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ICSE Class X Prelims 2024 : Biology (St. Xavier's Institution (SXI), Panihati, Kolkata)

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Sumit Bose
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ST. XA'\l'IER'S INSTITUT[QN, P.ARIIIA.TI RRIIUlBSAL TEST- 2023-202.\ BIOLOEIY' CLASS-X Maximum Marks: 80 Time allowed: Two hours Answers to this Paper must be written on the paper provided separately. You will not be allowed to write during first 15 minutes. This time is to be spe11t in reading tl,e question paper. The time give11 al the head of tl,is Paper is the time allowed for writing the answers. Section A is compulso,J'. Attempt any four questions from Section B. The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets []. SECTION - A ( 40 MARKS) COMPULSORY Choose the correct answer to the questions from the given options [15) (Do Not copy the questions, write the correct answer only) ~Yellow colour of urine is due to a) Uric Acid b) Melanin ;.c) Urochrome d) Bile ,Ji{which of the following pair of brain parts and its function is not correctly matched a) Cerebrum : Memory b) Cerebellum : Balance of the body c) Medulla : Regulates activity of internal organs -<i) Pons : Visual processing " Which of these is NOT a Response ,a) Knee Jerk b) Stretching of intestinal wall when food bolus enters c) Sneezing d) Contraction of intestinal wall pushing food along J1')If we are not able to read a text book clearly kept on table but can read the text by bringing it near the naked eye , we might be suffering from: ,a) Myopia b) Hyperrnetropia c) Corneal opacity d) Astigmatism ~ e r s o n may develop large nose and t.hick l'.ps due to condition called a) Gigantism ~Acromegaly c) Ast1grnat1sm ---cl) Myxoedema I' J?!ffAssertion: Fertilization does not guarantee pregnancy. Reason: The blastocyst may be unable to fix on the endometriurn due to its structural deformity. ,a) Assertion and Reason Both True b) Assertion an_d Reason are .B oth False c) Assertion is True while Reason is Not correct explanation of the Assertion d) Assertion is False while Reason is True ~ssertion : The rate of gas bubble ~volution increases in a Hydrilla set up kept in water in the beaker on addition of baking soda. Reason : Sodium Carbonate( Baking Soda ) in beaker dissociates to increase Carbon Dioxide concentration which accelerates the rate of photosynthesis. a) Assertion and Reason are Both True b) Assertion and Reason are Both False c) Assertion is True while Reason is False d) Assertion is False while Reason is True. .;j/i)Narrower the diameter of the xylem vessel greater will the height of water rising in it exerting a force called a) Transpiration Pull b) Root Pressun; c) Cohesion -ti) Capillary Force ~Rate of transpiration will be maximum on a day which is a) Hot , Windy and Humid b) Cold, Windy and Dry /4) Hot , Windy and Dry d) Hot, dry with still air vt{A phytohormone which inhibits seed germination and induces dormancy which helps seeds to withstand dessication a) Auxin b) Gibberellin c) Cytokinin /4) Abscisic Acid ..J4At the site of infection Monocyte transform into a) Lymphocyte b) Eosinophil -t) Macrophage d) Basophil #)A lady with phenotypically normal vision marries a man having normal vision. They have a boy who is colour blind. The probable reason for this is that W) The lady was a carrier for colour blind vision X) The man had only one Y. chromosome a) Both Wand X are Correct "b) Only W is correct c) Only Xis correct d) Both W and X are incorrect I ~Hormone whose level in blood rises due to presence of corpus luteum post ovulation for thickening the lining of the uterus // . 