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ICSE Prelims 2016 : Physics (Deepti Convent School, Koraput)

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Surajit Chatterjee
St. Paul's School, Rourkela
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ASSOCIATION OF ODISHA CHHATTISGARH leSE SCHOOLS I.C.S.E MODEL EXAMINATION -2016 PHYSICS SCIENCE PAPER - I TIME DURATION - 2 Hours Answer to this paper must be written on the paper provided separately. You will not be allowed to write during the first 15 minutes. This time is to be spent in reading the question papers. The time given at the head of this paper is the time allowed for writing the answers. Section - I is compulsory. Attempt any four questions from Section-II. The intended marks for questions or part of questions are given in brackets. [ ] SECTION-I [40 MARKS] Attempt all the questions from this section. ~n:l W"- Write down the gravitational [2] unit afforce? How-is it related to Newton? mechanic can open a nut by applying a force of 150 N while using a lever handle of length 40cm. How long handle is required if he open it by applying a force of only 50 N. r 2,..0 c '"t'" [2] ~quare cardboard is suspended by passing a pin through a narrow hole at its one corner. Draw a dic:~"3~ to show its rest position. In the diagram mark the point of suspension by the _Jetter S and Centre of gravity by the letter G. [2] ~ td( [2] Give two differences between centripetal and centrifugal force. (/The [21 hand flour grinder is provided with a handle near its rim. Give reason. ~ion:2 W~ is the relationship between the mechanical advantage and velocity ratio for (An ideal machine. (ii A practical machine. [2] (1)V ~l)ith (~/In (d) ~ [2] class of lever found in the human body is used by a boy, {f} J When he holds a load on the palm of his hand. (U{ When he raises the weight of his body on his toes. [2] what direction the force need to be applied, when a single pulley is used with a mechanical advantage greater than one? What kind of energy conversion takes place in AC generator? A body of mass 5 Kg is moving with a velocity of 10ms 1, What will be the ratio of its initial Kinetic energy and final Kinetic energy, if the mass of body is doubled and velocity is halved? Contd 2. c. \ [2] What is the 5.1 unit of energy? How is the electron volt (ev) related to it? ICS.E ModelExam 201~ Physics [2] Pg 2 Page 1 Aon:3 ~ The refractive index of diamond ~A ray of light enters a glass slab PQRS, as shown in the diagram. The critical angle of the glass is 42 . Copy this diagram and [2] is 2.42. What is meant by this statement? f'.__ _ ~-, ""'<"::::" complete the path of the ray till it emerges from the glass slab. Mark the angles in the [2] ---.-.Q. , , ./ diagram where ever necessary. I r;'\.l \... _. ---,-""'- of light incident at an angle of incidence i passes through an equilateral glass prism ~ay [2] such that the refracted ray inside the prism is parallel to its base and emerges from the prism at ~angle of emergence e. .(l)/ How {f1) the angle of emergence eis related to the angle of incidence i? What can you say about the value of angle of deviation in such a situation? /calculate the heat energy that will be released when 5 Kgof water at 100 C freezes to form ice at DOCexpress your answer in SI unit (Specific latent KJ/Kg).Specific heat capacity of water =4200J Kg-10c-1. d~ow heat of fusion of ice is 336 [2] is the refractive index of a medium related to real depth and apparent depth, (Tij Which characteristic property of light is responsible for the blue colour of sky? n" 4 . the waves which are used in sonar to find the depth of a sea. Give one reason for their ~;~~ ~ [2] two differences between music and noise, ~electrical [2] (21 appliance is rated at 1000KVA, 220V. If the appliance is operated for 2 hours, [2] Calculate the energy ~onsumed by the appliance in : Kwh 2.00~ kW (T(. (~Joule1.J_i ~hat [2] is the value of the speed of gamma radiation in air or vacuum, ~Name Y \o~1 a material which exhibits fluorescence The nucleus of radioactive element ~x first when cathode rays fall on it? ejects a beta particle and then alpha particle to (2) p form a daughter nudei Q Y. State the values of P and Q in terms of A and Z respectively? (A mass ~ number Z ~ atomic number) Contd ['C5. MOdet:fxam 201~ Physics Pg 3 Page 2 SECTION-II [40 MARKS } (Attempt any four questions from this section). Question:5 (2) (a) (i) (ii) (b) State the class of levers and relative position of load (L) effort (E) and fulcrum (F) in each of the following case. (i) Nut cracker. (ii) Pliers [21 (c) State one advantage and one disadvantage of solar cell? [2] Write the expression for calculating the moment of force about a given axis? State two factors on which moment of force about a point depends? (d) A ball of mass 200g falls from a height of Sm. What will be its Kinetic energy when just . reaches the ground. (g=9,8ms 2) [2] (e) Draw a diagram to show the energy change in an oscillating simple pendulum. Indicate in your diagram how the total mechanical energy in it remains constant during oscillation? [2] t-. '"(II. ue \..0 0 /; 'o ... "t'\ e, ... "\,,.,,-f"'- ~ n: t< t..1.""' - '.....