES Example No. 1 Object: Apply formal group analysis to identify two anions and two cations present in the given mixture No. A-11. Solve of Example No. 1 Preparation of Original Solution: The original solution is prepared in dilute nitric acid. S.No. Experiment 1. Treat a pinch of substance A-11 with 2 ml caustic soda solution. Heat it gently. 2. Bring a moist red litmus paper near the mouth of test tube. 3. Bring a glass rod moistened with conc. hydrochloric acid. 4. 5. 6. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Observation Inference A colourless, characteristic Zero group is suspected. pungent odour gas evolves out. The litmus paper turns blue. Evolved gas is ammonia. + Dense white fumes of NH 4 is suspected ammonium-chloride are formed. + Pass the evolved gas in The Nessler s reagent turns NH 4 is confirmed. Nessler s reagent. brown. Treat 5 ml of original solution A white precipitate is I group present. with dil hydrochloric acid. formed. Filter the contents. Dissolve the precipitate in hot water. Divide the solution into two parts: (i) To first part add potassium A golden yellow precipitate Pb2+ is confirmed. iodide solution. is formed. The amphoteric nature of (ii) To second part add caustic A white precipitate forms Pb2+ is confirmed. soda solution drop by drop which is soluble in excess caustic soda solution. and then in excess. Identification of Anions 2 Treat a little amount of A-11 Brisk effervescence. CO3 is confirmed. with dilute hydrochloric, Colourless odourless gas acid. evolves out. 2 Pass the evolved gas in lime The lime water turns turbid CO3 is confirmed. water solution. (milky). Treat another pinch of Light brown fumes evolve NO3 is suspected. substance A-11 with conc. which have pungent odour. sulphuric acid. Heat the contents. To the contents of above The brown fumes become NO3 is confirmed. test tube add copper turning. more dense. Take 5 ml of sodium A brown ring forms at the NO3 is confirmed. carbonate extract neutralise junction of two liquids. it with dil. HCl and add to it freshly prepared equal volume of ferrous sulphate solution. Now add concentrated sulphuric acid from the side of test tube. Result: The given mixture A-11 contains: + Cations: Ammonium (NH 4 ) 102 ISC Practical Chemistry II Lead Anions: Carbonate Nitrate (Pb2+) 2 (CO3 ) (NO3 ) Example No. 2 Object: Analyse qualitatively the substance A-12 containing two cations and two anions. In testing for the cations you must give a formal group analysis. You must also state how you prepared the solutions for different tests. Use of qualitative analysis books or tables is not permitted. Solve of Example No. 2 Preparation of original solution: The solution is prepared in dilute hydrochloric acid. S.No. Experiment 1. 5 ml of original solution is treated with few ml of dilute hydrochloric acid. 2. Pass H2S gas into a part of the above contents 3. Reject this part of the contents. Take remaining portion of original solution. Boil with conc. HNO3, cool and add a pinch of ammonium chloride followed by ammonium hydroxide till the solution turns alkaline. 4. Pass H2S gas to this alkaline solution. 5. Filter the contents. Retain the filtrate for subsequent groups. 6. Dissolve the precipitate in minimum amount of dil. HCI or nitric acid. Boil off H2S from this solution. Divide the solution into two parts: (i) To first part add ammonium hydroxide drop by drop and then in excess. (ii) To the second part add potassium ferrocyanide solution. 7. Take the filtrate of fourth group. Heat to boil off H2S gas, cool and add a pinch of ammonium chloride and ammonium hydroxide followed by ammonium carbonate solution. Observation Inference No precipitate is formed I group absent. (Since O.S. is prepared in dil HCl). No precipitate is formed II group absent. No precipitate is formed. III group absent. after heating with conc. HNO3 A dirty white precipitate is IV group present. formed. 2+ A white precipitate forms Zn confirmed. which is soluble in excess ammonium hydroxide. 2+ A bluish white precipitate is Zn confirmed. formed which is insoluble in acetic acid. No precipitate is formed. V group absent. 103 Qualitative Analysis 8. 1. 2. 3. 4. Boil the contents of above test tube to reduce bulk and then add ammonium chloride and ammonium hydroxide. Now add 5 ml of saturated solution of disodium hydrogen phosphate. Scratch the inner side of testtube with a glass rod. Identification of anions Treat a pinch of substance A-12 with dilute hydrochloric acid. Pass the evolved gas in lime water solution. 5 ml of sodium carbonate extract neutralised with dilute hydrochloric acid is treated with 2 ml of barium chloride solution. To the contents of the above test tube add 5 ml of dil hydrochloric acid. A white crystalline precipitate This indicates presence of VI is formed. group and Mg2+. 2 Brisk effervescences with CO3 suspected. evolution of gas. 2 The lime water solution turns CO3 confirmed milky. 2 A thick white precipitate is SO4 suspected. formed. 2 The white precipitate is SO4 confirmed insoluble. Result: = Substance A-12 contains: Cations: Zinc (Zn2+) Magnesium (Mg2+) Carbonate (CO 3 ) Anions: 2 2 Sulphate (SO 4 ) Example No. 3 Object: You are provided with substance A - 13 which contains two anions and two cations. Analyse qualitatively this substance. In case of anions write complete tests of only those you have identified. For cations you must give correctly a formal group analysis. The tests for cations must be conducted using a properly prepared solution of the substance. Solve of Example No. 3 Preparation of original Soln: The O.S. is prepared by dissolving the residue of S.C.E in dil. hydro chloric acid. Tests for Anions S.No. Experiment Observation Inference 2 1. Take 5 ml of sodium carbonate A curdy white ppt is formed. SO4 supected. extract of substance A-13 and neutralise it with dil HC1. 2 SO4 confirmed. Add to it 2 ml of barium chloride solution. Add to it dil hydrochloric The white precipitate is . acid. insoluble in the mineral acid 104 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. ISC Practical Chemistry II Take a pinch of substance Dark brown fumes appear A-13 in a clean test tube which have a pungent odour. and add to it 2 ml of conc. sulphuric acid. Heat the contents Add to it copper turnings. No change in the colour of B r o m i d e i o n ( B r ) i s the gas. suspected. Sodium carbonate extract A pale yellow precipitate is neutralised with dil. nitric formed. acid is treated with silver nitrate solution. Add ammonium hydroxide to The pale yellow precipitate Bormide (Br ) is confirmed. dissolves with difficulty. this test tube. Identification of Cations Preparation of original solution: The original solution is prepared in water. Aqueous solution is treated No precipitate is formed. I group is absent. with dil hydrochloric acid. Part of aqueous solution is No precipitate is formed. II group is absent. treated with H2S gas. Take a fresh portion of A dirty green precipitate is Ferrous ion is present. aqueous solution and add formed. to it few drops of dilute hydrochloric acid to check hydrolysis. Now add a pinch of ammonium chloride followed by ammonium hydroxide till the solution is alkaline. Identification of ferrous ion (i) To the aqueous solution A dirty green precipitate is Ferrous ion Fe2+is confirmed. of the substance A-13 add formed. caustic soda solution. (ii) To the solution of A deep blue (turnbull blue) Ferrous ion is confirmed. substance A-13 in dilute colour is formed hydrochloric acid add potassium ferri cyanide solution. K3 [ Fe (CN)6]. Treat another fresh portion A reddish brown precipitate III group is indicated as of aqueous solution of A-13 is formed. ferrous ion is oxidised to with 2 ml conc. nitric acid. ferric ion. Boil the contents, cool and add a pinch of ammonium chloride followed by excess ammonium hydroxide. Filter the contents. Reject the No precipitate is formed. IV group is absent. precipitate. Pass hydrogen sulphide gas through this filtrate. 105 Qualitative Analysis 6. 7. Boil off hydrogen sulphide gas No precipitate is formed. and add to the cool solution a pinch of ammonium chloride, excess-ammonium hydroxide and excess ammonium carbonate solution. Boil the contents to reduce A crystalline white precipitate the bulk, add a pinch of is formed. ammonium chloride, excess ammonium hydroxide and a saturated solution of disodium hydrogen phosphate. Scratch the inner side of test tube with a glass rod. V group, is absent. VI group is present and formed. Magnesium ion is confirmed. Result: The substance A-13 contains Anions: Bromide (Br ) 2 Sulphate (SO 4 ) Cations: Ferrous (Fe2+) Magnesium (Mg2+) Example No. 4 Object: Analyse qualitatively the substance A-14 for two cations and a common anion. Identify these ions. In testing for anion describe the colour, odour etc. of the gas evolved and give the confirmatory test. In testing for cations, you must describe: (i) how the original solution for formal group analysis was prepared. (ii) the formal group analysis with pertinent group reagents; and (iii) the confirmatory test for each cation. Solve of Example No. 4 Identification of anions 1. 2. Treat a pinch of salt with conc sulphuric acid, heat the contents. Add copper turnings to the above test tube. Light brown fumes are evolved Nitrate ion is suspected. with pungent odour. the brown fumes become more Nitrate ion is confirmed. dense. Identification of cations Preparation of original solution: The original solution is prepared by dissolving the mixture in water. S.No. Experiment Observation Inference 1. Treat the aqueous solution No precipitate is formed. I group is absent. with dilute hydrochloric acid. 2. Pass hydrogen sulphide gas A black precipitate is formed. II group is present. through the above solution. 3. Filter the contents. Dissolve the residue in minimum amount of dil hydrochloric acid. Divide the solution into two parts. 106 4. 5. 6. 7. ISC Practical Chemistry II (i) To first part add excess ammonium hydroxide. (ii) To second part add potassium ferrocyanide solution. Boil off H2S from the filtrate of II group. Now heat with conc. HNO3 and add to it a pinch of ammonium chloride and excess of ammonium hydroxide. Pass hydrogen sulphide gas to the above contents. Boil off H2S gas and add a pinch of ammonium chloride, excess ammonium hydroxide and excess ammonium carbonate solution. Filter the contents. Dissolve the precipitate in hot dilute acetic acid. To a part of this solution potassium chromate soln. is added. A deep blue solution is Cu2+ is confirmed formed. A chocolate brown precipitate Copper ion is confirmed. is formed. No precipitate is formed. III group is absent. No precipitate is formed. IV group is absent. A white precipitate is formed. V group is present. A yellow precipitate is Ba2+ confirmed. formed. Result: The substance A-14 contains. Anions: Nitrate (NO 3 ) cations: Copper (Cu2+) Barium (Ba2+) Example No. 5 Object: Analyse qualitatively the given substance A-15 for two anions and two cations. Identify these ions. For testing anions you must describe, how sodium-carbonate solution was prepared, how the gases were identified and the confirmatory test for each anion is performed. For testing cations mention the preparation of original solution, dissolution of individual group precipitates in respective solvents and the confirmatory test for each cation. Solve of Exercise No. 5 Identification of Anions: Preparation of sodium carbonate extract: Mix the given substance with solid sodium carbonate in the ratio 1:3 approximately and add about 15 ml distilled water to it. Boil for some time and filter. The filtrate is sodium carbonate extract. S.No. Experiment Observation Inference 2 1. Take a pinch of substance Brisk effervescence with CO3 ion suspected. A-15 and add to it 2 ml of dil evolution of colourless hydrochloric acid. odourless gas which turns moist blue litmus red. 107 Qualitative Analysis 2. 