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ICSE Class X Mid-term 2024 : Commercial Studies : 1st Internal Assessment

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Taronish Mullan
Villa Theresa High School (VTS), Mumbai
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_, r ~ifla Qtberesa ~ ab 6cbool FIRST INTERNAL ASSESSMENT - June 2024 Grade X Date: 27.6.2024 Subject: COMMERCIAL STUDIES Mark: 20 Timc:40 mins Question 1 Choose the correct answers to the questions from the given options. (Do not copy the questions, write the correct answers only) (4) i) ---~ means exchanging goods for money and is production-oriented: # a) b) c) d) Sales Marketing Pricing Advertising ii) Rita decided to build a new factory in the local area, which stakeholders would have an influence on this? a) Customers, employers, and the local community ~ ,b) Banks, local community, and government c) Suppliers, banks, and the local community d) Customers, banks, and the government iii) _ _ _ _ is a meaningful mark for measuring market success or the position of the firm in relation to those of the competitors. Target Rate of Return a) Profit Maximisation b) Market Share c) Price Stability d) iv) Businesses tend to value _ _ _ because of the unique benefits they can bring to the way a company is managed, by the expertise their workforce provides or the ability of individuals to generate capital investments to secure the business's long-term growth. a) Employees / b) Shareholders _/ .c) Stakeholders d) Investors Question 2 a) Distinguish between stakeholders and creditors. b) Give 2 expectations of suppliers. nee of Marketing. c) Give 2 im d) What are the obJecttves of pricmg 1 .l'hJ FJ,-/,,h{J~ U / ~ v-- (2) (2) (2) (2) Question 3 a) "With profits, social welfare should also be considered". Enumerate this statement with reference to the expectations of general public.? b) Distinguish between Products and Services. (4) (4)


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