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Ashoka Universal School (AUS), Nashik
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Organic Chemistry-I 1. Organic chemistry : The branch of chemistry dealing with carbon compounds, other than carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide and carbonates, is called organic chemistry. 2. Organic compounds : The chemical compounds containing carbon as an element (except carbonates; carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide) along with hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, sulphur, phosphorus as auxiliary atoms are called organic compounds. 3. Catenation : The unique property of carbon atoms to link with the other carbon atoms to form long straight or branched chain of any length or closed rings of any complexity is called catenation. 4. Molecular formula : The chemical formula of a chemical compound which tells the kind of atoms present and their actual number in one molecule of a compound is called molecular formula. 5. Structural formula : A formula which tells the arrangement of various atoms in one molecule of a chemical compound is called structural formula. 6. Condensed formula : Condensed formula is a kind of structural formula which indicates the group of atoms joined together to each of the carbon atoms in a straight line or branched chains. 7. Hydrocarbons : The compounds of carbon and hydrogen are called hydrocarbons. 8. Saturated hydrocarbons : The compounds of carbon and hydrogen in which all the valencies of carbon are fully satisfied by single covalent bonds are called saturated hydrocarbons. 9. Unsaturated hydrocarbons : The compounds of carbon and hydrogen in which the valencies between two carbon atoms are shared by the presence of double or triple covalent bonds are called unsaturated hydrocarbons. 1 Key Points

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