--what is meant by the term critical angle? ~h;:,'W is related to the refractive index of the medium ~ ~) Carl the absolute refractive index of a medium be less-than one? ~6 J,iY [3] ~ of light PO is incident normally on the hvpoter..rse of an isosceles right angle prism ABC as shown in diagram. [Critical angle =42 for glass air). [3] A 0 B~--~----------C ~ ~opy the diagram and complete the path of the ray PQtill it emerges from the prism. ~ut:/What is the value of the angle of deviation of the ray? (iii) Name the instrument where this action of prism is used? ,)( ..~~~ _\ '''/. Name the prism used to obtain infrared radiation? (l.~Fr t,iY~ (~ %An lCS. object is placed in front of a lens between its optical Centre and the focus and forms a virt~l, erect and diminished image, 4a)..)Mme the lens which formed this image? tt5} Draw a ray diagram to show the formation of the image with the above stated characteristics. Contd Model Exam201~ Physics . . ~.. .... (1) , [3] Pg 4 Page 3 - ~7 ~ ------- . When a tuning fork, struck by a rubber pad is held over a length of air column in a tube it pr~ces a loud sound for a fixed length of air column. (f) __"Namethe above phenomenon. (iff )How does the frequency of the loud sound compare with that of the tuning fork? (ij' State the unit for measuring loudness? [3] A man standing in front of a vertical cliff fires a gun. He hears the echo after 3 seconds. On moving closer to the cliff by 82.5m he fires again. This time, he hears the echo after 2.5 sec_.g.pds calculate: ftf / he distance of the cliff from the initial position of the man. The velocity of the sound. [3] the characteristic of sound which enables a person to differentiate between t sounds of the same loudness and frequency but produced by different uments. ){a)1i'the factors that determine ~e pitch of a note The loudness of the sound heard. What is meant by noise pollution? Write the name of one source of sound that causes noise pollution? [4] ~me L?f .;to'( lili(' ~ne the term "Specificlatent heat of fusion" of a substance? [3] ~ ~' ~hen 19 of ice at O Cmelts to form 19 of water at O C,and then is the latent heat ~sorbed by the ice or given out by it? Give one example where high specific heat capacity of water is used as a heat _/eservoir? QJjY' ~250g of water at 30 C is present in a copper vessel of mass SOg.Calculate the mass of ice required to bring down the temperature of vessel and its contents to 5 C? Specific latent heat of fusion of ice = 336 x 103J kg 1 Specific heat capacity of copper vessel = 400J kg lCC1 C\I]..._j_l Specific heat capacity of water = 4200J kg? C ~ - [4] 1 ~ .. /.~hat energy change would you expect to take place in the molecules of a substance [3] when it undergoes. ~ change in its temperature. / ('6) a change in its state without any change in its temperature. The specific heat capacity of copper is 0.4Jg-10C1.What do you mean by it? trrf Question: 9 (a) State Ohm's law? Diagrammatically illustrate how would you concept a key, a battery a voltmeter, an ammeter, an unknown resistance R and a rheostat so that it can be used to verify the above law. (i) (ii) [3] Contd " 1...( *,1613l~+~X_3_><% tp'~ Sj"f.~ :2~~~25+ 1(1' t a Pg 5 I) Page 4 lCS.E Model Exam 201~ Physics J] 6;i 1 21)L 3{1)1 -:: 2bZS-C ~ SDO :- l~-' so ~ -.. 1~19a , :; .... J, ) (b) (i) An electrical gadget can give an electric shock to its user under certain circumstances. Mention any two of these circumstances? (ii) What preventive measure provided in a gadget can protect a person from an electric shock? The adjacent figure shows a circuit. When the circuit is switched on the ammeter reads (c) [3) [4] 2A. Calculate the value of unknown resistor. Calculate the charge passing through 30 resistor in 2 minutes. Calculate the power dissipated in 30 resistor. (i) (ii) (iii) ~~w , (j(f , ~What ,... 7 (;l; ~ a simple labeled diagram of a DC electric motor? What is the function of the split ri ngs in a DC Motor? [3] happens inside th'e nucleus that causes the emission of beta particle? Express the above change in the form of an equation? [2] nucleus ~~2 X emits an alpha particle and forms the nucleus. Represent the . . _,,-changein the form of an equation? ~ What change will take place in the mass number and atomic number of nucleus Y if ,emits Gama radiation? (d) (tYfthat is meant by nuclear waste? Jjj( Suggest one effective way for the safe disposal of nudear waste? (iii) Compare penetrating power of alpha (a) I beta (J3) and gamma (Y) radiations? [31 ******************************** LCS. PageS Model Exam 2016, Physics

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