2 CO3 confirmed. Pass the evolved gas in lime A milky turbidity is formed. water solution. 3. Ta k e a n o t h e r p i n c h o f A colourless pungent odour Chloride ion suspected. substance A-15 in a clean gas evolves which turns test tube and add to it 2 ml moist blue litmus red. of conc. sulphuric acid. Heat the contents. 4. Bring a glass rod moistened Dense white fumes are Cl suspected with Ammonium hydroxide formed. near the mouth of test tube. 5. Take 5 ml of sodium carbonate A curdy white precipitate is extract and neutralise it with formed. dil HNO3. Now add 2 ml of silver nitrate solution. 6. To the contents of above The curdy white precipitate Cl confirmed. test tube add ammonium readily dissolves in NH4OH. hydroxide solution. Identification of cations Preparation of original solution: The original solution is prepared in dil nitric acid. S.No. Experiment Observation Inference 1. Part of original solution is No precipitate is formed. I group absent. treated with dil hydrochloric acid. 2. Pass hydrogen sulphide gas No precipitate is formed. II group absent. to this solution. 3. Take another portion of A gelatinous white precipitate III group present. original solution add conc. is formed. HNO3; boil and add to it a pinch of ammonium chloride followed by ammonium hydroxide solution in excess. 4. Filter the contents. Retain the filtrate for subsequent groups. Dissolve the residue in minimum amount of dil. HCl Divide it into two parts: (i) To first part of solution A white gelatinous precipi- Al3+ confirmed. add one gram of solid NH4Cl tate forms. and excess NH4OH. (ii) To the second part add A floating blue lake forms Al3+ confirmed. few drops of blue litmus solu- in the clear solution. tion, and add to it ammonium hydroxide solution dropwise till alkaline. Shake gently. 5. Pass H2S through the filtrate No precipitate is formed. IV group absent. of III group. 6. Boil off H2S gas and to the A white precipitate is V group present. cool solution add 1 gm am- formed. monium chloride excess ammonium hydroxide followed by ammonium carbonate solution. 108 7. ISC Practical Chemistry II Filter the contents. Dissolve the precipitate in hot acetic acid. (i) To one portion of this solu- No precipitate is formed Barium ion is absent. tion add K2CrO4 (Potassium chromate) solution. (ii) To the second portion of A white precipitate is formed. Sr2+ (strontium) confirmed. the solution add ammonium sulphate. Result : The given substance A- 15 contains 2 Anions : Carbonate (CO3 ) Chloride (Cl ) Cations : Aluminium (Al3+) Strontium (Sr2+) Example No 6 ions. Analyse qualitatively the given substance A-16 for two anions and two cations. Identify these In testing for anions describe the colour, odour etc. of the gas evolved and give confirmatory tests for them. In testing for cations you must describe (i) How the original soln. for formal group analysis was prepared. (ii) The formal group analysis with pertinent group reagents. (iii) The confirmatory test for each cation. Solve of Example No. 6 Preparation of sodium carbonate extract. To a pinch of given mixture A-16 add sodium carbonate in the ratio 1:3. Add 10ml distilled water. Boil and cool. Filter the contents. The filtrate is used for anion identification. Identification of Anions S.No. Experiment 1. Take a pinch of substance A-16 in a clean test tube. Add to it 2 ml of conc. sulphuric acid and heat. 2. To the contents add copper turnings 3. Treat about 3 ml of sodium carbonate extract with dil. sulphuric acid to neutralise it completely. Add to it equal volume of freshly prepared ferrous sulphate soln. followed by conc. H2SO4 from the sides of the test tube. Observation Inference Light brown fumes evolved NO3 suspected with pungent odour. The brown fumes become NO3 is confirmed denser. Brown ring forms at the NO 3 is confirmed junction of two liquids. 109 Qualitative Analysis 4. 2 SO4 Take 2 ml of sodium carbonate A white precipitate is formed. is suspected. extract. Neutralise it with dil. HCl and add about 2 ml of BaCl2 soln. 2 To the above contents add It is insoluble SO4 is confirmed. about 5ml of dil HCl. Identification of Cations S.No. Experiment 1. Take a pinch of A-16 in a clean test tube and treat it with 2 ml of NaOH soln. Heat it gently. 2. Pass the evolved gas into Nessler's reagent. Preparation of O.S. Dissolve the residue of sodium carbonate extract in dil. HCl. This is original soln. Proceed as follows. 1. O.S. + dil. HCl 2. Pass H 2S into the above contents 3. Take fresh portion of O.S. Add to it 1ml conc. HNO3. Heat and cool the soln. Now add a pinch of NH4Cl followed by excess NH4OH 4. Pass H2S gas to the above soln. 5. Boil off H2S gas and add NH4Cl + excess NH4OH + (NH4)2 CO3 soln. (Excess) (a) (b) (c) Observation A colour less gas with a strong pungent characteristic odour evolved Inference It turns brown + NH 4 is confirmed. No ppt No ppt Group I is absent. Group II is absent. No ppt Group III is absent. No ppt Group IV is absent. White ppt Group V is present Filter the contents. Dissolve the residue in minimum amount of hot and dil. acetic acid. Divide it into three parts To the first add K2CrO4 soln. No ppt. To the second part add (NH4)2 No ppt. SO4 soln. To the third part add White ppt. ammonium oxalate soln. Result. The substance A-16 contains the following ions. Anions Nitrate (NO3 ) Sulphate (SO42-) Cations Ammonium (NH4+) Calcium (Ca2+) Ba2+ absent Sr2+ is absent Ca2+ is confirmed. 110 ISC Practical Chemistry II Example No 7 You are provided with a mixture A-17 containing two cations and two anions. Apply formal group analysis to identify all four ions. Describe confirmatory tests for all ions. Preparation of sodium carbonate extract is a must for anions and of original soln. for cations. Dry tests are not accepted as confirmatory tests. Solve of Example No. 7 Preparation of Sodium Carbonate extract. To a pinch of A-17 add Na2 CO3 in the ratio 1:3. Add 10 ml of distilled water. Boil and cool. Filter the contents. Filtrate is used for anion identification. Identification of Anions S.No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Experiment To a pinch of A-17 add dil. HCl. Pass the gas into lime water Add conc. H2SO4 to a pinch of A-17. Heat gently. To the aq. soln. of A-17 add neutral FeCl3 soln. Sod. Carbonate extract is neutralised. To this add C2H5OH and conc. H2SO4 . Heat. Pour the contents in a beaker containing water. Observation Inference 2 Colourlees, odourless gas evolved with effervescence It turns milky. Vinegar odour is evolved. Intensifies on heating. Wine-red colour CO3 suspected Fruity odour is felt. CH3COO confirmed. CO32 confirmed acetate ion suspected CH3COO confirmed Preparation of O.S. The residue of Sod. carbonate extract is dissolved in dil. HCl. This is O.S. for cations Identification of Cations S.No. Experiment 1. Add dil HCl to little of O.S. 2. Pass H2S gas into the above soln. 3. Boil off H2S. Cool. Add 1 ml of conc. HNO3. Boil and cool. Add a pinch of NH4Cl + excess NH4OH 4. Pass H2S through the content of this test tube. 5. Boil off H2S gas. Then add little NH 4Cl + excess of NH4OH and excess of (NH4)2 CO3 soln. Filter the contents. Collect filtrate. Dissolve the residue in minimum amount of hot and dil CH3COOH. Divide the soln. in two parts Observation No change Inference Group I absent Group II absent No change Group III absent No change Group IV absent White ppt. obtained Group V 111 Qualitative Analysis 6. (a) To one part add K2CrO4 No change soln. (b) To the other part add White ppt. (NH4)2SO4 soln. Boil the filtrate of 5th gp. to Fine crystalline white ppt. reduce the volume. Cool and obtained add NH4OH excess and few drops of di-sodium hydrogen phosphate soln. Scratch walls of the test tube with a glass rod Result. The given mixture A-17 contains the following ions: Anions. Carbonate (CO32 ) Acetate (CH3COO ) Cations Strontium Sr2+ Magnesium Mg2+ Ba2+ absent Sr2+ is confirmed Group VI is present. Mg2+ confirmed. Example No 8 You are provided with a mixture A-18 containing two cations and two anions. Apply formal group analysis to identify all four ions. It is necessary to prepare Sodium carbonate extract for the detection of anions and original soln. for cations. In testing for anions describe the colour, odour of the gas/gases evolved. Dry tests are not accepted as confirmatory tests. Solve of Example No. 8 Preparation of Sodium Carbonate extract. Mix a little of the mixture with sodium carbonate in the ratio 1:3 in a clean dry test tube. Add about 10 ml of distilled water. Boil it for about five minutes. Cool and filter the contents. Filtrate is sodium carbonate extract. Use it for anions. Retain residue for cations. Identification of Anions S.No. 1. 2. 3. 4. Experiment Add conc. H2SO4 to a pinch of A-18. Heat gently Bring a moist blue litmus paper near the mouth of the test tube. Neutralise Na2CO3 extract with dil HNO3 and add a few drops of AgNO3 soln. Add NH4OH to it. Neutralise the OS with dil HCl and add BaCl2 soln. Add some dil. HCl to it Observation Inference Brisk effervescences. A pungent odour gas evolves The paper turns red Cl suspected A curdy white ppt. The ppt dissolves readily. White ppt. Cl confirmed SO42 confirmed The ppt. does not dissolve Identification of Cations Preparation of original soln. Dissolve residue of Na2CO3 extract in dil HCl. This is O.S. for cations. 112 ISC Practical Chemistry II S.No. Experiment 1. To a part of O.S. add dil HCl. 2. Pass H2S gas into the above contents 3. To a fresh portion of O.S. add 1 ml conc. HNO3. Boil and cool. Add pinch of NH4Cl + excess NH4OH. 4. The above contents filtered. Filtrate is retained for the next group. The precipitate is dissolved in dil HCl. 5. To the soln. add NaOH. Add NaOH drop by drop to have its excess. 