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ICSE Class X Mid-term 2025 : Geography : 2nd Internal Assessment
1 pages, 21 questions, 0 questions with responses, 0 total responses
Taronish Mullan
Villa Theresa High School (VTS), Mumbai
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Std. X . .. -.... Da;e:07/11/24 VILLA THERESA HIGH SCHOOL Second Internal Assessment, November 2024 Subject: Geography Marks:20 Time: 40 mins ALL QUESTIONS ARE COMPULSORY QI. Choose the correct option to the questions. (Do not copy the question, write the correct answers only) [4] a. Assertion (A): Excessive presence of carbon dioxide in the air results in global wanning. A. B. C. D. Reason (R): The increase in temperature can cause change in climatic patterns, affect crop production and disrupt wildlife. Both A and R are true. R is not the correct explanation for A. Both A and R are true. R is the correct explanation for A. A is true but R is false. A is false but R is true. b. A. B. C. D. Coloured plastics are harmful. Various diseases are caused. Plastic pigment contains high toxic metals. They cause eye and respiratory infection. Chikungunya and dengue are caused. c. Observe the picture. Which 3R concepts have been achieved here? A. B. C. D. Reduce and Recycle Recycle and Reuse Reuse and Reduce Reduce, Recycle and Reuse. d. A. B. C. D. What is the term for waste that can be broken down by natural processes? Non-biodegradable Recyclable Biodegradable Hazardous QII. Answer the following questions. a. State three impacts of waste accumulation. b. Mention three occupational hazards associated with the handling of accumulated waste. c. State 3 advantages of Landfills. d. State 3 advantages of composting. e. Mention two items which can be reused. f. Mention 2 items which can be recycled. [3] [3] [3] [3] [2] [2]
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