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ICSE Prelims 2016 : Biology (Deepti Convent School, Koraput)

6 pages, 96 questions, 67 questions with responses, 80 total responses,    0    0
Surajit Chatterjee
St. Paul's School, Rourkela
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ASSOCIATION OF ODISHA-CHHATTISGARH ICSE SCHOOLS leSE MODEL EXAMINATION - 2016 (TWO HOURS) Subject - BIOLOGY Answer to this Paper must be written 011 the Paper provided separately. 10u will not be allowed to write during the first 15 minutes. This time is to be spent in reading the Question Paper: The time given at the head of this paper is the tiJlle allowed lor writing the answers. Attempt all questions from SECTION-I and any four Questions from SECT/ON-II. The Intended Inarks for Questions or Parts of Questions are given in brackets [ J. SECTION-I (40 Marks) Attempt all questions from this Section. QUESTION-l /. N~e -..if / -Hf the following : The tissue responsible ~or the ascent of Sap. .)fhe ihJ~he ~/ y Vitamin necessary for blood Clotting. organ which produces Urea. The structure which controls the master Endocrine gland. The father of Genetics. and complete the following statements with appropriate words: ~Re,!rite ~ ~ [5] .J)e Sequence r5] of muscular movements performed by the heart is caned . The conversion of physical energy of light into Chemical Energy by the chloroplasts is /~.dled . ui{' The shedding out of the Endometrium along with blood, mucus and tissue fluid is called , reen house effect' is due to increase in amount of in the atmosphere. The storage of Sugar as glycogen in the liver is increased by the presence of _ State whether the following statements are 'TRUE' or 'FALSE'. If false, write the correct [5] statement by changing the first word only : ~ Cerebrum is the part of human brain, which coordinates the activities of skeletal muscles. ~ Heredity is the branch of science which deals with the study or'inheritance ~ Antiserum is the serum containing antibodies against a particular Pathogen. rcss MODEL EXAM 2016, BIOLOGY and variations, PAGE10F6 ~enslls is th~ branch of science ~hi~h deals with the study-of all aspects Of_p~~ation.-.~ Osmometer IS an instrument which IS used to measure the rate of water uptake In a leafy / shoot. Given below are sets of five terms. In each case rewrite the terms in the correct order so [5] as to be in logical sequence : V ~etaPhase, Telophase, Prophase, Anaphase, Interphase. H1"/!nplantation, &(' ~ery, w)'." Capillaries, Vein, Arterioles, Venules. Cochlea, tympanum, Pinna, Auditory Canal, Ear ossicles. A ~he Ovulation, childbirth, Gestation, fertilisation. Urea in blood, collecting tubule, glomerulus, distal convoluted tubule, Urine. first Pair in the following lists Indicates the kind of relationship that exists between bo9J- the items. Rewrite and complete the second pair on a similar basis : [5] F .if/' Eye 4 : Sight : : Ear : . _flhlorophyll :Magnesium : : Haemoglobin : iii(' ~drenal _ gland: Adrenalin ~ : Thyroid: J0' Lubb: Atrioventricular valves : : Dup : ~ Light reaction : Grana : : Dark reaction : _ the odd one in each of the following. Write the category of the odd one : YChoose , ~ _ [5] Systolic Pressure, Diastolic Pressure, Stethoscope, Sphygmomanometer. jl{ /henol, Boric acid, Iodine, mercurochrome. . U?) Myopia, Hypermetropia, Xeropthalmia, Astigmatism. ~ BCG, TAB, HIV, DPT W Uterus, Ureter, Ovary, Fallopian tube. ~ [5] exact location and function of the following : '-i1 Cochlea ~ovea Centralis rtf) Cell Glomerulus .:iY' Centriole ~uard rcss MODEL PAGE 2 OF 6 EXAM 2016, BIOLOGY , .. ~atcb the Column A with Column B. Write the matching Pairs : COLUMN-A J11 COLUMN-B Centrioles a) b) e) Spot Nissl's granules Axon Asters Cyton g) ~lind Autosomes d) ii - Dark phase Retina c) chromosomes Allosomes f) ~ex [5] Glucose Production SECTION-IT [40 Marks] Attempt any four Questions from this Section. _ .... ~ ~;m>~-2 ~Name [5J the blood vessel which carries blood from: J.)