6. Divide the above soln. in two parts. (a) Boil one part (b) To the other part add Bromine water and boil. Add CH3COOH and (CH3COO)2 Pb 7. Pass H2S gas into the filtrate of group III Filter the soln. Reject the filtrate. Dissolve the residue in aqua regia. Boil and divide in two parts (a) To one part add NaOH soln. (b) To the other part add excess NH4OH followed by dimethyl glyoxime soln. Observation No change No change Inference Group I is absent Group II is absent Gelatinous green ppt. Group III is present Gelatinous green ppt. The Chromium ions suspected ppt. dissolves Green ppt. Yellow ppt Chromium ions confirmed Chromium ions confirmed Black ppt Group IV is present Green coloured ppt. Nickel ions confirmed Scarlet red ppt. Nickel ions confirmed Result. The given mixture A-18 obtains the following ions. Cations Chromium (Cr3+) Nickel (Ni2+) Anions Chloride (Cl ) Sulphate (SO42 ) Example No 9. Analyse the given mixture A-19 for two cations and two anions and give a formal group analysis. (a) In testing for anions, you must describe how (i) the soln/sodium carbonate extract was formed. (ii) how the gases were identified, and (iii) confirmatory test for each anion. (b) In testing for cations, you must describe (i) how the original soln. was prepared (ii) the confirmatory test for each cation. Dry tests are not accepted as confirmatory tests. 113 Qualitative Analysis Solve of Example No. 9 Preparation of Na2CO3 extract. To a pinch of A-19 add Na2CO3 in the ratio 1:3. Add 10 ml water. Boil and cool. Filter the contents. The filtrate is sodium carbonate extract. Identification of Anions S.No. Experiment Observation Inference 1. To a pinch of A-19 add conc. Light brown fumes. The NO3 suspected H2SO4. Heat. brown fumes become denser. 2. 3. Add copper turnings. To aq. soln. of A-19 add an equal volume of a saturated soln. of FeSO4 crystals. Add conc. H2SO4 from the side of the test tube. Neutralise Na2CO3 extract with dil HNO3. Add BaCl2 soln. Add sufficient dil HCl to it. A brown ring is formed at the NO3 confirmed junction of two liquids. White ppt. formed. SO42 suspected The ppt. does not dissolve SO42 confirmed Preparation of O.S. The residue of Sodium Carbonate extract is dissolved in dil HCl. The soln. obtained is O.S. It will be used for cation identification. Identification of Cations S.No. 1. 2. 3. 4. Experiment Add few drops of dil HCl to a part of O.S. Pass H2S gas into the above soln. To a fresh portion of O.S. add 1 ml conc. HNO3. Boil and cool. Add a pinch of NH4Cl + excess NH4OH Pass H2S gas into the above soln. Filter. Dissolve the ppt in aqua regia and boil. Divide it in two parts. (a) To one part add NaOH soln. (b) To the other part add N H 4O H a n d d i m e t h y l glyoxime soln. To the filtrate add a pinch of NH4Cl + excess NH4OH + excess (NH4)2 CO3 soln. Filter the contents. Boil filtrate to reduce bulk. Observation Inference No change Group I is absent. No change Group II is absent. No change Group III is absent. Black ppt Group IV is present. Green ppt Ni2+ confirmed Scarlet red ppt Ni2+ confirmed No change Group V is absent. 114 ISC Practical Chemistry II Now add excess NH4OH and A fine crystalline white ppt. Group VI is present. then di-sodium hydrogen Mg 2+ confirmed. phosphate soln. Scratch inner walls of the test tube with a glass rod. Result. The substance A-19 contains Anions Nitrate NO3 Sulphate SO42 Cations Nickel Ni2+ Magnesium Mg2+ Example No 10 You are provided with a mixture A-20 containing two cations and two anions. Apply formal group analysis to identify these ions. (a) While testing for anions you must mention (i) How the soln/Sodium carbonate extract was prepared. (ii) How the gases were identified. (iii) The confirmatory test for each anion. (b) While testing for cations you must mention (i) How the original soln. for group analysis was formed. (ii) The formal group analysis with pertinent group reagent. (iii) The confirmatory test for each cation. Solve of Example No. 10 Preparation of Na2CO3 extract. To a pinch of mixture A-20 add Na2CO3 in the ratio 1:3. Add 10 ml of distilled water. Boil for five minutes and cool. Filter the contents. Filtrate is sodium carbonate extract. Residue is used for cations. Identification of Anions S.No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Experiment Observation Add dil HCl to a pinch of Brisk effervescences seen mixture A-20. with evolution of a colourless and odourless gas Pass the evolved gas into It turns turbid (milky) lime water. Add conc. H 2SO 4 to the A colourless gas with pungent mixture A-20 and heat it odour gently. Bring a moist blue litmus It turns red. paper near the mouth of the test tube. Neutralise Na2CO3 extract White ppt. with dil HNO3. Add to it a few drops of AgNO3 soln. Add NH4OH to the above The ppt. dissolves readily. contents. Inference 2 CO3 suspected CO32 confirmed The gas is HCl Cl- suspected Cl confirmed Qualitative Analysis 115 Preparation of O.S. Residue of Sodium Carbonate extract is dissolved in dil HCl. Warm it to prepare O.S. It is used for identification of cations. Identification of Cations S.No. Experiment Observation Inference 1. To a part of O.S. add dil HCl. No change Group I is absent 2. Pass H2S gas into the above Black ppt. Group II is present contents 3. Filter the contents. Retain the filtrate for subsequent groups. Dissolve the residue in minimum amount of 33% HNO3. Divide the soln. into two parts. 4. To first part add NH4OH soln. Deep blue ppt Cu2+ suspected 5. To the second part add Chocolate brown ppt. Cu2+ confirmed K4[Fe(CN)6] soln. 6. Boil off H2S from the filtrate. No change Group III is absent Add a pinch of NH4Cl + excess NH4OH 7. Pass H2S into the above soln. No change Group IV is absent 8. Boil off H2S. Add excess NH4OH and divide the soln. in two parts 9. To one part add (NH4)2CO3 No change Group V is absent soln. 10. To the other part add di- Fine crystalline white ppt. Mg2+ confirmed sodium hydrogen phosphate Group VI is present soln. Scratch the sides of the test tube with a glass rod. Result. The given mixture contains the following ions: Cations Copper (Cu2+) Magnesium (Mg2+) Anions Carbonate (CO32 ) Chlorider (Cl ) Example No. 11 You are provided with a mixture A-21 containing two anions and two cations. Identify all four ions. It is necessary to prepare Sodium Carbonate extract for the identification of anions and original soln. for cations. Dry tests are not considered as confirmatory tests. Solve of Example No. 11 Preparation of sodium carbonate extract. To a pinch of A-21 add Na2CO3 in the ratio 1:3. Add 10 ml water, boil and cool. Filter the contents. Filtrate is used for anion identification 116 ISC Practical Chemistry II Identification of Anions S.No. Experiment 1. Add dil. HCl to a pinch of substance A-21 in a clean test tube 2. Pass the evolved gas through starch iodide soln. 3. Neutralise Sodium Carbonate extract of A-21 with dil HNO3. Add BaCl2 soln. to it. Add dil HCl to the above Observation Inference Light brown gas is evolved Nitrite ions suspected with mild effervescence. The soln. turns blue black Nitrite ions confirmed White ppt. SO42 suspected The ppt. is insoluble SO42 confirmed Preparation of original soln. Residue of sodium carbonate extract is dissolved in dil HCl. The soln. obtained is original soln. It is used for the identification of cations. Detection of Cations S.No. Experiment Observation Inference 1. Add few drops of dil HCl to No change Group I is absent one portion of O.S. 2. Pass H2S gas into the above No change Group II is absent soln. 3. To a fresh portion of O.S. add Reddish brown ppt Group III is present Fe3+ 1 ml conc. HNO3. Boil, cool suspected and add pinch of NH4Cl and excess NH4OH. 4. Filter the contents.Retain the filtrate. Dissolve residue in dil HCl and divide it in two parts. To the first part add pot. A deep blue coloured soln. Fe3+ confirmed ferrocyanide soln. To the second part add KCNS Intense blood red colour Fe3+ confirmed soln. 5. To the filtrate of group III Black ppt. Group IV is present add excess NH4OH and pass H2S gas. 6. Filter the contents. Dissolve the residue in aqua regia. Divide it in two parts (a) To one part add NaOH Green ppt. Ni2+ suspected soln. (b) To the other part add A scarlet red ppt. Ni2+ confirmed NH4OH and dimethyl glyoxime soln. Result. The given substance A-21 contains the following ions: Cations Ferric (Fe3+) Nickel (Ni2+) Anions Nitrite (NO2 ) Sulphate (SO42 ) 117 Qualitative Analysis Example No. 12 Analyse the given substance A 22 for two cations and two anions. Identify all four ions. It is necessary to prepare Sodium Carbonate extract for anions and original soln. for cations. In case of anions describe the colour and odour of the gas/gases evolved. Give confirmatary tests for all ions. Solve of Example No. 12 Identification of Anions Preparation of Sodium Carbonate extract : To one part of A 22 add three parts of solid sodium carbonate. To this add 15 ml of distilled water and boil. Cool and filter. The filtrate is the required extract. Retain the residue for O.S. preparation. S.No. Experiment Observation Inference 1. To a portion of A 22 in a clean test tube add dil HCl. 2. Bring a moist blue litmus paper 3. Pass the evolved gas into lime water 4. To a portion of A-22 add conc. H2SO4 and heat 5. Bring a moist blue litmus paper near the gas 6. Bring a glass rod moistened with NH4OH near the gas 7. Neutralise nearly 5ml of sodium carbonate extract with dil. HNO3 and add 1 ml of AgNO3 soln. 8. Add NH4OH to the contents of the above test tube Brisk effervescence with colour less and odour less gas It turns red It turns milky CO32 suspected CO32 confirmed. Colourless gas evolved with pungent odour It turns red Cl suspected Dense white fumes are formed Cl suspected Curdy white ppt is formed The precipitate dissolves Cl confirmed Identification of Cations Preparation of original soln. : Dissolve the residue of Sodium Carbonate extract in dil. HCl. S.No. Experiment Observation 1. Since the O.S. is prepared in dil HCl group I is absent. 2. To a portion of O.S. pass H2S. No Change Reject the contents of the test tube. Take fresh portion of O.S. Geletinous green ppt. To this add conc. HNO3. Boil & cool. Add solid NH4Cl followed by excess NH4OH. Filter the contents. Retain filtrate for next group. Dissolve the residue in minimum Gelatinous green ppt. quantity of dil HCl and add NaOH soln. Add NaOH soln. in excess. The above ppt. dissolves Divide this soln. in two parts. Formation of a green ppt. Inference Group I is absent Group II is absent. Cr3+ suspected. 118 ISC Practical Chemistry II (i) Boil the first part in a test tube. (ii) To the second portion add Yellow ppt. formed Bromine water and boil. To this add small amount of acetic acid and lead acetate. Take the filtrate retained for next group. To a portion of it add a pinch of No change solid NH4Cl followed by excess NH4OH. Pass H2S gas. Reject the above contents of the White ppt. test tube. Take the remaining filtrate in a test tube and boil it to reduce its volume. Cool it and add solid NH4Cl followed by excess NH4OH. Add to it excess ammonium carbonate soln. Filter the contents. Reject the filtrate and take residue for this group. Dissolve it in minimum quality of hot dil. acetic acid. To a portion of it add Potassium Yellow ppt. Chromate soln. Result : The given substance A-22 contains Anions CO32 Cl Cations Cr3+ Ba2+ Cr3+ confirmed Group IV absent Gp V suspected Ba2+ confirmed. Example No. 13 Analyse the given substrate A-24 for two cations and two anions. Identify all four ions. Prepare sodium carbonate extract for anions. Describe the colour & odour of gas/gases evolved. For cations describe the preparation of original soln. and give formal group analysis. Give confirmatory test for each ions you have identified. Solve of Example No. 13 Identification of Anions Preparation of sodium carbonate extract : To a pinch of A-24 add solid Na2CO3 in the ratio 1 : 3. Add 15 ml of distilled water. Boil, cool and filter. The filtrate is sodium carbonate extract. S.No. Experiment Observation Inference 1. To the given substance A-24, added some dil HCl 2. Bring a moist blue litmus paper near the mouth of the test tube. 3. Bring a starch iodide paper near the mouth of the test tube 4. To a pinch of A-24 add conc. H2SO4 and heat. A light brown coloured gas evolved with pungent smell It turns red. NO 2 suspected It turns blue. NO 2 is confirmed. Drak brown coloured gas with Br suspected strong pungent odour 119 Qualitative Analysis Br 5. Neutralise a portion of sodium A pale yellow ppt formed. suspected carbonate extract with dil. HNO3 and add AgNO3 soln. 6. Add NH4OH to the above test The pale yellow ppt dissolves Br confirmed tube. with difficulty Identification of Cations Preparation of original soln. : Dissolve the residue of sodium carbonate extract in dil HCl. S.No. Experiment Observation Inference 1. Since original solution is prepared in dil., HCl therefore group I is absent. 