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ICSE Class X Prelims 2025 : Geography (Villa Theresa High School (VTS), Mumbai)

7 pages, 89 questions, 55 questions with responses, 77 total responses,    2    0
Taronish Mullan
Villa Theresa High School (VTS), Mumbai
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-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 1 - -- -- \ ~- --- --- --- --- --- --. ~- ~- --- --- -= -= l'iUa ~bereia J,igb fltbool 1 Preliminary Examination 2024-25 GEOGRAPHY (H.C.G. PAPER - 2) Gr~e 10 Time2 Hours 8th January 2025 Maximum Marks: 80 Time allowed Two hours Answers to this Paper must be written on the answer sheet provided separately. You will not be allowed to write during the first 15 minutes. This time is to be spent in reading the question paper. the answers. The time given at the head ofthis Paper is the time allowedfor writing Part I is compulsory. All q11estions fi om Part I are to be attempted A total ofji,,e q11estions are 10 be attempted.from Part II. ts [] The intended marks for questions or parts ofquestions are given in bracke 20 cm oftwine To be supplied with this Paper: Surve,v of India Map Sheer lvo. G43S7 and Note: map. In all Map Work, make wise use ofarrows to avoid overcrowding ofthe not be taken out of the examination hall. It (ii} The e.>..1ract of survey of India Map SJ,eet No. G43S7 must must be hande d over to the Supervising Examiner on completion ofthe paper. detached, and after marking, must be (iii) The Map given at the end of this question paper must be (1) fastene d to your answer booklet. in the correct serial order. (iv) All sub-sections of the questions attempted must be answered sheet which is used to answer (v) All working including rough work, should be done on the same answer the rest ofthe paper. --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- -PART I (30 Marks) (Attempt all questions from this Part.) Question 1 followingquestions: Study the extract of the Survey of India Map sheet No. G43S7 and answer the [2] . (a) Give the six-figure grid reference for~ 364 in the southern part of the map extract (b) Identify the broken black curved lines in grid 4488. How are they formed? (Apply & Understanding] (i) If a man were to walk from Sangla (3786) to Bantawada (4490) (a) In which direction would he be walking? (Analyse) (b) Which two different kinds of roads would he be using? (ii) (a) If a man took two hours to walk a kilometre how long would it would take him to walk from Northing 85 to Northing 95 of the map? [2] [2] Contd ....2 llPag e -2(b) Calculate the distance in kilometres as the crow flies from the Templ e at lkhapura to Prominent Surveyed tree 213. (Apply] (iii) (a) On which bank does Balaram Nadi join the river Banas? Give a reason. (b) What is the difference in drainage pattern in grid 4087 and in grid 4488? [2] [Apply & Remember] (iv) State two important facilities that Chitrasani has that makes it an import ant settlement. (Understand [2] ing] Question 2 On the outline map of India provided: Ji) Shade and label an area of laterite soil in the northeast. LU, Mark with a dot and name the capital of West Bengal. ( ~ Mark and name the highest peak. (ivV Mark and label the Aravallis. {v)/" Mark and label the most important meridian. (viY Mark and name the n1ost important tributary of the river Ganga. (vij)/ Mark and label a densely populated region in South India. (viii}-- Mark with a single arrow the direction of the Northeast Monsoons. (ix) Mark and label a region rich in Iron ore. (xV Mark and label Lake Chikla [Recall] [l] [I] [I] [1] [1] [1] [l] [1] [1] [1] Question 3 Choose the correct answers to the questions from the given options. (Do not copy the question, write the correct answers only.) I ' (i) The Western Disturbances, which originate over the Mediterranean Sea, affect the climate of which region in India? (a) The Deccan Plateau (b) The Ea.stem Coastal Plains (c) The Northern Plains (d) The Western Ghats (Apply] (ii) Identify the soil conservation method is depicted in the image Contd ... J 21Pag e -3(a) Strip cropping (b) Contour ploug hing (c) Terrace farming (d) Monoculture fanni ng [Analysis) (iii) Stilted roots: Littoral Forest (a)Mahogany: Furniture (b) Sandalwood: Tropical deciduous forest (c) Ebony: Tropical Rainforest (d)Spines: Tropical Desert Vegetation [Remember] sting technique is used to collect (iv)ln certain parts ofRa jasth an, a traditional rainwater harve This technique involves