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12th Chemistry Practice paper-03

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CHEMISTRY Class II PreUni Plus 2016-2017 Practice Paper - 03 Max. Marks Duration Date 70 3 hours 15 minutes 15-02-2017 Instructions 1. The questions paper has four parts: A, B, C and D. All parts are compulsory. 2. Write balanced chemical equations and draw labeled diagrams wherever required. 3. Use log tables and the simple calculator if necessary (Use of scientific calculators is not allowed). PART - A I. Answer the following questions (one mark each) [10 1 = 10] 1. Define molal depression constant. 2. What is the molality of aqueous NaCl solution if it boils at 100.104 C? [Given: Kb for H2O = 0.52 K kg mol 1] 3. Between Cu2+ and Ag+, which ion is reduced at the cathode? [Given: E oCu 2 /Cu 0.34 V, E oAg /Ag 0.80 V] 4. Draw the graph for rate of reaction v/s molar concentration of the reactant of a zero order reaction. 5. What is the cause for Brownian movement? 6. Which is the reducing agent during the extraction of iron from haematite? 7. Mention the noble gas element used in cancer therapy. 8. Which one of the alkyl halides has higher boiling point CH3I, C2H5I, C3H7I? 9. Complete the following reaction: (i) dry ether ____ RMgX 1 Alcohol Mg(X)OH (ii) H O/H 2 10. Give an example for reducing disaccharide. PART - B II. Answer any FIVE of the following questions (two marks each) [5 2 = 10] 11. LiCl acquires pink colour when heated in Li vapours. Give reason. 12. What happens to the molar conductivity of strong and weak electrolytes with dilution? Why? 13. Write two differences between order and molecularity of a reaction. 14. Why d-block elements (a) exhibit variable oxidation states (b) form coloured compounds 15. Between phenol and alcohol, which one is more acidic? Why? 2P1617CPP3 1

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