2. Pass H2S gas in part of original No precipitate is Group II is absent. solution. formed 3. To another portion of OS add A gelatinous white ppt. Gp. III present conc. HNO3. Boil and cool. To this add solid NH4Cl followed by excess NH4OH Filter the contents. Retain filtrate Al3+ suspected for the next group. Dissolve the residue in minimum quantity of dil HCl. Divide it in two parts. (i) To one part add NaOH soln. drop White ppt appears which by drop till in excess. dissolves in excess NaOH solution To the above soln. add NH4Cl White ppt Al3+ confirmed and heat (ii) To the second part of soln. add A floating blue ppt. in the soln. Al3+ confirmed drops of blue litmus soln. followed by NH4OH drop by drop till alkaline. Shake gently. To a portion of filtrate which was White ppt. Gp IV present retained for next group analysis add little NH4Cl followed by excess NH4OH and pass H2S gas Filter the contents. Reject the filtrate. Dissolve the ppt. in hot dil HCl. Boil it for some time. Divide the soln. in two parts. To White ppt. appears which Zn2+ confirmed one part add NaOH soln. drop by dissolves in excess NaOH drop till in excess pass H2S gas into it. To the second part add potassium Bluish white ppt. Zn2+ confirmed ferrocyanide soln. Result : The given substance A-24 contains Anions NO 2 Br Cations Al3+ Zn2+ 120 ISC Practical Chemistry II Example No. 14 Analyse qualitatively the given substance A-25 for two anions and two cations. Identify all the four ions. In testing for anions describe the colour and odour of the gas or gases evolved, state all changes you observe. Give the confirmatory tests. In testing for cations, describe (i) How the original solution is prepared. (ii) The formal group analysis with pertinent group reagents. (iii) Prepare sodium carbonate extract for anion identification. (iv) The confirmatory tests for cations. Solve of Example No. 14 Identification of anions Preparation of sodium carbonate extract: Treat a portion of A-25 with solid sodium carbonate in 1:3 approximately in a test tube. Add to it nearly 15 ml water and boil for some time. Cool the contents and filter. The filtrate is sodium carbonate extract. Retain the residue for cation identification. S.No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Experiment To a pinch of the substance A-25 add dil hydrochloric acid. Bring a moist blue litmus paper in contact with the evolved gas A piece of filter paper moistened with lead acetate solution is brought in contact with the evolved gas. To a portion of A-25 add 2 ml of conc. H2SO4. Heat the contents. Take nearly 5 ml of sodium carbonate extract, neutralise it with dil HCl and treat it with 2 ml of calcium chloride solution. Now did dil H2SO4. Observation Inference A colourless, characteristic Sulphide ion (S2 ) is rotten eggs smelling gas suspected. evolves. The blue litmus paper turns Gas is acidic in nature. red. A shining black precipitate S2 confirmed. is formed. A colourless gas evolves Oxalate ion (C 2 O 42 ) is which burns with blue flame suspected. A white ppt is obtained. C2O42 is indicated. The white ppt remains C2O42 is confirmed. insoluble Identification of Cations Preparation of Original Solution The O.S. is prepared by dissolving the residue of sodium carbonate extract in dil hydrochloric acid. S.No. Experiment Observation Inference 1. To a little amount of A-25, add A colourless gas with Zero group is suspected 5 ml of caustic soda solution characteristic pungent odour and heat the contents. evolves out. Qualitative Analysis 121 2. A moist red litmus paper is The red litmus paper turns The gas in alkaline. It is brought in contact with the blue. ammonia (NH3). evolved gas. 3. Pass the evolved gas in It turns brown. NH+4 is confirmed. Nessler's reagent. Note: Since the original solution is prepared in dil HCl, group One is absent. 4. To a portion of original No change is observed. Group II is absent. solution pass H2S gas 5. To another portion of O.S. No change is observed. Group III is absent. add 1 ml of conc. HNO3 and boil. Cool the contents and add solid NH4Cl and excess ammonium hydroxide. 6. To another portion of O.S. add No change is observed. Group IV is absent. NH4Cl and excess NH4OH. Pass H2S gas into it. 7. To another portion of O.S. add No precipitate is observed. Group V is absent. NH4Cl + NH4OH in excess followed by ammonium carbonate solution. 8. To the above contents add di A fine crystalline white ppt. Mg2+ confirmed group VI sodium hydrogen phosphate is observed. present solution. Scratch the inner walls of test tube with glass rod. anions S2 and C2O42 The given substance A-25 contains cations NH4+ and Mg2+ Example No. 15 You are provided with a mixture A-30 containing two anions and two cations. Apply formal group analysis to identify these ions. (a) Write testing for anions you must mention: (i) How sodium carbonate extract was prepared. (ii) How the gases were identified. (iii) The confirmatory test for each anion (b) While testing for cations you must mention: (i) How the original solution for group analysis was formed. (ii) The formal group analysis with pertinent group reagents. (iii) The confirmatory test for each cation. Solve of Example No. 15 Preparation of sodium carbonate extract: To a pinch of given mixture A-30 add sodium carbonate in the ratio 1:3 respectively. Add nearly 15 ml of distilled water. Boil it for about five minutes. Cool and filter the contents. Filtrate is sodium carbonate extract and residue is used to prepare original solution for cations. 122 ISC Practical Chemistry II Indentification of anions S.No. Experiment 1. To a pinch of given mixture A-30 in a clean test tube add 5ml of dil HCl. 2. Bring a moist litmus paper near the gas 3. Pass the gas into acidified potassium permanganate solution. 4. Pas the gas into acidified potassium dichromate solution 5. To a portion of the given mixture A-30 add 5 ml of conc. H2SO4 and heat. 6. Neutralise nearly 5 ml sodium carbonate extract with dil HNO3 and add 1 ml of silver nitrate solution. 7. To the contents of above test tube add ammonium hydroxide. Observation Inference A colourless gas with strong SO32 suspected. odour of burning sulphur evolves with effervescence The litmus paper turns red and is finally bleached. The pink colour is bleached. SO32 suspected. The orange solution turns SO32 confirmed. green. A colourless gas with pungent Cl suspected. odour evolves out. A curdy white ppt is formed Cl suspected. The white precipitate readily Cl confirmed dissolves in ammonium hydroxide. Preparation of original solution (O.S.) The residue of sodium carbonate extract is dissolved in dil hydrochloric acid. The solution obtained is original solution. Identification of Cations Since original solution is prepared in dil HCl, first group in absent. S.No. Experiment Observation Inference 1. To a portion of O.S. pass No ppt is formed H2S gas II group is absent. 2. To another portion of the No ppt is formed. O.S. add 1 ml conc. HNO3 heat and cool. Now add NH4Cl followed by NH4OH in excess. III group is absent. 3. To the above contents pass A black ppt is formed. H2S gas IV group is present 4. Filter the contents. Retain the filtrate for subsequent group. Dissolve the residue in minimum amount of dil HCl. Boil the contents. Cool the contents and divide the solution into two parts. 123 Qualitative Analysis (a) To first part add NaOH soln. dropwise then in excess. (b) To second part add Potassium ferrocyanide soln. A white ppt is formed which Zn2+ confirmed dissolved in excess NaOH soln. A bluish white ppt is formed. 8. Boil the filtrate of IV group to A white ppt is formed remove H2S gas. Cool and add NH4Cl + NH4OH + (NH4)2 CO3 Solution. 9. Filter the contents. Dissolve the pricipitate in minimum amount of hot and dil. acetic acid. Divide into three parts 10. To first part add potassium No change is observed chromate solution Ba2+ absent 11. To the second part add No change is seen. ammonium sulphate solution. Sr2+ absent 12. To the third part add 2 ml White ppt ammonium oxalate solution Ca2+ confirmed Result : The given mixture A-30 contains: Anions SO32 and Cl Cations Zn2+ and Ca2+ V group present. Chapter 8 Viva Questions 1. Why is the wire made of platinum only used in flame-test? Ans. 1. The melting point of platinum is high. 2. It is passive to conc. hydrochloric acid. 3. It does not impart any colour to the flame. 2. Which ion of the salt is responsible for the characteristic colour of the flame? Ans. The cation (the metallic ion) 3. What is the role of hydrochloric acid in the flame test? Ans. The use of this acid is to change the salt into its chloride. 4. Why is it necessary to convert a salt into its chloride? Ans. It is because chlorides ionise at a temperature within the reach of the burner flame. 5. Why is conc. hydrochloric acid (not dilute) used in flame test? Ans. Some salts do not react with dil HCl, hence not used. 6. Why is a spirit lamp not used in place of burner in a flame test? Ans. The temperature of the lamp flame is not high enough to decompose the chloride of the salt into its ions. 7. Why is only oxidising flame of burner suitable for flame test? Ans. The temperature of the oxidising flame is high. This can very well split up the chloride into its ions. 8. Why is it so that in presence of sodium, certain ions do not give their characteristic colour to the flame? Ans. The persistent golden yellow flame of sodium conceals other flames. 9. Why is a flame test not a confirmatory test? Ans. In case of interferring ions in the mixture, the actual colour is not seen. 10. A flame test is said to be a dry test. Is it true? Ans. It is not very true because the salt is not used in the dry state but its chloride, moist with HCl, is used for the purpose. Still we call it a dry test. 11. Why is it necessary to prepare an original soln. of the mixture used for detection of ions. Ans. Inorganic reactions are ionic in nature. Salts ionise when dissolved in water. 