1/ / a) Leutenizing Hormone b) Progesterone c) Relaxin A d)FSH Pain in Throat due to infection leads to pain in ear. The probable reason can be : A) The tympanum gets stretched . ....:-. : - - >:-~' .,:.' ~}Theb~:te~:::;:~~;:~; :~:~;~. ~:;~~~-i~~cl~i~~~~ ' ~. . "- '~ \ ' ' ~~:~h'\11~ E~~~;hi6c;~fui-~--~ -- -. ear infection a) Both A and B are Correct b) Only A is correct "C) Only Bis correct d) Both A and B are incorrect ,/ \ }" .,Jli) Which of the following is a radioactive pollutant a) Iodine- 131 b) Iodine - 113 ' ,! c) Iodine -313 d) Cobalt - 65 I' Question 2: i) Name the following : J',1E I \ , , ., \ ) ( ' ' . (SJ ;, I ' ( . e present in the head of sperm for dissolving wall of ovum ~Cranialcapacity~f~o_m~ e-~ c~ .. _ _._: ' . :,, .. . ' _, ' I ., I .. : . . .,. ..... -~pinical cqndiJ~on ~c:~loped due to accumulation of high co:icentration of urea in blood - . ... . "' ..... :\r "'4'A membrane covered opening leading to inner ear to which fits the stirrup . "4Plant with sunken stomata ii) Arrange and rewrite the terms in each group in correct order to be in a logical sequence beginning with the term that is underlined: ,. JS] ,, a:,,&nsory Neuron:'Effector,~timulus, -:(ssociation Neuron:'flesponse," Motor neuron,~eceptorb)'Vas deferens,1eminiferous tubule ,'(Jrethra,~jaculatory Duct~fferent Ducts,1pidid~s 1 c ,-Mesenteric Artery, 1lepatic Portal Vein,"borsal "J(orta,'fuferior Vena Cava, '!(orta, I .; 't'fepatic Vein d)~ub-stomatal Space ,"Xylem ,.eftoma;1ntercellular Space,"Songy Mesophyll Cells ~ut of leaf . ._ , e )'<5rgan of Corti, ,{ar Ossicles,-Oval Window, 'Tympanum, 'l<ndolymph , 'J(uditory Nerve,"1:xternal Auditory canal . " 'J ' ,_, I with the most appropriate ones in Column II and rewrite the correct matching pairs. [5] ." iii) Match the items given in Column .' ~ 1 .J, ..11. ,a J Thigmotrooism Identical twins Amnulla Demograohv Fraternal twins ' I . .' COLUMN-II COLUMN- I .. ,Y. Dizvgotic .If. Statistical study of human oooulation 3, Number of individuals in an unit area 4. Cochlea ~- Semi Circular Canal .ff.Cuscuta 1.1'. Monon,11otic I ', ., ./ {Vl _ ,r . iv; Choose the odd one out from the folio.wing terms an_d name the category to which the otben belong: ISi ~ j J0 Oxytocin ;.Insulin; Prolactin; Progesterone J$'f Dendrites; Medullary Sheath ; Axon ; Spinal cord ..4Polythene Bag; Crop Resid~e; Anl~alWaste; Decaying-vegetable _,4 Sneezing ; Coughing ; Typing ; Biinkin g Arranspiratiori i Photosynthesis; Phagocytosl~ ;_Guttatioil '. [SJ v) State the exact location of the-following structures : ~Organ ~f Corti Jl"spleen - Glomerulus ~Iris v14 Seminal vesicle ,' ' I SECTION B (40 M~rks) . : (At,tempt any fo11r questiiJn_sfrom this Section.) ~uestlon3 .l ~Define " rm~lantatfon" !?{oiffer~nti~~e b~tween Foe~s" 'and ~ Emoryo" 1i>~flniti6n a~d time in weeks when observed) .j{Wny'is ~ffi~~ no'direct cciritact ~etween'the niotije(f--bf;~,and f~tal blood at placenta? [2] [1) -(/,_State the function of .the'.s~cretiori fr~m Pr~stategl~nd :, ; [1] .Aam~:the diseases sliowing the toilowintl ivmptoms:- : ; .. . [2) _. Marked increase In metabolic.rate a~d -~rofr~1~g eyes. \ )efF.requent urination with sugar absent i_~ ~rlne :_. .. .>4observe the giv~~ diagram ~n-d an~wer th~ qu~stions : [3) .., vfLabei parts "1" and "2" . . . -~ h~t Is the ~;act lo~ation p~rt "2" ~hat hap~ens to part "i" . if fe~iiization take; place ? . \liflf fertili~ation does not take place ? .. . 0 Q~estlon 4 . f.'Jn-What is Pus? . . ,. [I l JefWhy is Nucleus and Mitochondiia'absent in:~ature RBC ? ~ Defin~ Micturition [2] . ~late one major Organic~ ~ne major fuor~artlc constitue~t ..$ _ _ ,.._,, -'I ~.,._. . - [I], of urine [I l I l what are the following conditions called: / [2] ..