creating and store rainwater for agricultural and drinking purposes. What is this technique called? small, earthen check dams to capture and store rainwater. (Analysis) (a) Khadins (b) Surangams (c) Zings (d) Bandharas ing? (v) Copper is alloyed with zinc to form which of the follow (a) Brass (b) Bronze (c) Stainless steel (d) White gold [Remember] y used in the textile industry. It is known (vi) This fibre is naturally soft, breathable, and widel Jinens. clothing and bed for its durability and comfort, making it a popular choice for Predominantly grown in Gujarat and Maharashtra. (Recall) (a) Jute (b) Cotton (c) Silk (d) Rayon densely populated regions with small r's family. landholdings, aiming to produce enough food for the farme (a) Commercial farming (vii) The type of farming which is typically practiced in (b) Extensive farming (c) Subsistence farming (d) Intensive farming (Understanding) the establishment of more integrated (viii) Assertion (A): The government of India is promoting steel plants. have a higher production capacity Reason (R): Integrated steel plants are more efficient and compared to mini steel plants. of A. (a) Both A and Rare true, and R is the correct explanation nation of the A. (b) Both A and R are true, but R is NOT the correct expla (c) A is true, but R is false. [Analysis) (d) Both A and R are incorrect. India? (ix) Which modem rail route sti11 runs on narrow gauge in (a) Mumbai-Delhi (b) Kolkata-Chennai (c) Kalka-Shimla (Remember) (d) Bangalore-Hyderabad Contd ....4 31P age -4- of e-waste on the environment? t pac im the uce red to te stra illu (x) What practice does the image (a) Zero waste (b) Green Procurement (c) Recycling (d) Source reduction (Apply) PART II (50 Marks) m this section Attempt only five questions fro Question 4 [2] 4: 202 29, ber cem De ted col d wave (i) The Ec ono mic Times, da set to enter the new yea r with are ia Ind th nor of rts pa w, weather "With rain an d sno partment's (IMD)forecast. The De cal ogi rol teo Me ia Ind conditions, as pe r the some areas ofHimachal severe col d wave conditions in to ve wa y 11. " ld co ted dic pre has ag enc y n fro m December 30 to Januar tha jas Ra d an na rya Ha b, nja ir, Pu Pradesh, Jam mu an d Kashm for this climate? le Apply] (a) Name the winds responsib d of winds are they? (Analyse & kin at wh and ate gin ori ds win (b) From where do these [2] the Indian Monsoons. (ii) State two characteristics of [Remember) [3] the following: (iii) Give a reason for each of erience significant water scarcity. exp to es tinu con ia Ind s, rain on . . (a) Despite the heavy monso shaping India's climate. in e rol l cia cru a y pla Western m yas re ala (b) The Him Monsoon does not shed any moistu st we uth So the of nch bra Sea (Analyse] (c) The Arabian Rajasthan. [3] t fo11ow: tha ns stio que the r we ans and X tion (iv) Study the climate data of Sta t f Nov Dec e July Aug Sept Oc Jun y Ma r Ap r Ma Month Jan Feb 28.5 35.6 36.8 41.0 34.6 9.4 11.6 21.3 Temp C 12.6 17.9 18.8 0.4 0.8 2.5 1 Rainfall . lcm s Statton X. of re atu per tem of ge ran ual (a) Calculate the ann Station X. (b) Name the rainiest month of e reason for your answer. (c) Is the station near the sea? Giv 30.3 29.6 15.2 I 0.1 12.6 12.6 6.4 2.2 [AppIy) [Understand] (Analyse] Contd .... 5 4f Pa ge . , ---5- uestion S . . is facin hall erosion caused by heavy rainfall. (i) A farmer in Assam sotl to due es eng . c ~ . h. that He not i cting crop yield and soil fertility. is topsotl ts bei ng washed away, affe ces [2] in this situation? Identify the soil. [Re mem ber & Apply.J ed ((~) ~a t is the ~ for the process describ s. lack soil ve tate two min era ls that the abo ns. n in India, answer the following questio (ii) Wit h refe ren ce to soil conservatio . soil of n atio can help in the conserv (a) Sta te two agricultural practices that (Apply] the land fallow. (b) Me ntio n two benefits of leaving [2] wer the following. (iii) Wit h reference to Bla ck Soil, ans Cotton Soil? (a) Wh y is this soil also called Black t in this soil. (b) State two minerals which are presen soil. (c) Mention two special features of this [3] (iv) (Apply] (Recall] '-[Remember and Apply] nts. Give a reason for the following stateme r soil. (a) Khadar is more fertile than Bhanga in areas with deforestation. tly (b) Soil erosion occ ur more frequen er agricultural productivity. (c) Red soil need fertilization for bett [3] [Analyse] Question 6 ts during the monsoon season. (i) You are visiting