124 Viva Questions 125 12. Why is use of nitric acid often avoided in preparation of original soln. for the detection of cations? Ans. Nitric acid combines with H2S to prepare colloidal sulphur which can not be removed even by filtration, hence not used. 2HNO3 + H2S = 2H2O + 2NO2 + S 13. Why is dil H2SO4 unsuitable for the preparation of original soln? Ans. Some salts such as those of lead, barium, strontium, calcium etc. will form their sulphates which are insoluble. 14. What is a group reagent? Ans. It is a reagent which precipitates all the members of a particular group by converting them into insoluble substances. For example, ammonium carbonate soln. which changes all the members of V group into their carbonates. 15. Why is it necessary to boil off hydrogen sulphide before adding ammonium chloride and ammonium hydroxide in 3rd group? Ans. If hydrogen sulphide remains in the soln. the addition of the above substances will favour 4th group members to precipitate. 16. If a white turbidity is observed on adding water to an original soln. prepared in conc. HCl. What does it state about the cation present in the mixture? Ans. It indicates the presence of members of group I, the group reagent for which is dil. HCl, which is formed on adding water to the original soln. 17. Why is the addition of ethyl alcohol essential for the precipitation of lead sulphate on adding sulphuric acid? Ans. The precipitated lead sulphate is in the colloidal state which gets hydrated and not completely precipitated. The addition of ethyl alcohol checks hydration of lead sulphate, therefore it is immediately precipitated. 18. Why is the O.S. for 3rd group boiled with conc. nitric acid before adding ammonium chloride and ammonium hydroxide? Ans. It is done to change ferrous ions with ferric ions. 19. Why is it necessary for us to oxidise ferrous ions into ferric ions? Ans. If the ions are not converted ferrous hydroxide will not be precipitated completely on adding NH4Cl and NH4OH because in presence of NH4Cl, the concentration of hydroxyl ions produced from the ionization of NH4OH is decreased to such an extent that the solubility product of ferrous hydroxide is not exceeded. This will then appear as black precipitate of FeS, in group IV when H2S is passed and shall give a false indication of nickel ions in the mixture. 20. Why is it necessary to add excess of NH4OH before passing H2S in the 4th group? Ans. The solubility product of nickel, manganese and zinc sulphide are very high. Therefore, unless the concentration of sulphide ions is high, they would not be precipitated. 21 When caustic soda soln. is added to the soln. of a manganese salt, a white ppt. appears. This changes to brown colour after some time. Why? Ans. The white precipitate appears due to the formation of Mn(OH)2. This is oxidised to brown coloured Mn(OH)3 formed in presence of oxygen in air. 22. In the test of manganese ions, a purple colour appears on addition of PbO2 and conc. HNO3 to the hydroxide of manganese. What is this purple colour due to? Ans. It is due to the formation of per manganic acid. 126 ISC Practical Chemistry II 23. In the test of nickel ions, a scarlet red ppt. appears on adding dimethyl glyoxime to the solution. What is this colour due to? Ans. It is due to the formation of nickel dimethyl gly oxime. 24. Why should the solution. be heated before passing H2S in the 4th group? Ans. If not heated, nickel sulphide will be precipitated in the colloidal form and shall pass through filter paper. Thus, precipitate will not be available for the nickel ion test. 25. Presence of magnesium is confirmed by obtaining a white ppt. with disodium hydrogen phosphate. What is this ppt. due to? Ans. It is due to the formation of magnesium ammonium phosphate. 26. In 2nd group, hydrogen sulphide gas is passed in hot soln. Why? Ans. It helps in the formation of granular and easily filterable precipitate. 27. Why is it essential to boil the filtrate of group IV to nearly one third its volume before proceeding to group V? Ans. If not done, the group reagent ammonium carbonate will get hydrolysed. 28. What is the order in which the cation of group V be tested? Ans. The order is Barium, strontium, calcium. 29. Can we use sodium carbonate in place of ammonium carbonate as group reagent for group V? Ans. No, by doing so magnesium ions, also will be precipitated. 30. Can we use ammonium sulphate in place of ammonium chloride along with ammonium hydroxide in group III? Ans. No, it cannot be used because in that case cations of group V will be precipitated in form of their sulphates. This will cause confusion. 31. For the detection of anions in a mixture, it is first tried with dil H2SO4 and then with conc. H2SO4. Why? Why not in the reverse order? Ans. The anions of dil H2SO4 group (CO32 , S2 , SO32 , NO2 ) are attacked by both dil. and conc. H2SO4 but those belonging to cone acid group are not decomposed by dil. H2SO4. In order to distinguish between the anions of two groups, dil. H2SO4 is tried first. 32. Why is it necessary to perform chromyl Chloride test in a dry test tube? Ans. The chromyl chloride gas formed in the reaction, gets hydrolysed to chromic acid in presence of water in the test tube. 33. Why does chromyl chloride test not work in the identification of bromide and iodide ions? Ans. It is because the corresponding compounds (chromyl bromide and chromyl iodide) are not formed. Instead, bromine and iodine are produced. 34. In chromyl chloride test, sometimes a white ppt appears in place of yellow on adding lead acetate. What does it indicate? Ans. It indicates the absence of chloride ions. The white ppt is due to the formation of lead hydroxide in place of yellow ppt of lead chromate. 35. In the chlorine water test for iodide, excess chlorine water is not used. Why? Ans. Excess chlorine water will convert iodine into iodic acid and in place of violet colour, the layer shall turn colourless. 36. Sodium nitrate and conc. sulphuric acid produce brown fumes which become dense on adding copper turnings. Why? Ans. Sodium nitrate and conc sulphuric acid will produce nitric acid which produces brown fumes on decomposition due to the liberation of NO2 gas. When copper turnings are Viva Questions 127 added, they react with nitric acid to produce more and more of NO2. This is why the fumes become dense. 37. Why is sodium carbonate extract used for the test of anions? Ans. When the mixture (containing anion x) is heated with large excess of sodium carbonate soln., sodium forms a salt with x which being soluble in water, is separated from the insoluble metallic carbonate by filtration. The filtrate (containing anion x) is used in the analysis for the detection of anion in the name of sodium carbonate extract. 38. In the detection of anions belonging to dilute acid group, dil HCl should be preferred to dil. H2SO4 . Why? Ans. The carbonates and sulphides of barium and lead react slightly with dil. H2SO4 due to the formation of protective layer of their sulphates. The chlorides formed from HCl do not form such layer. 39. Sulphur dioxide gas changes potassium dichromate green. Why? Ans. Due to the formation of green coloured chromium sulphate. 40. Name the brown compound responsible for the ring formation in the test for nitrate. Ans. Nitroso ferrous sulphate. 41. Why is freshly prepared soln. of ferrous sulphate used in ring test? Ans. On long standing the ferrous ion of the solution gets oxidised. This is why fresh soln. is used. 42. Both, CO2 from a carbonate and SO2 form a sulphite, turn line water milky. How do you distinguish between the two, a carbonate and a sulphite? Ans. CO2 is odour less and turns a moist blue litmus paper red while SO2 has a burning sulphur odour and bleaches a moist blue litmus paper. 43. Both nitrate and bromide produce brown fumes when treated with conc. sulphuric acid. How shall you distinguish between the two fumes? Ans. Fumes obtained from a bromide salt produce a yellow solution when passed into water but from nitrate, shall not. 44. How would you distinguish between a nitrite and a nitrate salt? Ans. An acidified soln. of potassium per manganate is decolourised by a nitrite salt, not by a nitrate salt. 45. In the test for sulphate, dil HCl is added before adding BaCl2 but in chloride HNO3 is added before AgNO3. Why different acids used? Ans. The combinations have common ions. The precipitate formed are thick and in good amount due to common ion effect. 46. An aqueous soln. of acetate salt forms a wine red colour with a neutral soln. of ferric chloride. What is the wine red colour due to? Ans. Due to the formation of ferric acetate. 47. How do you make ferric chloride soln. neutral? Ans. Ammonium hydroxide is added to ferric chloride soln. drop by drop till the precipitate formed does not dissolve. Filter the soln. The filtrate is neutral ferric chloride soln. 48. Why is an aqueous soln. of ferric chloride always acidic? Ans. Due to the formation of HCl by hydrolysis. 49. Can you get an ideal neutral soln. of ferric chloride by adding NH4OH? Ans. Strictly speaking it is not possible because the hydrolysis of FeCl3 continues to form Fe(OH)3 and HCl. It is difficult to use soln. which is free from this. 128 ` 50. Ans. 51. Ans. ISC Practical Chemistry II Why does iodine give a blue colourations with starch soln.? It is due to the formation of a blue adsorption complex called starch iodide. What is solubility product? What is its importance in qualitative analysis? The ionic product in a saturated soln. of an electrolyte at a given temperature is always a constant quantity and is called solubility product. In a soln, when the ionic product exceeds the solubility product, the precipitation occurs. Thus it is helpful in providing a favourable condition for the precipitation of a particular ion in a group. 52. What is aqua regia? Ans. It is a mixture of three parts of conc HCl and one part of conc. HNO3 by volume. 53. While working in a chemistry lab it is observed that some times your fingures have turned yellow. Why? Ans. Nitric acid gives a yellow colour with proteins. The colour is due to careless handling of nitric acid. 54. Ordinarily nitric acid is colourless but some times the sample of HNO3 used in lab in yellow. Why? Ans. The commercial sample of HNO3 is yellow in colour due to excess NO2 gas dissolved in it. 55. Why are silver nitrate and hydrogen per oxide filled in coloured bottles? Ans. These reagents decompose in presence of sun light. Hence coloured bottles are used to check sun rays. 56. Lime water and ammonium hydroxide bottles should always be kept stoppered in lab. Why? Ans. Lime water, if not stoppered, absorbs CO2 from atmosphere to turn milky. NH4OH if not stoppered liberates ammonia gas making it dilute. 57. What do you mean by the term titration ? Ans. The process of adding a standard soln. from a burette to the known volume of a soln. of unknown concentration till the chemical reaction is just complete, is known as titration. 58. What is a standard soln.? Ans. It is a solution of known strength. 59. What do you understand by the term Standardization ? Ans. It is the process by which the concentration of a soln. is determined by treating it with a soln. of known concentration. 