-{ D ad . ./' e erung of the corresponding area ofth e heart muscle due to blockage in coronary artery .):11 Condition when two eyes converge leading to cross eye . . vi) Given diagram is a schematic re rese nt: ~~~ of:~~ circul~to:',~~em i~ humans~~tudy the same and answer the questions that follow: p "\ !<_., ~\~~- :'. ., ,<:;") . , l,ff~ i\~fi~< /; _;.r, ,:.k . tit~ vi{Label parts 1,2,3 and 4 I - .i1~$ [4X =2] j)fGive one s&Riefttffll difference between parts I and 2 based- on :- -.- [ I] JtJ Their Structure Y,Nature of blood fl~wing through them ~Questions ~ J{oefine the term: Transpiration Pull [l] JifWhy does:grass in the shade of stone turn yellow? [2] [I] . . Hi)Fill i:rithe table: .t ,. -,1' ) ' :-, ' : Procedure i Ex rimental leaf is di edin boil in water. .. .- l. Ex~rimental leaf-boiled-in o1ethylated-spirit i6Ver ~- , 2. water bath ~Jnder what two conditions of the protoplasm the .rafe . .. Reason of photosynthesis decreases ? [I] [2] fiName the Type of Tropism in the following examples : vaJMovement of Tentacles ofDrosera towa~ds Source ofNutrition Jef Sunflower heads following the sun across th~ sky . a vi}" The diagram represents an experiment to de~onsttate particular aspect of photosynthesis. Alphabet "A'{ . represents a partic~ar condition inside the flask: [3] -;:i/1;/~.~..x;; -:..~ /'Wh~ is the aim of the experiment ? drdentify the special condition inside the flask. - . . '1)_-In w~at manner does Leaf"l'_;and "2" diffe~ ~-. t~e en_d of the starch test? .;JIIJ J>1Will the set up give the desired result? If not Why_?_ c~: ~'"-~\ CA~~ ._ f:;/ l tri, L l F \ \~ K<OH Question 6 i) What is meant by the term" Reflex Arc" [I] ii), Differentiate : "Light Adaptation" and "Dark Adaptation" based on : [2] a) Effect on Rhodopsin b) Changes in Pupil .,, ' . iii) While _reading a textbook ':"e need to move our eyes from word to word? [1] J [I] iv) What can be the potential effect ifthere is injury to: I. Back of the head 2. Above the ear [4X =2] v) Fill in the Table : Structure I 2 3 4 Function Prevents li!!:ht ravs from reflecting and scattering inside the eve Eaualizes air oressure on either side of the tvmoanum Amolifies vibration in the middle ear Medium for the exchange of nutrients and waste with neurons in brain ... - [3] . vii Dra\1/ the Longi~d.l ~l Se~ti~n-;fthe Organ Producin.g the. r,.fale GllIIle.te Question 7 [l] i) Justify the statement "Sex of a child is not determined by the mother" ii) A cross between a homozygous Pea plant having Yellow seed with Round shape is crossed with another . having Green seed with Wrinkled shape to produce offsprings having Yellow seed with Round shape ( heterozygous). Self Cross of these individuals produces 320 offsprings in F2 generation. Calculate the number of individuals of all the phenotypes in F2 generation. ( I [2] [2] iii) Differentiate: a) Dominant Alleie and Recessive Allele (Definition) b) Mitosis and Mei?sis (N';!Pber ofNu1?!~ ..W:~i ~<1;.iIJyoi:'.f91 . ';-' [2] iv) Differentiate :Australopithecus and Modem Man based on a) Cranial Capacity __ b) Chin and Eye Brow ~dge v) Draw the Vertical Section of the Human Eye and labetthe following parts: [3] a) Site of Best and Brightest Vision b) (y Structure Holding lens in position Question 8 ""What is Thermal pollution? [l] ~xplain any two major reasons responsible for rise in India's population [2J Jifj "While giving a maiden speech our mouth turns dry." State the biological reason for it (21 (2) iv) Fill in the table : Organ '1/ Effect of Sympathetic Nervous S stem Effect of Parasympathetic Nervous S stem ~ v,-~:.:::il:_:oc:..f=E":'e=------ -- -1---- -- - - - - -- --1-- - - - ~ - -- - - - l acrimal Gland ~ [3] vit{Draw and Label" Membranous Labyrinth" ------------------------------- X ---

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