/1 Kidneys to Posterior Venacava ... , ~ Liver to Posterior Venacava ~~t Ventricle to lungs ~Heart muscles to right auricle Intestine ..o liver. ~ ~ The diagram given below shows a developing foetus in a human female. Study the diagram and answer the following Questions : [5J ~ Mention one important function of part ~elled rhnbilical cord. '-if)' Mention one important function of /lacenta. iii'}' Which part shown in the diagram is is nature ? __ ydocrine ~ PLACENTA Name two foetal membranes surrounding the foetus. ~Give one term for the period of developmental events from conception till the birth of young one. P.T.C. rcsz MODEL EXAM 2016, BIOLOGY PAGE 3 OF 6 , , QUESHON-3~ A Draw a diagram of the human eye as seen in a vertical section and label the part which suits the following functions / descriptions: [5] i) ii) The structure that alters the focal length of the lens. iii) The region of distinct vision. iv) The part which transmits the impulse to the brain. v) B. The layer which prevents reflection of light. The outermost transparent layer in front of the eye. The diagram given below shows an organ system and a gland associated with it Study the diagram and answer the following Questions : i) Mention three organ systems shown partly in the diagram. ii) N arne the gland associated with the structure. iii) Name one hormone each secreted from two different regions of this gland. iv) Name one disorder due to Hyposecretion secreted from cortex region of this gland. of hormones v) Name one disorder due to Hypersecretion secreted from cortex region of this gland. [5J of hormones QUESTION-4 A. The figure represents an experiment performed to demonstrate a Particular photosynthesis. The apparatus was kept in sunlight for almost the whole day : i) What is the object of this experiment? ii) What is the special condition inside the flask? iii) What is the Chemical substance labelled 2 ? iv) In what way will the three leaves (A, B and C) differ at the end of the experiment when tested with Iodine solution? v) Write the overall Chemical named above. aspect of (5] equation for the process 2 tess MODEL EXAM 2016, BIOLOGY PAGE40F6 Explain it dies if you add a lot of it. lawn becomes greener if you add a little-fertiliser to-it-but r 5J ii) Leaves of sensitive plant wilt and droop this change ? iii) Describe an experiment to show that leafy shoot loses weight due to transpiration. dO\\TJ) on a slight touch. What mechanism brings ~!9N-5 151 Y~ With the help of a neat labelled diagram show the anaphase stage of mitosis in an animal cell having 4 Chromosomes, ~At what phase of cell division do the following occur '! ~ Development '" ~eperation of sister chromatids. ~ reappearance /4' ~b of spindle along with aster. Condensation of nuclear membrane. of Chromatin into typical chromosomes. Name the four nitrogeneous bases that form a DNA molecule. tall plant (IT) i~ssed with a pure dwarf plant (tt). Draw Punnet squares to show -(a) FI generation and ffi) F2 generations. [5] /. ~)Xfre if{rve the phenotype of the Fl generation. 'ii1)'/Give the phenotypic and genotypic ratio of the F 1 and F2 generation. Name anyone x - linked inheritance disease found in humans. ~ ~~-6 A [5] 6Y" Why is the depletion of Ozone a cause of concern for us ? Write any two steps which can be taken to limit the damage to the ozone layer. -11) Write the major sources of air, water and soil pollution. ~ention any three functions of the WHO towards human welfare. [5] ~...)Iame ~ ~entiate ~What ~ between Antiseptic and Antibiotic. is the emblem of family planning and family welfare in India? ~Name tess any two Vaccines and mention the diseases against which they give immunity. the statistical study of human population. Define death rate. PAGE 5 OF 6 MODEL EXAM 2016, BIOLOGY ---- . ~TI9N-7 ~ [5] Draw a diagram of the human sperm and label its parts. ~ foich J0 / Y . gland secretes testesterone ? What is the function of testesterone ? Arrange in a proper sequence : Seminiferous tubule, Penis, Urethra, Epididymis, Vasdeferens. (Course of passage of sperms in man) . The diagram below represents the structure found in the inner Ear. Study the same and answer the questions that follow: (5] . B . ~ '0 -;r-~y -__.-~. ~Name D the parts labelled A, B, ~ and D. -ii) fume the part of the Ear responsible for transmitting impulses in the brain. ~ Na~ the part labelled which is responsible for 9{'. Static equilibrium ~ Dynamic equilibrium Hearing ':W[ /arne 'W(' Name the audio receptor cells which pick up vibrations. the fluid present in the inner Ear. tess MODEL EXAM 2016, BIOLOGY PAGE 6 OF 6 ,

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