60. What is an indicator? Ans. It is a chemical substance which helps in the visual detection of completion of titration by giving a colour change. 61. What is end point? Ans. It is a sharp point at which completion of a reaction takes place. 62. What do you mean by the term strength of a soln .? Ans. It is the concentration of a soln. expressed in gm. per litre. 63. What do you understand by the terms Acidimetry and Alkalimetry ? Ans. The process of determining the strength of an acid soln. by titrating it against a standard alkali soln. is called acidimetry. The process of determining the strength of an alkali soln. by titrating it against a standard acid soln. is called alkalimetry. Viva Questions 129 64. What is law of equivalence? Ans. Equal volumes of the solutions having same normality are equivalent to each other. This is the law of equivalence. 65. What is normality formula? Ans. N1 V1 = N2 V2 is the normality formula where N1 and V1 are the normality and volume of one solution and N2 and V2 are of the other. 66. What is a molar solution? Ans. A solution containing one mole of solute dissolved in one litre of solvent is known as a molar soln. 67. Is equivalent weight of a substance a constant quantity? Ans. No, it is not, the value depends on the medium. The equivalent weight of potassium permanganate is 31.6 in acidic medium and 52.6 in alkaline medium. 68. Why is a standard soln. prepared in distilled water? Ans. Tap water contains many ions in form of impurities. For example Ca2+, Mg2+, SO42 , Cl . These ions cause turbidity in a solution. 69. How would you remove iodine stains from your clothes? Ans. Fresh stains of iodine can be removed easily by washing the spot with hypo solution (Sodium thiosulphate) in which it readily dissolves to form sodium tetra thionate. 70. How, by burning a title of organic compound over a flame, shall you distinguish between an aliphatic and an aromatic compound? Ans. Aliphate compounds mostly give a non smoky flame but aromatic give smoky. 71. Why do aromatic compounds give a smoky flame and an aliphate often a non-smoky flame? Ans. The aromatic compounds have higher percentage of carbon than the other, hence a smoky flame. 72. How is an aldehyde group identified? Ans. Schiff's reagent test may be done. To about 2cc of Schiff s reagent add few drops of the given substance. Shake it vigorously and wait for 1-2 minutes, a pink purple or blue colour appears. 73. What is formalin? Ans. A 35 to 40 per cent aqueous solution of formaldehyde gas is called formalin. 74. What is the difference between alcoholic OH group and phenolic OH group? Ans. Alcoholic group is neutral in character but phenolic OH group is acidic. 75. What is Tollen's reagent? Ans. It is an ammoniacal soln. of silver nitrate. 76. Why are big pieces of ferrous sulphide used not small or powder? Ans. Small pieces or powder will not rest in the middle spherical bulb but fall down into the lowest one. The apparatus will then work like a woulfe s bottle and the reaction will not stop when gas is not required. 77. Why should cork be tight in the middle bulb ? Ans. If not, the pressure of the gas will throw it out following a continuous reaction and the apparatus will fail to work. 78. What will happen if the cork in the lowest bulb becomes loose ? Ans. The acid filled in the apparatus will flow out disturbing the arrangement. 79. Commercial sample of ferrous sulphide is responsible for impurites in gas. Why is it used in this form ? Ans. Because it is cheap. 130 ISC Practical Chemistry II APPENDIX AI IMPORTANT NAMED ORGANIC REACTIONS 1. Aldol Condensation OH CH CH(OH) . CH CHO CH3CHO + HCH2CHO 3 2 Aldol ( -hydroxy butaraldehyde) 2. Balz Scheimann Reaction : NaNO2 /HBF4 C6 H5 NH 2 C6 H5 N 2 BF4 0oC benzene diazonium tetra floroborate C6H5F + BF3 + N2 Florobenzene 3. Benzoin Condensation Alc KCN C6H5 CH + H C C6H5 C6H5 CH C C6H5 || || | || O O OH O (Benzoin) 4. Biuret Reaction : O O O O || || || || NH2 C NH C NH2 + NH3 NH2 C NH2 + H.NH C NH2 Biuret 5. Cannizzaro reaction : NaOH HCHO + HCHO CH3OH + HCOONa. 60% KOH C6H5CHO + C6H5CHO C6H5CH2OH + C6H5 COOK Benzyl Alcohol Pot. Benzoate NaOH C6H5CHO + HCHO C6H5CH2OH + HCOONa. 6. Carbyl amine reaction : C6H5NH2 + CHCl3 + 3KOH C6H5NC + 3KCl + 3H2O aniline Phenyl carbyl amine 7. Claisen's Condensation NaOH C6H5CHO + H2CH.CHO C6H5CH = CHCHO + H2O Benzaldehyde Acetaldehyde Cinnamaldehyde 130 131 Appendices 8. Clemensen s Reduction : Zn/Hg Conc. HCl CH3CHO + 4H CH3 CH3 + H2O ethane Zn/Hg Conc. HCl CH3COCH3 + 4H CH3CH2 CH3O + H2O 9. Propane Cross Aldol Condensation : CH3CHO + HCHO HO CH2 CH2 CH = 0 b-hydroxy propanal 10. Cross Cannizzaro Reaction : conc. NaOH C6H5 + CHO + HCHO C6H5CH2OH + HCOONa 11. benzyl alcohol Diazotisation : o 0 C C6H5N = HCl + 2H2O C6H5NH2 + HNO2+ HCl 12. 13. Esterification : conc. H SO 2 4 R COOR + HOH ROH + R COOH Ester Etard reaction : CrO Cl 14. 2 2 C6H5CHO + H2O C6H5CH3 + [O] CCl 4 benzaldehyde Fittig Reaction : C6H5Br + 2Na + BrCH3 C6H5CH3 + 2NaBr Toluene 15. Frankland reaction : 2C2H5 Br + Zn C4H 10 + Zn Br2 Butane 16. Friedel Craft s reaction : AlCl3 C6H5C2H5 + HBr C6H5H + Br C2H5 Ethyl Benzene AlCl 3 C6H5COCH3 + HCl. C6H5H + ClCOCH3 Acetophenone 17. Gattermann Reaction : Cu/HCl C6H5Cl + N2 C6H5N = NCl 18. Gattermann-Koch reaction : Anhy AlCl3 C6H5CHO C6H6 + HCl + CO CuCl 2 Benzaldehyde. 19. Grignard's reaction : Anhyd R X + Mg R. Mg.X Ether 132 ISC Practical Chemistry II Dry Ether CH3 I + Mg CH3.Mg.I Dry Ether C6H5Br + Mg C6H5.Mg.Br. 20. Bromo benzene Phenyl Magnesium bromide Haloform reaction : CH3CHO + 4NaOH + 3I2 CHI3 + HCOONa + 3NaI + 3H2O Acetaldehyde Iodoform. CH3COCH3 + 4KOH + 3I2 CHI3 + CH3COOK + 3KI + 3H2O Acetone CH3CH2OH + 6NaOH + 4I2 CHI3 + 5 NaI + HCOONa + 5H2O 21. Ethanol Hofmann Bromamide reaction : CH3CONH2 + Br2 + 4NaOH CH3NH2 + Na2CO3 + 2NaBr + 2H2O Methylamine 22. Kolbe reaction : (i) Electrolysis 2CH3COO + 2K+ CH3COOK CH3COOK Pot. Acetate At anode = 2CH3COO 2e 2CH3COO C2H6 + 2CO2 At cathode = 2K+ + 2e 2K 2K + 2H2O 2KOH + H2 (ii) CH2COO 2 CH2 | || + 2CO2 + 2e CH2COO CH2 2H2O + 2e Succinate ion Ethylene 2OH + H2 At Anode At Cathode (iii) CHCOO 2 CH || ||| + 2CO2 + 2e CHCOO CH Fumarate ion Acetylene. 2H2O + 2e 2OH + H2 At Cathode 23. Perkin's reaction : At Anode CH COOK 3 C6H5CH = CHCOOH + CH3COOH C6H5CHO + CH3COOCOCH3 Benzaldehyde Acetic Anhydride Cinnamic Acid Acetic Acid 133 Appendices 24. Phenolphthalein reaction : 25. Reimer Tieman reaction : OH OH aq KOH C6H4 C6H4 + ClCHCl2 2KOH H CHCl2 Phenol Chloroform OH OH H2O C6H4 C6H4 CHO CH(OH)2 26. Rosenmund's reaction : Pd-BaSO 4 RCOCl + H2 RCHO + HCl Pd-BaSO 4 ArCOCl + H2 Ar. CHO + HCl 27. O & P-hydroxy benzaldehyde Sabatier Senderen's reaction : Ni C2H6 C2H4 + H2 250 C 28. Sandmeyer reaction : Cu Cl 2 2 C6H5Cl + N2 C6H5 N = NCl HCl Chlorobenzene 29. Saponification : CH2OCOC17H35 CH2OH | | CHOCOC17H35 + 3NaOH > CHOH + 3C17H35COONa | | Sodium CH2OCOC17H35 CH2OH Stearate (Stearin) 30. Schmidt reaction : R COOH + HN3 Schotten Baumann reaction : C6H5OH + ClCOC6H5 Phenol H SO (HN3 is hydrazoic acid) 31. + Glycerol (soap) 2 4 R NH2 + CO2 + N2 C6H5COOC6H5 + HCl Benzoylchloride Phenyl Benzoate 134 ISC Practical Chemistry II 32. Tischenko reaction : Al (OC H ) 2 5 3 2C6H5CHO C6H5CH2OOCC6H5 Benzyl Benzoate 33. Williamson's reaction : CH3I + NaOC2H5 CH3 O C2H5 + NaI Ethyl Methyl Ether 34. Williamson's continuous etherification reaction : 110 C C2H5OH + H2SO4 C2H5HSO4 + H2O Conc. 140 C C2H5HSO4 + HOC2H5 C2H5OC2H5 + H2SO4 (Excess) Diethyl Ether 35. Wolff Kishner reduction: H O 2 CH CH (i) CH3CH = O + NH 2 NH 2 3 = N NH 2 hydrazine acetaldehyde Glycol o 200 C KOH C2H6 Ethane CH3 CH3 (ii) H3C C = O + NH2 . NH2 H2O hydrazine Acetone H3C C = N NH2 KOH C3H8 Propane 36. Glycol o 200 C Wurtz reaction : Dry ether C2H5I + CH3I + 2Na C3H8 + 2NaI Propane Substitution reactions light CH3Cl + HCl (i) CH 4 + Cl2 CH3 Br + H 2 O (ii) CH3OH + HBr (iii) C6 H 6 + HNO3 (iv) C6 H 6 + Cl2 Nitro benzene FeCl 3 Addition reactions (i) CH CH + H 2 Acetylene Conc. H SO 2 4 C6 H5 NO 2 + H 2 O C6 H5 Cl Chloro benzene + HCl Ni CH 2 == CH 2 140 C (ii) CH 2 == CH 2 + Br2 Ethylene CH 2 Br CH 2 Br Ethylene bromide H /Ni 2 CH3 CH3 200 C Ethane 135 Appendices O || Acid CH3 C NH 2 (iii) CH3C N + H 2 O Acetamide HBr CH 2 == CHBr (iv) CH CH + HBr Acetylene Vinyl chloride CH3CHBr2 Ethylidine Bromide Elimination reactions Br Br | | Heated (i) H C C H + Zn H C == C H + ZnBr2 | | | | H H H H 1, 2 dibromo ethane Ethylene H Br | | H C == C H + KBr + H 2 O (ii) H C C H + Alc. KOH | | | | H H H H H O || | (iii) H C C NH 2 + P2 O5 | H H O 2 CH3C N + H 2 O Methyl Cyanide Acetamide Many substitution reactions especially at the saturated carbon atom in aliphatic compounds are brought about by nucleophilic reagents or nucleophiles. An example is alkyl halide. The substitution reactions of the alkyl halides occur by the replacement of the halogen atom attached to the carbon atom by an other substituent. In these reactions, the halogen atom takes with it the bonding pair of electrons making the C X bond and is eliminated as the anion X . We call them SN reactions (S stands for the word substitution and N for nucleophile). Corresponding to the two reaction mechanisms there are two types of substitution reactions. The SN1 reactions and the SN2 reactions. The number 2 attached to SN2 says it takes place by a bimolecular process and 1 means a unimolecular process. SN2 Reactions Hydrolysis of an alkyl halide is an example of it. In case of hydrolysis of methyl chloride the chlorine atom present is more electronegative than carbon atom. This results in partial polarisation of C Cl bond when methyl chloride is attacked by OH nucleophile from the opposite side of the chlorine atom. This gives a transition state with OH and Cl partially bonded to Carbon atom. Later chlorine leaves the molecule as chloride ion and OH forms a covalent bond with carbon giving alcohol as a product. Since the rate of reaction depends on the concentration of both substrate and the nucleophile the reaction is of second order. SN1 Reaction The hydrolysis of t-butyl bromide is an example of this reaction. The reaction proceeds in two steps. In the first step it undergoes a slow ionization giving the tertiary butyl carbonium cation and a bromide anion. 136 ISC Practical Chemistry II CH3 CH3 | | H3C C+ + Br H3C C Br | | CH3 CH3 t -butyl bromide t -butyl Carbonium ion Bromide anion Now the cation combines with the nucleophile OH as given below. It is a fast reaction. CH3 CH3 | | H3C C OH H3C C+ + OH | | CH3 CH3 t -butyl Alcohol Since the reaction rate is proportional to the concentration of alkyl halide only and not affected by the concentration of the OH ions it is a first order reaction. E1 & E2 Reactions In an elimination reaction there is loss of atoms or groups from adjacent carbon atoms which results in the formation of a -bond between these carbon atoms. Those reactions are divided into two classes. The reactions which proceed by bimolecular mechanism are symbolized by E2 and the one by unimolecular mechanism are symbolised by E1. E2 Reactions The dehydrohalogenation of alkyl halides with alcoholic alkali is an example of this type. E1 Reactions The hydrolysis of tertiary butyl bromide into isobutylene is an example of it. The reaction completes in two steps. In the first step slow ionizatin of alkyl halide results in carbonium ion and the halide ion. In the second step there is removal of a proton from the carbonium ion by the hydroxide ion. It takes place fast. 137 Appendices APPENDIX AII IMPORTANT INORGANIC REACTIONS 1. When silver reacts with a soln. of potassium cyanide in presence of oxygen gas potassium argentocyanide and caustic potash are obtained. 