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ICSE Class X Sample / Model Paper 2025 : English Paper 1 (English Language) : 1st Internal Assessment

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Taronish Mullan
Villa Theresa High School (VTS), Mumbai
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- n,na 'fill)L'tC~ll $,(}Jool STD X FIRST INTERNAL ASSESSMENT- June 2024 Subject: English Language Date: 24.6.2024 Mark~:20 Ti111e: 40 minutes Question 1 Your school is organizing a tree plantation \veck on the occasion of Worl<l bnvironment Da). \Vritc a notice inforn1ing the students al your school about the event and requesting thcn1 to acti" cl) participate in iL l 5l .. 11. Write an c-111aH to the Principal of a neighbouring school infonning him/her about the event being held at your school and requesting hi1n/hcr to send a learn of students to participate in the event. f5J Question 2 I 1oJ Select any one of the following: i. A friend of yours who lives abroad has invited you to co1nc and stay \\rith her during your su1n1ner vacation. Write a letter thanking her for the offer and stating your decision to visit her or not giving rcnsons for your decision. i1 Write a fetter to the librarian apologising for the loss of a library book and infonning her that the book ,vifl be replaced by you fl


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