the Western Gha you would expect to see. (a) State the type of natural vegetation type of vegetation. (b) Mention two characteristics of this [2] [Apply] [Recall] leaves? l Thorn have thick bark and small thick (Evaluate) (ii) (a) Why do the trees in the Tropica aluate) (Ev d their leaves in spring? (b) Why do tropical deciduous trees she climate moderators? (iii) How does the forest in India act like ation, ans (iv) With reference to Forest Conserv (a) What is Urban Forestry? (b) Why is Urban Forestry important'! wer the following. [3] [Analyse) [3] (Remember) [Understand) Question 7 the foundation stone for the Ken-Betwa (i) Prime Minister Narendra Modi laid h. River linking project in Madhya Prades (Evaluate) s. ject pro h suc of es ctiv obje n mai State two city occurs in India. (Analyse) (ii) Give two reasons why water scar n India? (iii) Why are tanks preferred in souther [2] [2] [3] (Understand & Remember) is the nee d ofthe hour. (iv) The modern mea ns ofirrigation statement. (a) Mention two reasons for the above ation. (b) Name two modem methods of irrig [2] [3] (Apply] (Recall) Contd .... 6 SI Pa ge -6- Question 8 (2] (i) Distinguish between Gondwana and Tertiary coal. [AnalyseJ [2] (ii) Bauxite is the oxide of which metal? State two characteristics of this metal. (RecaUJ [31 (iii) Answer the following with reference to the Bhakra Nangal Dam. (a) Name the huge reservoir of the dam. (b) Mention two purposes the dam serves other than providing electricity. (Remember) [Apply) [1] (iv) (a) Name two elements associated with nuclear energy. (Recall] [2] (b) Mention one advantage and one limitation of the nuclear energy in India. (Apply] Question 9 . ( i) Distinguish between subsistence agriculture and intensive agriculture. [Analyse & Remember] (ii) Mention two problems faced in the cultivation of Sugarcane in India. [Understand] [2] [2J [3] (iii) With reference to food crops ans,ver the following questions. . (a) Why is wheat grown as a rabi crop in India? (b) Two reasons why Millets are grown mainly in Peninsular India. , (c) Name the method of sowing rice that involve scattering it by hand. [Analyse] [Evaluate] [Recall] [2] (iv) (a) Name the three types of coffee and the state which is the largest producer. (Understand & Remember] ,(b) What is 'fine plucking'? Which with crop is it associated? [l] (Recall &Apply] Question 10 (i) Based on raw materials distinguish between Pastoral Industry and Mineral Based Industry. [2] (Analyse] [2] (ii) In what way is Village industry different from Cottage Industry? (Recall and Apply] (iii) With reference to the Petrochemical Industry: (a) How are polymers obtained? (b) For what product is Elastomers used? (c) Two reasons why synthetic fibres are gaining importance. (iv) Mention three geographical advantages of TISCO. [3] (Recall] (Apply) [Analyse] [3] (Understand & Remember) Contd ....7 6jPage -7, Rajesh, _a busine~sman, ~anted to send his bulky goods from Kolkata to Patna in July. Initially, ~e considered usmg the mland waterway but ultimately decided against it, opting for truck service instead (i) State two reasons why did Rajesh decide against using the inland waterway system? [2] [Analyse) (ii) Why wasn't Air travel considered? [2] (Analyse) (iii) What advantages did the truck service offer over the inland waterway? [3] (Apply) (iv) Identify the following: . (a) An important port of Goa. (b) Oldest artificial harbour on the east coast of India. (c) DFC and NHAI [3] (Recall] Question 12 Observe the icture and answer the followin uestions: 08.HfJllll)DUCES \ .-EresuP i, ~ u s All'. \ Yi'MS MSl'llE i!, AT Oii; OF111E a '2U'i" ~- Q.-_- ~: LANDAU'SITE$11 fl . . . . .ENQEDLH fl C)fCIU.IHAUWJ\ ~ AIID'AltPOlurrtNG 'IIE!SORIIOlRGNGS ANDGIIAZIPIJR :=;:;o r . r CE , ,...........u OF UIIDfl.L SffES All MlllictNl _. ..... BODIES.AR USUIC ram- 7 r snES ..~ fOl lllRAI. . Of stl.lDWASIE." ' -&Ji1111Jment ec,artmcnlv . Clelt.i &o momer.t , WAffllO t ENEICY-[i/ Pl.ANTS:, {~ci ~: c.ttl ~ f tcvi,oallftlf ltt:> ".lf~. (i) Mention two advantages of landfills over open dumping. (2] [Recall) I k' like open dumping grounds? (Analyse & Apply) (ii) What are the reasons for these landfills oo mg [2] (3] 1? I anaged landfills affect amma s. (Understand &Appl)) (iii) How does waste accumulation m improper y m help in reducing waste? (Analyse\ (3] (iv) In what ways will green procurement and zero waste ************************* 71Pagc

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