4Ag + 8KCN + 2H2O + O2 = 4K[Ag (CN)2] + 4KOH 2. When silver is heated with conc. sulphuric acid, silver sulphate, water and sulphur dioxide are formed. 2Ag + 2H 2SO 4 (conc) Ag 2SO 4 +SO 2 + 2H 2 O 3. When silver dissolves in nitric acid of moderate concentration, silver nitrate, water and nitric oxide are formed. If conc acid is used nitrogen dioxide is formed in place of nitric oxide 3Ag + 4HNO3 (dil) = 3AgNO3 +2H2O + NO Ag + 2HNO3 (conc.) = AgNO3 + H2O + NO2 4. When silver nitrate reacts with caustic soda solution, argentous oxide, sodium nitrate and water are formed. 2AgNO3 + 2NaOH = Ag2O + 2NaNO3 + H2O 5. When copper reacts with dil. sulphuric acid in presence of oxygen, copper (II) sulphate and water are formed. 2Cu + 2H2SO4(dil) + O2 = 2CuSO4 + 2H2O If in place of dil. sulphuric acid, dil-hydrochloric acid is used, under similar conditions copper (II) Chloride will be formed. 6. Copper when heated with conc. sulphuric acid copper sulphate, water and sulphur dioxide are formed. Cu + 2H2SO4 CuSO4 + SO2 + 2H2O 7. Copper (II) sulphate soln. reacts with potassium iodide soln. to form potassium sulphate, cuprous iodide and iodine. 2CuSO4 + 4KI = 2K2SO4 + 2CuI + I2 8. Copper sulphate soln. reacts with potassium oxide soln. to form potassium sulphate, cuprous iodide and iodine. 2CuSO 4 + K 4 [ Fe(CN)6 ] 2K 2SO 4 + Cu 2 [ Fe(CN)6 ] (Chocolate brown ppt.) 9. Silicon when fused with sodium carbonate produces sodium silicate and carbon. Si + Na2CO3 = Na2SiO3 + C 10. Silicon carbide when fused with caustic soda in presence of oxygen to form sodium carbonate, sodium silicate and water. SiC + 4NaOH + 2O2 = Na2CO3 + Na2SiO3 + 2H2O 137 138 ISC Practical Chemistry II 11. White phosphorus dissolves in caustic soda soln. to form sodium hypophosphite and phosphine. P4 + 3NaOH + 3H2O = 3NaH2PO2 + PH3 12. Phosphorus dissolves in nitric acid to form phosphoric acid, nitrogen dioxide and water. P4 + 20HNO3 = 4H3PO4 + 20 NO2 + 4H2O 13. Phosphorus combines with sulphuric acid to form phosphoric acid, sulphur dioxide and water. P4 + 10H2 SO4 = 4H3PO4 + 10SO2 + 4H2O 14. Phosphorous reacts with silver nitrate soln. to form silver, phosphoric acid and nitric acid. P4 + 20AgNO3 + 16H2O = 20Ag + 4H3PO4 + 20HNO3 15. Hydrogen peroxide reduces an alkaline soln. of silver oxide to silver. Ag2O + H2O2 2Ag + H2O + O2 16. Hydrogen peroxide reduces an acidified soln. of potassium per manganate. 2KMnO4 + 3H2SO4 + 5H2O2 = K2SO4 + 2MnSO4 + 8H2O + 5O2 17. Hydrogen sulphide reacts with acidified potassium dichromate soln. to turn it green. K2Cr2 O7 + 4H2SO4 + 3H2S = K2SO4 + Cr2 (SO4)3 + 7H2O + 3S 18. Hydrogen sulphide reacts with nitric acid to form nitrogen dioxide, sulphur and water. 2HNO3 + H2 S = 2H2O + 2NO2 + S 19. Fluorine reacts with potassium chlorate in presence of water to form potassium per chlorate and hydrofluoric acid. KClO3 + F2 + H2 O = KClO4 + 2HF 20. Sodium thio sulphate (Hypo) reacts with hydrochloric acid (dil) to form sodium chloride, sulphur dioxide, sulphur and water. Na2 S2O3 + 2HCl = 2NaCl + SO2 + H2 O + S 21. Solution of potassium cyanide is shaken with silver chloride. AgCl + 2KCN KAg (CN) 2 + KCl 22. Sodium thio sulphate and iodine solutions are mixed. 2Na 2S2 O3 + I 2 Na 2S4 O6 Sodium tetrathionate + 2NaI 23. Silver Nitrate crystals are heated 2AgNO3 2Ag + 2NO 2 + O 2 24. Ammonium hydroxide is added gradually in excess to a solution of copper sulphate. CuSO 4 + 2NH 4 OH Cu(OH) 2 + (NH 4 ) 2 SO 4 CuSO 4 + 4 NH 4 OH Cu(NH3 ) 4SO 4 + 4H 2 O 25. Silicon is treated with hydrofluoric acid. Si + 6HF H 2SiF6 + 2H 2 139 Appendices 26. Fluorine is bubbled through water. 5H 2 O + 5F2 10 HF + O 2 + O3 27. Hydrogen sulphide gas acts as reducing agent. H 2S + 2FeCl3 2FeCl2 +S + 2HCl 5H 2S + 2KMnO 4 + 3H 2SO 4 K 2SO 4 + 2MnSO 4 + 5S +8H 2 O 28. Hydrogen peroxide acts as reducing agent. H 2 O 2 + 2KI 2KOH + I 2 29. Hydrogen peroxide acts as reducing agent. H 2 O 2 + O3 2O 2 +H 2 O 5H 2 O 2 + 2KMnO 4 + 3H 2SO 4 K 2SO 4 + 2MnSO 4 + 8H 2 O + 5O 2 30. 2CuFeS2 + O2 Cu2S + 2FeS + SO2 2Cu2S + 3O2 2Cu2O + 2SO2 2FeS + 3O2 2FeO + 2SO2 2Cu2O + Cu2S 6 Cu + SO2 FeO + SiO2 FeSiO3 31. 3 Ag + 4 HNO3 3AgNO3 + 2H2O + NO dil 32. 2 MnO2 + 4 KOH + O2 2K2MnO4 + 2H2O Pyrolusite ore Pot. manganate 2 K2MnO4 + Cl2 2KMnO4 + 2KCl OR 2K2MnO4 + H2O + O3 2KMnO4 + 2KOH + O2 33. 2 KMnO4 + 3H2S 2KOH + 2MnO2 + 2H2O + 3S 34. 2KMnO4 + 2KOH 2K2 MnO4 + H2O + [O] K2MnO4 + H2O MnO2 + 2KOH + [O] OR 2KMnO4 + H2O 2MnO2 + 2KOH + 3 [O] 35. 2KMnO4 + 3H2SO4 + 5Na2SO3 K2SO4 + 2MnSO4 + 5Na2SO4 + 3H2O 36. 2KMnO4 + 3H2SO4 + 5H2S K2SO4 + 2MnSO4 + 8 + H2O + 5 S 37. 2 KMnO4 + 5 SO2 + 2H2O K2SO4 + 2MnO4 + 2H2SO4 38. 2 KMnO4 + 8 H2SO4 + 10 KI 6K2SO4 + 2MnSO4 + 8H2 + 5I2 39. 4 Fe CrO4 + 16 NaOH + 7O2 8Na2CrO4 + 2 Fe2O3 + 8H2O Chromite ore sod. chromate 2Na2 CrO4 + H2SO4 Na2Cr2O7 + Na2SO4 + H2O conc Na2Cr2O7 + 2KCl K2Cr2O7 + 2NaCl hot and conc Pot. dichromate 40. PbS + 4O3 PbSO4 + 4O2 41. 2KI + H2O + O3 2KOH + O2 + I2 42. 2Hg + O3 Hg2O + O2 43. Cl2 + 2H2O + SO2 2HCl + H2SO4 140 44. 2H2O + 2F2 4HF + O2 45. 3H2O + 3F2 6HF + O2 46. H2S + F2 2HF + S 47. 2NaOH + 2F2 2NaF + OF2 + H2O (cold and dil) 4NaOH + 2F2 2NaF + 2H2O + O2 (hot and conc.) 48. Cl2 + H2S 2HCl + S 49. NH3 + 3Cl2 NCl3 + 3HCl 8NH3 + 3Cl2 6NH4Cl + N2 50. 2NaOH + Cl2 NaCl + NaOCl + H2O (Cold and dil) Sod.hypochlorite 6NaOH + 3Cl2 5NaCl + NaClO3 + 3H2O (hot and conc) Sod. Chlorate ISC Practical Chemistry II Appendices Appendix-II Important Organic Reactions Write down chemical equations for the following reactions 1. Ethyl Alcohol is treated with phosphorus penta chloride. C2H5OH + PCl5 C2H5Cl + POCl3 + HCl 2. Cane sugar is warmed with dil HCl dil HCl C12H22O11 C6H12O6 + C6 H12O6 Glucose Fructose 3. Ethylamine is treated with nitrous acid C2H5NH2 + HNO2 C2H5OH + N2 + H2O 4. Ethyl alcohol is warmed with chromic acid and distilled. H2CrO4 CH3CHO C2H5OH 5. Acetone and hydroxyl amine CH3 O = C + NH2OH (CH3)2 C = NOH + H2O CH3 Acetoxime 6. Acetaldehyde is treated with Fehling soln. and heated on a water bath. CH3CHO + 2 CuO Cu2O + CH3COOH (Red ppt) 7. Acetic acid with phosphorus trichloride 3CH3COOH + PCl3 3CH3COCl + H3PO3 8. Acetaldehyde with silver oxide CH3CHO + Ag2O CH3COOH + 2Ag 9. Acetone with sodium bi sulphite CH3 CH3 SO3Na CO + NaHSO3 C CH3 CH3 OH Acetone bi sulphite 10. Ethanol with acetyl chloride C2H5OH + CH3COCl CH3COOC2H5 + HCl 11. Ethyl acetate with ammonia CH3COOC2H5 + NH3 CH3CONH2 + C2H5OH 12. CH3COOC2H5 + PCl5 CH3COCl + C2H5Cl + POCl3 13. CH3CONH2 + NaOH CH3COONa + NH3 14. CH3CHO + NH2OH CH3CH = NOH + H2O 141 141 142 ISC Practical Chemistry II NH2 15. 2CH3COCH3 + NH3 CH3 C H2.C CH2.CO.CH3 16. CH3CONH2 + PCl5 CH3CN + POCl3 + 2 HCl OH 17. CH3Mg I + H2O CH4 + Mg I 18. CH3CN + HCl + 2H2O CH3COOH + NH4Cl 19. Di ethyl ether with hydrogen iodide Cold C2H5OC2H5 + HI C2H5I + C2H5OH C2H5OC2H5 + 2HI 2C2H5I + H2O 20. Di ethyl ether with acetyl chloride in presence of zinc chloride. ZnCl2 C2H5Cl + CH3COOC2H5 C2H5OC2H5 + CH3COCl 21. An alkyl cyanide reacts withGrignard s Reagent and theproduct is hydrolysed. R C N + R Mg X R C NMgX R O NH2 R C R + Mg x 22. Ethyl isocyanate with an alkali C2H5NCO + 2KOH C2H5NH2 + K2CO3 23. Give reactions of di ethyl ether with chlorine. In absence of sunlight halogenated substituted ethers are formed but in presence of sunlight all the hydrogen atoms of ethers are substituted. Cl2 CH3 CH Cl OCH2 CH3 CH3CH2.O.CH2CH3 Dark ( mono chloro di ethyl ether) Cl2 CH3CHClOCHCl CH3 CH3CH2O.CH2CH3 Dark ( di chloro di ethyl ether) Cl2 C2Cl5 O C2Cl5 + 10 HCl C2H5O C2H5 + 10 Cl2 Sunlight (Per chloro di ethyl ether) 143 Appendices 24. Give reaction of acetic anhydride with (i) Chlorine (ii) with PCl5 CH3CO (i) O + Cl2 ClCH2 CO.O.COCH3 + HCl CH3CO (Mono chloro acetic anhydride) O CH3 CO || (ii) O + PCl5 2CH3 C Cl + POCl3 CH3 CO 25. Write down equation for the action of hot conc H2SO4 on ether H + H SO [R O R]+ HSO 2 4 4 ROR oxonium salt 26. Give equation for reaction of urea with oxalic acid. 2NH2CONH2 + H2C2O4 (NH2CONH2)2H2C2O4 urea oxalate 27. Give equation for reaction of urea with sodium hypo chlorite. NH2CONH2 + 3NaOCl N2 + CO2 + 3NaCl + 2H2O 28. Give balanced equation for the reaction of formaldehyde and ammonia. 6HCHO + 4NH3 (CH2)6 N4 + 6H2O (urotropin) 29. What is the effect of heat on (i) Dry calcium acetate (ii) Urea (iii) Ammonium acetate CH3 COO CH3 (i) Ca C = O + CaCO3 CH3COO CH3 (ii) When heated gently O O O O || || || || NH2 C NH2 + HNH C NH2 NH2 C NH C NH2 + NH3 When heated strongly NH3 Trimerizes HNCO NH2 CONH2 (HNCO)3 Cyan uric acid O O || || Heat (iii) CH3 C ONH4 CH3 C NH2 + H2O 30. Give reactions of acetone with (i) HCN (ii) Conc. H2SO4 O || CH3 OH CH3 C CH3 + HCN C CH3 CN Cyano hydrin 144 ISC Practical Chemistry II Conc.H2 SO4 3(CH3)2 C = O 1, 3, 5 Tri methyl benzene (mesitylene) 31. Give reaction of acetaldehyde with ammonia O H || | CH3 C H + NH3 CH3 C OH | NH2 Acetaldehyde ammonia 32. Give reaction of acetamide when it is distilled with Phosphorus pentoxide O || P2O5 CH3 C NH2 CH3 CN + H2O 33. Give reactions of glucose with (i) Tollen s reagent, (ii) Bromine water, (iii) Phenyl hydrazine (i) CHO COOH | | (CHOH)4 + Ag2O (CHOH)4 + 2 Ag | (Tollen s reagent) | CH2OH CH2OH (ii) CHO COOH | | Br2 / H2O (CHOH)4 (CHOH)4 + [O] | | CH2OH CH2OH Gluconic acid 145 Appendices How would you distinguish between? How would you distinguish between the pair of compounds given below? Experiment Formic acid Acetic acid 1. Treated with Tollen's reagent Silver mirror Unaffected 2. Treated with neutral FeCl3 Red colour which becomes brown when heated Wine red colour Experiment Glucose Fructose 1. Treated with resorcinol and No colouration conc. HCl Red ppt Experiment Sucrose Glucose 1. Treated with Fehling s soln. It is reduced (Red ppt) Not reduced (No ppt) Experiment Carbohydrates Proteins 1. Treated with dil HCl Hydrolysis takes place to give mono saccharides They produce amino acids Experiment Acetaldehyde Acetone 1. Treated with Tollen's reagent Gives silver mirror No silver mirror formed Experiment Acetone Ethanol 1. Heated with iodine and caustic soda Yellow ppt. No ppt. Chlorobenzene Benzyl Chloride 1. Treated with alc. AgNO3 soln. No change White ppt. 2. Treated with alc. KMnO4 soln It is decolourised No change Ethyl Isocyanide Ethyl amine Experiment Experiment 1. Treated with NaNO2+ Conc. Benzene diazonium chloride HCl at temp. 0 5 C. formed which gives phenol when heated. Ethanol is formed 2. To the above if alkaline -naphthol added. Scarlet red dye formed Experiment Phenol Ethanol 1. Treated with FeCl3 soln. Violet colouration due to complex formation No reaction Experiment Benzaldehyde Acetaldehyde 1. Treated with Fehling s soln. Fehling soln. Not reduced Reduced 2. Treated with NaOH Resin Benzoic acid and Benzyl-Alc. 