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ICSE Class X Prelims 2024 : Mathematics (Spring Dale College (SDC), Indira Nagar, Lucknow)

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Swastik Mishra
Spring Dale College (SDC), Indira Nagar, Lucknow
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Ronal Acade1t/ Boyal Arademy PRE-BOARD EXAMINATION CLASS- X SUBJECT- MATHEMATICS SESSION: - 2022-2023 TIME-2; HOURS F.M.-80 Answer to this paper must be written on the paper provided separately The All working You will not be allowed to write during first 15 minutes This time is to be spent in reading the question paper answers. time given at the head of this paper is the time allowedfor writingthe B. Section questions from from Section A and any four Atempt all the questions including rough work. must be clearl shown, and must be done on thesame sheet as the rest ofthe answer. Omission of essentialworking will result in loss of marks. orpartsofquestions The intended marks for questions are given in brackets. Mathematical tables are provided. SECTIONA [ 40 Marks (Attempt all questions from this Section.) [15 Question 1 Choose the (1 If the answers correct 111)When is a root ofthe equation x 6 2x + (-4 by the of an (a) 2 Which (b) A.P. is given by Tn (b) 6 ofthe following point is = = (d) 2), rate of GST is 4 then remainder is (d) 35 the values 7). - of a b (d) -3,-9 3,-9 (4n 2250, the is 0, the value ofk is 3 (c) -3,9 owner (d) 18% 10 - " 2 ) = 2 2 ) . then find (a) 3,9 term (c) x 2 is divided by (x + (c) 36 -36 + x (b) A= Thenh - k x - 13 2 (b) 1 (a) 24 (1i) given options: from the of an article is 25,000 and CGST paid (c) 15% b) 10% (a) 9% (a) (1 questions cost (1)I f - If to the Find its first term (d) 3 (c)-3 invariant with respect to the line y = - 2? (d) (2,5) (3,-2) (b) (-3,2) (c) (2,-1)16cm. Then the curved surface area of cylinder is: 7cm and its height is The diameter of a cylinder is C 352 cm (d) 304 cm2 200 cm2 (c) (b) 132 cm (a) (a) (vi) (v) In the In the adjoining figure, 3 cm. 2CDA. If AC 8 cm and AD adjoining figure, = LACB = = What is the value of BD? (a) 8 cmn (b) 3 cm (c) 18 cm (d) cm B

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