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ICSE Class X Mid-term 2025 : Geography

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Taronish Mullan
Villa Theresa High School (VTS), Mumbai
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I '}j)il(a m:beresa i}igb &cbool First Terminal Examination 2024 Std. X Date: 28.8.2024 Subject: GEOGRAPHY(H.C.G Paper-2) l Time: 2 hours Marks:80 To be supplied with this Paper: Survey of India Map Sheet No. G43SJ0 Note: (i) In all Map Work. make wise use ofarrows to avoid overcrowding of the map. (ii) The extract of survey of India Map Sheet No. G43SJ0 must not be taken out ofthe examination hall. It must be handed over to the Supervising Examiner on completion ofthe paper. (iii) The Map given at the end ofthis question paper must be detached, and afier marking, must be fastened to your answer booklet. (iv) All sub-sections of the questions attempted must be answered in the correct serial order. (v) All working including rough work should be done on the same answer sheet which is used to answer th rest ofthe paper. PART I (30 Marks) (Attempt all questions from this Part.) [10] Question 1 Study the extract of the Survey of India Map sheet No. G43S10 and answer the followingquestions: (i) (a) Give the four-figure grid of Thal (b) Give the six-figure grid reference of tJ. 480 [2] (ii) In what way does the pattern of settlement in grid square 561 8 differ from the grid pattern in 5813? [2] (iii) (a) Identify the drainage pattern in grid square 5722 S'i 16 (b) Identify the broken black lines in grid square ~ - How are they formed ? (c) Identify the black horizontal and vertical lines on the map. [3] (iv)Calculate a. The distance in kilometres from the post office at Dattani to the Temple at Dhavli. b. Calculate the area of the map. c. Anita takes half an hour to walk a kilometre. How much time she would take to cover a distance in a straight path from Northing 14 to Nortthing 20. [3] Question 2 On the outline map of India provided: (i) Mark and label the river that enters India from the north-east. (ii) Mark and label the Western Ghats. (iii) Shade and label a densely populated area in the northern part of India. (iv) Shade and label the Coromandel Coast. (v) Mark and label with an arrow the wind which gives rain to Tamil Nadu. (vi) Mark and label the city of Hyderabad. (vii) Shade and label the sea to the east oflndia. (viii) Mark and name the highest peak in India. (ix) Mark and label a coal field in India. (x) Shade and label a region of Black soil. l 10] I I l :a: Question 3 -- - - - AC [l0xl] "nth ' Choose the correct option: I. A. B. C. D. Which of the following coasts of India is most affected by violent tropical cyclones? Malabar Coromandel Konkan Kanara ~ ! i I' I j ! i Ii I j 2. Assertion (A): Large-scale destruction of forest cover and arable land has created a fear of losing this natural resource. Reason (R): Growing population and their ever-growing demand contribute to this situation. A. A is correct but R is wrong B. Both A and Rare true, and R is the correct explanation of A. C. Both A and R are true, but R is not the correct explanation of A. D. Only A is wrong 3. A. B. C. D. Advantage of well irrigation to the farmer: Wells dry during summer when it is most needed. Wells don't have water during drought seasons. Wells are very expensive to construct. Wells are an independent source of irrigation. 4. A. B. C. D. Which among the following cities in India is not located in the Golden Quadrilateral Road? Chandigarh NewDelhi 5. 1. 2. 3. 4. A. B. C. D. Arrange the following types of vegetations according to their percentage share of land (Highest to lowest): Tropical deciduous forests Mangrove forests Tropical evergreen forests Tropical thorn forests Options: 1-3-2-4 3-1-2-4 1-3-4-2 3-1-4-2 6. A. B. C. D. Which of the following forests is grown in waterlogged aieas? Evergreen forest Deciduous forest Tropical thorn forest Mangrove forest Kolkata Mumbai 7. Complete saturation of the soil with water may give rise to: A. Alkalinity B. Soil erosion C. Soil fertility D. Swamps 8. A. B. C. D. Which of the following is not a method of soil conservation. Countour Ploughing Over grazing Shelter belts Strip cropping Contd ..._; Identify the railway guage in the picture. }metre A. 1.676 metres B. 0. 762 metres C. metre D. 10. A. B. C. D. Sandalwood : aromatic oils Teak: Deciduous forest Ebony : Piano keys Almatas : Thorn forest Sundari: Stilted roots PART II (50- Marks) Question 4 te chang e. Rainf all that cause d Waya nad lands lides influe nced by clima ational group ofresea rcher s, The study by World Weath er Attrib ution (WWA), an inter'1 that trigge red the lands lides found that the exces sive rainfa ll in the early hours ofJuly 30 was "once in a 50-ye ar event ". Expre ss news service. ity? How? (i) Which winds were respo nsible for this catast rophic calam [2] ate? (ii) When do weste rn distur bance s occur ? Wher e do they origin [2] (iii) Give geogr aphic al reason for the following: . (a) The place s in the moun tains are coole r than in the plains es only 50cm of rainfall. (b) Mumb ai receiv es about 200cm of rain while Pune receiv na. (c) The weste rn distur bance s are benef icial to Punja b and Harya [3] ons that follow : (iv) Study the clima te data of Statio n X and answe r the questi Oct Nov Month Jan j Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sept I [3J I Dec I I 9.4 Temp C Rainf all 2.5 ems 11.6 21.3 28.5 35.6 36.8 41.0 34.6 30.3 29.6 15.2 10.1 - 12.6 17.9 I 18.8 12.6 12.6 6.4 2.2 I 0.8 0.4 - I a) Calcu late the annua l range of tempe rature of Station X. (b) Name the rainie st month of Statio n X . interi or? Give reason s for your answe r. (c) Is Statio n X locate d in coastal area or in the contin ental Contd ... ~ _J ~ II I I! I i ' 1 I " '\ J J Question 5 Western Ghats lost 5% evergreen forest cover, shows analysis I/Sc also shows that Western Ghats Spatial Decision Support System launched by the ing the .fragmentation interior forest constitutes only 25% ofthe forest landmass, depict pressure, impacting local ecology. (i) What type of forests are found in the Western Ghats? Mention two kinds of trees found in these forests . (ii) Why are tropical deciduous forest exploited? (iii) Mention any three positive impacts of forests . [2] [2] [3] [3] (iv) Give three characteristic features of Littoral forests. Question 6 [2] Distinguish between new alluvial soil and old alluvial soil. the country. (ii) Name the soil that covers 45per cent of the total land area of Mention the regions where it is found in India. (i) [2] [3] soil erosion in India. (iii) Define Soil erosion. Mention two adverse effects of [3] (iv) With reference to soils, answer the questions that follow: (a) Name a leached soil. State one mineral it is rich in. (b) Give two important minerals that give black soil its colour. (c) State two crops that thrive on red soil. Question 7 (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) popular in South India? Identify this type of irrigation. Why is this type of irrigation most nial Canals? Give reasons why Inundation canals are being converted to Peren State three benefits of rain water harvesting in India. of this method State the best modem method of irrigation. Give two benefits [2] [2] [3] [3] Question 8 Haldia to Allahabad. Anil has a business where he must send heavy machinery from n. He is thinking of various options regarding their transportatio ? (i) Which would be the cheapest method of transporting his goods State one drawback of this method. he sent his goods by trucks? (ii) What would be the two advantages he would have if two reasons. (iii) Why cant he think of air transport as an option?State (iv)Identify the ports. a. Biggest natural harbour on the west coast of India. b. Satellite port of Kolkata. c. Oldest artificial harbour on east coast. [2] [2] (3] [3]

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