145 146 Experiment ISC Practical Chemistry II Oxalic acid Urea 1. When treated with a neutral soln. of CaCl2 White ppt. which is insoluble in CH3COOH No ppt. 2. Biurat test performed Does not respond It responds Acetamide Sod. acetate 1. Treated with NaOH soln. Produces ammonia gas No action Experiment Acetic acid Acetone 1. Treated with crystals of No change iodine to dissolve them add NaOH. Shake, heat and cool. Experiment Yellow ppt. 2. Treated with NaHCO3 Effervescence with evolution of CO2 No change Experiment Glycine Acetamide When boiled with alkaline soln. of ninhydrin (Triketo hydrinden) Violet colour No change Benzoic acid Oxalic acid Reddish brown ppt. Does not show change Experiment 1. Treated with FeCl3 soln. 2. Treated with CaCl2 in No reaction neutral medium White ppt insoluble in CH3COOH. Appendices 147 148 ISC Practical Chemistry II Appendices APPENDIX AIII 149 PREPARATION OF REAGENTS S.No. Name of chemical Volume/mass dissolved per litre of distilled water 1. Dil. Hydrochloric acid 430 ml 2. Dil. Sulphuric acid 140 ml 3. Dil. Nitric acid 310 ml 4. Acetic acid 300 ml 5. Caustic soda 220 gm 6. Lime water Saturated soln. of slaked lime should be filtered to get a clear soln. 7. Lead Acetate 95 gm 8. Pot. Permanganate 3.2 gm 9. Pot. Dichromate 15.0 gm 10. Silver Nitrate 17 gm 11. Barium Chloride 61 gm 12. Amm. Hydroxide 340 ml 13. Amm. Carbonate 160 gm in 140 cc conc. Amm. Hydroxide and dilute to one litre 14. Pot. Ferrocyanide 53 gm 15. Pot. Iodide 83 gm 16. Pot. Chromate 49 gm 17. Pot. Ferricyanide 55 gm 18. Pot. Thiocyanate 49 gm 19. Amm. Oxalate 35 gm 20. Methyl Orange 1 gm 21. Ferric Chloride 135 gm in 1 litre (containing 20 ml conc. Hydrochloric acid). 22. Iodine Soln. 12.7 gm mixed with 20 gm of KI in 30 ml distilled water and dilute to one litre 23. Sodium Nitroprusside 5 gm 149 APPENDIX AIV SOME ORGANIC COMPOUNDS OF PRACTICAL IMPORTANCE S.No. Name of Organic Compound Chemical Formula 1. Cerric ammonium Nitrate (NH4)2 [Ce (NO3)6] 2. Dimethyl glyoxime CH3.C (:NOH) . C (:NOH).CH3 3. Diphenyl amine (C6H5)2 NH 4. -Naphthol C10H7OH 5. -Naphthol C10H7OH 6. Phthalic anhydride C8H4O3 7. Potassium sodium tartarate (Rochelle Salt) K.Na C4H4O6 . 4H2O 8. Pyrogallol (1.2.3. trihydroxy benzene) C6H6O3 9. Resorcinol (dihydroxy-benzene) C6H6O2 10. Na2 [Fe(CN)5 : NO].2H2O Sodium Nitroprusside (disodium penta cyanonitrosyl terrate) 150 APPENDIX AV PREPARATION OF SOME ORGANIC REAGENTS S.No. Name of reagent 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Preparation Benedict s Solution To 115 ml distilled water add 2g copper sulphate crystals. Now add 20g sodium citrate and 12g of anhydrous sodium carbonate in 100 ml water. Mix them and make up to 500 ml with distilled water. Cerric ammonium Nitrate In 50ml of IN Nitric acid add 10g of cerric ammonium nitrate in part. Filter if required. Dimethyl glyoxime solution To 100ml ethyl alcohol add 1g dimethyl glyoxime and shake the contents thoroughly. Fehling Solution A Dissolve completely 35g of CuSO4 crystals in 500ml of distilled water. Fehling solution B Dissolve 175g sodium potassium tartarate and 70g ammonium chloride in distilled water and dilute it to 500 ml. (Note : When required, mix equal volumes of Fehling A & B) Litmus Solution (Blue) Dissolve 1g solid litmus in 100ml of distilled water. Litmus solution (Red) To the above prepared Blue litmus solution add dilute hydrochloric acid dropwise till the solution turns red. Methyl orange solution Dissolve 1g methyl orange in 1 litre warm distilled water. Molisch s Reagent Thoroughly mix 10g napthol in 100 ml ethyl alcohol. Phenolphthalein solution Dissolve 500mg of the substance in 100 ml of ethyl alcohol. Now add 50ml distilled water. Filter if any turbidity persists. Schiff s Reagent Dissolve 1g p-rosaniline-hydrochloride in 100 ml distilled water. Pass excess sulphur di oxide to decolourise the solution. Filter and store. Sodium Nitroprusside solution Dissolve 100mg of sodium nitroprusside crystals in 100ml water and shake the contents with a glass rod to get homogeneous solution. Starch solution Make a paste of 1g starch in cool water. Add the paste slowly to 100ml boiling water with constant shaking. Now cool the solution. Tollen s reagent In 100 ml of distilled water add 10g silver nitrate crystals in presence of few drops of nitric acid. Now add ammonium hydroxide in excess. 151 APPENDIX AVI COLOURS OF SOME SALTS Name of Salt Chemical Formula Ammonium Chloride NH4Cl White Ammonium Dichromate (NH4)2 Cr2O7 Orange Ammonium Carbonate (NH4)2 CO3 White Copper Carbonate CuCO3 Bright Green Copper Carbonate dihydrate CuCO3.2H2O Emerald Green Copper (II) Chloride CuCl2 Dark Brown Copper Hydroxide Cu(OH)2 Pale Blue Copper Nitrate Trihydrate Cu(NO3)2.3H2O Deep Blue Copper Oxide CuO Black Copper Sulphate CuSO4 White Copper Sulphate Pentahydrate CuSO4.5H2O Blue Ferrous Sulphate FeSO4 Ferrous Sulphate Septahydrate FeSO4.7H2O Green Ferric Chloride FeCl3 Black Lead Carbonate PbCO3 White Lead Nitrate Pb(NO3)2 White Lead (II) oxide PbO Yellow Lead (IV) oxide PbO2 Dark brown Trilead Tetraoxide Pb3O4 Scarlet Manganese (IV) oxide MnO2 Black Mercury (II) oxide HgO Red Potassium Chloride KCl White Sodium Chloride NaCl White Sodium Carbonate Decahydrate Na2CO3.10H2O White 152 Colour Dirty yellow APPENDIX AVII CONC. ACIDS (SPECIFIC GRAVITY AND NORMALITY) S.N. Name & Formula Specific gravity 1. Acetic acid glacial (CH3COOH) 1.05 99.5 17N 2. Formic acid (HCOOH) 1.0 27.0 6N 3. Hydrochloric acid (HCl) 1.19 37.9 12N 4. Nitric acid (HNO3) 1.42 69.8 16N 5. Sulphuric acid H2SO4 1.84 153 % By Weight Approximate Normality 96.0 36N APPENDIX AVIII SYMBOLS : ATOMIC NUMBERS AND ATOMIC WEIGHTS Name Symbol Atomic number Atomic weight Aluminium Al 13 Argon Ar 18 39.948 Barium Ba 56 137.327 Bromine Br 35 79.904 Calcium Ca 20 40.078 Carbon C 6 12.011 Chlorine Cl 17 35.452 Copper Cu 29 63.546 Fluorine F 9 18.998 Gold 79 196.966 Au Helium He 26.981 2 4.002 Hydrogen H 1 Iodine I 53 126.904 1.008 Iron Fe 26 55.847 Lead Pb 82 207.2 Lithium Li 3 6.941 Magnesium Mg 12 24.305 Manganese Mn 25 54.938 Mercury Hg 80 200.59 Neon 10 20.179 Ne Nickel Ni 28 58.69 Nitrogen N 7 14.006 Oxygen O Phosphorus P Potassium K Silicon Si Silver Ag Sodium Na Sulphur S Tin Sn Uranium U Zinc Zn 8 15.999 15 30.973 19 39.098 14 28.085 47 107.868 11 22.989 16 32.066 50 118.710 92 238.028 30 65.39 154 APPENDIX AIX SOLUBILITY PRODUCT CONSTANTS 25 C Substance Formula Ksp. Aluminium Hydroxide Al(OH)3 4.6 10 33 Barium Chromate BaCrO4 1.2 10 10 Barium sulphate BaSO4 1.1 10 10 Calcium Carbonate CaCO3 3.8 10 9 Calcium Oxalate CaC2O4 2.3 10 4 Calcium Sulphate CaSO4 2.4 10 5 Copper (II) hydroxide Cu(OH)2 2.6 10 19 Copper (II) sulphide CuS 6 10 36 Iron (II) hydroxide Fe(OH)2 8 10 16 Iron (III) hydroxide Fe(OH)3 2.5 10 39 Lead (II) Chloride PbCl2 1.6 10 5 Lead (II) Chromate PbCrO4 1.8 10 14 Lead (II) Iodide PbI2 6.5 10 9 Lead (II) Sulphate PbSO4 1.7 10 8 Lead (II) Sulphide PbS 2.5 10 27 Magnesium Carbonate MgCO3 1.0 10 5 Magnesium hydroxide Mg(OH)2 1.8 10 11 Manganese (II) sulphide MnS 2.5 10 10 Mercury (I) chloride Hg2Cl2 1.3 10 18 Mercury (II) sulphide HgS 1.6 10 52 Nickel (II) hydroxide Ni(OH)2 2.0 10 15 Nickel (II) sulphide NiS 3 10 19 Silver bromide AgBr 5.0 10 13 Silver Chloride AgCl 1.8 10 10 Silver Chromate Ag2CrO4 1.1 10 12 Silver Iodide AgI 8.3 10 17 Strontium Carbonate SrCO3 9.3 10 10 Strontium Sulphate SrSO4 2.5 10 7 Zinc Hydroxide Zn(OH)2 2.1 10 16 Zinc Sulphide ZnS 1.1 10 21 155 APPENDIX AX SOME IMPORTANT PHYSICAL CONSTANTS Avogadro s number, NA = 6.0221367 1023/mol. Electronic Charge, e Faraday Constant, F = 9.6485309 104C/mol. Molar Gas Constant, R = 0.08205783 L.atm/Kmol) = 1.6027733 10 19C = 8.314510 K.Pa dm3/ (K.mol) = 8.314510 J./(K.mol.) = 1.987216 Cal/CK.mol.) Molar volume ideal gas at S.T.P = Vm = 0.02241410 m3/mole = 22.41410 L/mole APPENDIX AXI ACID IONIZATION CONSTANTS AT 25 C Acetic acid HC2H3O2 1.7 10 5 Formic acid HCHO2 1.7 10 4 Hydrofluoric acid HF 6.8 10 4 Hypochlorous acid HClO 3.5 10 8 Nitrous acid HNO2 4.5 10 4 156 APPENDIX AXII MOLECULAR AND EQUIVALENT WEIGHTS OF SOME COMMON SUBSTANCES Name of substance Formula Mol. Weight Eq. Weight Copper Sulphate Pentahydrate CuSO4.5H2O 249.71 249.71 Ferrous Ammonium Sulphate FeSO4(NH4)2SO4 .6H2O 392.10 392.10 Hydrochloric Acid 36.50 HCl 36.50 Iodine I2 253.84 126.92 Nitric Acid HNO3 63.0 63.0 Oxalic Acid (COOH)2.2H2O 126.08 Potassium Bicarbonate KHCO3 100.0 100.0 Potassium Carbonate K2CO3 106.0 106.0 Potassium Dichromate K2Cr2O7 294.21 49.02 Potassium Hydroxide KOH 56.0 Potassium Permanganate KMnO4 158.03 31.6 Sodium Bicarbonate NaHCO3 84.0 84.0 Sodium Carbonate Na2CO3 106.0 53.0 Sodium Hydroxide NaOH Sodium Thiosulphate Na2S2O3 . 5H2O 248.20 Sulphuric Acid H2SO4 98.0 49.0 40.0 157 63.04 56.0 40.0 248.20 158 APPENDIX A-XIII ISC Practical Chemistry II FIRST AID In case of accidental injuries, the first aid treatment should be given to the students as given below. But if the injury is of a very serious nature, a competent doctor should be consulted immediately. Nature of accident Treatment Required Burns : (i) From fire, steam and hot objects. Treat the affected area with cool water thoroughly and apply a mixture of linseed oil and lime water in equal amounts or cold cream. Bandage lightly. (ii) From acids Wash the affected area with plenty of running water and then with dilute solution of sodium hydrogen(bi) carbonate. [Note In case of sulphuric acid, do not use water but wash with sodium hydrogen carbonate solution directly.] (iii) Alkalies Wash with plenty of water followed by dilute acetic acid. (iv) From Phenol Wash with alcohol and apply soframycine skin ointment. (v) Wash with dilute solution of carbonate and apply alcohol. From Bromine Cut : Stop bleeding by washing with alum solution. Remove any glass pieces if visible. If drops of acid or alkali fall into eye, wash with plenty of running water. Then wash with a 3% solution of sodium hydrogen carbonate in case of acid and 2% boric acid soln. in case of alkali. Eye injuries acids and alkalies Fire : (1) From inflammable liquids Throw plenty of sand on it, preferably moist. (2) Clothes Allow the student to lie down on the floor so that the burning side of the clothes remains upwards. Check the supply of air to the burning portion. Inhalation of poisonous fumes and gases. (i) Chlorine Gas Allow the student to inhale liquor ammonia. (ii) Expose the student to fresh air. Carbon Monoxide Gas 158 159 Appendices (iii) Chloroform Expose the student to fresh air and arrange for artificial respiration. (iv) Hydrogen Sulphide Gas Allow inhalation of ammonia and arrange for artificial respiration. (v) Expose the student to fresh air and allow to inhale steam. Nitrous Oxide Gas Poisoning : Allow the student to drink plenty of water. Acid Give two table spoonful of digene or any other anti-acidal suspension. Alkali Give plenty of water followed by one table spoonful of vinegar or lime juice. Chemicals on dress : Acids Wash with ammonium hydroxide or ammonium carbonate soln. followed by plenty of water. Strong Alkalies Apply dil. acetic acid or lime juice. Wash with water. 160 ISC Practical Chemistry II

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