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ICSE Class X Sample / Model Paper 2023 : Geography

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Sugapriya Manikandan
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Name:__________________ RJ MANTRA ENGLISH SCHOOL Idhayam Rajendran Charities Virudhunagar Preboard examination I (2022 - 2023) Subject : Geography Roll No :_______________ Marks : 80 Class : X Duration : 2 hours Date: 11 January 2023 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Part I (30 marks) (Attempt all questions from this Part) Question 1: (Map) [10] On the outline map of India provided mark and name the following: [10] i) Draw and label Lake Wular ii) Shade river Yamuna iii) Label Vindhyas iv) Mark with dot Chennai v) Mark and Name Andaman Sea vi) Mark and Name Jharia. vii) Mark and Label Nathu La Pass. viii) Shade and label standard meridian of India ix) Shade and label Arabian sea branch of SW Monsoon winds x) Shade an area with red soil in south India. Question 2: (Topo) i) Give four grid reference of the following features: a) Surveyed tree 213 b) Open scrub at the south ii) Name two man made features in Settlement Bantawada iii) State the features that make Moti Bhatamal an important settlement in the region. iv) State the compass direction of triangulated height 364 from covered tank at Sangla? v) Calculate the area in within the Eastings 40 to 43 and Northings 92 to 95. vi) Find the distance between settlement Sangla and Antroli in km and meter. vii) Find the settlement pattern in a) Antroli b) Pirojpura viii) Mention the occupation of the people in the extract between Eastings 37 to 40 and Northings 94 to 95 [10] [2] Question 3: i) ______________ and _______________crops are associated with laterite soil. a) Cotton and Sugarcane b) Tapioca and rubber c) Maize and Tapioca d) Tea and Coffee. [10] ii) Which are the widest spread forests of India? a) Tropical rainforests b) Tropical thorn forest c) Tropical Deciduous forests d) Littoral forests. iii) . ________________is the oldest oilfield in India. a) Mumbai high b) Nummati c) Digboi d) Karanpura. iv) ____________Industries are also known as basic industry. a) Iron and steel b) Electronic Industry c) Defence d) Petrochemical Industry. [1] [1] [1] [2] [1] [1] [1] v) Cultivation of crops and animal rearing is a feature of a) Intensive forming b) Plantation farming c) Mixed farming d) Commercial farming vi) Which of the following is in-situ soil? a) Laterite b) Black c) Red d) All of these vii) Which of the following is not a product of petrochemical industry? a) PVC b) Synthetic rubber c) Alcohol d) Synthetic fibre viii) What s the primary source of water? a) Surface water b) Precipitation c) Ground Water d) Fresh Water ix) Which local wind is good for growing tea/coffee or mango in India? a) Loo b) Norwester c) Mango shower d) Premonsoon winds. x) Soil rich in Iron oxide. a) Red b) black c) Laterite d) Both laterite & red soil Part II ( 50 marks) Answer any five questions from this part Question 4: i) Explain the factors that determine the climate of India. ii) Explain the terms: a) Western Disturbances b) Bardoli Cheerha iii) Give reasons for the following statements: a) The Northern plain experiences low pressure in summer. b) The South West monsoons are unevenly distributed. c) Mumbai is warmer than Agra in December. d. Study the climate data of two cities of India provided below and answers the following questions that follow. STATION A [10] [2] [2] [3] [3] STATION B i Calculate annual Range of temperature of station A ii What is the total rainfall experienced by station B? iii On which coast is station A situated? Name the rains that bring rainfall to this region Question 5: i) How is black soil formed? Name one cash crop for which black soil is most suited. ii) Name the following [10] [2] [2] a) Soil that is rich in iron oxide b) An important transported soil of India iii) a) What is meant by soil erosion? b) How is it caused? c) Mention any two adverse effects of soil erosion . iv) Name the soils found abundantly in the following regions. a) Delta of Godavari b) Deccan trap c) Plateau regions of peninsular India [3] [3] Question 6: [10] i) a) What is the name given to the natural vegetation found on the coastal strip of the Ganga delta? Name the typical tree found in this region. [2] b) What is the most commercially important vegetation belt in India? In what rainfall range is it located? ii) Explain two protective functions of forests [2] iii) a) Why are the forests grown around the cities having the iron and steel industries? [3] b) State characteristics features of Topical Evergreen forests c) Name any two trees found in this forest. iv) a) State two characteristics features of vegetation found in tropical deserts. [3] b) Give an example of the desert vegetation and state its uses. Question 7: i) a)State two reasons why irrigation is important in India b) State any two favourable conditions for digging wells. ii) a) Why are perennial canals more useful than inundation canals. b) Name one state where canal irrigation is popular iii) a) State one advantage of tank irrigation. Where is it commonly used in India? b) What is a tube well? Why is it useful during drought conditions? c) How is the drip irrigation useful for farmers? iv) a) Why is rain water harvesting important in India? Give two reasons. b) Name two states which practice rain water harvesting. [10] [2] Question 8: i) a) State the main use of iron ore and copper. b) State the importance of manganese in human body ii) a) Petroleum is known as liquid gold. Why? b) State two advantages of petroleum. iii) a) Name the largest Producing state of coal in India. b) State two disadvantages of coal. c) Name the best quality of coal. iv) a) State two advantages of Biogas. b) Name the device used to harness wind energy. c) How is India in an advantageous position to harness solar energy? [10] Question 9: i) Give two reasons for the importance of agriculture in India. ii) Differentiate between Rabi crop and Kharif crop. iii) Study the picture given below and answer the questions that follow: [10] [2] [2] [3] [2] [3] [3] [2] [2] [3] [3] a) Identify and name the crop and the method of cultivation of the given crop. b) Sate the geographical conditions required for this crop. iv) Give geographical reasons: a) Tea is grown on hill slopes. b) There was a manifold increase in wheat production due to the Green Revolution. c) Cotton grows widely in Maharashtra. [3] Question 10: [10] i) State two reasons why Mumbai and Ahmedabad have emerged as the most important cotton manufacturing centres. ii) State why the petrochemical industry is usually located close to an oil refinery? Give one advantage of petrochemical products. iii) On the basis of ownership, explain the following types of industries with one example for each: a) Public sector [3] b) Cooperative sector c) Private sector iv) Based on The Tata and Iron and Steel Company(TISCO] Located at Jamshedpur, answer the following: a) Where does this plant receive its iron ore from? b) Where does this plant get its coal from? c) Name the two rivers which supply water to this manufacturing plant. Question 11: i) What are the two advantages of waterways? ii) Give a geographical reason for each of the following: a) The Ganga is navigable from its mouth up to Allahabad. b) Airways are useful during a natural calamity. iii) a) Name the largest express highway project in India. b)State any two economic benefits of this highway project. iv) a) Give an advantage and a disadvantage of Railways. b) State the main objective of Pawan Hans. [10] (2] Question 11: a State two reasons why waste management is important? [2] b i) Mention any two causes of depletion of ozone layer. ii) State the harmful effects of the depletion of the ozone layer on the nature. [2] c i)What are acid rains? How is it formed?[3] ii) State some of the consequences of acid rains? d Give reasons for the following: [3] i) We should use organic manure instead of chemical fertilizers. ii) We should use mass transport system iii) Original seeds are preferred to HYV seeds [10]

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